The Fundamental Coach

About The Fundamental Coach

Based in Wokingham, we are your #1 choice for smashing all goals related to being the best that you can be.

Own your life NOW!

The Fundamental Coach Description

UK FUNdamental / Achieve Results PT is the only fitness professionally trained COACHING service that offers a full guarantee on results and client satisfaction.
All training is aimed at the adult and child market with complete focus on private and semi-private based training.

UK FUNdamental / Achieve Results Personal Training has a philosophy of achieving results together and this is conducted by always applying the core values which are Knowledge, Uniqueness, focus on achievement of results, transparency, to make a difference in society and to enjoy life.

To achieve goals, we believe that the four pillars of success must be adhered to and they are mindset, diet / nutrition, exercise and rest.

We aim to coach you from the onset to get you in the right state of mind and to dedicate your life to change and then develop those new skills to reach personal fully achievable goals .

Having spent the last 6 years serving in the elite Royal Marines Commandos, Chris Hunt has a wealth of experience when it comes to getting results in Physical Fitness.

Having completed the infamous commando tests including the Endurance Course, 9 mile speed march, Tarzan Assault course and the world famous 30 miler across Dartmoor, he is the man who has pushed his body, soul and whole being to the limits in order to reach his goals. Chris Hunt loves developing his own and others fitness levels and overall lifestyles. Achieving Results is a pillar of his life.

A former county level athete competing in Swimming, Athletics, Football and Gymnastics, Chris Hunt has the drive to help you achieve your goals no matter what your circumstances, related sport or chosen goals.

As a fulltime father of two young girls, Chris fully understands how life can affect personal goals and a personal fitness program. Chris has managed over the last few years to be a Royal Marine, look after his two young daughters who reside with him fulltime and also keep his personal fitness routine up his high standards. Chris fully understands that flexibility and late changes are essential and upon completion of a thorough consultation, this will be understood and adapted. This places him in a unique position to fully understand clients that find the balances of life harder than others.



Feel good Fridays!!!
Go and tell someone how amazing they are today!
Make them feel amazing and make them feel like they have been doing great with everything recently!
... Make their day and in turn make yourself feel amazing too 💪👊💪👊
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Time to take planning and concept into the unknown...
"If you do what you have always done then you will get what you have always got."
Lets change lives and save lives people.
... "Down but not out" COMING SEPTEMBER 2018
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September 2018!!!
Down but not out
An ear... A friendly face A declutter Some much needed you time
Guidance Acceptance Support
There's always someone you can talk to!!
lets do something special :)
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Workout focus Wednesdays:
Always conduct some form of mobility work prior to training.
Not only does it get you in the mood for training but it also gets the joints and muscles fired up rest for action and for the tasks ahead.


Rest and digest!!!
The Wokingham Paper column from last week was all about stress and how breathing work can help!
We all deal with stress right??
... And we all breath yeah??
Well why not maximise certain techniques to help you deal with stress better?
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So how do we ramp up what we do for the big push after the Summer??
Shake things up a bit :)
Lets really push on and excel with our MINDS, our BODIES and our LIVES.
You have one life...lets make the best of it and OPTIMISE it up.
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It’s bank holiday Monday and some things change such as work, routines and general Monday madness but one thing that doesn’t change is your state of mind!
Own it and keep working on it!
Be your best friend today 👊💪👊
... If you want adding to the Monday motivational broadcast then get in contact, what have you got to lose?
Have a great day 👊💪
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The main paper in town with the best in the business ;)


Borrowed from the legendary Mr Martin Rooney:
25 Things You Should Have Learned In 5th Grade

... 1. Who you are begins with what you do.

2. Your attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.

3. Think big and dream big.

4. You won't make a discovery if you're afraid to make a mistake.

5. Making mistakes is part of learning.

6. You don’t fail unless you give up.

7. Work hard.

8. Ask questions. (Even Einstein did!)

9. Listen.

10. Share.

11. Be respectful. Be good. Be brave. Be kind. Be curious.

12. It’s ok to ask for help if you need it.

13. Stay focused on your goal.

14. Read and learn something new every day.

15. Use your technology as a learning device.

16. Teamwork works.

17. We are all from the same family.

18. Keep your hands to yourself.

19. Do what you want as long as it isn’t a problem for others.

20. Say please and thank you.

21. Make good choices.

22. Try new things.

23. Do your best.

24. Believe in yourself.

25. Have fun.
Live and breath this stuff, amazing :)
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If you are nor doing mobility work you are seriously doing yourself a great injustice...
I conduct mobility work with every single client...would you like to join that list then get in contact ;)


Do you ever experience Fear???
If so check out the two images below and know that you can beat it ;)


Are you optimised?
Is your MIND optimised for success and results?
Is your BODY optimised so that you feel happy with what you see and feel in the reflection?
... Is your LIFE optimised so you wake up each morning looking forward to what will happen to you during the day??
If the answer is YES to all 3 of the above then I salute you, you are doing awesome, keep it up.
If the answer is No then please get in contact!
If you do what you have always done then you will get what you have always got...try something different today...
Get optimised 👊👊👊
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After being on holiday for the last 2 weeks, today was all about catching up and getting back to smashing it, work wise and client wise.
My editor for my column in the Wokingham Paper asked if I could get ahead of the game this week with my articles so you know what???
I smashed out 4 tonight and it was joyous and so much fun.
... I felt like Jerry Maguire when he stayed up for the night writing his blueprint...when you are in flow you are in flow.
Its all about challenge and skill.
If I didn't have to be up at 5am for my awesome clients then i would write another 4 no doubt but you know what...they make it all worth it for sure.
Goal for tomorrow - get in FLOW again :)
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After an amazing 2 week family holiday including a nice week of digital detox free from all things electronic ie social media and phones it's great to be back.
I encourage everyone to get away from it all some times and just enjoy life the way it was before phones and TVs came along...amazing stuff!
Happy Monday, let's have a smashing second half of August 👊👊👊


Playing with the big boys enjoying big boys rules 👊👊👊


Day of the holiday...
Deck of cards workout:
Pressups / knee raises / upright rows / squats / russian twists
... Time taken - 35 minutes
Feeling after - great workout and thoroughly enjoyed 👊👊👊
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Day 1 of the holiday...
Pickup circuit involving 8 exercises all bodyweight and TRX.
time taken - 25 minute's
... Feeling after - immense and worked the fullbody
Give it a go team
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It's holiday time here for The FUNdamental Coach so have a cracking 2 weeks.
I will be posting various holiday based statuses over the next couple of weeks so keep an eye out for some interesting content as always.
Keep moving...
... Keep positive...
Keep alligned to your goals...
Keep smiling 🤠😀🤠😀🤠😀🤠😀
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Want to feel happier on a daily basis??
Check out these quotes:
“Among other things, neuroplasticity means that emotions such as happiness and compassion can be cultivated in much the same way that a person can learn through repetition to play golf and basketball or master a musical instrument, and that such practice changes the activity and physical aspects of specific brain areas.”
... “Because of the power of neuroplasticity, you can, in fact, reframe your world and rewire your brain so that you are more objective. You have the power to see things as they are so that you can respond thoughtfully, deliberately, and effectively to everything you experience.”
“Any man could, if he were so inclined, be the sculptor of his own brain.”
“Meditation invokes that which is known in neuroscience as neuroplasticity; which is the loosening of the old nerve cells or hardwiring in the brain, to make space for the new to emerge.”
“Neurons that fire together wire together.”
“Our minds have the incredible capacity to both alter the strength of connections among neurons, essentially rewiring them, and create entirely new pathways. (It makes a computer, which cannot create new hardware when its system crashes, seem fixed and helpless).”
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What Chris has done for my 9yr old son is not only priceless but life changing! He has suffered permanent lung damage and only has 54% breathing capacity. Chris went to great lengths to understand his condition and what he could do to help him live a normal life, his confidence has grown and even impressed his lung specialist with his recent lung function test which has improved! Chris has changed his life, no doubt. I've even signed up myself! You can't put a price on good health! Top man


Not only has Chris helped me with my fitness levels through boxing and other forms of excersice, he has now helped me think in a more positive way with a technique called NLP. Amazing stuff that really works.


Never have I met such a motivated, driven and enthusiastic character. Knowledge is power and with Chris Hunts knowledge of PT and nutrition, he will give you the power to change your self and life for the better.

Combine these traits with a genuine love for life and you have a trainer who's attitude is simply infectious. Programmes are tailored to individual requirements rather than some generic spiel you get from a lot of trainers. Chris really tries to understand the needs behind what clients want to achieve and in doing so often highlights reasons, goals and ambitions unknown to the client.

This was certainly the case with me. What I thought I wanted and knew was only really the tip of the iceberg and Chris help me understand that and not only help me train my body but my mind through behavioural change too.

This is all the more true when I was rising at 5.30am 3 days a week which was unheard of. Every session without exception I was welcomed with a massive smile as well as that infectious attitude I mentioned. Be warned though...his sessions are brutal!


I have been working with Chris for two years now to maintain fitness levels for competitive motorcycle events that I regularly compete in. Training at 6.30am 2/3 times a week could be a real burden if it were not for his positivity and the banter, and it's kept me fit too.


Have been training with Chris for two years and love the results. I started out as a tubby bloke who got out of breath running up a single flight of stairs. This month I am the slimmest I've been in 20 years and in three weeks I will run a half marathon. Give him a shout, you will not regret it!


Excellent trainer and motivator.


Chris will push you to exceed your goals - his dedication to what he does is second to none and results were obvious after a short amount of time. Would have no hesitation in recommending to friends and family!


Chris never fails to keep me motivated. He listens and genuinely cares about his clients. I struggle to keep myself into a consistent exercise routine, but training with Chris keeps me interested and always learning new ways to focus on specific areas I want to change. I always leave feeling a sense of achievement and pleased I pushed myself. I would thoroughly recommend training with Chris �


Chris kindly gave up his time and gave a talk to the boys at my school about his life as a former marine. The boys loved it with some saying this is what they want to do in the future. Next an assault course for them!! Chris is very passionate about health and fitness and will always be willing to talk about this and help with advice x


Chris is never down, always happy and full of life. He has so much enthusiasm for his job it almost makes getting fit feel like fun! Cheers Chris.


Chris is great to work with full of knowledge and really keeps you focused on your goals whilst applying the 80/20 rule.... I hit my target of losing 6kg in 4 weeks a lot quicker than I thought... Thanks Chris


Chris is excellent, organised with sessions, as well as with diet plans and home exercises. I saw differences when following his training plan and diet plan. I would thoroughly recommend him if you want to meet and exceed your goals


Chris is a legend. He’s helped me transform my life. I’ve never met someone so motivated and positive. He’s a cracking human, since working with Chris I’ve not looked back always forward.


Chris is a highly motivated trainer, you can't help but be motivated yourself to train. He understands your personal goals and is outcome focused to achieve and exceed your expectations. He keeps his sessions hard working, fun, varied and ultimately rewarding. I would not recommend Chris more highly.


Chris has such a positive attitude and is very easy to get on with, it's very hard work as you would expect but the much needed motivation you get from Chris is immense and has given me the chance to finally sort myself out. I feel I'm in good hands.


Chris has really helped me focus on my goals, helping me lose 3 stone plus and make training fun again. I was really struggling to make gains in the gym on my own. Chris broke down my routine and diet and helped me focus on making small incremental changes that have added up to shifting abit of weight! That he is 100mph all the time helps make training with him fun and has definitely given me more energy and confidence.


Been to a few of The Alpha Warrior sessions, great fun, great knowledge and great motivator!


Been going to alpha worriors for just over year now. Great atmosphere and helps with my mountain biking.




What Chris has done for my 9yr old son is not only priceless but life changing! He has suffered permanent lung damage and only has 54% breathing capacity. Chris went to great lengths to understand his condition and what he could do to help him live a normal life, his confidence has grown and even impressed his lung specialist with his recent lung function test which has improved! Chris has changed his life, no doubt. I've even signed up myself! You can't put a price on good health! Top man


Not only has Chris helped me with my fitness levels through boxing and other forms of excersice, he has now helped me think in a more positive way with a technique called NLP. Amazing stuff that really works.


Never have I met such a motivated, driven and enthusiastic character. Knowledge is power and with Chris Hunts knowledge of PT and nutrition, he will give you the power to change your self and life for the better.

Combine these traits with a genuine love for life and you have a trainer who's attitude is simply infectious. Programmes are tailored to individual requirements rather than some generic spiel you get from a lot of trainers. Chris really tries to understand the needs behind what clients want to achieve and in doing so often highlights reasons, goals and ambitions unknown to the client.

This was certainly the case with me. What I thought I wanted and knew was only really the tip of the iceberg and Chris help me understand that and not only help me train my body but my mind through behavioural change too.

This is all the more true when I was rising at 5.30am 3 days a week which was unheard of. Every session without exception I was welcomed with a massive smile as well as that infectious attitude I mentioned. Be warned though...his sessions are brutal!


I have been working with Chris for two years now to maintain fitness levels for competitive motorcycle events that I regularly compete in. Training at 6.30am 2/3 times a week could be a real burden if it were not for his positivity and the banter, and it's kept me fit too.


Have been training with Chris for two years and love the results. I started out as a tubby bloke who got out of breath running up a single flight of stairs. This month I am the slimmest I've been in 20 years and in three weeks I will run a half marathon. Give him a shout, you will not regret it!


Excellent trainer and motivator.


Chris will push you to exceed your goals - his dedication to what he does is second to none and results were obvious after a short amount of time. Would have no hesitation in recommending to friends and family!


Chris never fails to keep me motivated. He listens and genuinely cares about his clients. I struggle to keep myself into a consistent exercise routine, but training with Chris keeps me interested and always learning new ways to focus on specific areas I want to change. I always leave feeling a sense of achievement and pleased I pushed myself. I would thoroughly recommend training with Chris �


Chris kindly gave up his time and gave a talk to the boys at my school about his life as a former marine. The boys loved it with some saying this is what they want to do in the future. Next an assault course for them!! Chris is very passionate about health and fitness and will always be willing to talk about this and help with advice x


Chris is never down, always happy and full of life. He has so much enthusiasm for his job it almost makes getting fit feel like fun! Cheers Chris.


Chris is great to work with full of knowledge and really keeps you focused on your goals whilst applying the 80/20 rule.... I hit my target of losing 6kg in 4 weeks a lot quicker than I thought... Thanks Chris


Chris is excellent, organised with sessions, as well as with diet plans and home exercises. I saw differences when following his training plan and diet plan. I would thoroughly recommend him if you want to meet and exceed your goals


Chris is a legend. He’s helped me transform my life. I’ve never met someone so motivated and positive. He’s a cracking human, since working with Chris I’ve not looked back always forward.


Chris is a highly motivated trainer, you can't help but be motivated yourself to train. He understands your personal goals and is outcome focused to achieve and exceed your expectations. He keeps his sessions hard working, fun, varied and ultimately rewarding. I would not recommend Chris more highly.


Chris has such a positive attitude and is very easy to get on with, it's very hard work as you would expect but the much needed motivation you get from Chris is immense and has given me the chance to finally sort myself out. I feel I'm in good hands.


Chris has really helped me focus on my goals, helping me lose 3 stone plus and make training fun again. I was really struggling to make gains in the gym on my own. Chris broke down my routine and diet and helped me focus on making small incremental changes that have added up to shifting abit of weight! That he is 100mph all the time helps make training with him fun and has definitely given me more energy and confidence.


Been to a few of The Alpha Warrior sessions, great fun, great knowledge and great motivator!


Been going to alpha worriors for just over year now. Great atmosphere and helps with my mountain biking.




What Chris has done for my 9yr old son is not only priceless but life changing! He has suffered permanent lung damage and only has 54% breathing capacity. Chris went to great lengths to understand his condition and what he could do to help him live a normal life, his confidence has grown and even impressed his lung specialist with his recent lung function test which has improved! Chris has changed his life, no doubt. I've even signed up myself! You can't put a price on good health! Top man


Not only has Chris helped me with my fitness levels through boxing and other forms of excersice, he has now helped me think in a more positive way with a technique called NLP. Amazing stuff that really works.


Never have I met such a motivated, driven and enthusiastic character. Knowledge is power and with Chris Hunts knowledge of PT and nutrition, he will give you the power to change your self and life for the better.

Combine these traits with a genuine love for life and you have a trainer who's attitude is simply infectious. Programmes are tailored to individual requirements rather than some generic spiel you get from a lot of trainers. Chris really tries to understand the needs behind what clients want to achieve and in doing so often highlights reasons, goals and ambitions unknown to the client.

This was certainly the case with me. What I thought I wanted and knew was only really the tip of the iceberg and Chris help me understand that and not only help me train my body but my mind through behavioural change too.

This is all the more true when I was rising at 5.30am 3 days a week which was unheard of. Every session without exception I was welcomed with a massive smile as well as that infectious attitude I mentioned. Be warned though...his sessions are brutal!


I have been working with Chris for two years now to maintain fitness levels for competitive motorcycle events that I regularly compete in. Training at 6.30am 2/3 times a week could be a real burden if it were not for his positivity and the banter, and it's kept me fit too.


Have been training with Chris for two years and love the results. I started out as a tubby bloke who got out of breath running up a single flight of stairs. This month I am the slimmest I've been in 20 years and in three weeks I will run a half marathon. Give him a shout, you will not regret it!


Excellent trainer and motivator.


Chris will push you to exceed your goals - his dedication to what he does is second to none and results were obvious after a short amount of time. Would have no hesitation in recommending to friends and family!


Chris never fails to keep me motivated. He listens and genuinely cares about his clients. I struggle to keep myself into a consistent exercise routine, but training with Chris keeps me interested and always learning new ways to focus on specific areas I want to change. I always leave feeling a sense of achievement and pleased I pushed myself. I would thoroughly recommend training with Chris �


Chris kindly gave up his time and gave a talk to the boys at my school about his life as a former marine. The boys loved it with some saying this is what they want to do in the future. Next an assault course for them!! Chris is very passionate about health and fitness and will always be willing to talk about this and help with advice x


Chris is never down, always happy and full of life. He has so much enthusiasm for his job it almost makes getting fit feel like fun! Cheers Chris.


Chris is great to work with full of knowledge and really keeps you focused on your goals whilst applying the 80/20 rule.... I hit my target of losing 6kg in 4 weeks a lot quicker than I thought... Thanks Chris


Chris is excellent, organised with sessions, as well as with diet plans and home exercises. I saw differences when following his training plan and diet plan. I would thoroughly recommend him if you want to meet and exceed your goals


Chris is a legend. He’s helped me transform my life. I’ve never met someone so motivated and positive. He’s a cracking human, since working with Chris I’ve not looked back always forward.


Chris is a highly motivated trainer, you can't help but be motivated yourself to train. He understands your personal goals and is outcome focused to achieve and exceed your expectations. He keeps his sessions hard working, fun, varied and ultimately rewarding. I would not recommend Chris more highly.


Chris has such a positive attitude and is very easy to get on with, it's very hard work as you would expect but the much needed motivation you get from Chris is immense and has given me the chance to finally sort myself out. I feel I'm in good hands.


Chris has really helped me focus on my goals, helping me lose 3 stone plus and make training fun again. I was really struggling to make gains in the gym on my own. Chris broke down my routine and diet and helped me focus on making small incremental changes that have added up to shifting abit of weight! That he is 100mph all the time helps make training with him fun and has definitely given me more energy and confidence.


Been to a few of The Alpha Warrior sessions, great fun, great knowledge and great motivator!


Been going to alpha worriors for just over year now. Great atmosphere and helps with my mountain biking.

More about The Fundamental Coach

The Fundamental Coach is located at The Hub, Unit 45, Space Business Centre, RG41 2PQ Wokingham