Scalar Energy

About Scalar Energy

Scalar Energy

Scalar Energy Description

The History of Scalar Energy on One Page. . . .
This article looks at the little known history of scalar energy. . . . .

If you've ever been to a health and wellness expo, chances are you may have heard something about scalar energy. It's becoming popular among the alternative health community, but has actually been around for quite some time.
Scalar energy was originally discovered by James Clerk Maxwell in the mid 1850’s. Maxwell was a theoretical physicist and mathematician who was born in Scotland in 1831 and his discovery was a new form of energy now known as
Scalar Energy.
Once Maxwell had discovered the existence of this energy, Nikola Tesla -- a Yugoslavian mathematical and mechanical engineer -- then worked to prove and demonstrate its existence in 1856. Tesla referred to Scalar energy as standing energy or universal waves and he was able to collect it without the use of any cables and wires.
Albert Einstein also noted and made reference to Scalar Energy during his work in the 1920’s, but the question asks, how is it different?
Our everyday electro-magnetic waves have wave action and frequencies, which are easily measurable in the unit of Hertz.
Scalar energy on the other hand is a static, stationary energy that has no frequencies and cannot be measured in Hertz like electro-magnetic waves. It is a very special and unique type of energy and only now are we beginning to understand its importance and possibilities.
Although only discovered within the last 150 years, scalar energy has existed since the beginning of time.
Scalar energy is found within in the vacuum of empty space, ranging anywhere from the empty atmosphere in the earth, to the small spaces between your bodily cells. In nature, it can be found in desolate hills, rain forests and is generated by crashing ocean waves.
Perhaps the most promising benefit of scalar energy is its healing properties. It has been known to reduce and can possibly eliminate many forms of disease, but since its discovery more 150 years ago, knowledge on scalar energy has been held in secrecy by a select few who were able to understand its complexity.
Thankfully, we now have a better understanding and knowledge and scalar energy is rising to the surface. The general population can easily learn about the properties of scalar energy to harness and use the miraculous benefits to improve their own health and wellness.





Nikola Tesla | The Father of Scalar Energy Picture Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) posed in his laboratory Nikola Tesla, the father of scalar energy, was one of the greatest geniuses of all time and one of the world's most gifted inventors. He developed ideas and technologies which were far ahead of his time. Many argue that Tesla singlehandedly created the 21st century.
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Nikola Tesla, the father of scalar energy, was one of the greatest geniuses of all time and one of the world’s most gifted inventors. He developed ideas and technologies which were far ahead of his time. Many argue that Tesla singlehandedly created the 21st century.
Tesla proposed two types of energy existed in the cosmos: scalar and electromagnetic energy. Because of the lack of technology to detect scalar energy, electromagnetic energy was more widely accepted and utilised...
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Scalar Energy Scalar energy, however, is a different animal. Understand, scalar energy has always existed – since the beginning of time – however, it's only recently that scientists have discovered and begun to make use of it. It was actually back in the mid 1800's that the existence of scalar energy was first proposed in a series of 4 groundbreaking equations by the Scottish mathematician, James Clerk Maxwell.
Don't even think about trying to understand these equations....
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A brief history
The existence of scalar energy was first proposed by James Clerk Maxwell in the mid 18th century.
The key to Maxwell’s equation is the use of the P symbol, which stand for Scalar Charge Density, thus representing that the existence of scalar energy was theoretically proposed.
... It was almost half-century later before Nicola Tesla actually able to demonstrate the existence of scalar energy. The term scalar was used by Nikola Tesla as a part of powerful non-Hertzian energy (without frequencies) which he referred to as standing energy or cosmic waves, Einstein acknowledged the existence of this form of energy and made due reference to scalar energy in the 1920’s.
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What is Scalar Energy?
According to the principle of conservation of energy, energy is perpetual but can be transformed. During the process of transformation, part of the energy will be converted into heat in order to maintain its balanced condition. The resultant heat produced must then be dispersed through processes such as emission or radiation, and a portion of it is converted into energy. The human body is made up of 60 trillion cells, a basic phenomenon of life. Human b...ehaviour and activity requires energy. The major source of energy is derived from the energy produced through the activity of ATP in cellular water. Bodily cell regeneration can promote metabolism, which is beneficial to ATP functions. During the process of energy production and nutrient assimilation, toxic waste substances are produced. The unwanted toxic waste will in turn be eliminated via the processes of respiration, perspiration and excretion through the body’s organ systems. Therefore, the breath of healthy people is fresh, they have clean and clear urine and non-odorous, soft stool.
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What is Scalar Energy?
According to the principle of conservation of energy, energy is perpetual but can be transformed. During the process of transformation, part of the energy will be converted into heat in order to maintain its balanced condition. The resultant heat produced must then be dispersed through processes such as emission or radiation, and a portion of it is converted into energy. The human body is made up of 60 trillion cells, a basic phen...omenon of life. Human behaviour and activity requires energy. The major source of energy is derived from the energy produced through the activity of ATP in cellular water. Bodily cell regeneration can promote metabolism, which is beneficial to ATP functions. During the process of energy production and nutrient assimilation, toxic waste substances are produced. The unwanted toxic waste will in turn be eliminated via the processes of respiration, perspiration and excretion through the body’s organ systems. Therefore, the breath of healthy people is fresh, they have clean and clear urine and non-odorous, soft stool.
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A word slide defining vectors and scalars.
To better understand the science of propulsion it is necessary to use some mathematical ideas from vector analysis. Most people are introduced to vectors in high school or college, but for the elementary and middle school students, or the mathematically-challenged:
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Afew photos on Scalar one is an astrological pic lol... just liked it

More about Scalar Energy

Scalar Energy is located at Ramsgate