
Monday: 06:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 22:00
Friday: 06:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 06:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 16:00



The cafe is superb wonderful teacakes just the place for afternoon tea


I'm there once a week for a toasted tea cake and a coffee. Best tea cakes ever! Nowhere else even comes close.


Great tasty sandwich, lovely cappuccino and great polite service at the till by Emma.


We love ham egg and chips every Tuesday great in the cafe.


Free wifi. Coffee is super lush friendly staff relaxing dinner time in a comfortable chair


I be cafe eat lasagne, garlic bread and chip bit ok not badly taste but cost £5.85 I think worth no good should be cheap.


why is it that the store is freezing, every time I go do shopping is so cold feel like wearing coat, scarf, gloves even if it is hot outside, not look around for anything just go around get essentials as quick as possible so I can leave


butter is far to expensive staff kept getting in my way


Long wait at the checkout, only one till open... Grrr


Fed up with no organic fruit. When I was a lad, all fruit was organic(ie not full of crap), now its cool to charge a premium for stuff which is not full of pesticides. Its hit and miss on the organic side of the veg, but hear Asdas have a better range so will try there for a while. Been a long term Sainsbury's customer and think its probably time to try there.


Bought a pizza for our supper and when unwrapped there was only topping on a third of the surface. Not enough topping for us to spread over the whole surface. If we weren't relying on it for tonight, I would have returned it. Certainly won't be buying Sainsbury's pizza again, I'll stick to M & S where they know how to make a good pizza!!


homophobic shop, steer clear, do yourself and any gay friends you have, go shop somewhere else.


Myself & a friend both ate chicken salad sandwiches in the Saisburys cafe today (Westwood Cross, Broadstairs) within an hour or two we both had upset stomachs. Would not reccomend eating in this cafe!


Love the store but seriously when it takes you over 45 mins to get out the car park that is dire!!!!!!


I had a coffee with my aged mother as she felt unwell yesterday, while in Sainsburys.

While the staff in the canteen try their best & are always friendly, they are obviously totally understaffed & the cafe is obviously underfunded.

There was uneaten food all around the dirty tables - surely a reflection of the quality.

There were no cleared tables, resulting in dirty plates & cutlery everywhere, (surely a hygiene issue, plus a failed risk assessment with free-range children around dirty knives & saliva covered forks during half term).

There were no forks, tea-spoons or even napkins available, (even a member of staff couldn't get any for the increasingly dismayed & annoyed customers).

The place looked like the morning after a rowdy party. It was disgusting & dirty.

Please note, this is NOT aimed at the unsupported staff; it is aimed at Sainsburys.

Sainsburys, get a grip!

You have a RESTAURANT here, a place where you have a DUTY OF CARE for hygiene & risk protection for your customers & staff alike.

Sainsburys dramatically failed their duties yesterday, resulting in Mum & me seriously considering shopping elsewhere.

1/10, must try harder!

(The 1 is for the poor, unsupported, undermanned staff).

...................................... ....................................

Monday 6th March 2017


I bought some mince on Friday 3rd March. It was stored in our modern fridge at 4*C

It's use-by date is 8th March (Wednesday).

Today, (Monday 6th March), I opened it and it reeks in the most vinigary, nauseating way. It is DISGUSTING!

This is NOT the first time this has happened; John, (a qualified Master Butcher), & I, (working in a medical profession where hygiene & cross infection prevention are paramount), either six or seven times before.

I shall be returning this lumpy bacterial culture to Sainsburys, where I will NOT want a, "Refund or replacement", but rather a bacterial investigation, report & a plan of action as to what Sainsburys are going to do in order to avoid poisoning their customers with infected mince.


I am so totally over shopping at Sainsbury's Westwood cross. They have the smallest vegan section and mixed in with the frozen goods is meat products and if that isn't bad enough, it's in the fridge marked Vegetarian. I have spoken to the staff about this before and nothing has been done. I tried looking for vegan mince yet again and nothing. This has been months now. As for the "cheese" section, what a joke. There are a few pieces in the Free from section, needless to say the entire section of "free from" was literally free from anything. It was almost empty. And what's up with marking things with just a green "V". That doesn't mean anything. It could mean suitable for vegetarian but that doesn't make it suitable for Vegan. Come on Sainsbury's, you can do better than that.

More about Sainsbury'S

Sainsbury'S is located at Dadson Way, CT12 5FJ Ramsgate
01843 347220
Monday: 06:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 06:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 06:00 - 22:00
Friday: 06:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 06:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 16:00