Motherrucker Carrying Consultancy

Monday: 09:00 - 12:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 12:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 12:00
Thursday: -
Friday: 09:00 - 12:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 16:30
Sunday: -

About Motherrucker Carrying Consultancy

MotherRucker Studio
Your space to come and learn all about carriers, wraps and slings and how to use them from newborn through toddlerhood and beyond.

Motherrucker Carrying Consultancy Description

This page is for babywearers in and around the Worthing area or those interested in babywearing.

We have a Sling Library with a range of types of carriers and wraps available for hire for £5 per week.

Our qualified babywearing consultant is also available for one-to-one consultations to ensure you and your child's maximum safety and comfort.



Day 175/365
Fantastic day today, full of firsts! The day started with me teaching Dexter how to play Super Mario World on my Nintendo DS. I just taught him how to jump whilst I did the directions and he was ace! He got the hang of it super quickly and it was awesome to share with him my favourite video game of all time.
... With our Christmas money and vouchers for the kids burning holes in our pockets we decided to go into town, do some shopping, go bowling and have lunch before heading home.
Dexter refused to wear shoes and insisted I wrap him on my front whilst we went round the shops. It was lovely because the other day he told me he doesn’t need wraps because they’re for babies. We had some lovely snuggles whilst we shopped.
We bought Dexter his first video game, which he was super excited about. I also got the new Let’s Go Pikachu for the Switch as well.
Trixie is doing much better and was happily snuggled in with Neil the whole time. Her spots are all crusty now so we can venture out a bit more!
We took a quick pit stop Small Batch Coffee Roasters where Dexter drank his first hot chocolate. I’ve bought them for him before but he’s always refused them, not today however! He loved it!
We then headed off bowling for the first time as a family and Dexter loved that too! He had so much fun and got the hang of it really well. I am absolutely terrible at bowling so Dexter did beat me by 23 pins, and Neil won of course.
Then it was a quick McDs before heading home and playing all afternoon. Neil took Trixie for a walk to get supplies and for a nap in our new Joy and Joe baby SMP Lysanne hat made by Caitlin's Keepsakes.
Then it was time for tea and a big first for Trixie... food! She had some boiled carrot batons and wasted no time in gnawing on them, chewing and trying to swallow! We did a combo of blw and purées with Dexter but this time we’re doing 100% blw as we can’t be bothered with purées.
What are your top first finger foods for Trixie to try?
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On the Fourth Day of Christmas my true love gave to me...
... Four Woven Wraps Three Buckles Two Meh Dais At the fab Worthing Sling Library!
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Day 174/365
Well the cats certainly missed us whilst we were away! Zelda had a massive case of the zoomies when we got back last night and just couldn’t settle. She’s stayed in all day cuddling Dexter and letting Trixie “explore” her fur. She didn’t even flinch! Obviously we intervened and stopped Trixie whenever she grabbed, coaching her to use gentle hands.
... The kids had loads of fun playing together today, we also popped to Henry’s for the boys to have a play together and then Dexter went to nursery for a few hours so Neil and I could get some work done.
Trixie had her morning nap in our Integra Baby on Neil’s back. He assured me he’s going to learn how to back carry on his own this time! She had her lunchtime and afternoon naps in her cot.
Once back from nursery we got the play doh out again and Dexter came up with a new game where he hides under the table and says “I’m under the table if you need me Mummy!” I then come up with something I need help with and call for him to come and help. He helps me and then goes back under the table. Repeat ad infinitum.
Whilst he was eating tea, Trixie wanted to explore the busy board and happily sat in front of it playing for a good half an hour!
During bedtime I had a present slipped though the letter box, one of my wonderful clients made me a wooden figure wearing a baby wooden figure on their back! And in brand colours! It’s so adorable, I love it so much.
Family day off tomorrow, trying to decide what we can do that won’t be rammed... suggestions below!
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On the Third Day of Christmas my true love gave to me...
... Three Buckles Two Meh Dais At the fab Worthing Sling Library!
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Day 173/365
Today was our last day in Devon, we’re currently halfway back to Worthing. We’ve had a lovely day today, even with poor Trixie absolutely covered in pox bless her.
... The day started with Zoe and Dexter giving me a make over with Zoe’s toy make up kit she’d got for Christmas.
Then Trixie just couldn’t settle so I popped her in the sling for an hour. She’s spent most of the day snuggling or sleeping in the sling to be honest, it’s really helping her cope with her poxy pox.
Then it was time for the legendary Lake Farmhouse fry up which the kids love too.
Neil, Dexter, Trixie and I went for a walk in the afternoon to get some fresh air. I wore my @rucknrolla PDX Moody Blues as a scarf whilst we walked along just waiting for when Dexter would inevitably want to be carried.
We had a lovely chat as we walked along about birds, plants, prickly bushes, animal tracks, splashing in puddles and watching grass floating along the top of a puddle river. Dexter was loving learning as we walked along! He tripped over a stone after a while and wanted Carrying so I popped him up on my back. It’s getting hard to tie him off in this wrap now and he’s so tall, I’m going to need something longer soon.
We found a waterfall whilst on our walk which he loved listening too, and the. We practiced our silly faces in selfie mode.
I’ve officially admitted defeat with this year’s gingerbread house too. I just couldn’t get that roof on! I’d made the walls too thin so I couldn’t get my usual cocktail stick pegs in to hold it on. Lesson learnt for next year!
I hope you’ve all had a lovely day relaxing after the chaos of Christmas Day.
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TWELVE.DAYS.OF.SLINGMAS . 🎵🎶🎵🎶 . On the Second Day of Christmas my true love gave to me... ... . Two Meh Dais At the fab Worthing Sling Library! . ❤️⭐️🎉🌈🍀🦄💥 . #worthingslinglibrary #amazesling #babywearing #carryingmatters #wearallthebabies #toddlerwearing #oxytocin #babywearersofinstagram #mumtrepeneur #worthing #sunnyworthing #seaside #beachlife #seasidetown #itsaworthingthing #christmas #carol #twelvedays #12days #12daysofchristmas #twelvedaysofchristmas #slingmas
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Day 172/365
After everything we’ve been through the last few days, today has been amazing. My favourite part of Christmas as a kid was opening my stocking and with this being the first year Dexter knows what’s going on I couldn’t wait!
... He LOVED it! He was amazed Father Christmas had managed to sneak into his room and fill it up whilst he slept!
We opened our stockings on our bed as a family of four with Trixie chewing on all hers too. Zoe was ecstatic with her mayonnaise she got in her stocking too.
Then it was downstairs to check on the snacks we’d left out and open our presents. My parents made Dexter and Trixie a busy board to mount onto our wall as their main present which was amazing.
Then it was time for Christmas clothes, snuggles and playtime. Dexter spent hours pushing Zoe’s new double buggy around taking his babies to the park. I also got my best present which was a two hour nap!!! I felt amazing afterwards.
Stories, games, dancing and singing alongside eating Christmas dinner finished off the day beautifully with Dexter and Zoe performing all their Christmas songs and The Greatest Showman for us.
I hope you all had a love filled day too.
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On the First Day of Christmas my true love gave to me...
... The fab Worthing Sling Library!
#worthingslinglibrary #amazesling #babywearing #carryingmatters #wearallthebabies #toddlerwearing #oxytocin #babywearersofinstagram #mumtrepeneur #worthing #sunnyworthing #seaside #beachlife #seasidetown #itsaworthingthing #christmas #carol #twelvedays #12days #12daysofchristmas #twelvedaysofchristmas #slingmas
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Day 171/365
Today started at 3:30am with Trixie waking me up cooing and thumping her legs. She got herself back off to sleep no probs but I was awake. Then I heard commotion downstairs and after Investigation found my sister had been up all night on the phone to 111, the ambulance service and a doctor on call because of how ill she is. Dexter and Zoe got woken up with the hubbub so I got them up and stayed with them whilst my sister got sorted.
... Then Neil brought Trixie down with the news that she has chicken pox, which is why she was a misery yesterday!
Everyone went back to sleep (except mum who was tidying and getting food ready) so Neil and I were left with all three kids until 10:30 when Neil and Alex took the kids for a muddy puddles walk. I was shattered but I took the kid free time to try and get some work done.
During this time however, my brother and his girlfriend decided it was best they left because they couldn’t risk her health around my sister and now Trixie’s pox due to previous issues which we were all sad about but totally understood and supported.
They left, we ate lunch and then me, mum and dad took Zoe and Dexter to see Mary Poppins Returns at the cinema. They loved it! It was Dexter’s first time at the cinema since Parent & Baby and he was amazing. He sat and watched the whole thing so I’m now VERY excited about doing weekend morning movies with him next year!
Neil had to stay at home with Trixie so we didn’t risk spreading her pox around and she slept most of the day.
Then it was tea time, bath time and finally time to put out Father Christmas’s snacks before bed. I am so excited this year, it’s Dexter’s first year really understanding what’s happening and I can’t wait to see his little face tomorrow.
We’re not religious, Christmas for us is a celebration of the year, of magic, of giving, of family and of love. In the words of the Muppets “Wherever you find love, it feels like Christmas”
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#worthingslinglibrary #amazesling #babywearing #carryingmatters #wearallthebabies #toddlerwearing #oxytocin #babywearersofinstagram #mumtrepeneur #worthing #sunnyworthing #seaside #beachlife #seasidetown #itsaworthingthing #christmas #merrychristmas #christmaseve #christmascarol #dickens #itshere #hesonhisway #fatherchristmas #stockings


As much as I love Christmas (and I really do) it does bring a huge amount of stress.
- gift buying - gift wrapping - socialising... - family time - weight gain - hangovers - social pressure - children
Despite all of this, we put ourselves under huge pressure to make Christmas “perfect”. How can it ever be? Perfect doesn’t exist.
Strip. It. Down.
Focus on the key elements that make you happy and blur out everything else.
It’s ok to say NO. No I don’t want to buy anymore gifts, no I can’t be bothered to perfectly wrap everything, no I don’t want to see anyone else, no I don’t care about how much I’m eating, no I don’t want another drink, no I’m not getting dressed, no don’t feed my children anymore sugar.
Christmas is wonderful, it is magical and it is fab to be with those you love. But don’t put yourself under pressure to make it perfect.
Make it yours instead.
#worthingslinglibrary #amazesling #babywearing #carryingmatters #wearallthebabies #toddlerwearing #oxytocin #babywearersofinstagram #mumtrepeneur #worthing #sunnyworthing #seaside #beachlife #seasidetown #itsaworthingthing #christmas #stress #mentalhealth #unobtainable #realisticexpectations #loweryourexpectations #cantbebothered #ownit #makeityours
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Day 169/365
There’s just something so Christmassy about this place. Maybe it’s the fact that the house is over 400 years old, that it’s isolated and surrounded by stunning countryside, and every room has a log burner. It’s wonderful. I love being here for Christmas and I love that we’re here for the first Christmas Dexter really knows what’s going on.
... The kids have had the best day playing with Granny and Grandad, baking Rice Krispie treats and Trixie has been chomping on everything we’ve given her. Her favourite is the trusty old wooden spoon!
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We all have our own way of doing Christmas. For us, it’s stockings in bed first thing. Then when everyone’s up it’s presents under the tree. Followed by getting dressed in sparkly Christmas clothes and having a fry up. We then play with toys, watch Christmas movies and play games all day until Christmas dinner is ready at around 4pm. Christmas dinner takes about 3 hours to eat, have pudding and play games before we settle down in front of the tv to keep eating chocolate all evening.
What are your Christmas traditions?


Day 168/365
Another late post! I’m not out again, well, I kind of am... we’re currently halfway through our 4 hour drive to Devon and I did the first stint so I can finally get on my phone and write!
... Dexter’s (and Trixie when she’s older) main present this year is a tuff spot and there was no way we were going to lug it all the way down to Devon and back again for Christmas so I had the brainwave to set it up last night whilst he was in bed, give him a massive tub of play doh to go with it so that he could play whilst I packed.
It kind of worked... he loved it so much, but he was quite overwhelmed by the amount of play doh and accessories so wanted me with him to help him play. Which was great fun but it meant I didn’t get any packing done.
Trixie napped on my back this morning on our Oscha Skye Tartan in a shoddy double hammock. It’s so hard to wrap her because she’s so much smaller than Dexter! When she woke up she wanted cuddles with Dexter so he showed her how to “do iPad” which was adorable.
Then we all got dressed and got silly playing before headed off to the supermarket to do the snack shop ready for our trip to Devon. Dexter wanted to wear his bunny in his @strongerthreads carrier and his dazed look out the front perfectly encapsulates the expressions on many of the other shoppers faces.
The kids had fun in a double trolley but after half an hour Dexter’s patience with Trixie started wearing thin. Thankfully we were nearly done so it wasn’t too bad!
Back home and as Trixie had fallen asleep in the car and stayed asleep when we got home, I took the opportunity to have some proper play doh fun with Dexter. This was then followed by cuddles on the sofa and a failed attempt to get Trixie to have another nap before Neil got home.
Then the whirlwind of packing started and we both kids into the car ready to leave at 7pm. We always do long car journeys in the evenings so that the kids will sleep. Much easier than trying to entertain and feed them whilst travelling!
Tomorrow, we awake in Devon. I can’t bloody wait!!!
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Day 167/365
It’s not midnight yet so I haven’t missed it!!! I’ve had a FABULOUS evening out tonight with these gorgeous mamas to celebrate Christmas together. The only place to take them was to The Woods - Burger Kitchen and treat them to a festive f e a s t!
... As it’s late, it’s a only a quickie. This morning I discovered Dexter has learnt my selfie face, Trixie had all of her naps on our backs today, Neil was working from home so could wear her for them which was a massive help.
Busy library session this morning, consults in the afternoon and a fabulous evening out for dinner.
Tomorrow it’s packing all day and then heading off to Devon!
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Thank you so much to everyone for your business, support and friendship this year. This has been my best year yet and I can’t wait for what next year will bring.
I’m taking Gemma, Charissa, Vicci, Lou, Lindsay, Jenny and Alice out tonight for a well earned dinner to say a massive thank you to them for all their hard work this year too.
... Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and the Happiest of New Years. See you in 2019!
Lysanne xxx
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Day 166/365
In bed. Migraine. Bullet point post.
... ~ Excellent start to the day when I managed to have a shower, do my hair and make up and get dressed courtesy of the iPad and the jumperoo keeping both kids occupied long enough ~ saw a double rainbow on our way to soft play ~SOFT PLAY ~pizza for lunch with Henry, Dexter’s BBF and his Mum Leigh who is swiftly be coming one of mine ~Back nap from Trixie meant I could sit and eat my lunch whilst she slept ~@integrababy webbing is great for teething babies ~sleepy toddler all afternoon ~baby also slept ~attempted to engage toddler in wholesome Christmas activity of decorating gingerbread, he just ate the decorations ~TRIXIE CAN SIT UP UNAIDED (for about a minute) ~Daddy came home and saved me so I could go to bed.
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You will be so welcome at Sling Library HQ tomorrow where we'll have more carriers than you can shake a stick at to try on and hire, as well as our Pop Up Sling Shop for you to purchase from.
✔️ FREE fit checks on your own carriers... ✔️ FREE advice regarding all things babywearing ✔️ FREE try ons of library carriers ✔️ FREE stretchy wrap scheme ✔️ Carrier hires ✔️ Pop Up Shop ✔️ Tasty refreshments ✔️ Lovely people to chat to
See you then!
Please note I am unable to accommodate prams in my home, please either leave them outside (I live in a very quiet cul-de-sac) or don't bring them as I don't have room! There will be tea, coffee, cake and squash which you can help yourself to, please just leave a donation to cover costs.
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We went on the beginning to babywearing workshop today. We really enjoyed ourselves, lysanne was so informative and made us feel relaxed and welcomed. We got to try on a lots of different types of slings and came out with a totally different sling to the one we thought we wanted! Totally recommend!


Slings have proven to be a life saver and helped me keep my sanity! I wish I had been more open minded to the idea when my son was younger. When I finally got round to attending the library Lysanne made baby wearing seem so accessible. Her enthusiasm is contagious and matched by her knowledge. Within a few weeks I felt comfortable and confident using slings. There's something so special about holding your baby close and I am cherishing all the baby cuddles that a sling facilitates. Can't thank you enough Lysanne!


My Husband and myself had a 1:1 consultation today. It was amazing! We both felt very comfortable, learnt a lot about all types of carrier and were able to try on loads to see which one suited us best. I am now very excited to try my carrier tomorrow � Thank you xxx


Lysanne provided a fantastic work shop around the different carriers available, how best to use them and there benefits. I struggled putting my son in a sling 3 years ago which gave me back pain but with Lysannes expertise I now know how to use it properly making the baby virtually weightless and safe in our sling. Getting her expertise was fantastic and her approach is both fun and professional. I would recommend her to anyone as just a bit of knowledge will go a long way to safely carrying your baby. Thankyou


Lysanne is so friendly and knowledgeable. I first met her at her Starbucks drop in with my newborn and purchased a stretchy wrap. I was new to baby wearing and she was very patient and taught me how to do it. I've since attended a workshop and a one to one which have been fantastic. The slings available to hire are all great quality and Lysanne offers excellent advice on hiring and buying to help you find the right one. I have recommended Worthing Sling Library to several of my friends and will continue to do so!


Lysanne is brilliant. So very knowledgable. We dropped into the Starbucks drop in when Jasper was only 4 weeks old and started our carrying journey with a wrap, which lysanne showed me how to do- which can was really easy. After that we had a one to one at my house and she wen through different types of buckle carriers as i wanted one for going away. I was able to try out different carriers on weekly hires until we found one that both Jasper and I got on with. Highly recommend her services. Extremely knowledgeable and very friendly and approachable


Lysanne introduced me to the amazing connecta sling which has been brilliant at allowing me to be hands free enabling me to do more with my 2 year old whilst keeping my 5 month old happy too. It has made life a lot easier. The beginners workshop was also really helpful in showing me the variety of sling options and different ways of carrying. Thank you 😊


I went to the drop in when my girl was 4 weeks old and have just done a workshop with Lysanne. She is so helpful and knowledgeable! She explains how to use them in a really easy to understand way & gives lots of tips on using them. I have come away feeling confident in using the different varieties now and am looking forward to trying to walk both of our dogs at the same time for once! Haha thank you Lysanne for your help! �����


I met lysanne today at a drop in at Starbucks!! I have been wearing my girlie since she was born but it was so great to have advice and hire a carrier for our holiday as she's out growing the ones we have very quickly! Such a nice lady and a really fab business! Thanks for your help!


I met lysanne at the sling library today where she fitted me with a sling for me to wear my 4 week old daughter. She was so knowledgeable, helpful, kind, understanding and funny and I feel like my sling is going to revolutionise my life. I cried when she got me and my daughter in it!! I would highly recommend Lysanne and her slings. She was lovely �


I have been using lysanne's sling library since my little one was 3 months old and she is brilliant. I've become much more confident with baby wearing and have been able to try loads of different carriers before investing in one that I love.

I have also attended the woven workshop and the back carrying workshop which have been really useful. Lysanne works hard to make sure you have one-to-one support even in a group where people have different levels of experience, different carriers and different sized babies!

I am always recommending Worthing sling library to people and will continue to do so! (Refer a friend incentives lysanne......?!)


I can't thank Lysanne enough! Being a first time mum I was so overwhelmed with the complete inability to get anything done with a baby going through a clingy phase. After a home consultation I hired two slings and born myself and my other half are now happy and confident to use them with our little boy, keeping everyone happy and giving me back some freedom with my hands!

So friendly, welcoming and knowledgable, completely put a very nervous first timer at ease so thank you! Will definitely be trying to come along to some meet ups in the future


I booked a 1:1 consultation and I am really pleased I did. Lysanne was so friendly and helpful, talking through all the different options and ensuring I was confident with the sling. It was great to try the sling with my baby and be confident in knowing it was fitted correctly.


I attended the 2 hour back carrying workshop with my 6 month old son last week. The workshop was fantastic and I can highly recommend. It was really relaxed and informal and am now confident enough to carry my son on my back using our Connecta sling. There was lots of time to practice and even some spare time to show us a side carry and a ring sling It was also a great chance to meet other mums and babies and enjoy some coffee and cake! We had a great time. Also Dexter is very happy to share all his toys with your babies which will keep them entertained whilst you practice your new sling skills. Thank you very much Lysanne and Dexter! x


I attended a back carrier workshop this morning and it was great. I had hired a carrier and tried using it on my back at home using you tube for advice. This workshop was 100x better. Lysanne showed us a safe and easy way to use the carriers and helped us practice it many times until we were confident. She is very knowledgeable and there was plenty of time to ask questions and chat to other mums. I now feel empowered to use my carrier and confident that my baby is safe. Thank you.


Had the first half of my maternity session today. I learnt loads! The hour flew by! Can’t wait for our second session when baby is here. Lysanne is so knowledgeable, friendly and fun. I can’t wait to join in with cinema trips and drops ins once baby is here!


George and I attended the back carrying workshop this morning, we had so much fun. Not only can we now back carry with our Connecta and ring sling but we had a great time with the other ladies and babies. So relaxed, clear and supportive, Lysanne is an amazing instructor and had us all back carrying with our babies within an hour. I couldn't recommend this workshop enough, I feel so confident to back carry after just a few hours, which would of taken me weeks to get at home on my own. Thank you �


Fantastic support and information on all things babywearing! I cannot recommend Worthing Sling Library enough, especially with the added bonus of wonderful tea and cake! Thank you so much for your help �


Amazing, can’t recommend enough. Thank you for taking the time to demonstrate the sling and for the hire facilities. I love it already and so does Sophie. Really friendly group. Thank you. X


We went on the beginning to babywearing workshop today. We really enjoyed ourselves, lysanne was so informative and made us feel relaxed and welcomed. We got to try on a lots of different types of slings and came out with a totally different sling to the one we thought we wanted! Totally recommend!


Slings have proven to be a life saver and helped me keep my sanity! I wish I had been more open minded to the idea when my son was younger. When I finally got round to attending the library Lysanne made baby wearing seem so accessible. Her enthusiasm is contagious and matched by her knowledge. Within a few weeks I felt comfortable and confident using slings. There's something so special about holding your baby close and I am cherishing all the baby cuddles that a sling facilitates. Can't thank you enough Lysanne!


My Husband and myself had a 1:1 consultation today. It was amazing! We both felt very comfortable, learnt a lot about all types of carrier and were able to try on loads to see which one suited us best. I am now very excited to try my carrier tomorrow ÔŅĹ Thank you xxx


Lysanne provided a fantastic work shop around the different carriers available, how best to use them and there benefits. I struggled putting my son in a sling 3 years ago which gave me back pain but with Lysannes expertise I now know how to use it properly making the baby virtually weightless and safe in our sling. Getting her expertise was fantastic and her approach is both fun and professional. I would recommend her to anyone as just a bit of knowledge will go a long way to safely carrying your baby. Thankyou


Lysanne is so friendly and knowledgeable. I first met her at her Starbucks drop in with my newborn and purchased a stretchy wrap. I was new to baby wearing and she was very patient and taught me how to do it. I've since attended a workshop and a one to one which have been fantastic. The slings available to hire are all great quality and Lysanne offers excellent advice on hiring and buying to help you find the right one. I have recommended Worthing Sling Library to several of my friends and will continue to do so!


Lysanne is brilliant. So very knowledgable. We dropped into the Starbucks drop in when Jasper was only 4 weeks old and started our carrying journey with a wrap, which lysanne showed me how to do- which can was really easy. After that we had a one to one at my house and she wen through different types of buckle carriers as i wanted one for going away. I was able to try out different carriers on weekly hires until we found one that both Jasper and I got on with. Highly recommend her services. Extremely knowledgeable and very friendly and approachable


Lysanne introduced me to the amazing connecta sling which has been brilliant at allowing me to be hands free enabling me to do more with my 2 year old whilst keeping my 5 month old happy too. It has made life a lot easier. The beginners workshop was also really helpful in showing me the variety of sling options and different ways of carrying. Thank you ūüėä


I went to the drop in when my girl was 4 weeks old and have just done a workshop with Lysanne. She is so helpful and knowledgeable! She explains how to use them in a really easy to understand way & gives lots of tips on using them. I have come away feeling confident in using the different varieties now and am looking forward to trying to walk both of our dogs at the same time for once! Haha thank you Lysanne for your help! ÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹÔŅĹ


I met lysanne today at a drop in at Starbucks!! I have been wearing my girlie since she was born but it was so great to have advice and hire a carrier for our holiday as she's out growing the ones we have very quickly! Such a nice lady and a really fab business! Thanks for your help!


I met lysanne at the sling library today where she fitted me with a sling for me to wear my 4 week old daughter. She was so knowledgeable, helpful, kind, understanding and funny and I feel like my sling is going to revolutionise my life. I cried when she got me and my daughter in it!! I would highly recommend Lysanne and her slings. She was lovely ÔŅĹ


I have been using lysanne's sling library since my little one was 3 months old and she is brilliant. I've become much more confident with baby wearing and have been able to try loads of different carriers before investing in one that I love.

I have also attended the woven workshop and the back carrying workshop which have been really useful. Lysanne works hard to make sure you have one-to-one support even in a group where people have different levels of experience, different carriers and different sized babies!

I am always recommending Worthing sling library to people and will continue to do so! (Refer a friend incentives lysanne......?!)


I can't thank Lysanne enough! Being a first time mum I was so overwhelmed with the complete inability to get anything done with a baby going through a clingy phase. After a home consultation I hired two slings and born myself and my other half are now happy and confident to use them with our little boy, keeping everyone happy and giving me back some freedom with my hands!

So friendly, welcoming and knowledgable, completely put a very nervous first timer at ease so thank you! Will definitely be trying to come along to some meet ups in the future


I booked a 1:1 consultation and I am really pleased I did. Lysanne was so friendly and helpful, talking through all the different options and ensuring I was confident with the sling. It was great to try the sling with my baby and be confident in knowing it was fitted correctly.


I attended the 2 hour back carrying workshop with my 6 month old son last week. The workshop was fantastic and I can highly recommend. It was really relaxed and informal and am now confident enough to carry my son on my back using our Connecta sling. There was lots of time to practice and even some spare time to show us a side carry and a ring sling It was also a great chance to meet other mums and babies and enjoy some coffee and cake! We had a great time. Also Dexter is very happy to share all his toys with your babies which will keep them entertained whilst you practice your new sling skills. Thank you very much Lysanne and Dexter! x


I attended a back carrier workshop this morning and it was great. I had hired a carrier and tried using it on my back at home using you tube for advice. This workshop was 100x better. Lysanne showed us a safe and easy way to use the carriers and helped us practice it many times until we were confident. She is very knowledgeable and there was plenty of time to ask questions and chat to other mums. I now feel empowered to use my carrier and confident that my baby is safe. Thank you.


Had the first half of my maternity session today. I learnt loads! The hour flew by! Can’t wait for our second session when baby is here. Lysanne is so knowledgeable, friendly and fun. I can’t wait to join in with cinema trips and drops ins once baby is here!


George and I attended the back carrying workshop this morning, we had so much fun. Not only can we now back carry with our Connecta and ring sling but we had a great time with the other ladies and babies. So relaxed, clear and supportive, Lysanne is an amazing instructor and had us all back carrying with our babies within an hour. I couldn't recommend this workshop enough, I feel so confident to back carry after just a few hours, which would of taken me weeks to get at home on my own. Thank you ÔŅĹ


Fantastic support and information on all things babywearing! I cannot recommend Worthing Sling Library enough, especially with the added bonus of wonderful tea and cake! Thank you so much for your help ÔŅĹ


Amazing, can’t recommend enough. Thank you for taking the time to demonstrate the sling and for the hire facilities. I love it already and so does Sophie. Really friendly group. Thank you. X


We went on the beginning to babywearing workshop today. We really enjoyed ourselves, lysanne was so informative and made us feel relaxed and welcomed. We got to try on a lots of different types of slings and came out with a totally different sling to the one we thought we wanted! Totally recommend!


Slings have proven to be a life saver and helped me keep my sanity! I wish I had been more open minded to the idea when my son was younger. When I finally got round to attending the library Lysanne made baby wearing seem so accessible. Her enthusiasm is contagious and matched by her knowledge. Within a few weeks I felt comfortable and confident using slings. There's something so special about holding your baby close and I am cherishing all the baby cuddles that a sling facilitates. Can't thank you enough Lysanne!


My Husband and myself had a 1:1 consultation today. It was amazing! We both felt very comfortable, learnt a lot about all types of carrier and were able to try on loads to see which one suited us best. I am now very excited to try my carrier tomorrow � Thank you xxx


Lysanne provided a fantastic work shop around the different carriers available, how best to use them and there benefits. I struggled putting my son in a sling 3 years ago which gave me back pain but with Lysannes expertise I now know how to use it properly making the baby virtually weightless and safe in our sling. Getting her expertise was fantastic and her approach is both fun and professional. I would recommend her to anyone as just a bit of knowledge will go a long way to safely carrying your baby. Thankyou


Lysanne is so friendly and knowledgeable. I first met her at her Starbucks drop in with my newborn and purchased a stretchy wrap. I was new to baby wearing and she was very patient and taught me how to do it. I've since attended a workshop and a one to one which have been fantastic. The slings available to hire are all great quality and Lysanne offers excellent advice on hiring and buying to help you find the right one. I have recommended Worthing Sling Library to several of my friends and will continue to do so!


Lysanne is brilliant. So very knowledgable. We dropped into the Starbucks drop in when Jasper was only 4 weeks old and started our carrying journey with a wrap, which lysanne showed me how to do- which can was really easy. After that we had a one to one at my house and she wen through different types of buckle carriers as i wanted one for going away. I was able to try out different carriers on weekly hires until we found one that both Jasper and I got on with. Highly recommend her services. Extremely knowledgeable and very friendly and approachable


Lysanne introduced me to the amazing connecta sling which has been brilliant at allowing me to be hands free enabling me to do more with my 2 year old whilst keeping my 5 month old happy too. It has made life a lot easier. The beginners workshop was also really helpful in showing me the variety of sling options and different ways of carrying. Thank you 😊


I went to the drop in when my girl was 4 weeks old and have just done a workshop with Lysanne. She is so helpful and knowledgeable! She explains how to use them in a really easy to understand way & gives lots of tips on using them. I have come away feeling confident in using the different varieties now and am looking forward to trying to walk both of our dogs at the same time for once! Haha thank you Lysanne for your help! �����


I met lysanne today at a drop in at Starbucks!! I have been wearing my girlie since she was born but it was so great to have advice and hire a carrier for our holiday as she's out growing the ones we have very quickly! Such a nice lady and a really fab business! Thanks for your help!


I met lysanne at the sling library today where she fitted me with a sling for me to wear my 4 week old daughter. She was so knowledgeable, helpful, kind, understanding and funny and I feel like my sling is going to revolutionise my life. I cried when she got me and my daughter in it!! I would highly recommend Lysanne and her slings. She was lovely �


I have been using lysanne's sling library since my little one was 3 months old and she is brilliant. I've become much more confident with baby wearing and have been able to try loads of different carriers before investing in one that I love.

I have also attended the woven workshop and the back carrying workshop which have been really useful. Lysanne works hard to make sure you have one-to-one support even in a group where people have different levels of experience, different carriers and different sized babies!

I am always recommending Worthing sling library to people and will continue to do so! (Refer a friend incentives lysanne......?!)


I can't thank Lysanne enough! Being a first time mum I was so overwhelmed with the complete inability to get anything done with a baby going through a clingy phase. After a home consultation I hired two slings and born myself and my other half are now happy and confident to use them with our little boy, keeping everyone happy and giving me back some freedom with my hands!

So friendly, welcoming and knowledgable, completely put a very nervous first timer at ease so thank you! Will definitely be trying to come along to some meet ups in the future


I booked a 1:1 consultation and I am really pleased I did. Lysanne was so friendly and helpful, talking through all the different options and ensuring I was confident with the sling. It was great to try the sling with my baby and be confident in knowing it was fitted correctly.


I attended the 2 hour back carrying workshop with my 6 month old son last week. The workshop was fantastic and I can highly recommend. It was really relaxed and informal and am now confident enough to carry my son on my back using our Connecta sling. There was lots of time to practice and even some spare time to show us a side carry and a ring sling It was also a great chance to meet other mums and babies and enjoy some coffee and cake! We had a great time. Also Dexter is very happy to share all his toys with your babies which will keep them entertained whilst you practice your new sling skills. Thank you very much Lysanne and Dexter! x


I attended a back carrier workshop this morning and it was great. I had hired a carrier and tried using it on my back at home using you tube for advice. This workshop was 100x better. Lysanne showed us a safe and easy way to use the carriers and helped us practice it many times until we were confident. She is very knowledgeable and there was plenty of time to ask questions and chat to other mums. I now feel empowered to use my carrier and confident that my baby is safe. Thank you.


Had the first half of my maternity session today. I learnt loads! The hour flew by! Can’t wait for our second session when baby is here. Lysanne is so knowledgeable, friendly and fun. I can’t wait to join in with cinema trips and drops ins once baby is here!


George and I attended the back carrying workshop this morning, we had so much fun. Not only can we now back carry with our Connecta and ring sling but we had a great time with the other ladies and babies. So relaxed, clear and supportive, Lysanne is an amazing instructor and had us all back carrying with our babies within an hour. I couldn't recommend this workshop enough, I feel so confident to back carry after just a few hours, which would of taken me weeks to get at home on my own. Thank you �


Fantastic support and information on all things babywearing! I cannot recommend Worthing Sling Library enough, especially with the added bonus of wonderful tea and cake! Thank you so much for your help �


Amazing, can’t recommend enough. Thank you for taking the time to demonstrate the sling and for the hire facilities. I love it already and so does Sophie. Really friendly group. Thank you. X

More about Motherrucker Carrying Consultancy

Motherrucker Carrying Consultancy is located at 187 Tarring Road, BN11 4HN Worthing, West Sussex
Monday: 09:00 - 12:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 12:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 12:00
Thursday: -
Friday: 09:00 - 12:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 16:30
Sunday: -