Greenwood Osteopathy

About Greenwood Osteopathy

Osteopathy | Sports Injury | Massage services based in Carterton and Burford, Oxfordshire. Suitable for the whole family.



Spent the last few days at the NEC TherapyExpo in Birmingham refreshing my skills and learning how to help all my wonderful patients get the most from their potential and GET OUT OF PAIN! рҹӨ“рҹҷҸрҹҸј
For more information about how Osteopathy can help you:
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Winter is definitely here! ....but did you know that cold can be useful?
Some of my patients often ask what they can do at home to make themselves more comfortable and a lot of the time along with exercises and stretches IвҖҷll be sending them home with advice to stick some ice on it.
... Ice works a bit like a topical anti inflammatory, not only does it help with pain management but it can also reduce some of the fluid buildup and inflammatory mediators that cause pain and reduced range of movement.
If there is swelling, it feels hot, if the joint feels full or the movement is really restricted or sharp there is a good chance that ice will be useful.
Heat can be useful for muscular discomfort as it helps relax the muscles, increase blood flow and as a result aid recovery by bringing nutrition to the area and taking away waste products.
вҳҖпёҸвқ„пёҸHOW SHOULD I APPLY IT?вқ„пёҸвҳҖпёҸ
Sometimes using a mixture of both can be helpful, I recommend ice/heat/ice - start with ice, end with ice. Leave it on there for 10 minutes each, we really need to take care of our skin so letting the skin return to normal temperature and placing a cotton barrier like a tea towel or your T-shirt between the skin and the applicator is a must! Visually check the skin if you have numbness around the area.
рҹ§  Helpful tip: you can tuck it into clothing if you want to keep moving while youвҖҷre applying it. It doesnвҖҷt have to be inconvenient!!
Using gels or creams are not as effective as you need a physical change in temperature so using a cold pack or a wheat bag/ warm hot water bottle are your best options.
If you have any more questions or youвҖҷd like to learn more about how to take care of your aches and pains over the winter months be it an ongoing arthritic condition, a slip or fall or even lugging decorations out of the loft:
Text or call: 07595 401224 Email: Website:
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Comment of the day from a patient that is also a physical therapist... вҖҳyou look about 12 but youвҖҷre the best therapist IвҖҷve ever been to!вҖҷ
IвҖҷll take that рҹҳӮрҹҳӮрҹ‘ҚрҹҸјрҹ‘ҢрҹҸј


ItвҖҷs World Arthritis day! Arthritis is estimated to effect around 10 million people in the UK.
Click the link below to find out more about arthritis and how osteopathy can help with the condition #WorldArthritisDay


Osteopaths treat more than вҖҳjust backsвҖҷ did you know that many sports teams and elite level athletes have an osteopath on their team?
Osteopaths work on the whole body to allow the body to work effectively as a unit and allow it to heal itself.
We often give easy but effective exercises to help you remain pain free so you see us less and you wonвҖҷt be trapped in a endless cycle of treatment and maintenance.
... For more information:
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This made me chuckle рҹҳ„
The only surprise youвҖҷll get of this magnitude in the clinic is how good you feel after treatment рҹҳң
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Well IвҖҷve been telling people for ages that #osteopathyworks рҹӨ—


рҹ§  This was my Saturday рҹҳ„
I spent the day learning about the latest evidence based medicine concerning strength and conditioning, psychology and nutritional info for endurance athletes with the amazing Mike James AKA The Endurance Physio! рҹ’ӘрҹҸј
LetвҖҷs remember that athletes can be doing anything from a simple couch to 5k to a gruelling ultra marathon. ItвҖҷs all about the goal and what stage youвҖҷre at as an individual.
... Have a lovely weekend everyone рҹҳ„
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Anyone that has experienced plantar fasciitis (PF) or plantar fasciopathy as itвҖҷs called as it becomes more chronic - can tell you itвҖҷs a nightmare to live with and itвҖҷs hard to get rid of. Short periods of rest from physical activity can help temporarily but it normally comes back as activity and demand on the foot increases.
Traditional advice includes passive techniques such as arch rolling and sleeping with a boot on, icing and massage. Most GPs will... tell you to rest it. This is not totally bad advice, however, we know that PF is a tissue load and sensitivity issue and so we need to do a lot more than just rest, rub and ice to get full resolution рҹ’©
The plantar fascia is incredibly strong. It takes 454 kg/ square inch to deform it. Baring in mind a healthy adult male is around 70-85kg you probably arenвҖҷt going to do anything really impactful by massaging it with your hands!
Research is telling us that the key to treating PF is multimodal and current loading programs are quite specific about how we start to increase activity and when itвҖҷs appropriate to rest.
We arenвҖҷt 100% sure how loading helps however a few explanations have been put forward.
1) High-load strength training may have a stimulating effect on collagen synthesis which help will help normalise tendon structure.
2) We know that range of movement in the ankle (particularly dorsi flexion) and the intrinsic musculature of the feet are also improved.
Both of these theories may explain why patients that under go high load strength training increase load tolerability, appear to benefit from reduced tissue sensitivity and get fewer incidences of re-injury when they return to physical activity.
Not only can Osteopaths help you formulate your treatment and exercise plan but we can ease soft tissue and joint pain associated with the biomechanical changes your body experiences as you go through your program.
Support taping and advice about how to take care of yourself and ease your pain temporarily so you can continue and succeed are also useful ways your osteopath can get you OUT OF PAIN and back to fitness рҹ’ӘрҹҸјрҹ’ӘрҹҸј
рҹ“ұ For more information:
Text or call: 07595 401224 Email: Website:
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Breast cancer and what to look for.
This topic is not just for women!
.....Please gents feel free to read on. ItвҖҷs not embarrassing and often men are in a fantastic position to notice changes. So listen up!
... рҹ‘Җ OBSERVE these changes:
в–«пёҸSize and shape of the breast в–«пёҸTexture of the skin (orange peel) в–«пёҸPuckering or retraction of the nipple в–«пёҸNipple discharge в–«пёҸLook for redness or scaling
рҹ–җрҹҸј FEEL youвҖҷre looking for:
в–«пёҸLumps в–«пёҸMasses в–«пёҸThickening under the skin
рҹ§  REMEMBER to check:
в–«пёҸIn all different positions arms up and down. в–«пёҸCheck the armpit, collar bone, breast bone, beneath the nipple and around the bra line.
рҹ‘ҚрҹҸј Helpful tips:
If you find one or more of the above itвҖҷs worth investigating. We are looking for changes so look regularly.
DonвҖҷt panic if you find something; Infection, hormonal changes or cysts can share similar symptoms as breast cancer.
рҹӨ“Ask your Osteopath:
We are trained to look for changes to skin tone, texture and a vast array of other things so donвҖҷt be afraid to ask for advice if you are at all concerned. We are here to help!
Text or call: 07595 401224 Email: Website:
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Today weвҖҷre talking about POSTURE!
рҹ’ӮрҹҸ»вҖҚвҷҖпёҸрҹ‘©рҹҸјвҖҚрҹ’»рҹ‘ЁрҹҸҪв ҖҚрҹҸ«
WhatвҖҷs the best posture?.....long story short, there is no such thing.
... How do we maintain a good posture? .... easy answer, you shouldnвҖҷt.
Let me introduce something called CREEP (cue Radiohead soundtrack).
Creep is a biomechanical term that is used to describe ligament or tendon lengthening as it is subjected to specific load.
That sounds complicated but basically all it means is that when you sit or bend in a particular way some of your soft tissue will get longer as you rest your body weight on them.
Imagine youвҖҷre going on a long car journey and at the beginning you get comfortable in your seat and you adjust your rear view mirror, after an hour or so of driving you may find that you have to adjust it again because now itвҖҷs set too high. YouвҖҷve shrunk! you havenвҖҷt your tissues have lengthened and so youвҖҷve slumped slightly. This happens when you maintain a posture for too long.
In terms of the ligaments and tendons themselves itвҖҷs not a huge problem because they are extremely resilient and will return to their original length, itвҖҷs actually far more difficult to damage them that just sitting for too long, thatвҖҷs the good news.
In terms of your other soft tissues they might get a bit squashed, your ligaments and tendons are there to support you and add stability to your joints. When you stretch them, you increase your mobility but lose some of that stability. This can create irritation and compression of the joints which isnвҖҷt so great рҹ‘ҺрҹҸј
Maintaining the same posture (no matter how good) affects the musculature. The picture below shows how some muscular gets tight and knotty and some gets elongated/ stretched and weak. We see this a lot in clinic presenting as headaches and neck or back pain. Maintaining certain postures are a considerable factor in the development of these issues.
Well if youвҖҷre a smart cookie the answer is obvious.. move more, sit less and encourage fidgeting! When youвҖҷre at work get up, move your chair, stand to take phone calls, offer to do a tea run because it all adds up!
At the clinic we make positive change by:
в–ӘпёҸReducing joint compression, encourage joint movement
в–ӘпёҸ Show you how to increase joint stability and educate about how to prevent pain.
в–ӘпёҸGive you easy, effective exercises that you can do anywhere that will help get you moving and keep those muscles engaged and strong
в–ӘпёҸOften stiffness can relate to weakness rather than lack of flexibility we identify areas in the whole body that may contribute to the issue.
For more information:
Text or call: 07595 401224 Email: Website:
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WeвҖҷre completely booked up today but if youвҖҷd like an appointment on Thursday we have some spots after 11:30 - 1:30 рҹҳҒ
Text or call: 07595 401224 Email: Website:


A high quality study (Hoving. JL at al , 2002) found manual therapy (like osteopathy) to be more effective than both interventions by GPs and physiotherapy.
However, a recent study (Marije. F et al, 2016) highlighted that there are a few barriers that really stop people from seeing a manual therapist. The number one fear for both patients and GPs was that complications may arise from cervical manipulation (thatвҖҷs neck cracking).
This is a very valid concern as performed in...appropriately or unnecessarily these techniques can cause injury.
There are a few very important things for patients to remember when visiting the clinic that may help put your mind at ease:
- Manipulation in general carries very few risks. The National Council for Osteopathic Research (NCOR) puts it in the range of 0.1-1 person in 100,000 to 1-10 in 1,000,000 people suffer serious adverse reactions from manipulation.
- Patients are thoroughly screened before any treatment is undertaken, Osteopaths are highly trained to identify factors that may mean certain techniques may not be suitable, this greatly reduces the likelihood of any problems.
- Techniques are only carried out with your absolute consent. Consent is a very fluid thing, just because youвҖҷve given it once doesnвҖҷt mean your practitioner wonвҖҷt ask you again, youвҖҷll probably get sick of us asking! рҹҳ¬
- Techniques are explained thoroughly, especially if you havenвҖҷt had them performed on you before. We often go through the technique without the movement actually being performed (particularly in the case of manipulation) so you understand what is going to happen and to determine if you are comfortable.
- Often itвҖҷs over very quickly and it brings almost instantaneous relief. Manipulation releases neurotransmitters that reduce pain and generate very localised muscle relaxation so it can feel less tender straight away.
- If your practitioner feels that treatment may cause some discomfort (a bit like when youвҖҷve done a good session at the gym) they will tell you it might be a bit uncomfortable but will offer solutions that may make you more comfortable while your body adjusts to the positive changes that have been made.
Always remember that there is no such thing as a silly question. Most great manual therapists will be more than happy to discuss your problem and talk over the phone if you have reservations before treatment. If youвҖҷd like to know more
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Osteopathy was on TV last night - we're on episode 3! Here is a link:вҖҰ/live-well-fo вҖҰ/on-demand/66624-003


There is a misconception that Osteopathy is going to hurt or that manual therapy has to hurt to effective. This really isnвҖҷt the case.
This one is difficult for some to come to terms with. There is the saying 'NO PAIN, NO GAIN' and that saying is really drilled into us. Some patients even delay treatment thinking that they should wait for their symptoms to subside until they receive treatment. Why wait? Osteopathy can help calm your symptoms and the education and very gentle... mobility drills your practitioner will provide you with will help you get more comfortable so you can sleep better, function at work and look after your family.
Research shows that the sooner you begin treatment, the better chance youвҖҷll have of recovering quickly and efficiently saving you and the healthcare system time and money (https://bmchealthservres.biomedcentral.c om/вҖҰ/s12913-015-083вҖҰ).
I try and get the message across that the most effective treatments are the ones you feel afterwards. What I mean by this is that techniques applied with focus, not force, get fantastic results.
With manual therapy it's quite normal to feel some slight discomfort as your body adapts to the positive changes that have been made, this can take 24-48 hours although during treatment it doesn't have to be painful, maybe slightly uncomfortable but certainly not something to be feared!
Most great practitioners will work within your thresholds and will have excellent communication skills throughout to ensure that you are receiving the best possible treatment whilst being as effective as possible.
Don't be afraid to give your Osteo a call, we don't bite and I am certainly happy to have a conversation before you come in to make sure that treatment is suitable. Come and try treatment for yourself, you might be surprised by the results!
Text or call: 07595 401224 Email: Website:
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Have you ever been told that your back needs to be 'put back in' or that if you don't get regular treatments you might have limited capabilities as a result, be wheel chair bound, unable to walk?.... the list goes on!
One thing I'd like to dispel is the notion that our bodies are weak and need constant 'adjustment' to keep them healthy, the exact opposite is true. Thousands of years of evolution and survival have formed our bodies into ROBUST, CAPABLE and RESILIENT machines ...рҹ’ӘрҹҸјрҹ’ӘрҹҸј
The chances are that if you are being told that you need to come for regular maintenance and you:
рҹ‘ҺрҹҸјhaven't discussed how long you may expect to need treatment, рҹ‘ҺрҹҸјthey are doing the same robotic series of techniques on you each time with no assessment before hand, рҹ‘ҺрҹҸјnot been given advice and education on how to help yourself and been offered exercise or activity modification
.......Your Osteopath, Chiropractor or Physiotherapist etc is really doing you a massive disservice!!
There are many ways to ensure that you can live a happy and pain free life and most importantly there are many ways that you can help yourself. Activity modification, exercise management and lifestyle or dietary advice can be some of the most effective ways to bring about change. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!
Don't get me wrong, there are some conditions that will never be 'cured' for example degenerative conditions referred to as wear and tear, congenital and acquired disorders or conditions where there are predisposing factors that you can't control, these may need long term care, however, there are many ways to reduce your symptoms and make your condition manageable. Manual therapy can be a part of this but it is your practitioner's responsibility to give you exercises, education and advice on how you can HELP YOURSELF, TAKE CONTROL and OWN YOUR PAIN.
вҡ пёҸ If you have never been offered exercises or activity modification and shown how to make them work for you, gone through the exercises together to ensure they are attainable and that you can feasibly fit them into your lifestyle....
вҡ пёҸ If you haven't been given the opportunity to discuss the plan for the future management options for your condition and general prognosis ........
вҡ пёҸ If you feel reliant, feel helpless or worry about how you would deal with a flare up of your symptoms (not know what to do if your pain worsened)....
It might be time for a change!
Don't let yourself become dependent on anyone for your health and physical well being. There are ALWAYS ways to make yourself feel better, take control or your situation and understand how to take care of your body.
If you'd like to learn more, or feel its time for a change in mindset and want to GET OUT OF PAIN:
Text or call: 07595 401224 Email: Website:
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IвҖҷm always banging on about how Osteopaths are вҖҳnot just backsвҖҷ.
This article can uncover the mystery of what we actually do and give you some idea of the plethora of things we treat. #osteopathyworks #instituteofosteopathy #iO #notjustbacks
Text or call: 07595 401224 ... Email: Website:
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So amazing and couldn't recommend anymore. Really knows her stuff and so friendly.


Emily really know what she does and extremely patient. As an amateur boxer myself, she sorted out my elbow injury in no time and that helped my performance to a great deal.


Emily is absolutely fantastic, sheвҖҷs enthusiastic, knowledgeable and professional. I have had problems with my back and neck on and off for many years, but after having my little girl they became more problematic. Emily has helped me to break the cycle with a combination of osteopathy, sports massage and most importantly exercise. Her first hand knowledge and advice when it comes to sports gives her the edge when it comes to rehabilitation as she gave me the tools I needed to build myself back up. I now regularly train with kettlebells and do HIT / circuit work outs, which is something I couldnвҖҷt imagine myself being able to do 2 1/2 years ago. Thank you for all of your help Emily


Emily is a knowledgeable, reassuring and very skilled practitioner! She has a lovely way of putting you at ease, and with her background in sports science, has a wealth of information on rehabilitation and exercise. Emily provides excellent treatment, and is committed to helping each and every patient she sees.


Being a software developer I spend a lot of time sat down and staying active and being able to exercise is really important to me, and with EmilyвҖҷs help coupled with exercises she provided me with after the session, IвҖҷve been able to get back to exercising in a safer and more maintainable way. From the start, a very personable and professional person with heaps of knowledge of the field and a great ability to simplify and explain complex subjects.


Amazing work. Sorted my back right out. Highly recommended


So amazing and couldn't recommend anymore. Really knows her stuff and so friendly.


Emily really know what she does and extremely patient. As an amateur boxer myself, she sorted out my elbow injury in no time and that helped my performance to a great deal.


Emily is absolutely fantastic, sheвҖҷs enthusiastic, knowledgeable and professional. I have had problems with my back and neck on and off for many years, but after having my little girl they became more problematic. Emily has helped me to break the cycle with a combination of osteopathy, sports massage and most importantly exercise. Her first hand knowledge and advice when it comes to sports gives her the edge when it comes to rehabilitation as she gave me the tools I needed to build myself back up. I now regularly train with kettlebells and do HIT / circuit work outs, which is something I couldnвҖҷt imagine myself being able to do 2 1/2 years ago. Thank you for all of your help Emily


Emily is a knowledgeable, reassuring and very skilled practitioner! She has a lovely way of putting you at ease, and with her background in sports science, has a wealth of information on rehabilitation and exercise. Emily provides excellent treatment, and is committed to helping each and every patient she sees.


Being a software developer I spend a lot of time sat down and staying active and being able to exercise is really important to me, and with EmilyвҖҷs help coupled with exercises she provided me with after the session, IвҖҷve been able to get back to exercising in a safer and more maintainable way. From the start, a very personable and professional person with heaps of knowledge of the field and a great ability to simplify and explain complex subjects.


Amazing work. Sorted my back right out. Highly recommended

More about Greenwood Osteopathy

Greenwood Osteopathy is located at The Broadshires Health Centre, Broadshires Way, OX18 1JA Carterton, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom