Grandads Front Room Cic

About Grandads Front Room Cic

We are a Community Support Shop whose aim is to support LOCAL community groups /charities / families and individuals thru actions that make a difference.

Grandads Front Room Cic Description

We are a Community Support Shop whose aim is to support LOCAL community groups /charities thru actions that make a difference



Come on Community minded people... Pop in and chat to those that can actually make things happen for the better in our Community...
Without your words, ideas and involvement they cannot achieve what you truly want in the Community..
... Come on lets fuel their engine of change... Pop in and see them... or send a question in for them here...
Remember Grandads Front Room has for nearly five years now been governed by two words...
If you ENABLE those that represent us... They can EMPOWER our Community...
x Grandad x
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This is the Front Rooms naughty mid-30's teenager Zak. His wife doesnt need a tracker for him as you can usually locate him through noise or mischevious acts.


Testing Times...
Sometimes we are tested and times are difficult...
and those are the times when Communities pull together... these people prove that and I thank them so much for all that they have done.
... Thank you Geoff from GRN Locksmith Services Thank you Lee Dray from norRegis/ and thank you to Glen Cope owner of< br> You, The Community, have made me smile with how you have all pulled together to help us recover from the vandalism that was perpetrated by those that care not for what happens to others.
This is the home of The Community Shed where you can find EcoSwap 447126/ and Men's Sheds and the Bognor Bike Community 936609/ and together we all have a drive and passion to bring our Community together in our own ways.
We will ALL, together, fight for the future of our Community and will NOT be swayed by the actions of a minor percentage as that would be to let them win and that will not happen...
Grandad is not involved with the management or running of Men's Sheds we merely share a building. I was only a facilitator planting a seed and bringing people together to see it start to grow in the beginning. I am proud to be a part of it but they are their own entity now and are growing daily but we do continue to have a vested interest in our commitment to the Community.
I hope that we can move forward and continue to make a difference to those that need us as that is our primary goal...
x Grandad x
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Please please share far and wide.
Community is stronger when it pulls together
... X Grandad X
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Sad faces here at the Front Room and the the Men' Sheds too...
I won't dwell on what has happened but I will say this:
"5% of the Community WILL NOT and CANNOT stop us from helping the other 95%"
... "The best form of revenge is to hold our heads high with a smile on our faces and live happy"
If we give in to those that choose to steal, lie, vandalise, bully and act against the better of the Community then they have won and we might as well give up...
Well that isn't going to happen... We will not give in!
I am proud to stand alongside Men's Sheds and fight for the Community; we will carry on in spite of the anti-social behaviour that we seem to encounter in our town on a daily basis and we will together, as a Community, eventually prevail and make our town stronger, safer, more welcoming and 'right' for the next generation.
If you can help us to achieve this in some small way when please pass this message far and wide and let all know that:
1. The Honesty Box in Grandads Front Room is dedicated to Bognor Regis Men's Sheds up to and including Saturday 29th June 2019 so pleasse call in and pop some pennies in the slot (notes and cheques will not be turned away either) a cuppa and a custard cream is always available too so it makes sense to pop in.
2. There is a fundraiser running for Men's Sheds at…/bo gnor-regis-mens-shed… so please click and pledge if you can afford to.
3. This Community is strong and we will stand up for those that struggle and speak up for those with no voice because we are stronger together...
x Grandad x
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I dont share pictures like this usually but sometimes a reminder is needed...
Live well...
x Grandad x


Tomorrow we are having a 'Smile or Cry' Tombola...
What is it?
Well... It is 25p/ticket or five tickets for £1 and there are over 300 items to be won...
... Whats the catch?
There are prizes to make you cry: Toilet seats Potatoes Toilet Roll Tube
and Prizes to make you smile Lots of nice items...
Pop along to Grandads Front Room on Sat 8th June and take a chance...
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Happy heavenly birthday to Nanan Alice...
I thank my Grandad for what we do in the Front Room now but she was his true partner, my Nan and my Mum's Mum..
Many years gone but not forgotten...
... XxX
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Dear Grandadders ... Would you like to help us raise funds to help in the Community by not doing anything more than you already do? And... It wont cost you a penny...
... Please sign up to #easyfundraising and help us raise FREE funds for Grandads Front Room when you're doing your everyday shopping online. THIS IS FREE MONEY FOR US! Plus, when you raise your first £5, easyfundraising will match it! This short video explains how simple it is and it doesn't cost you anything: Sign-up using our unique link and search for Grandads Front Room: /JAU1J7/F0YA6S
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A while ago with your help we managed to convince ADC that we needed a StreetSheet (picture below) which was an info booklet predominantly aimed at the homeless Community...
They are no longer printing it and to be honest that is good as change and improvement is needed...
... Bognor Regis Town Council have agreed to fund the following (and for this I thank them wholeheartedly).
A Community information booklet for Bognor Regis only... A one stop directory of assistance for those that struggle whether it be with with mental health, homelessness, health, weight loss, debt, drug/alcohol dependency, domestic abuse, SEND, housing advice/guidance and much more.
The booklet will contain the name, aim and contact details of any group that helps in the Community.
If so please get in touch ASAP (either by messenger or email as we will be going to print VERY soon and your Community needs you...
(I apologise to the very few that came forward originally but other matters took precedence in the Community).
Let us come together, in this booklet, to help the Community of Bognor Regis...
x Grandad x
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My young assistant Danny has a conundrum:
He dislikes bourbon biscuits IMMENSLEY!!!
He likes chocolate cake A LOT!!!
... So...
He thanks you for his birthday cake and he will eat it with his eyes closed on Monday...
(and hope that it doesn't taste like the Devil's biscuit)...
My young assistant Danny says "thank you for the cards, the cake, the Bourbon (liquid variety that us my tipple) and especially the kind words... the words mean more than anything"
But don't be late to the Front Room on Tuesday morning young man...
X Grandad X
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We reached the target and pledges have started to come in which means we are busy at work putting Community projects in place and REALLY making a difference...
... Grandad has two fellow Directors to guide us in the Community and one of them is the lovely Miss Kez Bridger who is also the founder of Bognorphenia (a Bognor Regis based CIC).
We work closely with Bognorphenia and I am hoping you can assist them to achieve the kind of coverage that we managed, thru your kindness, for their fundraiser...
I am asking if you would please share far and wide the link below and Kez will show you what can be done for the youth of Bognor Regis over two days and indeed throughout the year... young-peoples-day…
Once again thank you for enabling us to achieve the highest number of backers for a project that SpaceHive have EVER had, 131, and who knows..... Bognorphenia might equal or beat it...
Here goes Grandadders...
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Look who popped in to see Grandad today...


Traditional 'Roll a Penny' with real pennies...


Calling all Community Groups, Schools, Charities & CIC's etc far and wide...
Raising funds to continue the work you do is paramount to ensure your survival and Community minded people, have to become more resourceful and more able to raise funds.
Therefore we in the Front Room have brought together a range of items to help you.
... Whats the cost?
Well that is the good part... It is up to you!
If you have a good fundraiser give a donation of your choosing. If, sadly, it is not a success then donate nothing.
All we ask is that you bring the item/s back in the condition they were loaned.
Each item on average raises £80 - £150 at each event and we have 16 items (at present). We will soon have 30 items for groups to use for fundraising (and more will come).
Imagine if we loan each item out only once a year...and they each raise approx £100 each... That is £3000
Imagine we rent each item 10 times a year... That is £30,000
And if each item went out 20 times a year (not impossible),,, THAT WOULD BE £60,000 FOR OUR COMMUNITY.
We can build our Community... We can make a difference... If we ALL come together...
Geriatric Hugs to all x Grandad x
ps If you can think of anything else that we could add to the items please let us know.

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Please contact us at the Front Room for details. 2 - 4 High St, Bognor Regis, PO21 1SS 07453 813 413


The Front Room is about to grow in terms of what it offers to the Community and I feel that we need help.
I am looking for honest feedback so please be gentle BUT honest.
Do you think an Advisory Committee made up of Grandadders (meeting approx every 8 weeks) would be useful in helping us tailor our provision to the Community?
... I ask this as I believe that I cannot alone represent the Community or see what the Community needs/wants and to be honest I need help as I have realised I am only one person (shock and horror to some.
In order to truly be a Community Group we need to be in touch with the Communities feelings.
I am NOT a Community leader (I dislike that term immensely) I AM A COMMUNITY SERVANT!
PS if there is any other words of wisdom that you may have for us at the Front Room please leave a comment.
x Grandad x
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Calling all Community Groups, Schools, Charities & CIC's etc far and wide...
Raising funds to continue the work you do is paramount to ensure your survival and Community minded people, have to become more resourceful and more able to raise funds.
Therefore we in the Front Room have brought together a range of items to help you.
... Whats the cost?
Well that is the good part... It is up to you!
If you have a good fundraiser give a donation of your choosing. If, sadly, it is not a success then donate nothing.
All we ask is that you bring the item/s back in the condition they were loaned.
Each item on average raises £80 - £150 at each event and we have 16 items (at present). We will soon have 30 items for groups to use for fundraising (and more will come).
Imagine if we loan each item out only once a year...and they each raise approx £100 each... That is £3000
Imagine we rent each item 10 times a year... That is £30,000
And if each item went out 20 times a year (not impossible),,, THAT WOULD BE £60,000 FOR OUR COMMUNITY.
We can build our Community... We can make a difference... If we ALL come together...
Geriatric Hugs to all x Grandad x
ps If you can think of anything else that we could add to the items please let us know.

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More about Grandads Front Room Cic

Grandads Front Room Cic is located at 2 - 4 High St, PO21 1SS Bognor Regis