
Monday: 07:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 22:00
Friday: 07:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 16:00



They do a great steak and have a really good carpark


There’s the most adorable gentleman working in the cafe. He can’t do enough for everyone. Deserves a bonus! X


The man who delivered our shopping this evening was so friendly!! Really appreciate his kind attitude (think his name was Jon).


Me and my daughter love the staff at Sainsbury's. I just wanted to recognise Shailesh who is so charming and friendly my daughter insists on going in most days just to see if he's working.


It has a fantastic clothes range great food brilliant offers just all round fantastic shop


I went in today to get some new clothes for my son. He chose one specific item, but unfortunately there wasn't one in his size. I asked a lady nearby who was replenishing the display and she said unfortunately everything was out. We substituted the item and went to the till. Just as we had finished paying, the lady in question came running through the till section with the item my son wanted in his size. She had found it at the bottom of her crate and had very, very kindly hunted us down!! My son was very happy. I just wanted to recognise this act of kindness, as the member of staff really went out her way. Sadly I don't know her name, but thank you very much.


Today I went to indulge in a tin of pears unfortunately after opening I was greeted with peaches. � not cool, my pear dreams are over as no other tins in the house �


They need more staff it is 10.30 on a Sunday and they are queuing everywhere and this store is like this most days and also the shelf’s are normally empty many thanks


Like Asda, only much, much more expensive..........


Purchased muscovado glaze ham dated 30 th Nov only to go to cook it for thanksgiving celebrations only to find it had gone bad . Phone Sainsbury’s Godalming and spoke to Aron who was very apologetic and asked me to pop in and be reimbursed for the inconvenience. I did this on Friday Aron not available but I spoke to a member of customer service staff who was so rude to me and made me feel terrible, I even showed the pictures of the ham to which he spoke over me to a work colleague criticising his Work colleague. Left the store very deflated . Spoke to care line who reimbursed the ham and £5 nectar points ( not covering the calls or travel costs ). As a regular sainsburys shopper will now be exploring other supermarkets who will hopefully have better customer service.


Why does it take 2 weeks to refund money owing on internet shopping? I sent back a bag of goods that had RAW chicken and cooked meat as well as butter. I was astounded that yet again I had raw chicken and cooked meat and dairy all in the same bag. This must be at least the fourth time I have returned stuff because of this. Do you not realise the bacteria that is on the outside of packed chicken? I have also been waiting 3 days for a phone call relating to this. Come on Sainsbury's sort yourselves out. Rant over, but I would like my £32+ back please.


So normally I find this store absolutely fine. Today I am more then disgusted! I brought my fresh turkey yesterday which states it lasts till the 27th. I went into my fridge today and the god awful smell was coming from the turkey. £15 down the drain as I am unable to return it with it being Christmas tomorrow so I've had to through it away! Thank god tesco saved the day with a fresh chicken. I am so upset and disappointed that this has happened and will never shop for my fresh turkey with you again.


No respect for their neighbours, loud noise from 6am every morning. Selfish bastards!


I am a carer for a vulnerable lady that can’t get out of her house she does a shopping delivery every single week with out fail so she is a very very loyal customer, over the past week we have experienced poooooooooooooooooor service from them my lady made a delivery last week Wednesday they had no slots till the Friday , we accepted the slot for Friday , the weather was bad so they rang my client on Friday to let her know that they could not deliver an that was it didn’t give her no alternative other day just said the couldn’t come as the weather was bad , myself the rang them back that same Friday an said could you not give her a different day the lady then said she can but won’t b till Sunday we then accept that slot for Sunday all was fine , Saturday I phoned them because o didn’t get a slot time so i was ringing to see wat time it was coming , the man then said there not a delivery been booked for Sunday so i explained to him an he was very understanding an said he could get us another slot but won’t b unti- Wednesday , I booked it he gave me a ref number an a slot time , he gave us a discount of 10pounds he then said that my client would have to ring up before Wednesday to confirm as i won’t the account holder so I said that fine my client rang up today Tuesday to confirm the delivery for tomorrow the lady told us that the delivery has cancelled by it , I then asked the lady who has cancelled it she would no tell me o then explains that this is not on as she is a vulnerable disabled lady , they then said that she can’t do nothing An that we had to rebook on line I then said that’s out of order because we have slot time An ref number so I Dnt understand why it is cancelled ,when we spoke to them they had asked us for the Ref number an I had give it to them she then told us that we had a booking for 7-8 on Wednesday but it has cancel next to it she then said then said the only thing she can do is rebook over the phone but won’t be till Thursday o explained that not on an want to talk to manager she then said that she can’t do that I then said why not I want to talk to manager she refused to let mo talk to the manager An then said if you got a complaint I’m to take an address down an make a complaint that way I told them not to worries I will be report to papers an who ever eles , as the behaviour An the no manners from Sainsbury’s was terrible an it not on!!!!!! I am a carer for a vulnerable lady that can’t get out of her house she does a shopping delivery every single week with out fail so she is a very very loyal customer, over the past week we have experienced poooooooooooooooooor service from them my lady made a delivery last week Wednesday they had no slots till the Friday , we accepted the slot for Friday , the weather was bad so they rang my client on Friday to let her know that they could not deliver an that was it didn’t give her no alternative other day just said the couldn’t come as the weather was bad , myself the rang them back that same Friday an said could you not give her a different say the lady then said she can but won’t b till Sunday we then accept that slot for Sunday all was fine , Saturday I phoned them because o didn’t get a slot time so o was ringing to see wat time it was coming , the man then said there not a delivery been booked for Sunday so i explained to him an he was very understanding an said he could get us another slot but won’t b unti- Wednesday , I booked it he gave me a ref number an a slot time , he then said that my client would have to ring up before Wednesday to confirm as i won’t the account holder so I said that fine my client rang up today Tuesday to confirm the delivery for tomorrow the lady told us that the delivery has cancelled by it , I then asked the lady who has cancelled it she would no tell mi o then explains that this is my on as she is a vulnerable disabled lady , they then said that she can’t do nothing An that we had to rebook on line I then said that’s out of order because we have slot time An ref number so I Dnt understand why it is cancelled ,when we spoke to them they had asked us for the Ref number an I had give it to them she then told us that we had a booking for 7-8 on Wednesday but it has cancel next to it she then said then said the only thing she can do is rebook over the phone but won’t be till Thursday o explained that not on an want to talk to manager she then said that she can’t do that I then said why not I want to talk to manager she refused to let mo talk to the manager An then said if you got a complaint I’m to take an address down an make a complaint that way I told them not to worries I will be report to papers an who ever eles , as the behaviour An the no manners from Sainsbury’s was terrible an it not on!!!!!!


Hey Sainsbury's Godalming. I went shopping on the 18th Feb. My wife went back a couple of hours later for petrol and you just sent us a parking ticket for being in the car park for 4 hours. Please advise how you will withdraw this ticket. Thank you, Howard


Flipping freezing instore! What on earth is going on!


They do a great steak and have a really good carpark


There’s the most adorable gentleman working in the cafe. He can’t do enough for everyone. Deserves a bonus! X


The man who delivered our shopping this evening was so friendly!! Really appreciate his kind attitude (think his name was Jon).


Me and my daughter love the staff at Sainsbury's. I just wanted to recognise Shailesh who is so charming and friendly my daughter insists on going in most days just to see if he's working.


It has a fantastic clothes range great food brilliant offers just all round fantastic shop


I went in today to get some new clothes for my son. He chose one specific item, but unfortunately there wasn't one in his size. I asked a lady nearby who was replenishing the display and she said unfortunately everything was out. We substituted the item and went to the till. Just as we had finished paying, the lady in question came running through the till section with the item my son wanted in his size. She had found it at the bottom of her crate and had very, very kindly hunted us down!! My son was very happy. I just wanted to recognise this act of kindness, as the member of staff really went out her way. Sadly I don't know her name, but thank you very much.


Today I went to indulge in a tin of pears unfortunately after opening I was greeted with peaches. � not cool, my pear dreams are over as no other tins in the house �


They need more staff it is 10.30 on a Sunday and they are queuing everywhere and this store is like this most days and also the shelf’s are normally empty many thanks


Like Asda, only much, much more expensive..........


Purchased muscovado glaze ham dated 30 th Nov only to go to cook it for thanksgiving celebrations only to find it had gone bad . Phone Sainsbury’s Godalming and spoke to Aron who was very apologetic and asked me to pop in and be reimbursed for the inconvenience. I did this on Friday Aron not available but I spoke to a member of customer service staff who was so rude to me and made me feel terrible, I even showed the pictures of the ham to which he spoke over me to a work colleague criticising his Work colleague. Left the store very deflated . Spoke to care line who reimbursed the ham and £5 nectar points ( not covering the calls or travel costs ). As a regular sainsburys shopper will now be exploring other supermarkets who will hopefully have better customer service.


Why does it take 2 weeks to refund money owing on internet shopping? I sent back a bag of goods that had RAW chicken and cooked meat as well as butter. I was astounded that yet again I had raw chicken and cooked meat and dairy all in the same bag. This must be at least the fourth time I have returned stuff because of this. Do you not realise the bacteria that is on the outside of packed chicken? I have also been waiting 3 days for a phone call relating to this. Come on Sainsbury's sort yourselves out. Rant over, but I would like my £32+ back please.


So normally I find this store absolutely fine. Today I am more then disgusted! I brought my fresh turkey yesterday which states it lasts till the 27th. I went into my fridge today and the god awful smell was coming from the turkey. £15 down the drain as I am unable to return it with it being Christmas tomorrow so I've had to through it away! Thank god tesco saved the day with a fresh chicken. I am so upset and disappointed that this has happened and will never shop for my fresh turkey with you again.


No respect for their neighbours, loud noise from 6am every morning. Selfish bastards!


I am a carer for a vulnerable lady that can’t get out of her house she does a shopping delivery every single week with out fail so she is a very very loyal customer, over the past week we have experienced poooooooooooooooooor service from them my lady made a delivery last week Wednesday they had no slots till the Friday , we accepted the slot for Friday , the weather was bad so they rang my client on Friday to let her know that they could not deliver an that was it didn’t give her no alternative other day just said the couldn’t come as the weather was bad , myself the rang them back that same Friday an said could you not give her a different day the lady then said she can but won’t b till Sunday we then accept that slot for Sunday all was fine , Saturday I phoned them because o didn’t get a slot time so i was ringing to see wat time it was coming , the man then said there not a delivery been booked for Sunday so i explained to him an he was very understanding an said he could get us another slot but won’t b unti- Wednesday , I booked it he gave me a ref number an a slot time , he gave us a discount of 10pounds he then said that my client would have to ring up before Wednesday to confirm as i won’t the account holder so I said that fine my client rang up today Tuesday to confirm the delivery for tomorrow the lady told us that the delivery has cancelled by it , I then asked the lady who has cancelled it she would no tell me o then explains that this is not on as she is a vulnerable disabled lady , they then said that she can’t do nothing An that we had to rebook on line I then said that’s out of order because we have slot time An ref number so I Dnt understand why it is cancelled ,when we spoke to them they had asked us for the Ref number an I had give it to them she then told us that we had a booking for 7-8 on Wednesday but it has cancel next to it she then said then said the only thing she can do is rebook over the phone but won’t be till Thursday o explained that not on an want to talk to manager she then said that she can’t do that I then said why not I want to talk to manager she refused to let mo talk to the manager An then said if you got a complaint I’m to take an address down an make a complaint that way I told them not to worries I will be report to papers an who ever eles , as the behaviour An the no manners from Sainsbury’s was terrible an it not on!!!!!! I am a carer for a vulnerable lady that can’t get out of her house she does a shopping delivery every single week with out fail so she is a very very loyal customer, over the past week we have experienced poooooooooooooooooor service from them my lady made a delivery last week Wednesday they had no slots till the Friday , we accepted the slot for Friday , the weather was bad so they rang my client on Friday to let her know that they could not deliver an that was it didn’t give her no alternative other day just said the couldn’t come as the weather was bad , myself the rang them back that same Friday an said could you not give her a different say the lady then said she can but won’t b till Sunday we then accept that slot for Sunday all was fine , Saturday I phoned them because o didn’t get a slot time so o was ringing to see wat time it was coming , the man then said there not a delivery been booked for Sunday so i explained to him an he was very understanding an said he could get us another slot but won’t b unti- Wednesday , I booked it he gave me a ref number an a slot time , he then said that my client would have to ring up before Wednesday to confirm as i won’t the account holder so I said that fine my client rang up today Tuesday to confirm the delivery for tomorrow the lady told us that the delivery has cancelled by it , I then asked the lady who has cancelled it she would no tell mi o then explains that this is my on as she is a vulnerable disabled lady , they then said that she can’t do nothing An that we had to rebook on line I then said that’s out of order because we have slot time An ref number so I Dnt understand why it is cancelled ,when we spoke to them they had asked us for the Ref number an I had give it to them she then told us that we had a booking for 7-8 on Wednesday but it has cancel next to it she then said then said the only thing she can do is rebook over the phone but won’t be till Thursday o explained that not on an want to talk to manager she then said that she can’t do that I then said why not I want to talk to manager she refused to let mo talk to the manager An then said if you got a complaint I’m to take an address down an make a complaint that way I told them not to worries I will be report to papers an who ever eles , as the behaviour An the no manners from Sainsbury’s was terrible an it not on!!!!!!


Hey Sainsbury's Godalming. I went shopping on the 18th Feb. My wife went back a couple of hours later for petrol and you just sent us a parking ticket for being in the car park for 4 hours. Please advise how you will withdraw this ticket. Thank you, Howard


Flipping freezing instore! What on earth is going on!

More about Sainsbury'S

Sainsbury'S is located at Woolsack Way, GU7 1LQ Godalming
Monday: 07:00 - 22:00
Tuesday: 07:00 - 22:00
Wednesday: 07:00 - 22:00
Thursday: 07:00 - 22:00
Friday: 07:00 - 22:00
Saturday: 07:00 - 22:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 16:00