Pw Physique And Fitness - Transformation Studio

Monday: 05:45 - 10:45
Tuesday: 05:45 - 10:45
Wednesday: 05:45 - 10:45
Thursday: 05:45 - 10:45
Friday: 05:45 - 10:45
Saturday: 07:15 - 09:00
Sunday: -

About Pw Physique And Fitness - Transformation Studio

http://www. pwfit. co. uk - Personal Training in Worthing and West Sussex. Indoor Body Transformation and personal training programme all guaranteed to get you results FAST.

Pw Physique And Fitness - Transformation Studio Description

Worthing / West Sussex trainer Anthony Punshon Helps You Melt Fat Off your Stomach, Hips and Thighs, without spending endless hours in a gym! See the Amazing Success Stories. . . FREE to Try!

http://www. pwfit. co. uk <<< PERSONAL TRAINING
http://www. topbootcamp. co. uk << BOOTCAMP
http://www. sussexweightlossblog. co. uk << BLOG



Apologies for the delay in declaring the lovely winner of the Member of the Month from August - it was Wendy Jenkins with a fantastic 32 points winning the £25 voucher of the voucher for Hennings Wine Merchants!
Considering she has given up drinking, someone might just get lucky.....! 🤣🤣


Want to be next? If you want to drop 10-23 pounds of fat (and even get incredible abs like Helen!) and 2-4 clothes sizes in the next 6 weeks, the LBD challenge is what you've been looking for. <<< Less than 24 Hours


What vegetarians can teach you about weight loss (important lesson)


Want to be next? If you want to drop 10-23 pounds of fat and 2-4 clothes sizes in the next 6 weeks, like previous challenge champion Victoria, the LBD challenge is what you've been looking for. <<< Les than 24 Hours Left


Want to be next? If you want to drop 10-23 pounds of fat and 2-4 clothes sizes in the next 6 weeks, like previous LBD challenge champion Zoe, the LBD challenge is what you've been looking for. <<< Less than 48 Hours Left


Want to be next? If you want to drop 10-23 pounds of fat (or SMASH right past that like Sally!) and 2-4 clothes sizes in the next 6 weeks, the LBD challenge is what you've been looking for. <<< Less than 48 Hours


Want to be next? If you want to drop 10-23 pounds of fat and 2-4 clothes sizes in the next 6 weeks, or completely SMASH it like previous LBD challenge champion Jamie, the LBD challenge is what you've been looking for. <<< Less than 48 Hours Left


24 Hours Left to Grab Your Seat on this FREE Workshop 👈👈👈


Have you signed up for our FREE workshop yet? 🤔
"How to Drop Tummy Fat, Eliminate the 'overhang', and Pull in Your Waistline (Even If You've Had a Cesarean)" <<< Click Here to claim your seat
... DON'T MISS OUT! Take the first step to FINALLY getting rid of that lingering mum-tum!
Register for our Belly Blasting Workshop today
But be quick... we only have 20 spots available!
In this totally FREE, LIVE WORKSHOP, I'm going to break down step-by-step my process to combat the excess tummy fat that accumulates around and below your belly button, and how to reshape your waistline so you can slip effortlessly back into your jeans, and feel confident in your swimsuit. Here's what you'll learn...
- Why Crunches Aren't Helping - Despite being the 'go to' exercise for anything tummy related, crunches are shifting your focus away from tightening your waistline. I'll explain why and how to fix it!
- The Spot-Reduction Myth - Why you can't spot-reduce fat from your belly, but how you can use spot-production along with fat loss to create a slimmer, more toned lower tummy!
- How to Activate Your Built-in Corset - As well as pulling your abs in, activating these muscles can also alleviate lower back pain, and make you instantly slimmer!
- Shrink your Waistline Without Burning Fat - I'll show you one exercise that will take an inch off your waist in less than a week without changing your diet!
Date Thursday, September 13th
Time 7.30pm-9pm
Location East Preston Guide Hall, Lashmar Rd, BN16 1ES
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NEW Spotlight Sunday: "I never really thought the challenge would work but just occasionally it is wonderful to be proved wrong!"
Awesome mum Sue Jenkins never struggled with her weight, despite her lifestyle having (as she puts it) 'slightly too many takeaways, chocolate and binge drinking!'
But after her second child, the weight didn't seem to drop off like after the first. And despite trying Zumba, legs, bums, and tums, and every diet under the sun, instead of dropping the... pounds, they just kept creeping on.
That was until a good friend's Facebook check-ins inspired her, and just a few months later, she's dropped 2 stone and has a whole new wardrobe of clothes!
Click here to read her inspiring story: e-jenkins/
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Join Us At Our FREE Workshop:
"How to Drop Tummy Fat, Eliminate the 'overhang', and Pull in Your Waistline (Even If You've Had a Cesarean)"
... <<< Click Here to claim your seat
DON'T MISS OUT! Take the first step to FINALLY getting rid of that lingering mum-tum! Register for our Belly Blasting Workshop today
But be quick... we only have 20 spots available!
In this totally FREE, LIVE WORKSHOP, I'm going to break down step-by-step my process to combat the excess tummy fat that accumulates around and below your belly button, and how to reshape your waistline so you can slip effortlessly back into your jeans, and feel confident in your swimsuit. Here's what you'll learn...
- Why Crunches Aren't Helping - Despite being the 'go to' exercise for anything tummy related, crunches are shifting your focus away from tightening your waistline. I'll explain why and how to fix it!
- The Spot-Reduction Myth - Why you can't spot-reduce fat from your belly, but how you can use spot-production along with fat loss to create a slimmer, more toned lower tummy!
- How to Activate Your Built-in Corset - As well as pulling your abs in, activating these muscles can also alleviate lower back pain, and make you instantly slimmer!
- Shrink your Waistline Without Burning Fat - I'll show you one exercise that will take an inch off your waist in less than a week without changing your diet!
Date Thursday, September 13th
Time 7.30pm-9pm
Location East Preston Guide Hall, Lashmar Rd, BN16 1ES
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FOCUS: Follow One Course Until Successful
When I wrote programmes for Men's Health, I used to work with an amazing lady who had a saying. It went, "The only thing guaranteed not to work is giving up"
When you have a goal, there's a lot to be said for single mindedness!
... If you want to lose fat, get lean, fit and toned, you're not going to get there if you keep jumping on and off your programme.
Have a goal, write it down (be as specific as possible), and just keep moving forward.
It doesn't matter how big your steps are, it just matters that they're in the right direction.
If you need a bit of focus, I’ve just opened registration for the 6-Week LBD Transformation Challenge where I’ll be giving away a luxury spa break worth hundreds of pounds!
This challenge is for you if:
❎ you've tried losing weight, and you have just watched the scales day after day, or week after week to find that they just will not budge.
❎ you’ve tried diets where you just basically lose and gain the same 5, 10, 15 pounds over and over again… Or worse, gain back more than when you started!
❎ you’ve tried shakes, pills, potions, or any of those kinda gimmicks you see on late-night TV.
❎ you’ve just outright had enough of long, boring workouts that… that you grind and you grind and they just don’t seem to get you anywhere!
We'll give you:
☑️ Unlimited access to our Metabolic Xcelerator Workout Schedule
☑️ Done-for-you nutrition plans and regular nutrition consultations
☑️ Home-workout videos so you're never stuck, even on those days you can't get to the studio
☑️ Detailed body composition analysis so we know your body inside out and can adapt your programme to keep getting results every step of the way
☑️ Amazing support, coaching, and community for 24/7 support and advice from, not only my elite training team, but over 120 members of our PW family too
☑️ The chance to win an overnight stay for two worth hundreds of pounds at the Alexander House Hotel & Utopia Spa with full access to facilities, champagne, dinner, breakfast, your choice of treatment... The works!
I know how important it is to you to look good and FEEL awesome, and with our PW family you’ll always have people to lift you up and make sure you can’t fail.
Registration is only open NOW, so to get your spot, CLICK HERE:
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Exercise, exercise, exercise. Keep moving. Burn more calories.
That's all you hear when you're trying to lose weight. But what if I told you one of the best things you could do is lie down?
Ditching the wobbly stuff isn't all about how many calories you can burn. There is actually more risk for you to gain weight if you do not get enough sleep. Exercise puts stress on your body, and proper recovery is just as likely to put a stop to your fat loss than lack of exercise. Your m...
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Weekend Top Tip: Map out your goals on a calendar.
First up, set proper goals. Not fluffy ones. Know exactly what you’re going to achieve and in what time frame. And make it what the late Bob Safford called “Stretchingly realistic”. So basically, your goal should challenge you, but not be unattainable!
Not, “I want to lose a bit of weight and feel good”, make it, “I want to lose 10lbs and drop a clothes size by September 1st”
... Achievable, specific, but still challenging enough that you’ll have to work for it!
Then mark it on a calendar. A wall chart type calendar is good for this. Then every day running up to it, draw two diagonal lines at the end of the day. Bottom-left to top-right if you did your workout that day, and top-left to bottom-right if you stuck to your eating plan that day.
By time you get to your deadline date, you want to have the majority of days with a big cross in them.
This works well in two ways. Firstly you’re specifically working one day at a time towards a goal day, breaking your goal up into achievable micro-goals - all you have to do that day is workout and stick to your eating plan and every day you do, it’s a win! - and now you can physically see progress in front of you on a day to day basis.
It’s constant positive motivation. Each little cross is you one step closer to awesome.
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One of the biggest things that shoots people in the foot is simple lack of awareness about the food and the drink we have. I found this in Sainsbury's cafe a while back.
This was quite clearly labelled (bonus points for them!), but most things aren't. This little cream tea had over 800 calories. And look at the picture! Look at the measly offering you get for those calories!
Now, let's put that into perspective:
... If you're dropping the wobbly stuff, you'll be eating (on average - individual mileage will vary) between 1200-1600 calories per day.
So one innocent little cream tea has just put you over your calorie limit by the equivalent of over 2 whole meals. Now, a lot of people say, "Don't worry, I'll just go for a run tomorrow". If you do want to, "Go for a run" to try to burn that off, you're looking at a 2 hour stint.
To put that into perspective, if you go jogging for half an hour 3-4 times per week, that one single cream tea has written off an entire week's work.
So take the time to educate yourself. Be aware of (at least roughly) the calories in the food around you.
Prevention's better than cure!
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Ever felt like throwing your scales out?
If you want to slim down and tone up, then maybe you should!
When we want to get in shape, we have a tendency to focus on one thing and one thing alone. The number on the scale.
... Now, that number's important, true. BUT (and it's a HUGE BUT!) it's ONLY important when combined with a whole bunch of other numbers, and when you look at that number alone it's easy to get upset when it doesn't go down (or even goes up!)
It's like getting in your car to go somewhere and only using the accelerator. If you did that, would you get where you wanted to go?
No. You'd sit in an idle car pumping a pedal that's not doing anything, then getting upset about it.
Well your accelerator will only take you where you want to go when you put it together with a whole bunch of other things. The key, the ignition, the engine (and everything that makes it up), the gears and clutch, the axles and wheels, the tyres, the brake, the steering wheel... (I'm gong to stop there or I'll be here all day!)
The accelerator is a teeny tiny part of where your focus should be when you have a destination to get to.
So is the number on the scale.
On its own do you know what the weight reading on the scale tells you? How much force that scale is putting against the floor when you stand on it.
That's all.
Is doesn't tell you your height, bone density, how much water is in your body, how much glycogen is in your body, your blood volume, your lean mass, your body fat, even your hair, nails, and everything else that makes up that one little number.
Change ANY of those and that number will change.
When you're getting in shape, that number in most cases will go down, yes. In some cases it won't. In some cases it doesn't need to. In some cases to look leaner it will actually need to go up!
To get to how you see yourself as wanting to look in your head, if you focus just on that one number as a measurement of progress, not only can it completely take over your journey, but the number you're working towards that's in your head might even be the wrong destination!
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What's your investment? (Trust me, read this to the end or it will be easy to miss the point!)
I ran a bit of an experiment a while back. I ran 3 "Virtual" programmes all at the same time. Although the specifics varied (length of programme, for example) the basic execution was the same:
- Workouts were online videos...
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Is your workout hard enough?
These days, while there's a lot of emphasis on faddy new styles of working out, one of the most important factors in your workout is getting overlooked:
... Are you pushing yourself enough to stimulate change?
When we work out, your body doesn't change during that workout. The workout stimulates certain changes and they happen afterwards when you're resting.
Those changes happen for a reason. The same reason your body reacts to most things. Survival. Maintaining the homoeostasis.
Your body has one overriding goal in life, and that's to stay alive. It's why we store fat. It's why we lose fat. It's why we lose or gain muscle.
When you workout, your pushing your body outside its normal limits, and as a result, it goes, "Holy crap! If this is going to happen again, I need to get stronger/faster/lose fat/build muscle/delete as appropriate"
But there's key words there: Pushing your body outside its normal limits.
So when you work out, are you doing that, or are you going through the motions?
Although they can be related, signs such as heavy breathing, sweating, difficulty talking are signs you're working aerobically, not that you're effectively stimulating the muscles. So although you might experience these, they're not indicators of an effective workout.
After all, go for a bit of a run and you'll experience all of these, but you'll still do nothing significant in the way of improving your health, fitness, or body shape.
What you should be looking for is progression.
Are you pushing more resistance than you were a month ago? If not, you're probably not working hard enough.
When you get to the end of a set, were the last reps a real struggle or could you have done several more? If it's the latter you're probably not working hard enough.
Just because you're getting out of breath, doesn't mean you're working hard. You need to be consistently pushing outside what you've PREVIOUSLY done.
So, are you working hard enough?
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More about Pw Physique And Fitness - Transformation Studio

Monday: 05:45 - 10:45
Tuesday: 05:45 - 10:45
Wednesday: 05:45 - 10:45
Thursday: 05:45 - 10:45
Friday: 05:45 - 10:45
Saturday: 07:15 - 09:00
Sunday: -