Kent Hypnobirthing

About Kent Hypnobirthing

We offer antenatal classes across Kent, using an honest, science-based approach that puts you in control of your birth. We cover how to breath for birth, what hypnotherapy in birth really means and all you need to know to prepare for birth your way.

Kent Hypnobirthing Description

Our classes are not hypnobirthing as you may be imagining it. They are honest and science based. Full of common sense, laughter and positivity. We will not promise you a pain free birth, we will promise to give you the tools to navigate whatever birth you have on the day. It's likely (very likely) they'll be some oversharing because it's important to us that we give you all the information you actually need and none of the stuff you don't.

For further information about us or our classes please visit www. or email (07815055990)



We spent two wonderful Sundays with Ray in Margate. The course massively helped unite my partner and I in preparing for our birth, which was particularly useful as things didn't go exactly as we'd hoped. Hypnobirthing and all we'd learnt from Ray helped us navigate a lot of tricky decisions and a poorly baby in a way we wouldn't have managed without the knowledge, empowerment and confidence we came away from the course with. Ray is awesome and I'm so glad we found her. I'd say the course was invaluable for us and helped in so many ways, some unexpected- I don't think I would've managed to breastfeed after my baby was in the hospital without Ray's support and that was so important to me.


We had an intensive course at home with Ray and then also attended a Margate course a month or so later as a refresher closer to the birth. Having had a bit of a rubbish time with my first sons birth I was looking for something to help me control my anxiety and help me feel more in control. Hypnobirthing was the perfect fit! I absolutely cannot recommend it enough. Although this birth didn't go entirely to plan I feel completely at peace with it and empowered by the experience. Ray and the Kent Hypnobirthing team are amazing. If you're thinking of doing a course just book it. You won't regret it!


Thank you Katy and Kent Hypnobirthing!

I honestly cannot recommend this course highly enough. Prior to starting the course I never thought I’d feel secure with the idea of childbirth. The switch in mind set is a tribute to the professionalism, compassion and care with which it was written and delivered.

For a bit of background on this, we are currently awaiting the birth of our 2nd child. We are so fortunate; our son is the most beautiful child. He is now 4 and life has changed so much since late 2013, however it will take me a long time to forget the desperate nature of what happened to my wife during his birth. I vowed not to “put her through” the experience of childbirth again.

The thing which changed for me was how much she wanted a 2nd child. My love for her is limitless and she suffered from what is softly and naively referred to as “baby blues” following the birth of Theodore. On a positive note, time with him gave me the chance to really bond with him. Teddy constantly professes his love for his “ mumma”. The reason I agreed to have another was that Sarah missed out on those first few months with her child and she is such a natural mother I wanted her to have a similar experience to me.

When she mentioned this course my first question was ‘What on earth is hypnobirthing?’. I was cynical; I still remember hypnosis in the medium of ‘The Paul McKenna show’ from the 1990s with people imitating chickens with the click of fingers!

But how wrong can one person be? It has completely changed my mind set on birth; not a trauma that will happen to my family but an experience which will happen with a massively positive result at the end.

Steeped in key messages of growth mind set, the course allows you to understand that the female body is designed to let birth happen and you have control over the situation. Beyond this there were some brilliant ideas on breathing, some really fantastic ideas on how to change the language used, beautiful birth videos, breathing exercises and, most importantly, time to talk. I feel a stronger person as a result of the course and – most importantly – able to support my beautiful wife as she brings another child into the world.

We completed the course in Folkestone (at Core Therapies on Tontine Street) and were so lucky to have the advice - and time - of Katy who ran the course fantastically well. She made the experience successful through how she managed it. I love the resources, videos and pictures which she collected together to make the course a success.

A huge thank you to Katy and Kent hypnobirthing – as a family we look forward to welcoming another life into the world, safe in the knowledge about what will happen and, most importantly, how to prepare for it.


THRILLED with my private sessions so far, it has already totally transformed the way I think about the birth, and the importance of making time for myself in the run up too.


Sophie was great at rebuilding my confidence in birthing. She was excellent at teaching us and very supportive. The techniques I have learnt will help me in all aspects of motherhood and life. Thank you Kent Hypnobirthing for supporting me and my husband towards a calm, positive birth of our second child.


Recently just completed a group hypnobirthing course and I couldn’t recommend it highly enough! The amount of amazing new facts and techniques I have learnt has been incredible! I feel a lot more prepared for the birth of my baby and after! Christy was a wonderful teacher, and has had a really positive impact on my next few stages or pregnancy!


Ok, so this could be a long one!

Myself and my husband, Matt, had a one-to-one session with Katy Lockey prior to the birth of our 3rd child. I have to add, before this we were both quite sceptical.. We'd already had a wonderful home water birth the last time round, and Matt especially was questioning why we needed this hypnobirthing stuff - we weren't first time parents, and neither of us were scared or nervous. I'd heard so many positive stories about it though, I was keen see what all the fuss was about!

We both really enjoyed our session (much to Matt's surprise!) - Katy was brilliant, her anecdotes at the start made us feel completely at ease, and both of our minds were blown with how much we actually didn't know, and how much we learnt - everything made so much sense. When Katy left I felt even more excited and confident about the upcoming birth than I thought possible.

Fast forward to then, the birth. Even though we know birth can be totally unpredictable, it took us by surprise - it was long, so very long, and it was damn hard. But it was also beautiful and empowering, and we connected in ways I didn't think were possible. I'm certain that if we weren't such a relaxed and informed team (all thanks to the hypnobirthing techniques we'd learnt from Katy) our birth would have gone very differently. It was wonderful, and I feel so happy knowing that if we never have another child, and this really was the last time, we went out on a high. Again, thank you, would recommend to all.


My partner and I did the course over two weekends. As a couple, we got so much from it... my partner now understands much more deeply the reasons behind my choices. It's like a crash course for pregnancy.... one that makes sense, is inspiring, and very informative. I feel much more confident that my partner will be able to support me in the way will need when the big day comes! Sophie is engaging and funny, which makes a potentially heavy topic, "fun"! Massively recommend this course with Sophie.


My Husband and I completed the intensive course with Ray a few weeks ago due to work commitments we were unable to do the normal course.

I must say this really suited us as it was personal, informative and left us confident and enthusiastic about the calm arrival of our bubba.

It's such a great resource and we are so glad we have entered the world of hypnobirthing �


Just finished a course with Christy and can’t thank her enough for all the confidence she has given me and my partner in preparing for birth, labour and what comes after. I would absolutely recommend this course to everyone!


Just amazing! Best money I've ever spent, cannot recommend enough. Please read my birth story on their website for an amazing experience that wouldn't have been possible without Ray and Kent Hypnobirthing.


It was fantastic - I love every minute of the Hypnobirthing training - Thank you Katy, your amazing �


I recently attended Katys February course in Folkestone & I'm so glad I did! Having already taught myself hypnobirthing which led on to having two fabulous home births I felt like Katys class would be the perfect refresher for myself and my girls dad (& birthing partner) to attend in preparation for the birth of our 3rd daughter. It's amazing how much of a positive effect just talking about birth with others can have! I highly recommend this course for all parents to be, first time or not � Not many people can say they look forward to labour but after seeing Katy I feel like I'm fully prepared for every eventuality! Thank you so much for providing such a wonderful service in Folkestone! �


I cannot rate Kent Hypnobirthing highly enough. After a fearful and complicated first birth, the course gave my husband and I the confidence to prepare for a wonderful and peaceful homebirth. I will always be grateful for that.


I can't recommend this course highly enough. Sophie was a fantastic teacher and support, not only during the course but beyond it too. This was my second birth and so different to my first as the skills I learnt during the course helped me remain calm and in control throughout. It was invaluable and I would urge anyone who is thinking of taking the course to do it, you won't regret it.


Couldn’t recommend more! Sophie was absolutely brilliant, so informative and supportive and we never felt stupid asking even the most bizarre of questions! We took the private intensive class in our home and would recommend it highly!xx


After the birth of my first child that left me feeling like a failure who had had her child taken out of her I was experiencing anxiety approaching the birth of my second. I felt so negative after having to abandon my home birth last time that I was thinking i wouldn't even try again this time. This course really helped me unpack and understand what happened last time and has given me tools, information and confidence to try for my ideal birth again this time (last chance!!). Ray was a fab host / presenter, really enthusiastic and supportive. Can't rate highly enough!


After a tricky birth six years ago that left me feeling frightened and bewildered, I knew I needed and deserved a fresh, positive perspective on my imminent birth so I signed up for an intensive 1:1 session with Christy when I was 35 weeks pregnant. It was one of the best things I’ve ever done and, 9 weeks postpartum, I’m still using many of the tenets of hypnobirthing. The books, affirmations, meditations, visualisations and general change in rhetoric and perspective helped to give me the most blissful final months of pregnancy. My baby’s birth was intense but utterly wonderful, despite having to deal with some last-minute changes that were beyond our control. I felt empowered, informed and excited and can honestly say that I enjoyed the experience! Hypnobirthing brought my partner and I closer together than ever before and he is a complete convert! I highly recommend this course to anyone who is intrigued about pregnancy and birth but especially those who want to approach their birth with calmness, positivity and confidence.


After a traumatic birth with my first son, I turned to Kent Hypnobirthing for my second. Although I'd planned a home birth, I ended up in hospital but it didn't matter. Using what I'd learned from Ray, it was such an emotional and joyful experience, everything I'd hoped for. I recommend to anyone and everyone who will listen! Do this course for greater knowledge and control over how you cope with the experience of childbirth. You won't be disappointed!


We spent two wonderful Sundays with Ray in Margate. The course massively helped unite my partner and I in preparing for our birth, which was particularly useful as things didn't go exactly as we'd hoped. Hypnobirthing and all we'd learnt from Ray helped us navigate a lot of tricky decisions and a poorly baby in a way we wouldn't have managed without the knowledge, empowerment and confidence we came away from the course with. Ray is awesome and I'm so glad we found her. I'd say the course was invaluable for us and helped in so many ways, some unexpected- I don't think I would've managed to breastfeed after my baby was in the hospital without Ray's support and that was so important to me.


We had an intensive course at home with Ray and then also attended a Margate course a month or so later as a refresher closer to the birth. Having had a bit of a rubbish time with my first sons birth I was looking for something to help me control my anxiety and help me feel more in control. Hypnobirthing was the perfect fit! I absolutely cannot recommend it enough. Although this birth didn't go entirely to plan I feel completely at peace with it and empowered by the experience. Ray and the Kent Hypnobirthing team are amazing. If you're thinking of doing a course just book it. You won't regret it!


Thank you Katy and Kent Hypnobirthing!

I honestly cannot recommend this course highly enough. Prior to starting the course I never thought I’d feel secure with the idea of childbirth. The switch in mind set is a tribute to the professionalism, compassion and care with which it was written and delivered.

For a bit of background on this, we are currently awaiting the birth of our 2nd child. We are so fortunate; our son is the most beautiful child. He is now 4 and life has changed so much since late 2013, however it will take me a long time to forget the desperate nature of what happened to my wife during his birth. I vowed not to “put her through” the experience of childbirth again.

The thing which changed for me was how much she wanted a 2nd child. My love for her is limitless and she suffered from what is softly and naively referred to as “baby blues” following the birth of Theodore. On a positive note, time with him gave me the chance to really bond with him. Teddy constantly professes his love for his “ mumma”. The reason I agreed to have another was that Sarah missed out on those first few months with her child and she is such a natural mother I wanted her to have a similar experience to me.

When she mentioned this course my first question was ‘What on earth is hypnobirthing?’. I was cynical; I still remember hypnosis in the medium of ‘The Paul McKenna show’ from the 1990s with people imitating chickens with the click of fingers!

But how wrong can one person be? It has completely changed my mind set on birth; not a trauma that will happen to my family but an experience which will happen with a massively positive result at the end.

Steeped in key messages of growth mind set, the course allows you to understand that the female body is designed to let birth happen and you have control over the situation. Beyond this there were some brilliant ideas on breathing, some really fantastic ideas on how to change the language used, beautiful birth videos, breathing exercises and, most importantly, time to talk. I feel a stronger person as a result of the course and – most importantly – able to support my beautiful wife as she brings another child into the world.

We completed the course in Folkestone (at Core Therapies on Tontine Street) and were so lucky to have the advice - and time - of Katy who ran the course fantastically well. She made the experience successful through how she managed it. I love the resources, videos and pictures which she collected together to make the course a success.

A huge thank you to Katy and Kent hypnobirthing – as a family we look forward to welcoming another life into the world, safe in the knowledge about what will happen and, most importantly, how to prepare for it.


THRILLED with my private sessions so far, it has already totally transformed the way I think about the birth, and the importance of making time for myself in the run up too.


Sophie was great at rebuilding my confidence in birthing. She was excellent at teaching us and very supportive. The techniques I have learnt will help me in all aspects of motherhood and life. Thank you Kent Hypnobirthing for supporting me and my husband towards a calm, positive birth of our second child.


Recently just completed a group hypnobirthing course and I couldn’t recommend it highly enough! The amount of amazing new facts and techniques I have learnt has been incredible! I feel a lot more prepared for the birth of my baby and after! Christy was a wonderful teacher, and has had a really positive impact on my next few stages or pregnancy!


Ok, so this could be a long one!

Myself and my husband, Matt, had a one-to-one session with Katy Lockey prior to the birth of our 3rd child. I have to add, before this we were both quite sceptical.. We'd already had a wonderful home water birth the last time round, and Matt especially was questioning why we needed this hypnobirthing stuff - we weren't first time parents, and neither of us were scared or nervous. I'd heard so many positive stories about it though, I was keen see what all the fuss was about!

We both really enjoyed our session (much to Matt's surprise!) - Katy was brilliant, her anecdotes at the start made us feel completely at ease, and both of our minds were blown with how much we actually didn't know, and how much we learnt - everything made so much sense. When Katy left I felt even more excited and confident about the upcoming birth than I thought possible.

Fast forward to then, the birth. Even though we know birth can be totally unpredictable, it took us by surprise - it was long, so very long, and it was damn hard. But it was also beautiful and empowering, and we connected in ways I didn't think were possible. I'm certain that if we weren't such a relaxed and informed team (all thanks to the hypnobirthing techniques we'd learnt from Katy) our birth would have gone very differently. It was wonderful, and I feel so happy knowing that if we never have another child, and this really was the last time, we went out on a high. Again, thank you, would recommend to all.


My partner and I did the course over two weekends. As a couple, we got so much from it... my partner now understands much more deeply the reasons behind my choices. It's like a crash course for pregnancy.... one that makes sense, is inspiring, and very informative. I feel much more confident that my partner will be able to support me in the way will need when the big day comes! Sophie is engaging and funny, which makes a potentially heavy topic, "fun"! Massively recommend this course with Sophie.


My Husband and I completed the intensive course with Ray a few weeks ago due to work commitments we were unable to do the normal course.

I must say this really suited us as it was personal, informative and left us confident and enthusiastic about the calm arrival of our bubba.

It's such a great resource and we are so glad we have entered the world of hypnobirthing �


Just finished a course with Christy and can’t thank her enough for all the confidence she has given me and my partner in preparing for birth, labour and what comes after. I would absolutely recommend this course to everyone!


Just amazing! Best money I've ever spent, cannot recommend enough. Please read my birth story on their website for an amazing experience that wouldn't have been possible without Ray and Kent Hypnobirthing.


It was fantastic - I love every minute of the Hypnobirthing training - Thank you Katy, your amazing �


I recently attended Katys February course in Folkestone & I'm so glad I did! Having already taught myself hypnobirthing which led on to having two fabulous home births I felt like Katys class would be the perfect refresher for myself and my girls dad (& birthing partner) to attend in preparation for the birth of our 3rd daughter. It's amazing how much of a positive effect just talking about birth with others can have! I highly recommend this course for all parents to be, first time or not � Not many people can say they look forward to labour but after seeing Katy I feel like I'm fully prepared for every eventuality! Thank you so much for providing such a wonderful service in Folkestone! �


I cannot rate Kent Hypnobirthing highly enough. After a fearful and complicated first birth, the course gave my husband and I the confidence to prepare for a wonderful and peaceful homebirth. I will always be grateful for that.


I can't recommend this course highly enough. Sophie was a fantastic teacher and support, not only during the course but beyond it too. This was my second birth and so different to my first as the skills I learnt during the course helped me remain calm and in control throughout. It was invaluable and I would urge anyone who is thinking of taking the course to do it, you won't regret it.


Couldn’t recommend more! Sophie was absolutely brilliant, so informative and supportive and we never felt stupid asking even the most bizarre of questions! We took the private intensive class in our home and would recommend it highly!xx


After the birth of my first child that left me feeling like a failure who had had her child taken out of her I was experiencing anxiety approaching the birth of my second. I felt so negative after having to abandon my home birth last time that I was thinking i wouldn't even try again this time. This course really helped me unpack and understand what happened last time and has given me tools, information and confidence to try for my ideal birth again this time (last chance!!). Ray was a fab host / presenter, really enthusiastic and supportive. Can't rate highly enough!


After a tricky birth six years ago that left me feeling frightened and bewildered, I knew I needed and deserved a fresh, positive perspective on my imminent birth so I signed up for an intensive 1:1 session with Christy when I was 35 weeks pregnant. It was one of the best things I’ve ever done and, 9 weeks postpartum, I’m still using many of the tenets of hypnobirthing. The books, affirmations, meditations, visualisations and general change in rhetoric and perspective helped to give me the most blissful final months of pregnancy. My baby’s birth was intense but utterly wonderful, despite having to deal with some last-minute changes that were beyond our control. I felt empowered, informed and excited and can honestly say that I enjoyed the experience! Hypnobirthing brought my partner and I closer together than ever before and he is a complete convert! I highly recommend this course to anyone who is intrigued about pregnancy and birth but especially those who want to approach their birth with calmness, positivity and confidence.


After a traumatic birth with my first son, I turned to Kent Hypnobirthing for my second. Although I'd planned a home birth, I ended up in hospital but it didn't matter. Using what I'd learned from Ray, it was such an emotional and joyful experience, everything I'd hoped for. I recommend to anyone and everyone who will listen! Do this course for greater knowledge and control over how you cope with the experience of childbirth. You won't be disappointed!


We spent two wonderful Sundays with Ray in Margate. The course massively helped unite my partner and I in preparing for our birth, which was particularly useful as things didn't go exactly as we'd hoped. Hypnobirthing and all we'd learnt from Ray helped us navigate a lot of tricky decisions and a poorly baby in a way we wouldn't have managed without the knowledge, empowerment and confidence we came away from the course with. Ray is awesome and I'm so glad we found her. I'd say the course was invaluable for us and helped in so many ways, some unexpected- I don't think I would've managed to breastfeed after my baby was in the hospital without Ray's support and that was so important to me.


We had an intensive course at home with Ray and then also attended a Margate course a month or so later as a refresher closer to the birth. Having had a bit of a rubbish time with my first sons birth I was looking for something to help me control my anxiety and help me feel more in control. Hypnobirthing was the perfect fit! I absolutely cannot recommend it enough. Although this birth didn't go entirely to plan I feel completely at peace with it and empowered by the experience. Ray and the Kent Hypnobirthing team are amazing. If you're thinking of doing a course just book it. You won't regret it!


Thank you Katy and Kent Hypnobirthing!

I honestly cannot recommend this course highly enough. Prior to starting the course I never thought I’d feel secure with the idea of childbirth. The switch in mind set is a tribute to the professionalism, compassion and care with which it was written and delivered.

For a bit of background on this, we are currently awaiting the birth of our 2nd child. We are so fortunate; our son is the most beautiful child. He is now 4 and life has changed so much since late 2013, however it will take me a long time to forget the desperate nature of what happened to my wife during his birth. I vowed not to “put her through” the experience of childbirth again.

The thing which changed for me was how much she wanted a 2nd child. My love for her is limitless and she suffered from what is softly and naively referred to as “baby blues” following the birth of Theodore. On a positive note, time with him gave me the chance to really bond with him. Teddy constantly professes his love for his “ mumma”. The reason I agreed to have another was that Sarah missed out on those first few months with her child and she is such a natural mother I wanted her to have a similar experience to me.

When she mentioned this course my first question was ‘What on earth is hypnobirthing?’. I was cynical; I still remember hypnosis in the medium of ‘The Paul McKenna show’ from the 1990s with people imitating chickens with the click of fingers!

But how wrong can one person be? It has completely changed my mind set on birth; not a trauma that will happen to my family but an experience which will happen with a massively positive result at the end.

Steeped in key messages of growth mind set, the course allows you to understand that the female body is designed to let birth happen and you have control over the situation. Beyond this there were some brilliant ideas on breathing, some really fantastic ideas on how to change the language used, beautiful birth videos, breathing exercises and, most importantly, time to talk. I feel a stronger person as a result of the course and – most importantly – able to support my beautiful wife as she brings another child into the world.

We completed the course in Folkestone (at Core Therapies on Tontine Street) and were so lucky to have the advice - and time - of Katy who ran the course fantastically well. She made the experience successful through how she managed it. I love the resources, videos and pictures which she collected together to make the course a success.

A huge thank you to Katy and Kent hypnobirthing – as a family we look forward to welcoming another life into the world, safe in the knowledge about what will happen and, most importantly, how to prepare for it.


THRILLED with my private sessions so far, it has already totally transformed the way I think about the birth, and the importance of making time for myself in the run up too.


Sophie was great at rebuilding my confidence in birthing. She was excellent at teaching us and very supportive. The techniques I have learnt will help me in all aspects of motherhood and life. Thank you Kent Hypnobirthing for supporting me and my husband towards a calm, positive birth of our second child.


Recently just completed a group hypnobirthing course and I couldn’t recommend it highly enough! The amount of amazing new facts and techniques I have learnt has been incredible! I feel a lot more prepared for the birth of my baby and after! Christy was a wonderful teacher, and has had a really positive impact on my next few stages or pregnancy!


Ok, so this could be a long one!

Myself and my husband, Matt, had a one-to-one session with Katy Lockey prior to the birth of our 3rd child. I have to add, before this we were both quite sceptical.. We'd already had a wonderful home water birth the last time round, and Matt especially was questioning why we needed this hypnobirthing stuff - we weren't first time parents, and neither of us were scared or nervous. I'd heard so many positive stories about it though, I was keen see what all the fuss was about!

We both really enjoyed our session (much to Matt's surprise!) - Katy was brilliant, her anecdotes at the start made us feel completely at ease, and both of our minds were blown with how much we actually didn't know, and how much we learnt - everything made so much sense. When Katy left I felt even more excited and confident about the upcoming birth than I thought possible.

Fast forward to then, the birth. Even though we know birth can be totally unpredictable, it took us by surprise - it was long, so very long, and it was damn hard. But it was also beautiful and empowering, and we connected in ways I didn't think were possible. I'm certain that if we weren't such a relaxed and informed team (all thanks to the hypnobirthing techniques we'd learnt from Katy) our birth would have gone very differently. It was wonderful, and I feel so happy knowing that if we never have another child, and this really was the last time, we went out on a high. Again, thank you, would recommend to all.


My partner and I did the course over two weekends. As a couple, we got so much from it... my partner now understands much more deeply the reasons behind my choices. It's like a crash course for pregnancy.... one that makes sense, is inspiring, and very informative. I feel much more confident that my partner will be able to support me in the way will need when the big day comes! Sophie is engaging and funny, which makes a potentially heavy topic, "fun"! Massively recommend this course with Sophie.


My Husband and I completed the intensive course with Ray a few weeks ago due to work commitments we were unable to do the normal course.

I must say this really suited us as it was personal, informative and left us confident and enthusiastic about the calm arrival of our bubba.

It's such a great resource and we are so glad we have entered the world of hypnobirthing �


Just finished a course with Christy and can’t thank her enough for all the confidence she has given me and my partner in preparing for birth, labour and what comes after. I would absolutely recommend this course to everyone!


Just amazing! Best money I've ever spent, cannot recommend enough. Please read my birth story on their website for an amazing experience that wouldn't have been possible without Ray and Kent Hypnobirthing.


It was fantastic - I love every minute of the Hypnobirthing training - Thank you Katy, your amazing �


I recently attended Katys February course in Folkestone & I'm so glad I did! Having already taught myself hypnobirthing which led on to having two fabulous home births I felt like Katys class would be the perfect refresher for myself and my girls dad (& birthing partner) to attend in preparation for the birth of our 3rd daughter. It's amazing how much of a positive effect just talking about birth with others can have! I highly recommend this course for all parents to be, first time or not � Not many people can say they look forward to labour but after seeing Katy I feel like I'm fully prepared for every eventuality! Thank you so much for providing such a wonderful service in Folkestone! �


I cannot rate Kent Hypnobirthing highly enough. After a fearful and complicated first birth, the course gave my husband and I the confidence to prepare for a wonderful and peaceful homebirth. I will always be grateful for that.


I can't recommend this course highly enough. Sophie was a fantastic teacher and support, not only during the course but beyond it too. This was my second birth and so different to my first as the skills I learnt during the course helped me remain calm and in control throughout. It was invaluable and I would urge anyone who is thinking of taking the course to do it, you won't regret it.


Couldn’t recommend more! Sophie was absolutely brilliant, so informative and supportive and we never felt stupid asking even the most bizarre of questions! We took the private intensive class in our home and would recommend it highly!xx


After the birth of my first child that left me feeling like a failure who had had her child taken out of her I was experiencing anxiety approaching the birth of my second. I felt so negative after having to abandon my home birth last time that I was thinking i wouldn't even try again this time. This course really helped me unpack and understand what happened last time and has given me tools, information and confidence to try for my ideal birth again this time (last chance!!). Ray was a fab host / presenter, really enthusiastic and supportive. Can't rate highly enough!


After a tricky birth six years ago that left me feeling frightened and bewildered, I knew I needed and deserved a fresh, positive perspective on my imminent birth so I signed up for an intensive 1:1 session with Christy when I was 35 weeks pregnant. It was one of the best things I’ve ever done and, 9 weeks postpartum, I’m still using many of the tenets of hypnobirthing. The books, affirmations, meditations, visualisations and general change in rhetoric and perspective helped to give me the most blissful final months of pregnancy. My baby’s birth was intense but utterly wonderful, despite having to deal with some last-minute changes that were beyond our control. I felt empowered, informed and excited and can honestly say that I enjoyed the experience! Hypnobirthing brought my partner and I closer together than ever before and he is a complete convert! I highly recommend this course to anyone who is intrigued about pregnancy and birth but especially those who want to approach their birth with calmness, positivity and confidence.


After a traumatic birth with my first son, I turned to Kent Hypnobirthing for my second. Although I'd planned a home birth, I ended up in hospital but it didn't matter. Using what I'd learned from Ray, it was such an emotional and joyful experience, everything I'd hoped for. I recommend to anyone and everyone who will listen! Do this course for greater knowledge and control over how you cope with the experience of childbirth. You won't be disappointed!

More about Kent Hypnobirthing
