Tilehurst Triangle Wi

About Tilehurst Triangle Wi

Tilehurst Triangle WI meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7: 30pm at St Catherine's Church Hall, Wittenham Ave, Tilehurst, RG31 5LN

Tilehurst Triangle Wi Description

Tilehurst Triangle WI meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7: 30pm at St Catherine's Church Hall, Wittenham Ave, Tilehurst, RG31 5LN



WI tomorrow is cancelled and we have also cancelled the April meeting. An email has been sent to you. Stay safe. Best wishes to our wonderful WI group.


This Wednesday, 18th March. Misbehaviour film. Meet at Vue cinema at 12.15pm. RSVP


Military wives film today, a real tear jerker and highly recommended.


Glorious weather for a wander around Cliveden NT. lunch in the sunshine.


A lot of concentration at WI Sing, this morning. Eighteen of us, put through our paces, by Di. We're getting good at Jerusalem....


Cuppa and chat this morning, they said they could hear us, before they could see us......


March dates. 6 - Cuppa and Chat. 9 - WI Sing. 11 - Wednesday Walk. 13 - Cinema club - Military Wives.... 16 - Free cuppa and talk at Reading central library. 11-12, The Thames from Reading. 18 - Cinema club - Misbehaviour. 24 - Free entry day to RHS Wisley. Look at their website. 25 - Wednesday Walk. 26 - Crochet and chat. ? Knit and natter. ? Bridge ? Painting skills.
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TT. WI. Wednesday Walkers are an intrepid lot. The book said suitable for buggies, all year round!!! It didn't say, with wellies... A good walk, on a crisp day, with a paddle, after all the rain!! Let's hope the walking shoes are dried out for the next walk in a fortnight's time.


Wednesday Walk tomorrow, meet at the hall at 9. 30 am. Four miles at Jealot's Hill area.


Knit and Natter which was scheduled for Thursday, has been postponed. A new date will be set and posted on here and by email.


Ten of us enjoyed Emma, despite being in the front row and so close to all the action. Good acting, great actors, stunning locations.


Glorious walk today. Dorney, Lake, Thames path, a friendless church, a recent film location and delicious lunch. 4.75 miles, mostly paths, very little mud and blue sky. 👍😊


Our first meeting of our singing group. Great fun, lovely songs and we sounded wonderful....


Folks, Wednesday Walk is this week. Meet at the hall at 9,30. Car share, approx 5 mile walk around Dorney lake, a friendless church and the Thames path RSVP


Lots of chatter and laughter today at cuppa and chat. Lovely to see so many friendly faces.


February Dates - details in emails.
Monday 3rd - Painting skills. Thursday 6th - Bridge. Friday 7th - Cuppa and Chat - 10-12 noon, St Catherine's Cafe Sienna. Partners welcome at 12, to join you for lunch. ... Monday 10th - WI Sing - 11-1pm. Wednesday 12th - Wednesday Walk, meet at hall 9.30am. Partners etc welcome. Wednesday 19th - Cinema Club - Emma, Vue cinema, time tbc. Partners etc welcome. Wednesday 19th - WI meeting Thursday 20th - Crochet and Chat Wednesday 26th - Wednesday Walk, meet at the hall at 9. 30am. Partners etc welcome Thursday 27th - Knit and natter
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A lovely Wednesday walk today. Tilehurst, Purley (by the railway), Pangbourne. Found a great new cafe. Walked back via main and side roads and up Long Lane. Blue skies, sunshine and good company.


Wednesday Walk, this week, 29th January. Everywhere is so wet and muddy. So plan c is as follows... Meet at the hall at 9,30. Walk down Long Lane, into Purley, along the railway line into Pangbourne. Have a cuppa, then the train back to Tilehurst and return via Overdown Road. RSVP

More about Tilehurst Triangle Wi

Tilehurst Triangle Wi is located at wittenham avenue, rg31 5ln Reading, England