South Foreland Heritage Coast

Guston, UK
4.7 star rating



We stopped for the lighthouse tour hesitantly, not sure if it was worth interrupting our hike. But well worth it was! We had a great and almost personal guided tour covering the lighthouse from top to bottom, a demonstration of all its functions just short of turning the light on.

The most interesting lighthouse tour we have had so far, in a lighthouse with a rich history being the first electrified lighthouse in the country, and a place of work and research for both Faraday and Marconi. Highly recommended!


Amazing views across the Channel. Interesting tour of the lighthouse. Picnic tables outside which are perfect in the spring and summer. Reasonably priced tea shop. Can be a bit of a queue for the toilets when it's busy.


Loved coming here on a sunny afternoon. Great views of Dover Docks and the channel. Usual good NT cafe and toilet facilities you will need strong walking boots for the local terrain and carry some water if planning on seeing the lighthouse.


Beautiful heritage walk that is not too taxing on the legs. You get plenty of views of the famous White cliffs of Dover as well as Dover port itself. When you get tired you can always have tea at the lighthouse.

Be careful if you're taking children as there are no barriers or railings at the cliff edge.


Absolutely stunning walk along the cliffs. Think we experienced 4 kinds of weather while there! Wind, rain, sun, cold/heat - England near the sea! Walked all the way to the lighthouse and stopped in for scones. Delightful teahouse, but absolutely packed. The staff was working SO hard. Outside of the stunning scenery, the best part had to be the guided tours of WWII tunnels (extra cost, but well worth it). Billy was a great guide. I'm told you can keep walking into the the next town and way beyond.... maybe next time!


Great views of the English Channel and the ferrys coming & going.....


I love this area so much I now live here


Beautiful country side and coastal area, with a wonderful lighthouse looking over Joss Bay and English Channel.


Lovely coast line and nice little national trust tea room

More about South Foreland Heritage Coast

South Foreland Heritage Coast is located at Guston, UK