Titan Fitness Newhaven

Monday: 08:00 - 20:30
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:30
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:30
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:30
Friday: 08:00 - 20:30
Saturday: 09:00 - 11:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 11:00

About Titan Fitness Newhaven

Titan Fitness. 'Not For The Ordinary'. Titan Fitness is for Fitness Fanatics who are always prepared to push beyond their perceived limits in training and competition, prepared to work out of their comfort zones, with a 'have a go' attitude.





If you have just liked this site. Please now look for CrossFit Corinthian Face Book page. This is our old FB Page, not now used. Many Thanks The Corinthian Team x


Titan Comp 2 Results
WOD 1 15-10-5... Deadlift 80kg/50 Pull ups /HOPS for Girls Gate run after each round.
WOD 2 Complex 1 x Power Clean 50/40 1 x Press up Sprawl 1 x Bar Burpee
1 each of these = 1 Rep
WOD 3 25 Pull ups 50 Thrusters Bar /Dumbells for girls 50 KB Swings 50 T2B 50 Single Arm Snatch 50 Wall Ball 50 DU's 25 Pull ups
See more


Good Thursday Morning Thursday WOD
This is a nice n easy one, so you can all still come and still be fresh for Saturday. ( And most of you need to practice your DU's !!!!! )
... 1) 5 x 30 sec Max rep DU's 30 Sec Rest Between
2) 3 Rounds FAT. 24 x Med Ball 9/6 From Floor Over Shoulder, Alternating Left/Right. Must Squat to Pick Up, Fully extend hips at the top. 12 x Lengths of hall carrying Med ball, 3 press ups hands on Ball at each end. 6 x Heavy KB Swing 32/28
3) Core 5 x 10 Max Effort V.Sit. 15 sec RI Between. 5 X 10 Max Effort Sit ups. Same Rest
Enjoy xx
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Good Tuesdasy Morning Tuesday 17th December
1) 3 Attemps to find your max reps for Shoulder Press Start Strict, then Push Press then Split Press.
... 2) 'Nancy' 5 Rounds FAT 400mtr Run 15 Overhead Sqiuats 45/20
3)Core 17 Days of Christmas 17 - 1 HollowRocks Sit Ups
Enjoy !
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* Important Notice* Please note that this week, there will be only one session in the evenings: 6.30 till 7.30pm. Please try and make this if you can. Don't worry if you are a bit late or early, we will fit around you all. I know there are a couple that can only make 7pm. Thats fine, we will sort something out, you will have to condense everything !!! ha ha ha
... Rugby boys can you let me know what times you are coming this week please xx
Friday we wil only be open 9am till 1pm in preparation for Saturday Inter Titan Comp and Xmas Dinner x
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Good Monday Morning Monday 'WOD' 16/12/13
16 days of Christmas Warm up
... 1) 5 x 5 Weighted Pull Ups
2) Back to Basics Old Fashioned Circuit.
3 Rounds for a combined Time 2 Mins RI Between
1. 12 x KB Swings 2. 12 x Box Jump H/M 3. 6 x Press Up Sprawl 4. 12 x Clean & Press 50/35 5. 12 x Wall Ball 9/6 6. 12 x Pull Ups 7. 24 x DU.s 8. 12 x Sit Ups
3) Core 21-15-9 FR Sit Ups ( Wall or Box ) GHD T2B
Enjoy !
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Good Morning all The Titans now have a new name for their home.
'CrossFit Corinthian' Home of the Titans !!!
... This is one very proud Day for Me xxx
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Please watch this space. We hopefully will have some very good news coming our way !!!


* Bench Clinic* 7pm tonight x


Big Luck to all Titans entering the Worthing Strongman tomorrow Sunday 17th November.
There will be normal training at 9.30 Sunday morning for the rest of you xx


Darren & Tom. Give me a friend request and I will add you to the Circuits page x


Important Notice.
Titans will close early on Friday 15th Novemer 2013. We are going Boxing. 7pm till 8.30pm. All welcome. If you have NOT put yr name on the list and would like to come. Let me know. Stopping at a drinking hole on the way back x
... Saturday 16th November 2013 Strongman session as normal. 9.30 till 10.30 x & England V NewZealand ( Come on England )
Sunday 17th November 2013
Titans will be closed. Some or our members are off to Worthing to take part in a Strongman Competition.
Back to normal Monday x
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Good Sunday Morning. Only 1 session today 9.30 till 10.30am
We will try and finish on time. Newhaven will be very busy for the 11am 2 min silence xx


Don't forget. Saturday Strongman will be 9,30 till 10.30am xxxxx


Good Wednesday Morning Please remember that tonight is the last night for the beginners session. 7pm till 8pm. Please come prepared. Layers and a water bottle. Thanks x


Message for David Lombard. Send me a friend request David, and I will add you onto our Circuit page xx


Sunday Don't forget there will only be 1 session on a Sunday. 9.30 till 10.30am. This will be mainly technique work, with a circuit added on at the end x

More about Titan Fitness Newhaven

Titan Fitness Newhaven is located at Unit 22. Newhaven Worshops. Beach Close, BN9 9 Newhaven, East Sussex
Monday: 08:00 - 20:30
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:30
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:30
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:30
Friday: 08:00 - 20:30
Saturday: 09:00 - 11:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 11:00