Lovingly Baked By Anthea

About Lovingly Baked By Anthea

Artisan bakery, based from my home in Grayshott, Surrey.
Patisserie, breads, biscuit gift boxes, macarons, and cakes. Dessert tables and afternoon tea treats.
Registered with East Hants Council, with 5* rating.



Feeling fruity! ūüćíūüćďūüßĀ


Caramel Opera gateau for an Argentinian caramel-loving rugby fan. Seven layers of hazelnut joconde sponge, with different fillings in between: Caramel chocolate mousse, caramel chocolate ganache, homemade dulce de leche, and caramel Swiss meringue buttercream. Homemade chocolate rugby balls on top, which are filled with gooey salted caramel, and some decorative dark chocolate shards to finish. That should hit the sweet tooth quite nicely!


Because every Scotsman needs a handmade chocolate Nessie on his birthday cake ūüŹīů†Āßů†ĀĘů†Ā≥ů†Ā£ů†Āīů†ĀŅūüŹīů†Āßů†ĀĘů †Ā≥ů†Ā£ů†Āīů†ĀŅūüéČ (I suspect my husband shall demand one of these for his birthday in October when he gets home later...)


Because I like to set myself a challenge and singlehandedly prepare mountains of food for two markets in a row, we'll be at Farnham Picnic in the Park on Sunday, the day after Godalming Farmers' Market. It's free to get in, there will be live music, there will be warm weather, and there will be Lovingly Baked brownies, cupcakes, and rocky road (and tons more)...!! ūüėčūüéĶūüé∂ūüćįūüßĀ


If you're near Godalming on Saturday then do stop by and get something for the weekend -- our stall will be caving in under the weight of all the good stuff, as always! ūüėčūüėč


Wedding cake tasting today. ūüėč Choices, choices!


Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble! Making Dulce de Leche, which has been bubbling away over a low heat for about 75 minutes. It's almost ready... :-D It started off very runny and white and milky, so the transformation is lovely!


Freshly-picked strawberries means freshly-made strawberry preserve tomorrow! ūüėčūüćďūüćď


Summery pavlova for you to think about all day... ūüėćūüėá


Seeing as peonies are in full season right now, I thought I'd take a trip down memory lane to exactly this time last year when I surprised myself by making this open peony with cosmos and blueberries, all created totally out of super-super-thin flower sugarpaste. These took about two days to make, and have about a hundred petals (not quite, but it felt like it at the time!), and it sits in a little vase on our Welsh dresser in the living room. I'm still amazed at how realistic it looks.


Funky chocolate sulpture made up of lots of handmade chocolate spheres, ready to go on top of a cake tomorrow ūüéā Spheres made from dark chocolate (76% cocoa content), white chocolate, milk chocolate, and caramel gold chocolate (all Callebaut and Cacoa Barry).


Huge raspberry meringues -- crispy on the outside and gooey and marshmallowy on the inside! ūüėć


Loads of great comments today, like this one, from all the lovely customers who came to my little bakery event this morning <3. I hope everyone loved what they chose! Keep an eye out as I'll be announcing the next one soon... ūüßź


Two hours left to pick up something yummy for the weekend ūüėĀ A couple of items have sold out, but still plenty to choose from!


"Stupendous" -- such an under-used word, don't you think? ūüėČūü§Ē Such a lovely email; so pleased that you loved your cake, Sabina!


Fruit cakes ready to go into the oven. One for a customer order, and a smaller version for my husband who adores fruit cake but constantly moans that I never make him one... ūüėĀ

More about Lovingly Baked By Anthea
