Personal Fitness Development

Monday: 06:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 21:00
Friday: 06:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Personal Fitness Development

I studied
Level 3 Advance personal training,
NASM National academy of sports medicine
GP exercise referral
Level 4 Lower back pain management

Personal Fitness Development Description

I am an extremely well qualified advanced personal trainer with over 8years experience. I will motivate and push you to reach your goals. Eating healthy and keeping fit is something I have a vast passion for, especially when I can encourage you to do the same. I am a specialist in weight loss, body sculpting and core stability. This includes circuit training to work you hard, weight lifting to get your desired physique and I will offer you tailored nutritional advice to ensure you reach your full potential. I am fully dedicated to helping you reach your targets and you will have my full support as I strongly believe training with me will make a great difference to your life. I am happy to offer a FREE consultation.



Cardio should be fun and enjoyable, if you don't enjoy it, then change it up! I find going on traditional cardio equipment boring as hell! That's why I rarely do it, but get me doing tyre flips, ball slams, battle ropes and although I'm blowing out my arse I love it, because it's different and more enjoyable. . Psychological profiling is the main thing. ... Fit your training around your psychological profile, what do I mean by this you ask? . Well I enjoy doing bodybuilding style training, sometimes I get fed up with it and move over to strength base training. For the past 8 weeks I've been doing full body workouts 3 times a week and mixing things up. This way it keeps my training interesting for me and i don't get bored and results keep coming. . Switch up your training and make it fun for you, but make sure you push it hard each session! . If you're looking for a program to help you reach your goals DM me or contact me on 07852809096. . Have a great day people x . #fatloss #cleaneating #musclebuilding #wokingham #arborfield #bracknell #barkham #finchampstead #binfield #twyford #crowthorn #reading #berkshire #livingwellreading #greenpark #onlinecoach #personalfitnessdevelopment #fullbodyworkout
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BUSY ON THE GO MEAL PLAN TO KEEP YOU ON TRACK! . When life is just rush rush for you and you havn't prepped any meals, it doesn't mean you have to eat crap aiming to achieve a fat loss goal. . This meal template I have put together means you can get it whiles you're out and on the go and purchase these food items in a supermarket, and the best part is it's nutritionally dense and is high in fibre. ... . Start your monday off strong 💪 . If you're looking to drop some body fat or build some lean muscle for your summer holiday, we can get you set up on a plan from today. . For more information contact me on 07852809096. Personal Fitness Development Eat Well, Train Right, Feel Great! . #fatloss #cleaneating #musclebuilding #wokingham #arborfield #bracknell #barkham #finchampstead #binfield #twyford #crowthorn #reading #berkshire #livingwellreading #greenpark #onlinecoach #personalfitnessdevelopment
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Shoulder mobility is so important especially when the purpose of our training is to increase our health and wellbeing, not cause injuries! . Something I do in my own training and when training all my clients is making sure we all warm up properly. . You can't just step into the gym, not warm up and head straight to the bench press and start training. Doing this is a recipe for disaster and you're giving yourself a one way ticket to injury city!... . Focus on doing some mobility drills, warm the muscles up efficiently, getting plenty of flexibility at the end of your sessions so you can get the most out your workouts. . Enjoy the rest of your weekend. . If you're looking to drop some body fat or build some lean muscle, improve core strength then contact me on 07852809096 and we can get you started on a plan. Personal Fitness Development Eat Well, Train Right, Feel Great! . #fatloss #mobility #musclebuilding #wokingham #arborfield #bracknell #barkham #finchampstead #binfield #twyford #crowthorn #reading #berkshire #livingwellreading #greenpark #livingwellreading #onlinecoach #personalfitnessdevelopment
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Stuggling for time and would like to reach a fat loss goal? . My client Mark came to me during the week and said he's schedule is so busy and doesn't have time to train outside of our sessions. . I asked how long he spends in the gym and he said 25 minutes because of his busy schedule, so i managed to create an effective fat burning workout in 20 minutes (win win) 😁... . So workout was as follows ⬇️ . Full body circuit . KB swing 10 reps Cable chest press 10-12 reps KB squats 10 reps Cable lat pulldown 10 reps . X4 1-2 mins rest . Tabata on the air dine bike 20 seconds sprint 10 seconds rest X8 . By the end of this workout I was wiped out and had nothing left it me. . If you're looking to drop some body fat or build some lean muscle for your summer holiday, why not try out our 30 minute 1-2-1 personal training for £20 a session or train with a buddy for £12.50 each. . For more information contact me on 07852809096. Personal Fitness Development Eat Well, Train Right, Feel Great! . #fatloss #cavemantraining #musclebuilding #wokingham #arborfield #bracknell #barkham #finchampstead #binfield #twyford #crowthorn #reading #berkshire #livingwellreading #greenpark #onlinecoach #personalfitnessdevelopment
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After a wikid full body workout with @wokinghamosteopaths at @arc_gym I got a @myproteinuk Easter egg 🤪 Now I feel like the bad training partner haha. Cheers buddy!
#fatloss #cavemantraining #musclebuilding #wokingham #arborfield #bracknell #barkham #finchampstead #binfield #twyford #crowthorn #reading #berkshire #livingwellreading #greenpark #onlinecoach #personalfitnessdevelopment #trainingpartner #easter @ Wokingham


Full body power circuit Great for conditioning & fat loss! ----------------------------------------- --------------EXERCISES ⬇️ ----------------------------------------- -------------- .... CLEAN & PRESS 6 REPS BARBELL ROW 6 REPS SQUATS 6 REPS DEADLIFTS 6 REPS . X4 . REST 2-3 MINUTES . GIVE IT A GO! . . . . . . . If you're looking from online coaching or face to face personal training DM me or contact me on 07852809096 or email on . Have a great weekend all! . #fatloss #cavemantraining #musclebuilding #wokingham #arborfield #bracknell #barkham #finchampstead #binfield #twyford #crowthorn #reading #berkshire #livingwellreading #greenpark #onlinecoach #personalfitnessdevelopment
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One exercise to avoid is the dumbbell side bend! . Here is my reason why I dislike this particular exercise. This exercise looks hard because it is hard. What I mean by this is when doing this movement we are forming lateral flexion on the spine and this is placing our bodies in a vulnerable position, even more so when holding a heavy weight as this can cause lower back pain. Remember your core is designed to resist movement, not create it! .... By doing this exercise we are contracting our quadratus lumborum otherwise know as the QL. Like any muscle when contracted and worked size increases, so for some people who are looking to lose those love handles you will infact have an adverse effect by pushing those love handles out. . There are other exercises out there you can use to work your obliques, for example: woodchops, broomstick oblique twist, side planks and more. . If you're looking for a structured plan that will help you reach that fat loss goal and build a stronger core, then drop me a message today! . Have a nice day and train safe! . . . If you're looking from online coaching or face to face personal training DM me or contact me on 07852809096 or email on . #fatloss #cavemantraining #musclebuilding #wokingham #arborfield #bracknell #barkham #finchampstead #binfield #twyford #crowthorn #reading #berkshire #livingwellreading #greenpark #onlinecoach #personalfitnessdevelopment
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1. Start resistance training Resistance training involves lifting weights, other forms of resistance training can be body weight training and using resistance bands, but today our primary focus is going to be on lifting weight. Now there's a very good reason why I have started off by mentioning about lifting weights and that is because most women think they will end up bulking up if they lift weights. This couldn't be more far from the truth, women for a start do not produce ...enough testosterone to support a substantial amount of muscle growth. Another reason is, to gain muscle mass you need to be in a caloric surplus, meaning that you need to be consuming more than maintenance level, getting the right amounts of carbohydrates, fats and protein in every day. Here are a few benefits to lifting weights i will list below.
Weight training has been shown to help improve bone density and reduce the chances of osteoporosis. When we hit age 35 bone density has been shown in studies to decrease and by throwing in some weight training we can reduce the chances of inheriting osteoporosis.
In one study 78 women with metabolic syndrome participating in a strength program and reduced visceral fat. Visceral fat is fat surrounding organs in the belly, this can be danger to our health increasing our risk to life threatening diseases.
Another study showed that a 12 week training plan involving both strength and aerobic exercise was more effective at dropping body fat than aerobic exercise on its own.
2. Get more sleep
Go to be a bit earlier and aim to get around 7 hours sleep a night.
To read more click on the link in the description.
If you're looking from online coaching or face to face personal training DM me or contact me on 07852809096 or email on
- Have a great weekend all! - #fatloss #cavemantraining #musclebuilding #wokingham #arborfield #bracknell #barkham #finchampstead #binfield #twyford #crowthorn #reading #berkshire #livingwellreading #greenpark
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----------------------------------------- -------------- DEADLIFTS!!!! ----------------------------------------- -------------- I havn't done these in a while and I shamely struggled with 130kg, but hey I managed to just about get 4 reps with that weight. -... This week I switch from training 2 muscle groups a day on a 4 day training split to full body workouts 3 times a week and i must admit I'm really enjoying it! - The reason why I'm doing this style of training is because I'm really stuggling for time in the gym at the moment and simply doing a push/pull/leg split just wouldn't be enough as it's ideal to hit muscle groups every 3 days (twice a week) to increase protein synthesis which equates to muscle growth. - By doing full body workouts the benefits from doing this is: ✔More strength gains ✔Protein synthesis is now happening more frequently which means more muscle growth💪 ✔You tend to put on lean mass as full body workouts burn more calories which leads to fat loss 😌 - By doing this style of training you're also going to select better and more effective exercises rather than selecting accessory lifts. - If you're looking from online coaching or face to face personal training DM me or contact me on 07852809096 or email on - Have a great weekend all! - #fatloss #cavemantraining #musclebuilding #wokingham #arborfield #bracknell #barkham #finchampstead #binfield #twyford #crowthorn #reading #berkshire #livingwellreading #greenpark #onlinecoach #personalfitnessdevelopment
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This offer stands for face to face personal training and online coaching.
When you refer a friend you will get a week's worth of free training or cash for the referral.
... DM me or contact me on 07852809096 for more details.
#fatloss #cavemantraining #lowerbackpain #musclebuilding #wokingham #arborfield #bracknell #barkham #finchampstead #binfield #posturecorrection #crowthorn #reading #berkshire #livingwellreading #greenpark #onlinecoach #personalfitnessdevelopment
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TUESDAY BACK DAY!!! ----------------------------------------- --------------WORKOUT PLAN BELOW ⬇️ ----------------------------------------- -------------- EXERCISE 1 PULL UPS 3 X 6-10
GREAT WORKOUT TODAY! - - - #fatloss #Backday #musclebuilding #wokingham #arborfield #bracknell #barkham #finchampstead #binfield #twyford #crowthorn #reading #berkshire #livingwellreading #greenpark #onlinecoach #personalfitnessdevelopment
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25 minutes of caveman training! ----------------------------------------- -------------- Workout plan ⬇️ ----------------------------------------- -------------- Caveman is a really good way to have a fast effective fat burning workout and it only last for 25 minutes! ... - However that 25 minutes is not easy, and i pushed my buddy Bill to his limit in today's session. - He mentioned that he had not done this style of training before and found it hard, but thourouly enjoyed the session! - Workout plan - Exercises 1. Tyre flips 2. Clean and press 3. Press ups 4. KB swings 5. Battle ropes
Each station is a 1 minute duration followed by 1 minute rest.
Give it a go!
#fatloss #cavemantraining #musclebuilding #wokingham #arborfield #bracknell #barkham #finchampstead #binfield #twyford #crowthorn #reading #berkshire #livingwellreading #greenpark #onlinecoach #personalfitnessdevelopment
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FEELING THE BENCH PRESS IN YOUR SHOULDERS? 😡 ----------------------------------------- --------------YOU MIGHT WANT TO WATCH THIS! 👍 ----------------------------------------- --------------
A lot of people struggle to feel the bench press and even I'm somebody who has experienced this annoyance in my years of training. ... - The bench press is literally your meat and potatoes when it comes down to building a good chest, but so many people do this exercise wrong and instead feel this movement in their shoulders. - Remember when you walk into the gym, check your ego at the door! - When setting up for the bench press, retract your shoulder blades and depress them. Perform around 2-3 warm up sets to get some blood pumping into the muscle. - If your aim is to build muscle, then stop lifting heavy weights that you can't handle and select a weight that you can feel in the muscle you're working on and can perform 10-12 reps on, the last 2-4 reps should become a bit of a struggle, but you should be able to complete your set. I promise you, this will make the world of a difference in your training sessions. - Hope this video helps, leave your comments below ⬇️ - - - - #fatloss #benchpress #shoulderpain #musclebuilding #wokingham #arborfield #bracknell #barkham #finchampstead #binfield #twyford #crowthorn #reading #berkshire #livingwellreading #greenpark #onlinecoach #personalfitnessdevelopment
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FRIDAY LEG DAY!!! ----------------------------------------- --------------WORKOUT PLAN BELOW ⬇️ ----------------------------------------- -------------- EXERCISE 1 LEG EXTENTION 3 X 12-20
... EXERCISE 2 SQUATS 4 X 6-10
#fatloss #legday #musclebuilding #wokingham #arborfield #bracknell #barkham #finchampstead #binfield #twyford #crowthorn #reading #berkshire #livingwellreading #greenpark #onlinecoach #personalfitnessdevelopment
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-1 Become more active.
... -2 Eat more nutritionally dense foods and portion out your meals.
-3 Drink more water and stay hydrated.
#fatloss #posturecorrection #musclebuilding #wokingham #arborfield #bracknell #barkham #finchampstead #binfield #twyford #crowthorn #reading #berkshire #livingwellreading #greenpark #onlinecoach #personalfitnessdevelopment
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Smashed out shoulders and triceps yesterday with my client @b.roberts__
_________________________________Workout plan below 👇 ----------------------------------------- --------------
... Db Incline press 3 x 8-12
Db Shoulder 3 x 6-10 Db lat raise 3 x 10-12
Facepulls 3 x 8-12 Reverse flie (resistance band) 3 x 12-15
Cable skull crushers 3 x 8-12
Bench dips 3 x AMRAP (as many reps as possible)
Give it a go!
#fatloss #musclebuilding #posturecorrection #musclebuilding #wokingham #arborfield #bracknell #barkham #finchampstead #binfield #crowthorn #reading #berkshire #livingwellreading #greenpark #onlinecoach #personalfitnessdevelopment
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Smashed out legs with @wokinghamosteopaths great session!
#fatloss #posturecorrection #musclebuilding #wokingham #arborfield #bracknell #barkham #finchampstead #binfield #twyford #crowthorn #reading #berkshire #livingwellreading #greenpark #onlinecoach #personalfitnessdevelopment #legday @ Wokingham

More about Personal Fitness Development

Personal Fitness Development is located at Markham House, 20 Broad Street,, RG40 1AH. Wokingham
Monday: 06:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 21:00
Friday: 06:00 - 18:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -