Henley Birthcare

About Henley Birthcare

Bespoke freelance midwifery, infant feeding and related healthcare to suit your needs and your timetable.

Henley Birthcare Description

Henley Birthcare offers bespoke programmes of care and support for your emotional and physical well-being, and practical guidance during pregnancy and the post birth period for you and your partner. Uniquely, the consultant team comprises three experienced midwives and a qualified doula, all who have additional skills and training to bring you the confidence and reassurance of knowing that you are in the best hands as you prepare for and enter motherhood.

Between them, the team have over 50 years experience as midwives and health care professionals. They live and work locally and have a long standing working relationship with one another. They share a common focus, ethos and approach, bringing you a professional, tailor-made service. Their advice and guidance is based on experience and research evidence rather than myth and superstition.



Rachel's monthly "Ask Rachel" column for March is all about "tongue-tie". If you think, or have been told, that your baby is tongue-tied, read this first, watch the start of her March Mother&Baby Facebook Live and then contact Rachel via www.henleybirthcare.com to arrange a thorough, professional assessment before booking a frenulotomy. 75% of the time, a snip simply isn't needed.


If you missed Rachel’s March Facebook Live session for Mother&Baby on “All About Feeding” tonight, catch it here. And remember, if you need any one to one help, support or advice on any aspect of your baby’s feeding or behaviour, the Henley Birthcare team are here for you ...


A massive thanks to all who answered my January fb polls! 😍 Some of the findings blew me away and I’ve been reflecting on these and would love to investigate some of these questions further in the future. But for now this has provided some idea of the efficacy of baby massage and antenatal exercise, like Pilates. There are some particular results that speak volumes, despite the relatively small numbers: 1. 80% of parents felt better after carrying out baby massage 2. 50% 1 o...ut of 2!!!! Slept better after the baby massage class 3. 100% Everyone!!! Albeit a small group, felt they recovered better/quicker for having done antenatal Pilates/Yoga. If you are sold on these findings, we have a baby massage course starting next Tuesday 19th March in Wallingford. As a trained gym instructor and midwife, I also provide one to one exercise advice and support in pregnancy. The other findings? So, the percentage of normal births following antenatal exercise fell within the average range for the Royal Berkshire maternity hospital, from 2007-2016. The epidural rate was a little higher, but this may be due to the small number surveyed. Do get in touch.... and thanks again to all those who took part. Jules x
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A well-fitted bra is never more important than during pregnancy and breastfeeding. As our breasts change and grow they need proper support to avoid over-stretching of the tissues.
Underwired, sports, T-shirt ... whatever style you choose is, as ever, entirely up to you (and, yes, it’s fine to wear underwired if that’s what you like and are used to), but get properly fitted.
https://www.theguardian.com/…/how-to-bu y-perfect-fitting-br…


Thinking of and thanking all the strong, sensitive, humane and proactive women who have inspired our work.
Sending warm wishes to all our clients, past, present and future, for a safe, thoughtful and happy International Women’s Day.


Well done Mothercare for celebrating our beautiful post-baby bodies ...
https://www.theguardian.com/…/pillowy-b ellies-and-engorged-…


If you missed Rachel FitzD's monthly Facebook Live for Mother&Baby then watch it here. The topic? "SLEEP!"


Henley Birthcare's baby & parenting expert hosted a quick Facebook Live earlier today on new babies and sleep ...


Thank you to everyone who has answered my polls! Please read the 5 questions below, if you’ve not yet done so!Thank you to everyone who has answered my polls! Please read the 5 questions below, if you’ve not yet done so!


You have been so, so brilliant answering my polls and I have a fifth and final poll for you to answer, if possible: Qu 5: If you did a Pilates type exercise class in your pregnancy, did you have an epidural for your labour?


Thanks so much to all theses who’ve answered my polls so far- this is absolutely brilliant and invaluable info to help shed light on the questions about potential exercise and baby massage benefits.... So, I have another question for mums who have had more than one full term pregnancy... Those of you who attended a pregnancy Pilates/yoga exercise class with one pregnancy only, how was your postnatal recovery?


Thanks for your help so far.... This is the 3rd and last question for now! Qu: If you attended a baby massage course (mine or elsewhere) how did you feel following the class/course?


So lovely Mums and Dads- I have been running antenatal and postnatal exercise classes along with baby massage courses for a few years now and there are some themes I’d like to explore - However, I need your help to get some evidence of the benefits, so I’d be really grateful if you can answer any of my polls posted here: Qu: If you attended a baby massage course (mine or elsewhere) how did your baby sleep following the class?


So lovely Mums and Dads- I have been running antenatal and postnatal exercise classes along with baby massage courses for a few years now and there are some themes I’d like to explore - However, I need your help to get some evidence of the benefits, so I’d be really grateful if you can answer any of my polls posted here: Qu: If you attended pregnancy Pilates based exercise classes (my class or elsewhere) did you have a: (*Assisted birth includes ventouse and forceps)


If you missed last night’s Mother&Baby Facebook Live session with Rachel FitzD, catch it here ...


Rachel’s latest Agony Aunt column for Mother&Baby. Watch out for the next one ...


Really great support from Rachel - made me much more confident handling my newborn, both in terms of feeding and general soothing. High quality advice in the comfort of home!


Really great support from Rachel - made me much more confident handling my newborn, both in terms of feeding and general soothing. High quality advice in the comfort of home!


Really great support from Rachel - made me much more confident handling my newborn, both in terms of feeding and general soothing. High quality advice in the comfort of home!

More about Henley Birthcare
