Us And Uk Tax Services Ltd

About Us And Uk Tax Services Ltd

US UK Tax Services specialises in tax compliance and advisory services to expatriates primarily based in the UK.

Us And Uk Tax Services Ltd Description

As our company name implies we offer both US and UK individual tax compliance services. Our clients are mainly US citizens and green cardholders living and working in the UK.

What we do:
• UK individual tax returns primarily for non-domiciled individuals. We offer a service that embraces all aspects of UK tax compliance from registering clients with HMRC and preparing and filing tax returns to dealing with HMRC enquiries into clients’ tax returns.

• US tax returns. We prepare a lot of US individual 1040s for high net worth individuals. These tend to be complex so we are very familiar with foreign asset reporting, treaty re-sourcing etc. This is our main area of business. Many of our clients initially tried to do the compliance themselves but it’s almost impossible to get it right without help. Many also found that tackling this themselves just wasn't a good use of their time. It takes hours to learn and to fill out the forms. Many are still likely to get it wrong and are unaware of the potential penalties for incorrect filing. It's almost always better to act on advice before making any decisions.

• For those who need to file for back years, we have a wealth of experience in helping clients who haven’t yet filed returns or need to submit past due returns. We help clients through the complexities of filing these returns and make the process as clear and worry free as possible.

We recognise the compliance burden the IRS places on its US citizens. With over 50 years combined experience helping clients with often complex filing obligations, we make the process as quick and straight-forward as possible.

We help to avoid the traps that can end up being costly in tax terms and in penalties and use our expertise to use the opportunities that do exist to improve our clients’ tax positions.

We also offer advisory and consulting services when required and have particular expertise in the areas of tax equalisation and international assignment issues.

Why us?
• Highly experienced – we have over 50 years combined experience at senior levels with KPMG, PWC, EY and Deloitte in international assignment services, as well as working as internal counsel at Merrill Lynch and Deutsche Bank. We also have extensive experience of investigations by the UK Tax Authorities (HMRC), working within HMRC as well as working on behalf of clients under enquiry.

• Excellent client care. Our clients get a senior person as the ‘go to’ person - we don’t push services down to juniors. We are happy to be generous with our time to invest in client relationships.

• Seamless US and UK tax service. Our clients get the same tax professional to look after both their US and UK tax returns, so they always see the full picture.

• Exceptional service and value. We provide our services at prices that are clear and transparent with no hidden fees or surprises.

• Based a short distance outside London, we are happy to travel to meetings when required and are in London frequently.

• Happy clients – most new clients have been referred by our exisiting clients.



IRS Announces End to Overseas Voluntary Disclosure Program


Late s911?Wise words from Phil..

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June is coming – a brief reminder that FBAR forms (also known as forms 114) are due by 30 June 2016
Aside from income tax returns, you should consider whether you need to file a form 114 (known as FBAR). Briefly, form 114 is the annual report of foreign financial accounts (including, but not limited to, bank and brokerage accounts) which is due on or before 30 June annually. It may not apply to you but we strongly recommend that you check carefully whether or not that is the ...
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US UK TAX in 'The American'


Filing option-not filing is not one of them! See this recent article from the Withers which is very much on point..


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Tax savings for Americans in the UK


Green card received in 2006? Give it up in 2013 by Phil Hodgen on October 2nd, 2013 TL;DR If you received your green card in 2006, you have until December 31, 2013 to give it up without an overdose of tax pain in the form of the exit tax. Wait until 2014 and you have complex paperwork ahead of you (at least) and a tax liability (maybe). The risk...
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