Reboot Injury Clinic

About Reboot Injury Clinic

Reboot Injury Clinic

Injury screening, prevention, management, treatment, referral and rehabilitation.

Strength and conditioning

Reboot Injury Clinic Description

Reboot was founded in 2015 to provide a service many people are unable to access through the NHS. Reboot are not only looking to get you back to being pain and problem free but help you return to your previous activity. Our goal is to help reboot your performance, to come back stronger and sturdier than before. Restore, Retrain, Reboot!



If you have an appointment booked for today but are unable to make it due to the weather conditions, please let us know.
Otherwise, see you at your appointment soon!
... Enjoy the snow ⛄️❄️
#injury #snow #snowday #openasusual #businessasusual
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1️⃣Glute-Ham Raise
2️⃣Nordic curl
... 3️⃣Razor curl
If you’ve tried out some of our previous hamstring exercises give these a go!
#hamstringworkout #hamstrings #rehabtime #rehab #prehab #strength #strong #fitness #legday #returntosport #hamstringcurls #hamstring #fit #football #hammies #gym #booty #razorcurl #nordic #nordiccurls
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Hip flexor stretching done right ✅
#hip #hipflexors #hippain #backpain #lowback #lowerback #lowbackpain #lowerbackpain #injury #tension #tight #stretch #mobility #movement


👨🏻‍💼Loads of people complain about TIGHT hamstrings... but are they feeling tight because they are shortened of because they are placed on a stretch⁉️ 🔄A forwards tilt of your pelvis will place the Hamstrings on a stretch, making them feel ‘tight’ because they have been pulled into a lengthened position. 👨🏽‍💻Because we spend a lot of time sitting down at a desk, watching TV or driving, the pelvis is forced into this forward tilted position placing the onto a stretch.
✅Good mornings are a great way to optimally load your hamstrings in their new lengthened position.
SEATED 💪🏽Sit down onto a box or step, with the bar placed across your shoulders 💪🏽Straighten your knees - placing the hamstring into a lengthened position over its attachment at the knee 💪🏽Keeping your core activated and back flat slowly lower should shoulders forwards until you can feel the pull in the hamstrings and return to the upright position
STANDING 💪🏽Check out our hip Hinge video to ensure you are doing the movement correctly 💪🏽Standing with knees shoulder width apart and a slight bend in the knees 💪🏽Repeat hip Hinge motion as you lower your chest forwards until you can feel the pull in the hamstrings
#hamstrings #strong #strength #goodmorning #fitness #glutes #fit #sport #football #rugby #returntosport #sportstherapy #physio #rehab #prehab #injuryprevention #stronghamstrings #hamstringstretch #osteopathy #gym #exercise #crossfit #rehabtime #hamstring #injuryfree #health #reboot #injuryclinic #returntosport
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🏋🏻‍♀️Hamstrings🏋🏼‍♀ ️
🤕Following hamstring injuries it is important to regain strength in the muscle, after completing the isometric phase (previous video) you may be ready to progress into concentric and eccentric movements.
💪🏽These exercises can be used as part of your warm up or integrated into your workout routine!
... HAMSTRING WALKOUTS 1️⃣With heels close to your bottom, lift hips off ground keeping your stomach tight 2️⃣Walk the feet out as far away from you as you can, keeping the hips off the floor 3️⃣Walk your feet back towards your bottom
SINGLE LEG HAMSTRING BRIDGE 1️⃣Lay on your back, bend one leg slightly and lift one leg off the floor 3️⃣Lift your hips off the floor and keep your tummy squeezed 2️⃣Slowly lower your hips back down to the floor
HAMSTRING CURL 1️⃣Place your feet onto an exercise ball, lift hips off the floor 2️⃣Pull heels towards your bottom as you bend your knees, lifting hips higher the closer you get 3️⃣Slowly straighten knees away from you as you roll the ball back out and lower hips ✅You may progress this onto single leg
#rehabtime #prehab #exercise #hamstringinjury #hammies #hamstring #reboot #sportstherapy #physio #physiotherapy #football #rugby #sport #gym #crossfit #rehab #injury #returntosport #strong #strength #fitness #workout #hamstringcurls
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Who’d have thought it 😜


🤕Following a hamstring injury you may not be in a position to load the muscle heavy without risk of further damage, isometric contractions are great to keep the muscle activated, reduce risk of atrophy and promote tissue healing!
🏋🏻‍♂️In the gym, isometric exercises are a great way to target the muscle group you want to work on and make sure it’s activated. Try and add these isometric hamstring activation exercises into your warm up!
... ANKLE DROPS 1️⃣Standing on one leg, hold the ankle as close to the bum as possible 2️⃣Let go of the foot 3️⃣Try and keep the foot as close to the bum as possible
ISOMETRICS THROUGH RANGE 1️⃣Lay on your tummy and bend your knees 2️⃣Cross your feet over, and push the feet into each other 3️⃣Repeat at different positions - moving the feet closer and further away from your bottom.
#rehabtime #reboot #rehab #hamstring #hamstringinjury #football #rugby #gym #fitness #workout #warmup #sportstherapy #strong #strength #muscle #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #physio
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Hip Hinge!
Get ready for our new video targeting hamstring strength... try and nail the hip hinge before progressing onto some of the more advanced exercises coming soon!!
🏋🏼‍♀️Start with your back facing the wall and feet slightly away from the wall... 🏋🏾‍♂️Have a slight bent in the knees but keep the legs stiff 🏋🏻‍♀️Hinge from the hips and touch your bottom on the wall as high as you can 🏋🏻‍♂️Remember to keep your tummy pulled in tight so you don’t arch your lower back!❌
👀Our next video will feature simple hamstring activation and progress to more complex hamstring exercise!!
#reboot #injuryclinic #hamstrings #tighthamstrings #strong #strength #gym #rehab #rehabtime #sportstherapy #fitness #gluteworkout #workout #exercise #train #banbury #rebootinjuryclinic
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We certainly are!


Support your local team. Home game Tuesday 2nd October


4 hours to kill in an airport in Houston means it time to start prepping for the next semester of lecturing.
Can’t wait to be teaching on the course that I studied at @uniofglos and in my favourite module!!!
#msc #mastersdegree #degree #sport #sportstherapy #sportstherapist #rehab #students #study #studying #lecture #lecturer #lecturing #uniofglos #rehab #strength


An absolutely crazy week and it’s not finished yet!
On top of our clinic work we have been presenting to first and second year college students at Banbury college this week.
Tomorrow sees us working at Tudor hall school for their girls go gold day, encouraging female participation in sport.
... This evening spent starting things off with a new partnership with Banbury United men’s team to run alongside our work with the women’s team.
All tied in with a quick trip to Gloucester to finalise Joby’s new lecturing position on the Sports Therapy MSc at the university.
Don’t worry though! We’re still fitting people in to treat your injuries in the clinic.
Keep an eye out! We’ve been quiet recently but there’s a lot more to come from us very soon
#banbury #gloucester #lecturing #sport #injury #sportstherapy #physio #physiotherapy #reboot
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We’re hiring!!
Reboot are looking to employ a graduate sports therapist/rehabilitator or physiotherapist (SST/BASRAT/CSP with HCPC) to both work within our clinic and with a local sports team. The position will be employed and we welcome both full time and part time applications.
Student applications welcomed for pitchside work with local sports team (paid!) and supervised clinic hours will be provided.
... The successful applicant will also be given the opportunity to complete “THE FA LEVEL 4 INTERMEDIATE TRAUMA MEDICAL MANAGEMENT IN FOOTBALL (ITMMIF)” qualification paid for by Reboot.
Salary to be discussed at interview
Please note, this is an employed position, inclusive of paid holiday, pension, CPD budget and uniform allowance.
Should you wish to apply, please send a copy of your CV along with a covering letter to
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Early stage rehab!
1️⃣Build isometric strength! This will begin to build a baseline capacity to increase strength in the peroneal muscles. Ensure the knee and upper leg stay facing forwards, only rotate the foot and lower leg 👣
... 2️⃣ The peroneal muscles run behind the ankle bone. Therefore, bringing the toes towards the shin places these muscles on a stretch. The peroneals can tighten and shorten to rotate the foot outwards if there is a lack in ankle dorsiflexion. Stretching the posterior calf musculature may reduce the tension required in peroneals and friction causing pain at the lateral ankle.
3️⃣ Finally, reduce peroneal tightness to further decrease pulling behind the lateral ankle bone. This will have an immediate benefit for pain but will not be a long term fix!
#sportstherapist #physiotherapy #physio #sportstherapy #rehab #stretch #strength #strong #mobility #move #movement #run #ankle #football
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Pain around the outside of the ankle bone can be common in people who have previously injured their ankle 🤕.
If you’ve previously rolled your ankle and you still feel an ache or stiffness around the lateral side of the ankle (or even an occasional sharp pain) then this is for you!!
... When the ankle rolls, the peroneal muscles 💪 contract to prevent further damage to the lateral ankle ligaments. This sudden contraction lead to the development of peroneal pain.
If these ligaments are damaged when the ankle rolls, the peroneals begin to work harder to create stability in the ankle. They begin to overwork and tighten.
The friction this creates where the peroneal tendon runs behind the lateral ankle bone (malleolus) can lead to inflammation and pain 😖
Rehab videos 🎥 coming soon
#ankle #foot #feet #football #fitness #fit #gym #strong #stable #stability #power #strength #pain #sportstherapist #physio #sportstherapy #physicaltherapy #physiotherapy #rehab #rehabilitation
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Great to be assisting Banbury United women’s team this year.
Yesterday evening spent completing their pre season screening and collecting medical history, followed by some changes to their current warm up protocols.
Going to be great season!
... #football #sport #training #screening #injury #women #womenssports #womeninsport #soccer #womensfootball #fitness #mobility #strength #stability #prehab #prevention #sportstherapist #sportstherapy #physio #physicaltherapy @ Reboot Injury Clinic
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Trochanteric bursitis 🔥
Encourage more of a posterior tilt of pelvis and use the side plank to increase hip MR. The increase in medial rotation is due to the hip sitting further in to lateral or external rotation. The increase range of movement reduces the need for muscles to draw the knee laterally. Less valgus = less tension in TFL and less compression of the bursa.
... #mobility #prehab #sportstherapist #stretch #physiotherapy #physio #physicaltherapy #run #running #cycle #cycling #bike #hip #glute #glutes #fitness #strength #fit #strong #power #sport #sportstherapy
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We can't recommend Joby and Reboot highly enough. He was recommended by a friend for my husband and since then he's fixed both of us up. Without Joby I wouldn't have had the confidence in my knee to complete my first 10k run or play rugby. Everyone should have Joby on speed dial


The most educational and beneficial 45 minutes I've had in a very long time! Joby has pinpointed the cause of my painful shoulders and given me a plan of action to rectify the underlying issues. Very thorough, very knowledgeable and 100% worth while.


I should start by declaring that I am an absolute cynic and was fully expecting to be told that I would need a course of sessions that would cost £X etc. until my issue was fixed. What happened was the absolute converse; Joby spent a significant period of time analysing the issue, working through the problem before trying to find a solution that would work for me. I was provided with some equipment and exercises to try at home. What was becoming a chronic issue was fixed incredibly quickly and I've been pain free and more mobile ever since.

Joby is qualified academically in this field and that became increasingly evident throughout his treatment of me via his professional and considered approach.

I would not hesitate to recommend Joby for any mobility or injury issues.


I came to see Danielle 10 weeks into training for a half marathon and suffering consistent shin splints and waning motivation. I only wish i'd gone earlier and training for that event might not have felt like root canal surgery. I felt better after the first (of four) treatments and was able to finish up my training and complete 13.1 miles pain-free. Much appreciated and I would recommend the company to others based on that experience.


We can't recommend Joby and Reboot highly enough. He was recommended by a friend for my husband and since then he's fixed both of us up. Without Joby I wouldn't have had the confidence in my knee to complete my first 10k run or play rugby. Everyone should have Joby on speed dial


The most educational and beneficial 45 minutes I've had in a very long time! Joby has pinpointed the cause of my painful shoulders and given me a plan of action to rectify the underlying issues. Very thorough, very knowledgeable and 100% worth while.


I should start by declaring that I am an absolute cynic and was fully expecting to be told that I would need a course of sessions that would cost £X etc. until my issue was fixed. What happened was the absolute converse; Joby spent a significant period of time analysing the issue, working through the problem before trying to find a solution that would work for me. I was provided with some equipment and exercises to try at home. What was becoming a chronic issue was fixed incredibly quickly and I've been pain free and more mobile ever since.

Joby is qualified academically in this field and that became increasingly evident throughout his treatment of me via his professional and considered approach.

I would not hesitate to recommend Joby for any mobility or injury issues.


I came to see Danielle 10 weeks into training for a half marathon and suffering consistent shin splints and waning motivation. I only wish i'd gone earlier and training for that event might not have felt like root canal surgery. I felt better after the first (of four) treatments and was able to finish up my training and complete 13.1 miles pain-free. Much appreciated and I would recommend the company to others based on that experience.


We can't recommend Joby and Reboot highly enough. He was recommended by a friend for my husband and since then he's fixed both of us up. Without Joby I wouldn't have had the confidence in my knee to complete my first 10k run or play rugby. Everyone should have Joby on speed dial


The most educational and beneficial 45 minutes I've had in a very long time! Joby has pinpointed the cause of my painful shoulders and given me a plan of action to rectify the underlying issues. Very thorough, very knowledgeable and 100% worth while.


I should start by declaring that I am an absolute cynic and was fully expecting to be told that I would need a course of sessions that would cost £X etc. until my issue was fixed. What happened was the absolute converse; Joby spent a significant period of time analysing the issue, working through the problem before trying to find a solution that would work for me. I was provided with some equipment and exercises to try at home. What was becoming a chronic issue was fixed incredibly quickly and I've been pain free and more mobile ever since.

Joby is qualified academically in this field and that became increasingly evident throughout his treatment of me via his professional and considered approach.

I would not hesitate to recommend Joby for any mobility or injury issues.


I came to see Danielle 10 weeks into training for a half marathon and suffering consistent shin splints and waning motivation. I only wish i'd gone earlier and training for that event might not have felt like root canal surgery. I felt better after the first (of four) treatments and was able to finish up my training and complete 13.1 miles pain-free. Much appreciated and I would recommend the company to others based on that experience.

More about Reboot Injury Clinic

Reboot Injury Clinic is located at Unit 8 Riverside Business Park, Tramway Road, Ox16 5TU Banbury, Oxfordshire