Old Tree

About Old Tree

Brewery producing live botanical brews. Founded to fund the planting of forest gardens. Earth care through local plant drink supply and harvest celebration. Botanical drinks for edible landscapes. . L i v i n g D r i n k s F o r L i v i n g S o i l.

Old Tree Description

Botanical brewery inspired by abundant wild plant landscapes, producing a unique range of small-batch, probiotic and celebration drinks.

Social enterprise producing LIVING DRINKS FOR LIVING SOIL ŌĆō combining brewing and gardening to produce the most nourishing and exciting seasonal drinks.

First brewery founded to operate like an Old Tree, to: "Make oxygen, sequester carbon, fix nitrogen, distill water, accrue solar energy as fuel, create complex sugars and food, create micro-climates, provide a rich habitat for many creatures, change colour with the seasons and self-replicate. "



@leonrestaurants it was a pleasure providing your wellness party with our #botanicalbrews last night. The Brighton Gin @brightonginstergram and Rosemary hydrosol cocktail was the most popular and the #rosewater Ginbucha! We had a lot of fun meeting you all and making drinks with your Roses ­¤īĖ ­¤Ź╗­¤ÉØ


Yesterday our great friend and partner In foraging and flower wines - Samson bought 5 Kilos of Sussex garden Rose petals and 4 kilos of Elderflowers!!! We were completely blown away by how much he managed to #forage in a couple of days last weekend and are happy that this is the first time weŌĆÖve managed to pay for foraging as an enterprise - in the past it has always been part of the labour of love but we really needed to capture the best of #local ­¤ī╝ #flowers to flavour our summers drinks with and so Samsons foraging was well worth it. @greengathering_ the elderflowers have been preserved for you! More info on our work with Rose #distillation coming soon ­¤ī│­¤īĖ­¤Ź╗­¤ÆÜ


Just 12 days til this incredible #smallfestival kicks off ŌĆō we are the woodland area and botanical probiotics drinks bar. https://www.facebook.com/events/333142207 389160/ Hope to see you there!


Like bees ­¤ÉØ in the #borage plants ­¤ī▒.. We are in awe with the ­¤īĖ flowers at the moment! On Thursday we are excited to be offering some of our finest #seasonal #botanical cocktails to the good folks of @leonrestaurants and all the borage seeds we planted @rockfarmveg and with @fullcirclefarmertom will definitely be involved, as well as our incredible Rose elixir that is favouring the current batch of seasonal #kombucha coming to @hisbe_food this week. And @trewfields.festival we cannot wait to share the probiotic #botanical menu with you for this year! #livebotanicalbrews #drinkforestgardens


@rockfarmveg today, making compost, harvesting garlic, picking elderflowers and applying some of our #biochar to some beds for growing trials. This afternoon weŌĆÖre packing up some of the finest crushed biochar we have to send of to two people who donated for it as perks on our #crowdfunder to #growoldtree Rock farm Fridays are a great way to escape the city rush - if you fancy joining us we will be organising weekly trips via a WhatsApp group more now we have finished the crowdfunding campaign and the #oldtree shop.. coming back soon! Watch this space ­¤ī▒­¤ī│­¤ÉØ­¤Ź╗­¤īĖ


As we get all of our crowdfunded rewards ready this week, we've also started brewing for Trew Fields Festival, where we are the woodland botanical brews bar.
We can't recommend this small festival more and we're pleased to announce that if you are thinking of coming - we can offer you a special Old Tree friends code too get 10% off the ticket price. Reply here if you'd like the code with you email address and we'll send you the link !
Hope to see you in this field of inspiration!


Yesterday we installed our second #oldtreebrewery #kombucha #refilstation inside the incredible #plasticfree pantry @harrietsofhove in Hove!! Harriet was very happy about it and we are all thankful to the 165 people that supported our #crowdfunder campaign to #growoldtree - this is the first of 5 refill stations weŌĆÖre planning to form a network around #Brighton and eliminate the throwaway culture and ŌĆśfrankenboochŌĆÖ imitations of live drinks invading with filthy ­¤īŹ footprints !! We are becoming a proper kombucha refill brewery now as this is still just the beginning!! ­¤ī¤­¤Ź╗­¤ÖÅ­¤ī│­¤ī╝­¤ŹÅ­¤ÉØ­¤Öī­¤”ŗ­¤īĖ­ ¤īłŌ£©­¤Æ”­¤ī▒­¤Źō


Off to stock up @hisbe_food again. ItŌĆÖs a twice a week delivery for us to make sure all the kegs in the #refillstation and bottles on the #kombucha are in good supply. WeŌĆÖre excited to put our #rose #kombucha on as soon as the #rawhoney shrub soda has all gone. #drinkup Hisbeans Drink up! #livingdrinksforlivingsoil #minimalwaste #local #ethical #shop


#Sussex #Garden freshly foraged Rose water Kombucha coming this week!! Grab your empty bottles and Drop into our fermentation station ­¤Üē basement at Yachtwerks HQ for a taste ­¤ī¤­¤īĖ­¤ÆÜ


Radio Reverb chat with Tom today ­¤ÆÜ­¤Öīhttps://embeds.audioboom.com/ŌĆ”/ 7290165-brighton-bŌĆ”/embed/v4ŌĆ”


This afternoon Tom is on Radio Reverb Business show with Vivienne Smith talking about what we are doing with our crowdfunder and fermentation station in #Brighton. As well as our wider goals spread edible gardens with our bioregional botanical drinks production and refill stations. We have heard that itŌĆÖs on around 2.30pm if your interested! ­¤ÆÜ


ŌĆśTo see the world in a grain of sand. To see heaven in a wild flower. Hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.ŌĆÖ (W.Blake)
Everyone stop and smell the roses today! They have started to drop their petals as the Rosacea plants begin the formation of their seeds.
We have discovered the power of rose water to flavour our #livedrinks with and can not wait to do more with this incredible #botanical
... Our idea is to build community and make the best use of local ­¤ī▒­¤īĖresources by inviting local people to bring us their #rose flowers in exchange for #kombucha.
Forest gardening and fermentation for health and earth repair! ­¤īŹ­¤ÖÅ­¤ÆÜ
#closedloop #nofilter #goldenratio #perfection #oldtreebrewery
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@rockfarmveg today and the #compfrey ­¤ī▒we moved from the @fieldbtn forest garden is absolutely buzzing with pollinator life ­¤ÉØ! HereŌĆÖs a pic with our #seabuckthorn #ediblehedgerow in the back ground. So good to see everything thriving after the recent heavy rains - the #Swale we dug is coming into its own! #permaculture #plantbased #brewery


This documentary reveals the harrowing truth about the single use plastics and 'recycling'.
We have to say no to single use plastic in packing. It should be banned completely unless it can be ethically and intelligently recycled, but in the mean time we can all make a big difference by changing our consumption habit to support more #refill culture and consumption.
We are investing ┬Ż5000 of our #crowdfunded cash on new refill stations for #brighton's best minimal waste store...s ŌĆō coming first are Harriet's of Hove and Store Brighton and we have several others to invest in, with the final destination to be decided upon.. Infinity Foods Co-operative Ltd is a possibility and the new Bus Station cafe bar in Lewes !
WHERE would you like there to be a #kombucha and live botanical brews refill station (in Brighton or #sussex only atm)??
Once we have the network of refill stations running we are confident we will be able to make the collection and refill of more of our glass bottles economically viable - because we can supply the cleaned up bottles back to the outlets such as HISBE Food for a wholesale price that works also to speed up the supply from the refill station.
Glass bottle recycling is a big step we can all take to reduce plastic bottle consumption and stop feeding this terrible industry.
Next week we'll be announcing the launch of our own refill fermentation station, so watch this space and please spread the good word ­¤īÄ­¤Ź╗ lovers! ­¤ÖÅ
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We have a very exciting announcement and new product #englishgarden #rose ­¤ī╣­¤īĖ #kombucha!! Yesterday morning, Tom picked a big basket of roses from just two loaded rose bushes in #sussex We steam distilled them and have been blending with our kombucha since then. ItŌĆÖs tasting incredible!! WeŌĆÖre going to put it #ontap at our own Fermentation Station next. In this video, Tom shares a tip on rose harvesting at this time of year, when they are all about to shed their flowers, to retain available #pollen for the #bees and preserve the stem for the development of the #rosehip ­¤śĆ­¤ī▒­¤ÆÜ


Our amazing #organic #lemons arrived from @crowd_farming last week and we have already juiced them and used to brew our #smallbatch #elderflower #champagne which is bubbling away nicely ready to go out for the perks for our #crowdfunder campaign. We want to build a properly #regenerative #brewery. A brewery that creates gardens and wildlife around it; that is big enough to cope but small enough to care... and through composting and #biofchar brewing helps us reverse climate change instead of accelerate it. Every purchase of Old Tree drinks supports this work ! We are going to be working a lot on sales in the next months so please keep your eye out and help us make Old Tree more sustainable by enjoying our #Kombucha or #seasonal specials #ontap ­¤ÖÅ­¤ī╝­¤ÉØ­¤Ź╗­¤ÆÜ­¤ŹŠ­¤Öī

More about Old Tree

Old Tree is located at 28 Richmond Place, BN2 9NA Brighton