The Enrolment Professionals

About The Enrolment Professionals

Guidance and advice for businesses and advisors on work place pension auto enrolment.

We make it an easy journey.

The Enrolment Professionals Description

The government have passed legislation making it compulsory for businesses to provide workplace pensions for their staff. The bureaucracy on how you have to do this runs to over 250 pages of guidelines. This changes on a regular basis, we keep track of the rules so that you don’t have to.

There are many pensions to choose from and many ways to pay contributions. The choices made now will be felt by the business and staff for many years to come. Getting things right at the outset ensures a smooth journey with good retirement results.

We first find out about you and your business so that we can suggest the best fit of pension company and pension contribution basis. The auto enrolment rules will be presented to you, in bite sized chunks so it is easier to manage. We’ll take you through all you need to know and will ensure that you are fully equipped once you have gone live.

More about The Enrolment Professionals

07904 850578 or 01329 61005