St. Patrick'S Church Wallington

About St. Patrick'S Church Wallington

Keep updated with all the latest news and events from St. Patrick's Church.



Thank you for to everyone who made the Gilbert and Sullivan afternoon an excellent event. We raised £820 from ticket sales, all going towards the CentreForward Project.


A reminder that on Wednesday 26th February, 7 - 9pm at Holy Trinity Church, Wallington there is a training event taking place let by 'Growing Young Disciples'. This event for anybody connected to teenagers, it will be an opportunity to learn more about raising children & young people for Jesus in 2020.


QUIZ NIGHT! On Saturday 7th March starting at 7.30pm. This is a fundraising for Sutton Schoolswork & CentreForward. You can get your tickets from the church office £5 per person, max team size 8 people. Bring your own snacks drinks.


We are going to Romania again this summer! Speak to Sam or contact the church office for more info & details.


We have a Gilbert & Sullivan fundraising event on Saturday 1st February at 2.30pm. This will be a fun afternoon of music followed by tea & cake held in church. Tickets are available form the church office £10.


Revive & Rebuild Prayer meeting is on tonight 7pm in the church office. All welcome.


Romania Trip 2020! Would you like o join the team heading to Romania this summer to help run a summer camp for teens. If so, speak to Sam for more details and a form.


Christmas Charity Donations: we are delighted to say that a grant total of £1,544 was donated during our Christmas services comprising of £59 for Children's Society and £1,484 for Open Doors. Many thanks!


As a church we want 2020 to be the year in which we grow in confidence in naming Jesus, in our conversations with others , in a natural and easy way.
The initiative is called 'NAME HIM' and you can listen to the introductory sermon here - 12-1030/
'Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow.' - Philippians 2.9


Happy Christmas from all at St Patrick's Church. Come and join the celebration today at 10am for our Family Service. 3I


We have a children's carol service on Christmas Eve starting at 4pm. All welcome to come along! Feel free to dress as a shepherd or an angel?


This Saturday we have 'Who Let The Dads Out?' 9am -11am. There will be bacon butties for dads and suitable snacks for toddlers.


Come & join the celebration! This Sunday we have our Carol Services... why not invite a friend?


Tomorrow night we have our Central Prayer Meeting. This is a great opportunity to come together and pray for our church family, community and the upcoming Christmas services.


We had a great time carol singing and handing out Christmas cards on Wallington high street today!


Two events coming up on Saturday 7th December!
Men's Breakfast 8AM. We will be joined by Mark Tomlinson from Sutton Street Pastors. £3
Carol Singing 11am - 12am. Meet on Wallington high street. Come and sing your heart out on the high street and share the chocolates.


This Sunday we have our Christingle Service. Starting at 4pm this is a very short half hour service which is ideally suited for families with babies, toddlers and young children, followed by afternoon tea. All welcome.


Tomorrow we have the Home-Start Carol Service starting at 5.15pm with afternoon tea. All welcome to come and join in...

More about St. Patrick'S Church Wallington

St. Patrick'S Church Wallington is located at 47 Park Hill Rd, SM6 0RU Wallington, London