Menagerie Tails

About Menagerie Tails

Pet Services / Pet Sitting Boarding and Dog Walking



Last walk of the day my late night one with the twins Roxy and Jerry. We walked through part of Windsor towards Eton and along the river a bit.


Pooped from walkies. Well maybe maybe not πŸ˜‚


This afternoons walk with the twins Jerry and Roxie in Windsor Great Park who I'm looking after from theirs for Christmas πŸŽ„


My walk today with the group. My three Bobby Cody and little Gem πŸ’Ž and my three of my lodging dogs who are here for Christmas πŸŽ„ Skittles and Rudi the Labradoodles and Lena the Romanian rescue street dog πŸ•πŸ’•πŸΎ


Lovely early morning walk with the twins Jerry and Roxie in Windsor


These two little darlings Skittles and Rudi have come to stay with me this evening for Christmas πŸŽ„


Evening stroll around Windsor and Eton with the twins Roxy And Jerry just before their bedtime.


Late afternoon walk with my bunch Bobby Cody Gem and Lena I don't like these dark early days when I have long hours of walking.


Morning walk with the twins this morning Roxy and Jerry in Windsor Great Park


Had to take this little one to the vetter this morning for a ten minute check up after she had a mini op to remove a lump last week. Poor little girlie whimpered as she waited to be seen. She's since forgiven me thankfully


Late evening walk last night with the twins Roxy And Jerry around Windsor town centre and then back to the house for cuddles and TLC which included the cat Rivers.


Yesterday afternoon walk with the twins Roxy And Jerry in Windsor great Park


Yesterday's lunch time walk with Bobby Cody Gem and Lena who has come to stay with me till the beginning of the New Year


Yesterday morning walk with Coco in Winkfield


Early morning walk yesterday with the twins Roxy And Jerry up at Dorney Lake


The twins Jerry and Roxy are feeling pooped after their two walks so far today They have another one later though with me LOL


Back down with the twins this afternoon Jerry and Roxy. I'm looking after these two from today for the week over Christmas


Midday Walkies with my lot Bobby Cody and little Gem πŸ’Ž


Reggie loves his stays here, I wouldn’t want him to stay anywhere else now! He’s always well cared for and looked after as he would be at home (probably more spoilt here!). Highly recommended xx

More about Menagerie Tails

Menagerie Tails is located at 17 Scarborough Way,, sl19jy Slough