Live A Happy Life

About Live A Happy Life

Free yourself from struggle, limiting beliefs, boredom, angst, fear and pain.

Find the joy in your life and live the life you deserve… a Happy Life

Live A Happy Life Description

Ever wake up thinking “Is this it?” or “Is this what life has in store for me?”

Free yourself from struggle, limiting beliefs, boredom, angst, fear and pain.

Find the adventurer in you. Join me in the treasure hunt to find the very heart of you, on a pathway to inner enlightenment, to joy, friendship, love and fulfilment.

Based on the teachings of Louise Hay, we offer a number of Heal Your Life ® workshops and 1: 1 coaching to help you understand all about life, its lessons and how to do the work on yourself to really live the life you want and deserve.

• Discover the beliefs that are limiting you
• Understand the connection between the Body and Mind
• Love your inner child
• Develop positive self-talk
• Release the past
• Create the life you want

Workshops are suitable for total beginners or those who have attended a workshop like this before.

I promise you a safe and loving environment, words of encouragement, practical tips to take forward with you into your life and on-going support to help you on your journey.

With love and gratitude