Jannine Toon Psychic Medium

About Jannine Toon Psychic Medium

Psychic medium, clairvoyant, Spiritual teacher. Angel and tarot card reader- available for telephone /Skype /Facebook video messenger or FaceTime readings /email readings /spiritual development and workshops



Three 9’s important times.. As we’re building to the energy of Tuesdays #fullmooninlibra were definitely feeling the energy intensified to everything that needs to be gathered, resourced, kept going, maintained and got through, that leads you into a sense of completion, clearing up of one way to start another.
The energy of this full moon will help you grow stronger through all adversity and release all that isn’t, so you have a deeper knowing of what is. Your looking at ev...erything with a more detailed eye with what matters, who is here, who can go where you going, who holds your heart and makes it sing.
With Libra's energy, we'll all find ourselves focused on balance, diplomacy, and love. This full moon has massive heart healing power to illuminate. To bring to the surface and shed light on matters that may have been lurking in the shadows. Breathing through the stress, tending to your closest partnerships, and seeking to bring balance to any part of your life that feels out of whack will be your shelter in this storm.
Look at the 3 cards in the image. What image catch’s your attention more. What colour is catching your eye, green, gold or blue.
If is the 1st card - 9 of pentacles, This Venus amplified full moon you will have you rebalancing your energy with work, and finances and how your spiritual and material wealth are linked with the energy of abundance. What life areas are providing ‘bounty’ maybe in another simplified perspective, way your not used to them doing.
If it’s the 2nd card of - 9 of cups This full moon will have you rebalancing the energy around love and relationships. The universe wants you to have your heart desires but this wants to show up with gratitude for everything already here and been manifested. You will be changing what your attracted to and who and what you attract.
If it’s the 3rd card - 9 of wands. This full moon will have you rebalancing the energy to your personal power, showing up how resilient you are. Let go of any overly fixed boundaries, ideas and outcomes, be open to change, forgive and find your mojo and motivation again.
Lead with love. #astrology #tarot #relastionships #libra #fullmoon #thelightseerstarot
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It’s harder to relate or know something exists when you haven’t experienced it for yourself. But when you look around, understand and resonate to others experiences it helps you know you can too. This is what being a empath teaches us to do. . #disneyquotes #empathy #empath #compassion #love #oneness #universe #pocahontas #understanding #psychicmedium


There are times you can’t. Times you mustn’t, and then there are times you can and times you must.
All efforts given, in our past, present, future connect us to receiving rewards with increased energy, deeper connection and supportive presence.
Wherever focus goes energy flows.
... For more connection with friends, a lover, your body, the universe, your guides and angels - step up your efforts in finding love, nurturing love, being a good friend, looking after yourself, caring for our world, doing something every day that devotes you to a spiritual practice - when you can, that then takes you to a place we’re your able to keep giving more not less.
There will be times you can’t connect. Times of enforced disconnection. We’re you go to make moves, reach out, go first, bring everything together, that wont work, that is beyond your power to connect. When this happens it often isn’t a sign you doing anything wrong or going the wrong way it’s a sign to not become discouraged and to try again in a changed, learned from before, way.
The universe, your guides and angels applauded and rewards us in taking every effort that helps us get back up again. They know what it takes for us to do so. Discouragement turns into a place of courage. Uncertainty into a place of certainty. Procrastination into to a place of inspiration and action.
You are being more guided than ever now. Get creative in all ways that help you stay connected. ✨ #connection #stayconnected #spiritualpractice #universe #angels #spiritguides #effort #giving #awakening #energy #spirituality #helpyourself #psychicmedium
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Healing ascension orb vibes from the angels for todays 4/4/4 energy portal #archangelraphael #archangelmetatron #444


Guidance pick a card reveal ▫️ 1)Turquoise - Spiritual path You are being asked to walk your talk and speak your truth. You have words, thoughts and knowings that can help others at this time. What have you learnt along your journey to inspire and empower others. Now is time for your light to shine bright by being of service. If you have been hurt, let down, judged or rejected you have the power to turn it around by not paying any of it forward, but by being in your heart and...
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Guidance pick a card reading. ▫️ Try to bring your awareness back to a centred space and choose a guidance card you feel most drawn to. ▫️ Ask what messages want to connect and are coming up for you then go with your first choice.... ▫️ Card 1, Card 2, Card 3. ▫️ Like and post your card choice below and I’ll choose one person who has liked my page and tagged or shared this post a extra card and message. ▫️ This pick a guidance card reveal will be posted in a separate post soon. #interactive #intuitive #pickacard #dailyguidance #guidance #oraclecards #soulmission #crystalangels #spiritual #starseed #psychicmedium
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Spiritual guidance messages Please share


Will be live in 20/25 mins x


There is definitely a shift in energy today - can you feel it? Mars is the planet of action and for it to be in Aquarius means we need to be taking actions from a humanitarian, for greater good, thinking out of the box place and perspective. Old ways don’t open new doors . .


I will be live later today, on here and on Instagram, I’ll let you know before I do. If you have any spiritual questions to be answered on the live session ask me below and I’ll go to who I’m drawn to.
- These cards are saying that we’re going through a major release and clearing of everything that no longer serves us and that we’re seeing deep truths that are bringing about clarity and healing (if we allow them to) that then gives us the much wanted unity many have been wanting and waiting for.


Be patient and kind with yourself, your adjusting to a new normal with a different energy, flow and pace. You are doing your best 🤗


We’re all receiving so much help and support from spirit and our angels but being in a place of fear, worry and anxiety, which are valid emotional states at this time, can stop us receiving and trusting. The more you try to relax when you can, the more you will acknowledge the signs, support and guidance given.


You can reach out..
You can extend a olive branch. .
You can be patient. .
... You can be understanding. .
You can wait your turn to be chosen . .
You can be compassionate that people can only love as much as they have known love or been loved . . .
You can talk, share, advise, ask, open up, forgive and try again and again and again . .
You can do all these things, often repeatedly, but you can not teach or train anyone else how to love, respect and honour you. You can only demonstrate and embody love with how you give it to yourself and others.
I’ve seen posts lately about life being to short and we must do all we can to heal our relationships, families and connections before it’s too late - No one knows this more than a medium. To see first hand the hurt, the regret, the loss. You want to do all you can to bring in healing when ever and we’re ever you can, to keep trying and not give up. Believe me, many people who are healers, empaths, sensitives, givers, people who are conscious that we all make mistakes, have tried - goodness knows we give it our all . . The problem with keep trying is you lose parts of yourself every time you do. It takes longer to put yourself back together when the change doesn’t happen, the healing doesn’t come about, the connection you most want is ignored and falls apart. You can’t make someone heal before their ready or see your side or force the change you most want to see.
So you accept. You place that effort in what can heal and change. You start to see that all the time you have used trying wasn’t serving. You turn your attention to all that is love and feels loving. You see that without certain people and experiences you wouldn’t be who you are today. You thank those soul contracts you can’t shift or change on your own. You love at a distance and make yourself proud, and in doing so all the love that’s yours, that’s been waiting in the wings, waiting for you, rush’s in your life to greet and meet you at exactly where you are..
‘Grant me the serenity to accept the things I can’t change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference’. #serenityprayer #relationships #love #medium #heal
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More about Jannine Toon Psychic Medium

Jannine Toon Psychic Medium is located at Cityway, Me1 Rochester, Medway