St George The Martyr, Wolverton

About St George The Martyr, Wolverton

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St George The Martyr, Wolverton Description

Sunday Services:
8. 00 am Holy Communion
9. 30 am All Age Worship or Parish Eucharist
Tuesday Time:
3. 00 pm After school group for children and parents
7. 00 pm Evening Prayer
9. 15 am Parish Breakfast



Join us for our special Mothering Sunday service, this Sunday at 9:30am


Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of New Zealand, especially for all caught up in the horrendous attacks on the Christchurch mosques.


Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of injustice, to undo the thongs of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover them, and not to hide yourself from your own kin? Isaiah 58. 6,7


Public Meeting about the recent break-in's in Wolverton that was mentioned in church yesterday....


Wolverton Town Band's Christmas concert. Such fun, and a very varied programme of popular and festive music, and communal Carol singing. What a great night.


Argh! He's here!


Our Christmas Fair is in full swing, with magnificent mince pies, mulled wine, Company MK singing carols and Christmas songs and awaiting the arrival of Father Christmas at 3!


Stalls Tombola and Raffle Crafts for Children Father Christmas (from 3pm) Tea & Coffee ... Fruit Punch Homemade Soup & Rolls.
Join us!
See More


For our tomorrow, they gave their today. We will remember them.


Please bring your Parish Giving Scheme forms back on Sunday 28 October



Let us give thanks for all the blessings for which we enjoy. We will be collecting tinned and non-perishable foods for Food Bank. If you would also like to make a cash donation to Food Bank, this would be most welcome. If you are bringing food gifts, please pick up a Food Bank shopping list from the back of church to see what things we really need.


A meal of Jacket Potatoes, various toppings, salads, cakes and desserts, will make this an evening for fellowship and fun. A great chance to get to know each other better. No money needed!, but donations invited. Just please bring yourself, and something to drink. If you could let us know what you are bringing, that would be fabulous. There will be table quizzes. Looking forward to it already!


Michaelmas, the Feast of St Michael & All Angels, will be a Benefice Service. It will be a Eucharist and the service will be led by our children, both from St George's and from Holy Trinity. To have our children leading us in worship, will be both a privilege and a delight.
Please do come and join us.

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I go to it because I have wonderful friends who have helped me ever since I lost my dear friend 3 years ago this weekend she also went there


I go to it because I have wonderful friends who have helped me ever since I lost my dear friend 3 years ago this weekend she also went there

More about St George The Martyr, Wolverton

St George The Martyr, Wolverton is located at St George's Way, Wolverton, MK12 Milton Keynes
07462 301853