Psychology And Neuroscience Applications Society

About Psychology And Neuroscience Applications Society

PsyNAppS: Activating Potential
The junction where psychology and neuroscience research meets action and innovation.

Tweet us @PsyNAppS

Psychology And Neuroscience Applications Society Description

Contrary to certain widely held beliefs, most who study psychology do not go on to become mind readers; after all, there can only be one Derren Brown. So what, if not become Professor Xavier, can you do with your psychology or neuroscience degree?

PsyNAppS hopes to shed light on the various career paths that a grounding in psychology or neuroscience may lead to, some of these well known (clinical, research) others less travelled (neuro-marketing, forensic, policy, education).

We do this by inviting individuals who have successfully applied, or who are in the midst of applying their training in psychology or neuroscience to industry, to share their experiences, and by inviting all who are interested to listen to and learn from their stories. Some of our speakers will be prominent, key players in their respective fields, while some will just be starting out, just like you are or will be soon. Through this, we hope to encourage ideas and to inspire aspirations.

Who should come?

So, if you ever find yourself wondering what your options are as a psychologist or neuroscientist, please come along to one of our meetings! These talks are suitable for students and early career researchers alike (undergrads to post docs), and will be a great way to learn how you may apply your degree or research to different professions. Members of the public who would like to find out what psychologists do (other than psychoanalyse you at every turn) are also very much welcome!



Another non-PsyNAppS event that may be of interest! ***************************************** *********************** Facebook and crime experiment
What does your Facebook profile reveal about you? Why do some people commit crime? And how are these two questions related? We are looking for 1,000 people to take part in the first online experiment to anticipate how cutting-edge developments in behavioural analysis could impact the criminal justice system. By taking part, you wi...ll learn more about why people commit crime and how we can predict a person’s personality from their Facebook likes. You will also have the chance to win money and help a group of eight aspiring researchers from universities all around Europe.
Link to the experiment: 3cDSejJN7I3AH3
This 20-minute online experiment is fun and will make you think. Thank you for considering taking part. We would also be very grateful if you could forward the experiment link to anyone who might be interested.
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This isn't a PsyNApps event, but may be of interest ***************************************** **********************
Research Assistant Opportunity at the Said Business School
... All the experiments are all related to Sensory Marketing, specifically examining how various sensations (e.g. music, temperature, scent, vibrotactile sensations, etc.) can nonconsciously impact consumer judgments and behaviour (e.g. eating behaviour, incidental judgements, prosocial behaviour, etc.). RA commitment would be about 10 hours a week (timing is relatively flexible), and duties would include:
1) Running laboratory studies at CESS lab (Nuffield College) 2) Helping create instruments for measuring relevant dependant variables. 3) Aiding me in finding and purchasing stimuli for the experiments.
Of course, the RA will be compensated on an hourly basis according to the Said Business School’s pay scheme (commensurate on experience). In addition, the RA will benefit by gaining first-hand experience in experimental consumer behaviour research. Specifically, the RA will have exposure to the entire process of conducting experimental research (e.g. literature review, data collection, data analysis). This is a great CV builder, especially for those enrolled in or considering a Dphil.
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Join us on Wednesday of 8th week for the last PsyNApps event of this term!
Interest in magic methods can be traced back throughout recorded history, but in the past 15 years the Science of Magic has been undergoing a renaissance. Since the year 2000 the body of empirical psychological literature on performance magic has more than quadrupled. This talk will review the review these developments, with a particular focus on the study of human visual attention, and discuss future ...potential.
***************************************** ** Matt Tompkins is a doctoral researcher at Oxford University's Department of Experimental Psychology. He is also a part-time professional magician and a member of the Magic Circle. His central research interest is how people use their perceptual experiences to form beliefs about the world. His empirical work involves combing behavioral methodologies from cognitive psychology with visual stimuli inspired by performance magic. His research has been featured across international media outlets including the Washington Post and BBC Futur.
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Venue: Christ Church, Lecture Room 1 Talks are £2 or free for members. Life membership is £5, and can be bought at any of our events.
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Psychology and Neuroscience Applications Society
The junction where psychology and neuroscience research meets action and innovation.
PsyNAppS aims to disseminate information about what you can do with your psychology or neuroscience degree and research. We are here to tell you everything Freud hasn't. We want to show you how psychology and neuroscience can be applied practically to daily life.
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Join us on Wednesday of 7th week for our next PsyNApps event!
Dr Kyle will come talk to us about the importance of restorative sleep.
In this talk Dr Kyle will review contemporary understanding of the pathophysiology and treatment of insomnia, the most common sleep disorder. He will also present data on the role of insomnia in the development and potentiation of psychiatric symptoms, and outline the importance of sleep optimisation across the health spectrum.
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Dr Kyle is Senior Research Fellow in the Sleep and Circadian Neuroscience Institute (SCNi), Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford. He is also programme director for the new Oxford Online Programme in Sleep Medicine. He holds an MA (First Class Hons) in Psychology and PhD in Psychological Medicine, both from the University of Glasgow. Dr Kyle has research expertise in the aetiology and management of sleep disturbance and the interaction between sleep disturbance and health. He serves as Associate Editor of the journal, Behavioral Sleep Medicine.
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Venue: Large Lecture Theatre, Plant Science Talks are £2 or free for members. Life membership is £5, and can be bought at any of our events.
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Psychology and Neuroscience Applications Society
The junction where psychology and neuroscience research meets action and innovation.
PsyNAppS aims to disseminate information about what you can do with your psychology or neuroscience degree and research. We are here to tell you everything Freud hasn't. We want to show you how psychology and neuroscience can be applied practically to daily life.
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Join us on Wednesday of 6th week for the first PsyNApps event of term (this time it's true, we promise)!
Dr Toro Graven will discuss how visual shape memories and auditory shape sounds affect the speed and accuracy in recognising tactile shapes. She will bring along some materials for us to try out.
One in three Europeans over 65 years of age experiences sight loss. These individuals cannot recognise a face, or read a symbol or an illustration. They rely on their other senses..., e.g. on hearing for recognising people or determining the size of an object. Haptic touch enables them to read braille, symbols and illustrations. However, haptic touch mixes up 70% of angles and curves. This makes it impossible for people to recognise even the most commonly used symbols and illustrations. Still, tactile symbols and illustrations are important: 9 in 10 of those who need braille do not read it well.
***************************************** ** Dr. Toro Graven is the principal investigator of the ‘InSIght – Information from Symbols and Illustrations: how to get it without vision’ lab in the Unviersiuty of Oxford.
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Venue: Schlich Lecture Theatre, Plant Sciences Talks are £2 or free for members. Life membership is £5, and can be bought at any of our events.
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Psychology and Neuroscience Applications Society
The junction where psychology and neuroscience research meets action and innovation.
PsyNAppS aims to disseminate information about what you can do with your psychology or neuroscience degree and research. We are here to tell you everything Freud hasn't. We want to show you how psychology and neuroscience can be applied practically to daily life.
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You're missing PsyNAppS talks? Good news, we will have our next talk this Wednesday. he event will go online today! Stay tuned :-)


Due to recent changes in the Department of Experimental Psychology, we have to announce that the talk by Prof. Christopher Summerfield will be postponed. We are sorry for any inconveniences arising with this. We will keep you updated about ongoing plans! Your PsyNAppS Team


Due to recent changes in the Department of Experimental Psychology, we have to announce that the talk by Prof. Christopher Summerfield will be postponed. We are sorry for any inconveniences arising with this. We will keep you updated about ongoing plans! Your PsyNAppS Team... Boost post
Join us on Wednesday of 5th week for the first PsyNApps event of term!
***************************************** ** Prof. Christopher Summerfield is the principal investigator of the Human Information Processing lab. He has been a faculty member in the Department of Experimental Psychology at Oxford since September 2008, and was appointed Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience in 2015. He is also a tutorial fellow at Wadham College and a consultant at Google Deepmind.
***************************************** ** Prof. Christopher Summerfield will present his work on artificial intelligence at Google Deepmind.
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Venue: Lecture Theatre C, Department of Experimental Psychology Talks are £2 or free for members. Life membership is £5, and can be bought at any of our events.
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Psychology and Neuroscience Applications Society
The junction where psychology and neuroscience research meets action and innovation.
PsyNAppS aims to disseminate information about what you can do with your psychology or neuroscience degree and research. We are here to tell you everything Freud hasn't. We want to show you how psychology and neuroscience can be applied practically to daily life.
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Join us on Wednesday of 7th week for the last PsyNApps event of term!
Dr Jonna Vuoskoski will be talking to us about music, emotions and empathy. She will be answering questions such as how visual and auditory cues contribute to audience’s perception of a musical performance. She also investigates empathy as a fundamental psychological phenomenon in the context of music, and is involved in a research project exploring the enjoyment of music-induced sadness.
... ***************************************** ** Dr Jonna Vuoskoski is a postdoctoral fellow in Music Perception and Cognition. Jonna received her doctorate in 2012 from the University of Jyväskylä, Finland, where she was affiliated with the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Music Research. Her doctoral research investigated the role of individual differences in music-induced emotions. Her research findings have been published in the leading journals of the field, including Music Perception, Psychology of Music, Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts, and Cortex.
***************************************** ** Venue: Lecture Theatre C, Department of Experimental Psychology Talks are £2 or free for members. Life membership is £5, and can be bought at any of our events.
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Psychology and Neuroscience Applications Society
The junction where psychology and neuroscience research meets action and innovation.
PsyNAppS aims to disseminate information about what you can do with your psychology or neuroscience degree and research. We are here to tell you everything Freud hasn't. We want to show you how psychology and neuroscience can be applied practically to daily life.
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Venue: Lecture Theatre C, Department of Experimental Psychology Talks are £2 or free for members. Life membership is £5, and can be bought at any of our events.
***************************************** ** Tasting words and shapes... Do tastes have shapes? And what exactly does bitter sound like? In this talk, Professor Spence will take a look at some of the latest research on crossmodal shape-taste and sound-taste correspondences. He will focus on the question of whether tastes and flavours really are associated with visual shape properties such as angularity, roundness, and symmetry. In short, the latest research shows that people judge shapes that are rounder and symmetrical as both pleasant and sweet, and shapes that are angular and asymmetrical as both unpleasant and sour. He will look at how and why music influences taste, and will show how musicians, chefs, food and drink companies, typeface designers, and marketing/branding agencies are now using these findings to come up with neuroscience-inspired design solutions

Professor Charles Spence is the head of the Crossmodal Research Laboratory. He is interested in how people perceive the world around them. In particular, how our brains manage to process the information from each of our different senses (such as smell, taste, sight, hearing, and touch) to form the extraordinarily rich multisensory experiences that fill our daily lives. He is passionate about applying the latest insights from multisensory perception research to the design of better experiences out there in the real-world.
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Psychology and Neuroscience Applications Society
The junction where psychology and neuroscience research meets action and innovation.
PsyNAppS aims to disseminate information about what you can do with your psychology or neuroscience degree and research. We are here to tell you everything Freud hasn't. We want to show you how psychology and neuroscience can be applied practically to daily life.
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This isn't a Psynapps event, but here's an opportunity to take part in some research and maybe earn some extra money!
Participants needed for a 4-5min social anxiety survey! Anyone aged 18-25 can take it, it just consists of an info sheet, consent form, and some rating scales. Only takes a couple minutes!â €¦... If on account of the survey you're eligible for the second part you'll get £5 compensation for spending 30mins doing some slightly strange computer and evaluation tasks. about 100 more survey responses are needed so please take a couple mins to fill it in :)
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We are happy to announce our first social event :-) Everyone is very welcomed to join us at Jesus College for a relaxed evening and a nerdy version of a pub quiz; of course including questions about psychology and neuroscience. Also, we will announce free committee positions, important for those who are interested in becoming actively involved in PsyNAppS. Come along and enjoy an evening with us over drinks and snacks.
IMPORTANT: If you are planning to come (even if you are ...not 100% sure), send us an E-Mail to We will put your name on a list, which we will hand over to the porter. ONLY if your name is on the list, you can enter the college. We will pick you up at the lodge.
We are looking forward seeing you!
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Thanks for coming today! Dr Laura Mickes gave a really interesting talk on the relationship between accuracy and eyewitness confidence.
Next event will be our FIRST SOCIAL EVENT. Details will be posted soon. Hope to see you there!


This isn't a PsyNApps event, but some of you may be interested!
Research Assistant Opportunity at the Said Business School
All the experiments are all related to Hedonic Experiences, specifically examining how inserting short breaks in both positive hedonic experiences (e.g. pleasing images, tasty food) and negative hedonic experiences (e.g., annoying sounds) can influence adaptation, sensitization, and the overall enjoyment of experiences. This research has implications for... the entertainment industry and the food and beverage industry. Further, as the level of enjoyment often predicts consumption decisions, there are public policy implications for consumer health and well-being.
RA commitment would be about 10 hours a week (timing is relatively flexible), and duties would include:
1. Running laboratory studies at CESS lab (Nuffield College) 2. Preparing data for analysis and conducting some supervised data analysis 3. Developing stimuli including finding or creating images, music, or video and selecting and purchasing food stimuli 4. Conducting a literature review of relevant research to aid in manuscript development
The RA will be compensated on an hourly basis according to the Said Business School’s pay scheme (commensurate with experience). In addition, the RA will benefit by gaining first-hand experience in experimental consumer behaviour research. Specifically, the RA will have exposure to the entire process of conducting experimental research (e.g. literature review, data collection, data analysis). This is a great CV builder, especially for those enrolled in or considering a DPhil.
The position will likely begin 1 November 2016. If interested, please contact Cammy Crolic (
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Venue: Lecture Theatre C, Department of Experimental Psychology Talks are £2 or free for members. Life membership is £5, and can be bought at any of our events.
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... Are Eyewitnesses Really Untrustworthy?
To inform a criminal investigation, police may ask an eyewitness to that crime to try to identify the perpetrator from a lineup. Eyewitnesses, however, have a bad reputation for being untrustworthy. But are they?
New research carried out by Dr Mickes suggests that contrary to popular belief, recognition memory can be highly accurate. It is important to distinguish between different types of accuracy, and adjust the analyses performed. The results challenge the notion that eyewitnesses are untrustworthy.
Dr Mickes recieved her PhD from the University of California, San Diego. Her work involved developing a new theory of recognition memory. She is now a Reader at Royal Holloway, University of London. Her talk is sure to be of great interest to anyone interesting in Psychology, Criminology, Law, or who just wants to learn something new! It's sure to challenge the way we think about human memory!
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Psychology and Neuroscience Applications Society
The junction where psychology and neuroscience research meets action and innovation.
PsyNAppS aims to disseminate information about what you can do with your psychology or neuroscience degree and research. We are here to tell you everything Freud hasn't. We want to show you how psychology and neuroscience can be applied practically to daily life.
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Thanks for coming to our first event in Michaelmas term! It was great to see so many of you there and I hope you could relax during the mindfulness session. Stay updated on our next event, same time, same place.
Also, we will have a social event in 2 weeks where we announce available committee member positions. If you want to be actively involved in PsyNAppS, then don't miss out the social event ;) See you soon,
... PsyNAppS
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Venue: Lecture Theatre C, Department of Experimental Psychology
Our lives can get stressfull sometimes, with all obligations and responsibilites we have. What can we do to put our mind to ease, before going to sleep or simply during the day?
... An increasing trend has been shown for meditation and mindfulness. Indeed, research has shown that mindfulness is a mean to experience long-lasting phyiscal and psychological stress reduction, improvement from depression and exhaustion and generally shows positive changes in well-being.
We are welcoming Penny Green, a public health midwife and member of Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Penny specialises in the study of postnatal depression, and her talk would be of particular interest to anyone with an interest in clinical work, public health or mental illness! She will give insights into the tools of mindfulness and how to integrate them into daily lives. She will not only talk about Mindfulness, but also show us how to do it.
Psychology and Neuroscience Applications Society
The junction where psychology and neuroscience research meets action and innovation.
PsyNAppS aims to disseminate information about what you can do with your psychology or neuroscience degree and research. We are here to tell you everything Freud hasn't. We want to show you how psychology and neuroscience can be applied practically to daily life.
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Don't miss the chance to sign up for our society. Freshers fair goes into the last round!

More about Psychology And Neuroscience Applications Society

Psychology And Neuroscience Applications Society is located at OX13UD Oxford, Oxfordshire