Tanzanite Care

Monday: -
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Tanzanite Care

Tanzanite Care is a Day Center for adults with Physical Disabilities, Head Injuries, Dementia, Parkinson, Neurological Conditions and the elderly. We offer practical and emotional support to help people stay independent and enhance their quality of life.

Tanzanite Care Description

Tanzanite Care services (Community Center and homecare) for individuals in Berkshire
Business land line: 01189 622 498 (Answer machine) calls are responded to within 24 hrs by one of our dedicated team



Physical Disabilities and Sensory Needs Network
Aim: Improve the quality of life of people for with:... Physical disabilities Neurological conditions Sensory loss Members include: People with disabilities Carers Health and social care professionals Local voluntary groups
Monday 20 March 2017, 1.30 to 3pm, Council Chamber, Civic Centre
See more


Interesting article...


URGENT URGENT URGENT! Due to difficult circumstances, The Tester Day has be Postponed to the 17th October, I repeat FRIDAY 17TH OCTOBER. We at Tanzanite apologise for any inconvenience this has caused, but we still look forward to seeing all there with your Friends and Family.


Are you keen on helping others, especially those in need of Care. Tanzanite Day Services now have vacancies for Managers and Support Workers. If you are interested and/or know of anyone who would be fit for these positions, please contact Zeph on 07708286533


ALERT ALERT ALERT. Upcoming Tester Day In Wokingham on the 15th August 2014 at the Shinfield Parish Hall. Come and Support the Cause. Experience First Hand the top quality service provided by Tanzanite Day Service. Contact Zeph on 07708626533 and Natasha on 01183219349


On Tuesday 17th June, Tanzanite Day Services Held an African Day at the Centre, sharing first hand experience of the African Culture through Food, Music, Movies and Presentations. Clients and Friends all enjoyed the Day. Stay in Tune for our Next African Day at the Centre


Tanzanite Day Services Regularly Holds Pub Lunches for the Clients and Supporters. Join us Next Week on Tuesday 15th July at the George and Dragon Pub on Bath Road, Reading for a great time of Eating, Drinking and Socialising.


Tanzanite Day Service Flyer. The Day Package also Includes Transport Cost.


If you would like to know more about Tanzanite please read this article!


On Tuesday 25/03/14 at Tanzanite Day Services we will be having an "Irish Day" will be from 11am and all local community are welcome.


Clients want to be physically fit

More about Tanzanite Care

07708 626533
Monday: -
Tuesday: 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 10:00 - 17:00
Friday: 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -