Jo Harwood Yoga

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About Jo Harwood Yoga

200 hr FRYOG (friends of yoga) Trained in Traditional Hatha Yoga.

Yoga for Every Body.

If you can breathe? you can Yoga.



This Week: We will be working with the Solar Plexus to ring out and detox the digestive system.
We will be working with a series of twists and visualisations surrounding the colour yellow to ignite fire and release tensions.
Manipura - the seat of digestive fire, aiding us to regulate the pancreas and digestive organs.
... Manipura = 'Jewel City' helps release qualities such as ; clarity, Self -Assurance, Self- confidence, bliss, Knowledge and wisdom. 🧘‍♀️
See you on the mat
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This week: We will be focusing on grounding, working with our roots to fully immerse ourselves with the earth element.
Relating to the Muladhara chakra we will be directing our attention to grounding postures allowing us to feel connected and giving a sense of safety and stability.
See you on the mat
... Namaste
Jolene 🧘‍♀️
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This Week: We will working our Inner Warrior Goddess - Durga.
Durga - translating as 'a fort' or a 'place that is difficult to overrun' , Durga is mother protector and warrior.
So we will be working with the Virabhadrasana series, otherwise known as the warrior series to build strength and empowerment.
... We will be building physical, mental and emotional strength so we can overcome our battles.
No pressure 😉
See you on the mat
Jolene 🧘‍♀️
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This Week: We will be working on Surya Namaskar, salutations to the sun.
Breaking the asana postures down and working slowly through Sun salutations to help find focus during this moving meditation.
See you on the mat.
... Namaste
Jo 🧘‍♀️
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A little Hump day inspiration. Trust the journey 🙏👌 namaste


Classes start back tomorrow night and I am excited to see you all.
This Week: We are going to be focusing on getting the body moving again after our rest over the Christmas break.
Working with Pawanmuktasana 1 the anti rheumatic series, we will be easing out those joints and ligaments and creating movement in our bodies to feel freer and more liberated in our muscles.
... See you on the mat.
Art: Sequential Movement by Jamie Paul Smith
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Wishing you all a beautiful new year, may all your hopes and dreams come to fruition.
Love and Light


“The mighty oak was once a little nut that stood its ground.” ― Anodea Judith, Eastern Body, Western Mind.
To my existing students and those I am yet to meet and share yoga with, lets set those roots deep in the earth. approaching 2019 got this!
... Cant wait to join you all on the mat.
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This Week: Christmas is just around the corner, a week of excess and indulgence.
Therefore we will be exploring gentle twists to detox the liver and clear the gut to prepare you for your week of comfort and indulgence.
We will be working with the breath and finding a slow pace to wind you down at this crazy time of year.
... I also have a little something fun planned too!
See you on the mat
Jo xx
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This Week: We will be working with the Supreme Deity -Krishna.
Hindu god of Compassion, Tenderness and Love. A true inspiration of Bhakti yoga.
So at this time of year when the focus is on giving, we will be opening our heart centres to fully awaken our Anahata chakra.
... Hare Rāma Hare Rāma Rāma Rāma Hare Hare Hare Kṛṣṇa Hare Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa Hare Hare
See you on the mat
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Happy Friday 👌🙏


This Week: We will be channelling Hanuman, The Half Prince Half Monkey Diety.
A devotee of Sita and Rama and its relation to Bhakti Yoga of love and devotion.
'Om Hum Hanumate Namah'
... “Om and salutations to Hanuman, the embodiment of pure devotion. May I be blessed with victory, success, strength, stamina and power.”
See you on the mat
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This week: Surya Namaskar - Sun salutations.
Hey Guys, this week we are going to be breaking down the sun salutation sequence and working with the breath to warm us up from the inside during this cold snap.
There are some nasty colds going around so please remember to look after yourselves.
... Namaste
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Please note: tonight's classes are cancelled due to emergency building works at the Drayton centrePlease note: tonight's classes are cancelled due to emergency building works at the Drayton centre


Do you want to find focus? Do you find your mind whirring with to do lists and appointments?
Yoga can help you find a sense of peace so that you are thinking clearly and mindfully throughout your everyday busy life.
Come join me on the Mat and take time out for yourself. ... Message me for class details 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️
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Think yoga is about being flexible? Worried you are not flexible enough to join a class? is for EVERY body!
Yoga is about disconnecting from external distractions and connecting to your inner person.
If you would like to learn more, come join a class on Monday mornings at 9.30 and 10.45 or thursday evenings at 6pm and 7.15pm at the Drayton centre.
... £6 per class
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More about Jo Harwood Yoga