Scarwork At Restore Therapy

Monday: 08:00 - 17:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:30
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Scarwork At Restore Therapy

ScarWork and scar massage therapy can benefit scars from surgery or accidents. Emma Holly runs training courses and lectures on the impact of scars, adhesions and fibrosis. Restore Therapy clinics are located in Harley Street and Harpenden.

Scarwork At Restore Therapy Description

Emma Holly has the UK’s leading ScarWork clinics and now offers training to physiotherapists and other physical bodywork professionals, in this specialised gentle but effective therapy for scar tissue and adhesions.

As skin is healing after an operation or accident, different layers under the skin get stuck together as the body works to close and heal the wound. ScarWork helps gently release these stuck layers to allow better function and movement in the scar tissue and surrounding fascial tissue, muscles and ligaments.

Developed by American Sharon Wheeler, ScarWork has been developed to improve the condition and integration of scar tissue. You may not have heard of it as only been established in the UK for a short time, so very few therapists are offering these specialised scar treatments.



Taking a well earned break in Italy this weekend with my son. Its so relaxing to be looking at these stunning views and wandering the cobbled streets after a busy few weeks teaching and offering therapy back home. So many of the people I meet through work have had unexpected health changes, we need to ensure we make the time to be with loved ones, make time for ourselves and enjoy the time we have. #getaway #relaxing #specialmoments #familytime #enjoythemoment #yolo


Good luck to Mark and the rest of the UK team in Sydney. They’ll fly out on Monday and for some of the the athletes, even being cramped on a plane and the noises and crowds will be the first challenge not to trigger PTSD or horrific memories. The teamwork and support from being a member of the team can feel like a lifeline and I can see the help it brings to these people. Good luck Mark and go team GB 🇬🇧 💪🥇


Thanks to Lyn Breakwell, Vickie Mayher and Kelly Langmaid for all the hard work they have put in working with the athletes at the trackside. This was the last training meet before they fly to Sydney on Monday ready for the Invictus games 2018.
Wishing team UK every success. These individuals have worked so hard, against adversity, through trauma and living in pain. A humbling experience for us therapists to be able to offer a little support.
I will continue to try and bring a team of therapists to other events where our skills can benefit the participants and look forward to more opportunities in 2019. Good luck everyone! 🏅 🇬🇧 🥇


Lovely treatments from Kelly Langmaid and Vickie Mayher today at the side of the track at the final training meet before the athletes fly out on Monday to Sydney for the Invictus Games 2018. A hot day working hard, but worth every minute. We had a warm welcome and our therapy skills were well utilised by the team throughout the day. More to do tomorrow...


Good to see you again @davewatson9101 wishing you every success in the #invictus games #sydneyinvictusgames2018 #shotput #discus #amazing


Great to meet @freshnessuk at the Invictus meet-she was here to inspire the athletes #goldmedal #european #athlete


Amazingly the sun is out today for us to be trackside at the @invictusgames2018 athletic training camp #invictus #iam #scar #scartherapy #treatments #donating #freetherapy #volunteer #support #supportourwoundedwarriors


@commando_teddy_bear @joshmyers1986 great day at Invictus training today where we are giving #freescarwork #scartherapy #scartreatmentrecovery


Looking forward to being back working with the Invictus athletes tomorrow, together with Kelly Langmaid and Vickie MayherLooking forward to being back working with the Invictus athletes tomorrow, together with Kelly Langmaid and Vickie Mayher


Amazing work from the therapists at the workshop this weekend. The client was thrilled to get a full range of movement after more than two years of suffering with pain and discomfort in her arm after lumpectomy surgery and radiotherapy in May 2016.
In the training session the students were able to release tightness in the scar enough for full range of movement to return. Well done everyone!


Wow a year ago already


Lunch with the therapists at the advanced ScarWork after breast cancer workshop today 😊


Well done ladies


Lovely group discussions about breast cancer clients at the advanced workshop today. Talking about all the considerations for each individual and their history and how that will impact the ScarWork therapy we give. #scarwork #breastcancer #therapy #training #radiotherapy #rfs #chemotherapy #recovery #pain


Advanced ScarWork after Breast Cancer workshop this weekend has been going very well. Comments from clients about how much more effective the sessions have been with these experienced therapists is great and some big improvements. Looking forward to day two tomorrow! #scarwork #breastcancer #diep #tugflap #mastectomyscars #lumpectomy #therapy #training


Well done to Suzanne for her excellent work with Action Cancer in Northern Ireland, using Sharon Wheeler's ScarWork to benefit patients which has been a great success.


Jacqui Brabin is in St Albans offering reflexology- a wonderful therapy given in a holistic way.


Volteering therapy for the Invictus 2018 Athletic team. For the second year I've organised a ScarWork team to support the athletes. Therapists Emma Holly, Megan Bennett and Jakki Hesse donated therapy pre and post event.


What an amazing course! I had previously completed a one day course, which was fantastic but bringing it all together in the full certification was just brilliant! I am more confident using the many techniques learnt, have felt great improvements in my own c-section scar from the practical and have had some truly amazing results with my patients. Will definitely be doing some more courses in future.


Today I had scarwork therapy on my 4 year old c-section scar as a part of a training course Emma is currently running. I was treated by two amazing practitioners, overseen by Emma.

It was incredible, the results were instant, my scar looked and felt better on the surface. Deeper down I have struggled with issues to my right side, I hadn’t realised how much mobility I had lost and how much pain I was coping with until now. My goodness, I can bend at my waist completely in jeans without any pain, I can lay on my front, even arch my back up, no pain. And I just sneezed and didn’t have to hold onto my stomach to reduce the pain. I would highly recommend if you have ever had any surgery and experience that knotty sharp sometimes excruciating pain.


The treatment feels amazing. It was so gentle that at first you don’t think it can be doing anything but afterwards I felt immediate results. My scar had adhesed inside on one side and was pulling in. After one treatment I felt it much softer and looser. The second treatment went a little deeper and has helped even more. My scar is almost so much flatter and smoother now and it’s only been six months since my operation, an emergency c-section, and a month since I started seeing Emma. Highly recommended.


The scarwork training which the therapists from St Christopher’s Hospice received was excellent. The course provided us with a set of techniques we could use immediately with our patients to good effect. The patients found the training session very relaxing and have fed back to us some positive outcomes such as less tightness in and around the scar and with one patient observing a significant reduction of bulging on either side of the scar. The team are incorporating these techniques into their regular sessions and some are planning to expand their knowledge by attending further training as they can see the benefits that this type of training will have on our patients.


The one day workshop on Advanced Scarwork for post operative breast cancer surgery that Emma's runs is amazing. She is a great teacher, explains things well, very generously shares her knowledge and experience and provides a great balance between theory and practical. I have learn't heaps and feel much more confident in treating clients with this prognosis and approaching hospices and organisations to spread the good work of these amazing techniques. Highly recommended.


Thank you so much Emma and Megan for an amazing 4 days of learning. You're passion for ScarWork is infectious and inspiring and your friendly, relaxed approach to teaching makes the perfect learning environment. Thank you so much. I think this is going to be a game changer course for me. X


Taking the decision to qualify in ScarWorks has been one of the best professional decisions I made this year.

I was introduced to Emma’s ScarWork course at the Mulberry Cancer Centre where she generously donated an introductory course for the massage therapists. During the practical element of the day, I witnessed a profound change both on a physical and emotional level in our cancer patients. This left me eager to learn more.

I wasn’t disappointed! The 3-day qualification course was equally inspiring. Learning further techniques on a wide range of clients with fascinating scar journeys meant that we were able to qualify with confidence in our newly acquired knowledge and skills

Emma was inspirational in her teaching, patient in her approach and a huge source of knowledge that she was eager to share with our group.

ScarWork provides a whole new dimension to how I work now. I would unreservedly recommend anyone who does body work to add ScarWork to their skill set.


I've been seeing Emma as my C-section scar has had some issues healing. As well as being very knowledgeable and gentle I've seen the difference both visibly and also in feeling that there is less stickiness between the layers of muscle. Emma was recommended by a friend and I've also been telling any friends I know who've had cesareans as it's such a simple treatment which can help ensure you minimise any possible long term issues. I feel that everyone who has a c-section should be told about this! Thanks Emma!


I recently completed the scarwork course. It was amazing, so many practical and effective techniques learnt. The results were relatively quick. Emma was very caring, professional and talented. Its an exciting area to learn about and be part of and such an important component to therapy, intergrating the scar to improve quality of movement, reduce pain and facilitate the healing process.


I have just completed Emmas 4 day Scar tissue therapy course and would highly reccomend any modality of therapist to add it to their skill set.

Emmas teaching is both professional and warm and dotted with humour. It's a very hands on course with many wonderful people bought in by Emma who offered up their scars old and new for us to practice the techniques on. She ensured that we were all confident in theory, practise and touch so that we could go out and use this wonderful, effective work straight away.

A thoroughly enjoyable, vauable course and post course support. Thank you Emma!


I have been having scar therapy on painful post mastectomy scars. I have had chronic daily pain that i have learnt to just live with. Even after the first session, i left painfree & each session i have, i can go longer before the pain returns. It really has transformed my life. Being in constant pain is not only demoralising, it is a constant reminder of the cancer & the fear of it coming back haunts you. Being painfree gives u respite from this worry. I cant thank Emma enough. Amazing.


I have amazing results from the scar work techniques used on my clients, quite a revelation. It has led to new clients from recommendations. The scar work course is super training with an emphasis on practical application not only on fellow students but also on individuals with scars via clinic sessions.


I attended the 1 day course at NLSSM on23rd March 2018.

I was the only male but was not embarrassed or made to feel awkward at all.

Being a bit sceptical as to the efficacy of the techniques, I let my working partner practice on my 40 year old hernia scar. Imagine my surprise when it activated my ongoing problem with, what I thought was, an ongoing quads strain on my opposite leg. After the ONE treatment I no longer get the pain I've been struggling with for the last 6 months!!

Emma's teaching skills are patient and relaxed, so the massage skills are easily learned and practised.

Since the 1 day course I had a few questions and Emma has come back to me quite quickly.

Based on my experience, being a practitioner and a client, I've asked Emma if she can fit me in for the whole 3 day course.

If you need a scar treating, new or old, I would recommend the treatment and if you are a therapist this is a fantastic tool for your toolbox of skills.


I attended a conference last year and heard Emma speak so inspiringly that I immediately booked onto her intro to scar work course. This confirmed it to me that I was desperate to know more so I booked onto the full course. I myself get nervous, and find learning difficult, so by doing the into course first it gave me some confidence and basic scar work knowledge so I could get more out of the full course and feel more relaxed. Emma and her team are a wonderful group of people, going above and beyond to give you all their knowledge and expertise, but still making you feel at ease. I came away feeling so uplifted and couldn’t wait to help my clients. I am looking forward to doing some more of Emma’s courses in the future as you can never stop learning and I have a desire to be the best therapist i can be. Thank you Emma and your team so much.


I am currently having scar work with Emma and I can truly say that the scars are getting better after just 3 treatments. She is a professional but makes me feel very comfortable and right at home in her practice. I highly recommend her for any scar work you may need.


Emma's advanced post operative cancer scar work day course, packed in reams of hugely informative much needed revision and new input. Combining academic know how with hands on practice, graduated in three sections in one day, meant we really integrated the knowledge and application rather then just trying to randomly remember everything. Its priceless to be able to have this access to progressing our skills, so that we can effectively and safely apply Sharon Wheelers ScarWork therapy with the high standard and respect it deserves. Thank you Emma.


Emma was a guest speaker at Trojans Support Group. Her insight on scars was spot on. I hadn't previously considered my symptoms and restricted movement could be down to scars and was interested to learn more. I have had two treatments, once as a client & once as a volunteer model. On both occasions the improvements were immediate and although the visual affect of the scars was not my main concern, they no longer look as red and angry, which is an added bonus. I cannot praise Emma highly enough. Her professionalism, enthusiasm & willingness to transfer her skills to help others is commendable.


Emma is a wonderful, caring and totally professional teacher of her specialism.

I attended a 4-day introduction to Scarwork, and now I feel confident to help my clients and understand their challenges! An excellent addition to my skill set. On her course Emma combines a lucid teaching style with compassion and humour. She well understands the issues facing her students. Coursework is clear and helpful, and Emma ensures there are plenty of loyal clients offering time to help students learn about their own unique scars. It was a privilege and honour to treat them.

A great way to respect your clients! Go on the course!


As a therapist I completed the intro to scarwork last month and loved it. Signed up to be a client today on the full course. Wow what a difference. It’s amazing! Gall bladder surgery abdominal scars released after 4 years and vast improvement in both appearance and feel over stomach. Also released ankle scar which has changed texture, colour and less restricted! Hoping I can do full course soon as a therapist! Many thanks!


What an amazing course! I had previously completed a one day course, which was fantastic but bringing it all together in the full certification was just brilliant! I am more confident using the many techniques learnt, have felt great improvements in my own c-section scar from the practical and have had some truly amazing results with my patients. Will definitely be doing some more courses in future.


Today I had scarwork therapy on my 4 year old c-section scar as a part of a training course Emma is currently running. I was treated by two amazing practitioners, overseen by Emma.

It was incredible, the results were instant, my scar looked and felt better on the surface. Deeper down I have struggled with issues to my right side, I hadn’t realised how much mobility I had lost and how much pain I was coping with until now. My goodness, I can bend at my waist completely in jeans without any pain, I can lay on my front, even arch my back up, no pain. And I just sneezed and didn’t have to hold onto my stomach to reduce the pain. I would highly recommend if you have ever had any surgery and experience that knotty sharp sometimes excruciating pain.


The treatment feels amazing. It was so gentle that at first you don’t think it can be doing anything but afterwards I felt immediate results. My scar had adhesed inside on one side and was pulling in. After one treatment I felt it much softer and looser. The second treatment went a little deeper and has helped even more. My scar is almost so much flatter and smoother now and it’s only been six months since my operation, an emergency c-section, and a month since I started seeing Emma. Highly recommended.


The scarwork training which the therapists from St Christopher’s Hospice received was excellent. The course provided us with a set of techniques we could use immediately with our patients to good effect. The patients found the training session very relaxing and have fed back to us some positive outcomes such as less tightness in and around the scar and with one patient observing a significant reduction of bulging on either side of the scar. The team are incorporating these techniques into their regular sessions and some are planning to expand their knowledge by attending further training as they can see the benefits that this type of training will have on our patients.


The one day workshop on Advanced Scarwork for post operative breast cancer surgery that Emma's runs is amazing. She is a great teacher, explains things well, very generously shares her knowledge and experience and provides a great balance between theory and practical. I have learn't heaps and feel much more confident in treating clients with this prognosis and approaching hospices and organisations to spread the good work of these amazing techniques. Highly recommended.


Thank you so much Emma and Megan for an amazing 4 days of learning. You're passion for ScarWork is infectious and inspiring and your friendly, relaxed approach to teaching makes the perfect learning environment. Thank you so much. I think this is going to be a game changer course for me. X


Taking the decision to qualify in ScarWorks has been one of the best professional decisions I made this year.

I was introduced to Emma’s ScarWork course at the Mulberry Cancer Centre where she generously donated an introductory course for the massage therapists. During the practical element of the day, I witnessed a profound change both on a physical and emotional level in our cancer patients. This left me eager to learn more.

I wasn’t disappointed! The 3-day qualification course was equally inspiring. Learning further techniques on a wide range of clients with fascinating scar journeys meant that we were able to qualify with confidence in our newly acquired knowledge and skills

Emma was inspirational in her teaching, patient in her approach and a huge source of knowledge that she was eager to share with our group.

ScarWork provides a whole new dimension to how I work now. I would unreservedly recommend anyone who does body work to add ScarWork to their skill set.


I've been seeing Emma as my C-section scar has had some issues healing. As well as being very knowledgeable and gentle I've seen the difference both visibly and also in feeling that there is less stickiness between the layers of muscle. Emma was recommended by a friend and I've also been telling any friends I know who've had cesareans as it's such a simple treatment which can help ensure you minimise any possible long term issues. I feel that everyone who has a c-section should be told about this! Thanks Emma!


I recently completed the scarwork course. It was amazing, so many practical and effective techniques learnt. The results were relatively quick. Emma was very caring, professional and talented. Its an exciting area to learn about and be part of and such an important component to therapy, intergrating the scar to improve quality of movement, reduce pain and facilitate the healing process.


I have just completed Emmas 4 day Scar tissue therapy course and would highly reccomend any modality of therapist to add it to their skill set.

Emmas teaching is both professional and warm and dotted with humour. It's a very hands on course with many wonderful people bought in by Emma who offered up their scars old and new for us to practice the techniques on. She ensured that we were all confident in theory, practise and touch so that we could go out and use this wonderful, effective work straight away.

A thoroughly enjoyable, vauable course and post course support. Thank you Emma!


I have been having scar therapy on painful post mastectomy scars. I have had chronic daily pain that i have learnt to just live with. Even after the first session, i left painfree & each session i have, i can go longer before the pain returns. It really has transformed my life. Being in constant pain is not only demoralising, it is a constant reminder of the cancer & the fear of it coming back haunts you. Being painfree gives u respite from this worry. I cant thank Emma enough. Amazing.


I have amazing results from the scar work techniques used on my clients, quite a revelation. It has led to new clients from recommendations. The scar work course is super training with an emphasis on practical application not only on fellow students but also on individuals with scars via clinic sessions.


I attended the 1 day course at NLSSM on23rd March 2018.

I was the only male but was not embarrassed or made to feel awkward at all.

Being a bit sceptical as to the efficacy of the techniques, I let my working partner practice on my 40 year old hernia scar. Imagine my surprise when it activated my ongoing problem with, what I thought was, an ongoing quads strain on my opposite leg. After the ONE treatment I no longer get the pain I've been struggling with for the last 6 months!!

Emma's teaching skills are patient and relaxed, so the massage skills are easily learned and practised.

Since the 1 day course I had a few questions and Emma has come back to me quite quickly.

Based on my experience, being a practitioner and a client, I've asked Emma if she can fit me in for the whole 3 day course.

If you need a scar treating, new or old, I would recommend the treatment and if you are a therapist this is a fantastic tool for your toolbox of skills.


I attended a conference last year and heard Emma speak so inspiringly that I immediately booked onto her intro to scar work course. This confirmed it to me that I was desperate to know more so I booked onto the full course. I myself get nervous, and find learning difficult, so by doing the into course first it gave me some confidence and basic scar work knowledge so I could get more out of the full course and feel more relaxed. Emma and her team are a wonderful group of people, going above and beyond to give you all their knowledge and expertise, but still making you feel at ease. I came away feeling so uplifted and couldn’t wait to help my clients. I am looking forward to doing some more of Emma’s courses in the future as you can never stop learning and I have a desire to be the best therapist i can be. Thank you Emma and your team so much.


I am currently having scar work with Emma and I can truly say that the scars are getting better after just 3 treatments. She is a professional but makes me feel very comfortable and right at home in her practice. I highly recommend her for any scar work you may need.


Emma's advanced post operative cancer scar work day course, packed in reams of hugely informative much needed revision and new input. Combining academic know how with hands on practice, graduated in three sections in one day, meant we really integrated the knowledge and application rather then just trying to randomly remember everything. Its priceless to be able to have this access to progressing our skills, so that we can effectively and safely apply Sharon Wheelers ScarWork therapy with the high standard and respect it deserves. Thank you Emma.


Emma was a guest speaker at Trojans Support Group. Her insight on scars was spot on. I hadn't previously considered my symptoms and restricted movement could be down to scars and was interested to learn more. I have had two treatments, once as a client & once as a volunteer model. On both occasions the improvements were immediate and although the visual affect of the scars was not my main concern, they no longer look as red and angry, which is an added bonus. I cannot praise Emma highly enough. Her professionalism, enthusiasm & willingness to transfer her skills to help others is commendable.


Emma is a wonderful, caring and totally professional teacher of her specialism.

I attended a 4-day introduction to Scarwork, and now I feel confident to help my clients and understand their challenges! An excellent addition to my skill set. On her course Emma combines a lucid teaching style with compassion and humour. She well understands the issues facing her students. Coursework is clear and helpful, and Emma ensures there are plenty of loyal clients offering time to help students learn about their own unique scars. It was a privilege and honour to treat them.

A great way to respect your clients! Go on the course!


As a therapist I completed the intro to scarwork last month and loved it. Signed up to be a client today on the full course. Wow what a difference. It’s amazing! Gall bladder surgery abdominal scars released after 4 years and vast improvement in both appearance and feel over stomach. Also released ankle scar which has changed texture, colour and less restricted! Hoping I can do full course soon as a therapist! Many thanks!


What an amazing course! I had previously completed a one day course, which was fantastic but bringing it all together in the full certification was just brilliant! I am more confident using the many techniques learnt, have felt great improvements in my own c-section scar from the practical and have had some truly amazing results with my patients. Will definitely be doing some more courses in future.


Today I had scarwork therapy on my 4 year old c-section scar as a part of a training course Emma is currently running. I was treated by two amazing practitioners, overseen by Emma.

It was incredible, the results were instant, my scar looked and felt better on the surface. Deeper down I have struggled with issues to my right side, I hadn’t realised how much mobility I had lost and how much pain I was coping with until now. My goodness, I can bend at my waist completely in jeans without any pain, I can lay on my front, even arch my back up, no pain. And I just sneezed and didn’t have to hold onto my stomach to reduce the pain. I would highly recommend if you have ever had any surgery and experience that knotty sharp sometimes excruciating pain.


The treatment feels amazing. It was so gentle that at first you don’t think it can be doing anything but afterwards I felt immediate results. My scar had adhesed inside on one side and was pulling in. After one treatment I felt it much softer and looser. The second treatment went a little deeper and has helped even more. My scar is almost so much flatter and smoother now and it’s only been six months since my operation, an emergency c-section, and a month since I started seeing Emma. Highly recommended.


The scarwork training which the therapists from St Christopher’s Hospice received was excellent. The course provided us with a set of techniques we could use immediately with our patients to good effect. The patients found the training session very relaxing and have fed back to us some positive outcomes such as less tightness in and around the scar and with one patient observing a significant reduction of bulging on either side of the scar. The team are incorporating these techniques into their regular sessions and some are planning to expand their knowledge by attending further training as they can see the benefits that this type of training will have on our patients.


The one day workshop on Advanced Scarwork for post operative breast cancer surgery that Emma's runs is amazing. She is a great teacher, explains things well, very generously shares her knowledge and experience and provides a great balance between theory and practical. I have learn't heaps and feel much more confident in treating clients with this prognosis and approaching hospices and organisations to spread the good work of these amazing techniques. Highly recommended.


Thank you so much Emma and Megan for an amazing 4 days of learning. You're passion for ScarWork is infectious and inspiring and your friendly, relaxed approach to teaching makes the perfect learning environment. Thank you so much. I think this is going to be a game changer course for me. X


Taking the decision to qualify in ScarWorks has been one of the best professional decisions I made this year.

I was introduced to Emma’s ScarWork course at the Mulberry Cancer Centre where she generously donated an introductory course for the massage therapists. During the practical element of the day, I witnessed a profound change both on a physical and emotional level in our cancer patients. This left me eager to learn more.

I wasn’t disappointed! The 3-day qualification course was equally inspiring. Learning further techniques on a wide range of clients with fascinating scar journeys meant that we were able to qualify with confidence in our newly acquired knowledge and skills

Emma was inspirational in her teaching, patient in her approach and a huge source of knowledge that she was eager to share with our group.

ScarWork provides a whole new dimension to how I work now. I would unreservedly recommend anyone who does body work to add ScarWork to their skill set.


I've been seeing Emma as my C-section scar has had some issues healing. As well as being very knowledgeable and gentle I've seen the difference both visibly and also in feeling that there is less stickiness between the layers of muscle. Emma was recommended by a friend and I've also been telling any friends I know who've had cesareans as it's such a simple treatment which can help ensure you minimise any possible long term issues. I feel that everyone who has a c-section should be told about this! Thanks Emma!


I recently completed the scarwork course. It was amazing, so many practical and effective techniques learnt. The results were relatively quick. Emma was very caring, professional and talented. Its an exciting area to learn about and be part of and such an important component to therapy, intergrating the scar to improve quality of movement, reduce pain and facilitate the healing process.


I have just completed Emmas 4 day Scar tissue therapy course and would highly reccomend any modality of therapist to add it to their skill set.

Emmas teaching is both professional and warm and dotted with humour. It's a very hands on course with many wonderful people bought in by Emma who offered up their scars old and new for us to practice the techniques on. She ensured that we were all confident in theory, practise and touch so that we could go out and use this wonderful, effective work straight away.

A thoroughly enjoyable, vauable course and post course support. Thank you Emma!


I have been having scar therapy on painful post mastectomy scars. I have had chronic daily pain that i have learnt to just live with. Even after the first session, i left painfree & each session i have, i can go longer before the pain returns. It really has transformed my life. Being in constant pain is not only demoralising, it is a constant reminder of the cancer & the fear of it coming back haunts you. Being painfree gives u respite from this worry. I cant thank Emma enough. Amazing.


I have amazing results from the scar work techniques used on my clients, quite a revelation. It has led to new clients from recommendations. The scar work course is super training with an emphasis on practical application not only on fellow students but also on individuals with scars via clinic sessions.


I attended the 1 day course at NLSSM on23rd March 2018.

I was the only male but was not embarrassed or made to feel awkward at all.

Being a bit sceptical as to the efficacy of the techniques, I let my working partner practice on my 40 year old hernia scar. Imagine my surprise when it activated my ongoing problem with, what I thought was, an ongoing quads strain on my opposite leg. After the ONE treatment I no longer get the pain I've been struggling with for the last 6 months!!

Emma's teaching skills are patient and relaxed, so the massage skills are easily learned and practised.

Since the 1 day course I had a few questions and Emma has come back to me quite quickly.

Based on my experience, being a practitioner and a client, I've asked Emma if she can fit me in for the whole 3 day course.

If you need a scar treating, new or old, I would recommend the treatment and if you are a therapist this is a fantastic tool for your toolbox of skills.


I attended a conference last year and heard Emma speak so inspiringly that I immediately booked onto her intro to scar work course. This confirmed it to me that I was desperate to know more so I booked onto the full course. I myself get nervous, and find learning difficult, so by doing the into course first it gave me some confidence and basic scar work knowledge so I could get more out of the full course and feel more relaxed. Emma and her team are a wonderful group of people, going above and beyond to give you all their knowledge and expertise, but still making you feel at ease. I came away feeling so uplifted and couldn’t wait to help my clients. I am looking forward to doing some more of Emma’s courses in the future as you can never stop learning and I have a desire to be the best therapist i can be. Thank you Emma and your team so much.


I am currently having scar work with Emma and I can truly say that the scars are getting better after just 3 treatments. She is a professional but makes me feel very comfortable and right at home in her practice. I highly recommend her for any scar work you may need.


Emma's advanced post operative cancer scar work day course, packed in reams of hugely informative much needed revision and new input. Combining academic know how with hands on practice, graduated in three sections in one day, meant we really integrated the knowledge and application rather then just trying to randomly remember everything. Its priceless to be able to have this access to progressing our skills, so that we can effectively and safely apply Sharon Wheelers ScarWork therapy with the high standard and respect it deserves. Thank you Emma.


Emma was a guest speaker at Trojans Support Group. Her insight on scars was spot on. I hadn't previously considered my symptoms and restricted movement could be down to scars and was interested to learn more. I have had two treatments, once as a client & once as a volunteer model. On both occasions the improvements were immediate and although the visual affect of the scars was not my main concern, they no longer look as red and angry, which is an added bonus. I cannot praise Emma highly enough. Her professionalism, enthusiasm & willingness to transfer her skills to help others is commendable.


Emma is a wonderful, caring and totally professional teacher of her specialism.

I attended a 4-day introduction to Scarwork, and now I feel confident to help my clients and understand their challenges! An excellent addition to my skill set. On her course Emma combines a lucid teaching style with compassion and humour. She well understands the issues facing her students. Coursework is clear and helpful, and Emma ensures there are plenty of loyal clients offering time to help students learn about their own unique scars. It was a privilege and honour to treat them.

A great way to respect your clients! Go on the course!


As a therapist I completed the intro to scarwork last month and loved it. Signed up to be a client today on the full course. Wow what a difference. It’s amazing! Gall bladder surgery abdominal scars released after 4 years and vast improvement in both appearance and feel over stomach. Also released ankle scar which has changed texture, colour and less restricted! Hoping I can do full course soon as a therapist! Many thanks!

More about Scarwork At Restore Therapy

Scarwork At Restore Therapy is located at 24 Wells Close, AL5 3LQ Harpenden
Monday: 08:00 - 17:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:30
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -