The Organised Home & Life

About The Organised Home & Life

Professional Home Organisation inspired by the KonMari Method
http://www.organisedhomeandlife. co. uk /



His and her sock drawers belonging to one of my clients. Aren’t they pretty? My socks are so boring by comparison. What is it about socks? Not only do they stray and leave their partner. Which then creates a miserable pile unloved socks that rarely find their mate again.
The second thing about socks and tights is that they need regular culling. Don’t let them back into the laundry if they need constant pulling up or just feel generally irritating, they’ll creep back in the... drawer. This week two pairs of socks and one pair of tights bypassed the laundry bin and went straight into the actual bin. It felt good. The KonMari sock fold is very easy: line the socks up sideways, fold into 3, store like books ends. Try it, you avoid stretching the elastic and is looks so nice.
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What's you laundry routine? I would like to write a blog post about how a laundry routine or lack of, matters when it comes to keeping your house in order. Q How often do you put a load of washing on? Q Where do you dry it? Q Where do you fold it? Q Who puts the clean laundry away?... Q Do you iron your clothes? Feel free to answer all or any of the above. Huge thanks in advance x
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I thought I would share a very real picture of my own dressing room. We live it a 2.5 bed room cottage so space is at a premium. We custom fitted rails and shelves to the smallest slightly awkward bed room as we both prefer not to have clothes or wardrobes in our bedroom. I hadn’t found the KonMari Method™ when I designed it and planned to have my own version of a Benetton display with neatly stacked colourful jumpers on the shelves. Except the piles were falling over and I ...had to constantly tidy them. Now I use boxes as drawers, two deep as the shelves go back quite far. Both sides of the room have rails and shelves - the picture here is jackets and cardigans and the other side is dresses, tops and shirts. And yes, with 23 cardigans I’m ready to say goodbye to a few more. IKEA Skubb boxes are the first I reach for to the point that my car boot is always full ready to help clients make the most of their space. If you have a wardrobe dilemma, feel free to share.
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How to Free Yourself and Your Family from a Lifetime of Clutter The actual title of the book is The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning by Margareta Magnusson. Now don’t think is a morbid or depressing book, far from it. It’s a really quick read and well worth the hour or less it’ll take you. Margareta shares the pleasures she takes from looking at and tidying her belongings prior to moving to a smaller home. She makes the point that so often it is adult children who are le...ft to sort out a life time of stuff at a time when they least feel like it and are at their busiest with a young family and a career. It’s a lovely, gentle and with practical tips too. I’m not saying you should give it anyone older but do read it for your own benefit. Do you find the title or the topic controversial? Available on Amazon, Waterstones etc.
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Lets spread the love today xx


Psychology Today article deconstructing how Marie Kondo works. And I aspire to. Quick and interesting read if you’re considering working with a KM consultant.…/is-wh y-people-love-marie-…


This post about toy storage might hit a nerve with anyone with kids under 10. The are owned by 3 girls aged 4, 8 and 9 who love to play and create - think making kits (the beads!), lego/duplo, Barbies, farms, play kitchen, pretend play items, dolls houses, animals, games, puzzles, soft toys - you name it, it's there. The first step was to get it all of the cupboards, then sort & select and store to make it really easy to put the toys away again. Two tips to share: Tip 1. We... gathered and sorted by type: puzzles, board games, making kits etc. it's makes it easy to spot duplicates and favourites; then selected what to keep of each type and donated or discarded the rest. Tip 2. We put everything back so the 4 year old had her own space with easy access to the toys she plays with most and everything else was stored by type of toy. I'm happy to say the girls have approved the new organisation and best of all, found it easy to put their toys back. Thanks to their mum for allowing me to share the pictures. Have you got hot toy storage tips? Please do share.
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My passion is first and foremost the KonMari Method™ and then interior faffing. I have to tell you about a brand new 'Interior Design Tool Kit' invented and created by Alison Gibb who some of you will know when she was a Captain Tortue Consultant and others might have found her on Instagram as @greatscottishinddors or as writer and creator of interior features. For me the Tool Kit is brilliant to do with your OH if you sometimes feel your tastes aren't exactly the same or if're on a budget and can't afford to make expensive mistakes - lets face it, furniture isn't cheap. It's designed so you know what your 3 top interior styles are and is actual a must have for anyone who loves shopping for their home. At £25 it's a bargain especially as you can share it within the family or with a couple of friends. Check out Alison's websitehttps://www.interiordesigntoolkit. com/
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This is the confession of a cushion addict. I’ve edited my cushion covers and garden seats to this relatively modest collection. The zipped round storage case is from IKEA and a bargain at £1.75! I add labels on the outside so it’s easy to grab the right bag. Come on, who else has a thing for cushions?


The last category to tackle when you're tidying is sentimental. As you sort and organise, defer everything you don't want to use but can't part with and deal with it at the very last. Just keep a box and return to it later. This little cup isn't actually that sentimental to me, I just like it, especially with snowdrops. It's the type of thing you often don't really know what to do with - it was my dads, a prize for riffle shooting in 1950. When you come across something like that, try to re-purpose it -you could line a drawer with a pretty tea towel or scarf, stick a beautiful card on the inside of a kitchen cupboard and add flowers to any container and display with confidence and pride.


If you have a good scarf collection you'll also know how very annoying they can be to store. Having tried every nifty scarf hanging device invented, it's folding all the way. You can see what you have got and is far more likely you'll use them all. This is how two of my friends have organised their collections with before and after pictures. Thank you so much to Marion Pollinger for showing us your neat drawers and also to Nikki Topping - love a basket. Here's how to do it:... 1. Pull all scarves together from everywhere, this is important, so take the time you need 2. Pick out those that make you feel fabulous and really spark joy 3. Now you have a bench mark and will be ready to say goodbye and thank you to some 4. Fold your collection and store as though they are envelopes in a drawer, box or basket. Use smaller boxes inside big drawers so they stay in position. If the material is slippy or silk, it might work better to roll than fold 5. Stand back and admire your collection, you can see everything PS. If you have scarves that you love but know you'll never wear, you could use them to line drawers and containers. You'll love seeing them every day.
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My new organized freezer approach is working a treat!
Gone are the days spent rummaging through the drawers of my freezer first thing in the morning looking for some inspiration for supper! Or trying to ram a large carton of mince into a freezer drawer alongside the other 2 frozen solid in there!
... 1. Bought a nice little notebook 2. Bought zip up freezer bags in all sizes 3. Emptied everything out of the freezer drawers… wear gloves! Swopped bulky packaging for bags and sorted everything using drawer divers/baskets • 1 drawer for anything chicken • Fish • Meat • ½ for desserts & ½ for frozen vegetables 4. Listed the contents in my notebook
Now in the morning over a cup of tea I leisurely review my list and choose what’s for supper. I cross it off when it’s taken out, consult my freezer list before writing my weekly shopping list and update my notebook when I add anything new to the freezer. It’s not a big job and saves oodles of time in the long run!
There’s a bonus! I love a bargain …. if I see something in the reduced aisle I now know if I have room in my freezer to buy now – eat later! I cook double portions all the time and now have space in my organized freezer to store the extra in bags for a busy day! Thank you to my very organised friend Nikki Prelogar for sharing x If you've got any great tips to add, please share x
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How to fold 😍


How much does it cost to hire a certified KonMari Consultant? Read all about here and if you want to see my rates, please visit my website, call me or send me a message. It’s been so busy since the Netflix show with new clients just starting their tidying program. Even after just one session, you’ll see and feel a real difference.…/marie-kond o-konmari-consultant…


Thanks for the reminder 😊


If your kids haven't yet been inspired to tidy up their room, you could try this - it made me smile :) What do you think? (Picture from servidio_education_solutions)


So happy to start 2019 with achieving Bronze KonMari Consultant, one of 3 in the UK (3 others are Platinum/Silver something to aim for next). Huge thanks to all my lovely clients and friends for support.


Did you see Katrina on the BBC One Show last night? Flying the flag for the KonMari Method and all 18 Uk KM Consultants 👌 14&


Fun session this week sorting baby/toddler clothes. I would love to know what your system is for keeping little's ones clothes collection current? One separate drawer or basket for what's too small/stained so you can remove them right away and another for clothing next size up. They grow so fast don't they?! And the other end of the scale is when they move out and then only take what they like at that time but you're not allowed to get rid of any of their stuff until they have been through it, which they are always too busy to do - you've got to laugh :)


“With Mimi’s help I have sorted and organised my large & much loved collection of clothes. I wanted to be able to see everything that I have got and I love the result. It was actually fun and really energising, I didn’t want to stop. If you want help to get started or ongoing support, try it and book a session. “


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