
Monday: 10:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 21:00
Friday: 10:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 18:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 17:00

About Lpt

I offer 1-2-1 sessions, group sessions or online session, either at PureGym or outside or at your home as well as Sports Massage.
Get in touch to book your consultation or enquiry for more information



Forgot to upload this to the last post but pull up bar came today and it didn’t break anything or fall on me so I’m happy with that 😂 . Managed 3 sets of 6 pull ups, current weight 73.3kg, I’ll take that!


Hands up if you’ve made it through the first week of lockdown? 🙋🏻‍♀️ congratulations! 👏🏻 . We’re all going through uncertain times at the moment, our freedom and our daily routines have been taken from us/changed, no ones sure what’s going to happen next BUT we are all in this together and we can do this! We just gotta hold tight and make the best out of the situation we’re currently in . It’s okay to have our good days and our bad days, we’re in a time where a majority of th...ings aren’t in our control. I’ve had a couple of down days this past week but it is absolutely normal, you’re not the only one and I think actually talking about your bad days, let’s others know that it’s okay, they’re not the only one going through the same thing . These are the times to not be so hard on ourselves. My workouts have been up and down and I’ve eaten like an absolute pig! It’s okay! . I’ve seen quite a few posts in regards to working out at home etc. It’s okay if you don’t hit a certain amount of steps, if you didn’t do your HIIT or cardio, if you didn’t work out, I’ve also done this. Home workouts can be just as taxing on the body especially when it’s a lot of repetitive exercises, trust me, my body let me know this week like you need to calm down girl 👋🏻 . So my advise to you: listen to your body, do as much as you can/ want to, make sure you take time to relax/stretch, look after yourself, try not to be so hard on yourself and try and make the most out of a shit situation . Now let’s do this 😘💪🏻
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And today’s topic is 👉🏻 self image and self doubt . So I had a chat with one of my clients today, I think people seem to forget that even though we may be personal trainers or work in the fitness industry, we are just like you! We have our good day’s, our bad days, our strengths, our weaknesses and our doubts .... So the topic came about from my lovely client, she’s not been well the past 2 weeks and therefore hasn’t been able to go to the gym etc and then she felt like she’s lost progress, it’s tough and upsetting not being able to do something that we want to but physically can’t because our body doesn’t want to, but rest assured I, myself also get these worries and doubts. Just because I’m a personal trainer doesn’t mean I’m not human, we understand exactly where you’re coming from. When I have injuries and niggles, or my workout isn’t going how I want to, trust me, it’s frustrating! Or when we’re having a bad self image/body image day, trust me we’ve all been there. . Instagram is of bodies looking ‘perfect’ and ‘ideal’ but everyone is different! I see people all the time on here and I’m like I want to look like that, but this is me, no one is perfect. So here is me in my true form, nothing to hide, I have body fat, I have cellulite, I don’t have a flat stomach and I have curves. Learn to embrace who you are! It’s taken me years and it’s an ongoing journey but I learn to give less of a shit about others peoples opinions on how I look every time. I hate my legs and my cellulite but I’ve learnt to get on with it and hide it less, this is me at the end of the day. Some days I like how I look, some days I hate it, heck it can even happen on the same day! . Take each day as it comes, and as long as you’re working to be your best, learn to love yourself and embrace every step on the way and remember if you’re ever having any of those worries, you are not the only one . Have a great weekend 😘
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Happy international Women’s day to all you lovely ladies but also happy international YOU day to everyone! 💪🏻 . It’s great that ladies have their own day but why just one day and why just ladies? So this post is for EVERYONE! To everyone trying to be their best, to everyone going through a journey, to everyone trying to achieve something, to everyone going through a tough time, keep doing you and keep going 🙌🏻 We should always be striving to be our best and be yourself, so c...elebrate every damn day 😘 . Let’s get ready to smash another week! ✌🏻
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REFLECTION FRIDAY 💭 . How many of us take time to work on ourselves? Stretching is something I’ve neglected for a good few years, due to laziness, lack of ‘time’ or just because I haven’t .... I’ve been practicing the standing forward bend for a few weeks as well as other movements to open up my hips/ back more and just because I want to see if I can actually ACHIEVE it but also been trying to work more on my mobility/flexibility in the hope that actually it helps with all my injuries/ niggles that I have, but also increased range of movement will benefit you with your lifts . This stretch still has a lot of work to be done but hey I’m happy I actually managed to get my head near my knees so I’ll take it 💁🏻‍♀️ ultimate goal is eventually be able to do the splits because again why not? No harm in trying . Progress is progress so take it as it is and keep working on it, take this thought progress into your gym sessions as well as life and appreciate each step on the way, you’re FURTHER than you were before 🙌🏻
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Not the best of sessions today but we still did it anyways. Managed sumos 120kg for 8 reps 💪🏻 probably could’ve done 10 but back said no 🤷🏻‍♀️


How many of us really push ourselves in our sessions? Do you train with intensity? Could you go further? Chances are all of us can, heck I know I can I’ll admit it 🙋🏻‍♀️ . Yesterday’s rack pulls. Managed 130 for 10 last week, so I went for 140kg this week, chucked something heavy music on, expecting 3 reps or so, I got 6! .... You’ll never know if you don’t TRY. Learn to push yourself and test new limits, you never know, you might surprise yourself at what you can actually achieve. And so what if you fail? At least you TRIED! If you fail you try and try again until you succeed 👊🏻 . Never be afraid to be your BEST!
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Yesterday’s shapes 💅🏻 (excuse the face) Just over 12 weeks to bring all of this in for bodypower . So I had a MASSIVE low day today, a lot of doubt, worry and stress that probably could’ve been avoided but that’s me. If you ever have one of these days (and trust me, even if you think people don’t, they do they just don’t show it), just remember there is ALWAYS tomorrow.... Let that bad day go and move on, find yourself a good network of friends that you can talk to, rely on for support, to listen to you and carry on 👊🏻 . I almost wasn’t going to train today but where would that of gotten me? Nowhere! Remember your why! . I need to listen to my own advice and my coach sometimes but keep going! Feelings are temporary and only you can get yourself out of that situation, try not to stress and remember tomorrow is a new day, put that shit day behind you and beast the next. I for one had a crap hams workout today so tomorrow we carry on but harder! . Much love ✌🏻
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Throw back to the leaner days . Be your own competition, it’s you vs. who you were yesterday, and if you’re better then that person, you’ve won already . Happy Thursday ☺️


Today’s check in (15 weeks out): Left is last Saturday and right is today. Not ready to show you the bikini colours yet sorry, I’ve been waiting since last year to wear this 🙃 . Both these pictures are the same weight, sitting at 71kg. The scale may not show it but right picture, I look tighter/ smaller and my measurements are down... . And this is why you shouldn’t solely rely on the scale, the weight on that scale doesn’t reflect all! Was I annoyed it’s the same? Absolutely not, because I can see the difference. This is why I’ll always tell clients to take pictures and measurements, don’t get disheartened by a number . Bikini by @missbikinifitnessxo
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Post pump from chest, shoulders and arms this evening 💪🏻 . Sessions have been good this week, really working on those mind to muscle connections rather than the weight plus I’ve been using @officialcnp expansion pre workout and I’m definitely seeing the benefits . Really hoping I’ve built some decent delts, and quads under here 👀... . Current state of affairs: 15 weeks out Cardio 30 mins daily + few classes Training x 4-5 a week
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What keeps you motivated? What keeps you going? Whatever it is, keep going 👊🏻 . Never be afraid to be yourself, to be your own motivation, to be your best that you want to be.... Are you doing what you want to do? What makes you happy? If so, then that’s all that matters, keep doing you! . But most importantly, always be yourself, never be afraid to express yourself and show off what you’re proud of, what you’re made of and what you’ve achieved 😘 . Post shoulders and arms today, working round pains and niggles but we’ll get there, 17 weeks out. Hope you all have a great weekend ☺️ @ PureGym Woking
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Here’s my New Years post to you all: . It’s okay to not be okay. I’ve been thinking of the words to write and what to post all day so here is my best shot. I’ve been dreading today, I haven’t felt like celebrating, I haven’t been happy or if I have it’s been behind a fake smile, and I haven’t trained today, because I didn’t want to be around people.... New Years for me is a tough one because it reminds me that it’s another year that my Dad won’t be entering, and it’s tough . Just because it’s New Years, please don’t feel pressured into doing something or being a certain way for a day. The most important thing you can do is be YOU and be true to YOURSELF. If you don’t feel like celebrating it’s fine, know that you’re not the only one, you’re not alone! . This year has shown me a lot of things, who I am as a person, what I’m capable of and what I can achieve. It’s had it’s ups and downs just like anything else. I’ve had an incredible experience of getting up onto stage for the first time and conquering my fears and this is just the beginning . Next week is the start of it all again and I’m exciting to give it my best shot yet. I’ve learnt from the mistakes I’ve made and I’m ready to go again . So this isn’t a new year new me post, this is just me being me but better. I’m great full to everyone who has supported me this year through my highs and lows . I am truly great full to everyone whose shown be support, love and help this year . So my final message to you all is, keep doing you, I hope next year brings you everything that you’ve wanted or worked for and I wish you all the best this evening . Love Leah 😘 (Btw this is Dad’s hat, not a random caption 😂)
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Oh hi there, just your standard flex selfie 💁🏻‍♀️ Post chest, shoulders and arms today and the pump was good, forever working on those shapes and growth . Feeling a lot more positive this week, weights have been going up on my lifts, I’ve been super hyper on my shifts and in classes at work (no idea why!), been getting busier with work and just in general in a happier mood .... I had a lot of self doubts recently, I think where I’m stuck is compared to my position in prep/off season last year, I was at least 6kg heavier, so obviously I looked bigger muscle wise (and fluff wise), which has made me question my overall package for next year, honestly I felt like I’d lost all my hard earnt muscle and I was tiny 🤷🏻‍♀️ . Self doubt is an absolute bitch! The mind does wonderful things sometimes, but what I have to remember is that even though I may not be as big as I was last year, my strength numbers aren’t far off, and I look a lot better, I don’t look stupidly fat for starters 😂 and as an overall I’m a lot more confident in my self image as a whole. I may have the odd day where I’m like oh my tummy looks big or bigger today, and then I’m like fuck it, I’m here to workout and do me, that’s all that matters . So push the self doubts out the way and do you, believe in yourself and keep grinding but most importantly, learn how to be happy within yourself 😘
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Physique update: this mornings check in . A lot happier with my pictures this week compared to last, weight has stabilised since holiday, came in at 71.4kg this morning, which I’m happy with and heading into our final month before the games begin again and cut starts . I won’t lie, this week I’ve struggled more than usual, I feel like I’ve lost who I am, my enthusiasm for training and my motivation this week has just been poor.... I’ve had many, many injuries, old ones and new ones popping up this week, which is hindering my lifts and progress, my body physically just hates me 😂 Self doubts about my body image, my training, I feel like I don’t have much muscle, feel like my bum is tiny or flat, and I still don’t like my legs, however I dislike them less than I used to because if you know me by now, I wouldn’t be posting my back shot check in on here at all . So this week, my main focus is to try and get my drinking back to where it used to, stick at my training, I’ve got massages booked in to try and fix or reduce all these niggles and pains, stick to my food better and just keep pushing through . We all have our moments but we can all do it, just keep going 🙌🏻 . Happy Saturday 😘
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Back to business 💃🏻 . Increase in food this week, first time being able to execute my training programme properly, weight back down from the watery mess it was on holiday, and back to work and clients . Now it’s game time for me, working on increasing that strength again, and working on those shapes ready to smash the stage again next year, I wanna make this back look tiny 💪🏻


Rest. Relax. Recover. Reset . How many of us actually take time for ourselves? This post is on two subjects: self care and body image .... I know I’ve gone on about body image before but like I’ve said before I like to keep it real post show. So currently on holiday (well needed!) I came on holiday heavier than I would of liked to, I’m not particularly happy or comfortable with how I look at the moment but at the same time, this is my well deserved time to relax and if I want to eat something, I’m going to because I won’t get the chance to have some of the foods out here again . I hate the fact I have so much more cellulite on my legs, buts it’s a normal thing! I don’t like my stomach at all, I could go on, but I tell myself in my head, don’t worry what random strangers walking past me are thinking about my body, I try and push all the thoughts out of my mind and just get on with my day because I’m here to enjoy myself. I would also never post pictures of my legs because again they are one of my pet peeves but at the same time who cares?! This is me, this is my body and I will sort it when I want to . Recovery and relaxing is so important, we all need time to break away from reality and reset our minds, figure out what we want from life and where we’re going. I’ve got some shows in place for next year so I know that when I get back, it’s go time. I’m already on my training but will be time to dial the food back in and get back to proper lifting sessions. Currently training my programme but with what I can equipment and weight wise from a hotel gym, still doing 30 mins cardio daily, 4-5 litres water and average 25-30k+ steps a day . Food wise I’ll have something if I want it but I’m also getting better with my choices, all you can eat breakfast today, I could’ve carried on for the sake of it but I didn’t because I didn’t need to, something I wouldn’t of done before. I’m listening to when I’m hungry and trying less to eat for the sake of eating . So learn to love every stage you go through because each one I think personally helps with self growth, you figure what you lies and don’t like and you learn to make life choices from this . Happy Thursday 😘 @ Disney's Beach Club Villas
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Let’s talk body image - what does it mean to you? . I took these photos after my back and legs session on Saturday, great session, new programme and hit new lifts and weights, which I haven’t in a while . However, it’s funny how our mind plays with our self image, how we see ourselves can be completely different and distorted to what anyone else sees... . When I took these I was actually quite surprised, my legs didn’t look as big as I thought, my back ‘overhang’ wasn’t as bad as I thought and I could still see some definition . I’m learning to embrace my new body after being stage lean, gaining my shapes back and liking this new look instead, this is ‘normal’. You forget this is how you used to look, it’s an absolute mind f#🤭 . Learn to love yourself through all stages of your life, the good, the bad. All these stages are what make you, you. What helps you to build your character and your confidence . Learn to love yourself no matter what and screw what anyone else thinks about how you look. Believe in yourself and love it, you only get one body 😘 @ The Warehouse Gym
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More about Lpt

Lpt is located at Pure Gym, Gu21 4nr Woking
Monday: 10:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 21:00
Friday: 10:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 18:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 17:00