
Monday: 09:30 - 17:30
Tuesday: 09:30 - 17:30
Wednesday: 09:30 - 17:30
Thursday: 09:30 - 17:30
Friday: 09:30 - 17:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Volonteurope

International network promoting volunteering, active citizenship and social justice

Volonteurope Description

Volonteurope is an international network promoting volunteering, active citizenship and social justice in Europe and beyond.

Volonteurope works at all levels, from the local to the international, and across the public, private and third sectors. We facilitate exchange, foster collaboration, and carry out research and advocacy.

Volonteurope currently has over 50 members in more than 20 countries across Europe.

Established in the Netherlands in 1981, Volonteurope’s Secretariat was hosted by Volunteering Matters but is now based in Belgium.



Volonteurope's Co-Vice President Constantin Dedu has launched his first podcast on the #Erasmus+ programme in the context of the Coronavirus pandemic..........
Constantin is President of the Asociatia Imago Mundi a youth organisation based in Romania.


Our latest newsletter has gone out to members. If you'd like to join us please visit http://bit.ly/Volonteuropejoin or read our latest Supporters' Newsletter https://mailchi.mp/787758e0…/volonteuro pe-newsletter-feb2020


More coverage of the #Europefuturefringe initiative...


We’re delighted to be part of #EuropeFutureFringe a new festival of democracy to run alongside the EU’s Future of Europe Conference...http://bit.ly/EuropeFutureFr inge


Volunteering Matters our UK member, organised the third and final complementary event in the framework of the Strategic EVS Project, “Young People for Europe of Inclusion, Solidarity and Social Justice”, a major youth cross-border volunteering programme.


Blog from Volonteurope Secretary General Piotr Sadowski on the importance of validating skills acquired through volunteering....


Thanks to everyone who attended our 28th Annual Conference in Brussels, so many great ideas and discussions...


https://volonteurope.eu/volonteurope-annu al-general-meetin…/


The picture gallery and full write up from our Innovation in Volunteering Awards is available here...https://volonteurope.eu/and-the-wi nner-of-our-first-innova…/


What a great evening we had at our first Innovation in Volunteering Awards. Thank you to everyone who attended, Gabriella Civico, Director of CEV European Volunteer Centre for judging and presenting the award and especially the three shortlisted projects; SAFE by Volunteering Matters, RUTIS the Portuguese Network of Senior Universities & Solidarity Bread by Sofia Bread House, Bulgaria. But there can only be one winner so many congratulations to Solidarity Bread.


Volonteurope's first #InnovationinVolunteering Awards with shortlisted projects SAFE by Volunteering Matters, RUTIS the Portuguese Network of Senior Universities & Solidarity Bread by Sofia Bread House in Bulgaria. And the 2019 winner is: Solidarity Bread


The final Conference Programme is now available http://bit.ly/Volonteurope28thConf and don't forget to register your place in your workshop of choice (15 places in each) by signing up here https://surveymonkey.co.uk/r/V3BQY3D


With less than a week until we announce our new #InnovationInVolunteering Awards here are videos showing you the amazing three shortlisted projects ...


Our final shortlisted #InnovationInVolunteering project is Volunteering Matters SAFE(Sexual Awareness for Everyone) for women aged 16-35 with learning needs & disabilities in Gwent, Wales. It supports their personal safety & development and though peer support; #sexualhealth awareness.


Our second #InnovationInVolunteeringAwards shortlisted project is RUTIS, the Portuguese Network of Senior Universities, which has over 7000 volunteers across 330 universities. All senior professors volunteer & give 2-3 lectures of their choice a week & many participate in #Erasmus projects managed by RUTIS. The project model has been so successful it's been replicated in countries including #Latvia, #Ukraine, #Slovakia, #South Africa and #Brazil


Our first #InnovationInVolunteeringAwards shortlisted project is Solidarity Bread, at The Sofia Bread House. Since 2017 over 400 people (volunteers,refugees, community members etc) have come together to make bread & talk #solidarity


The #EUAidVolunteers and #EUSolidarityCorps Dissemination Evening in Dublin, Ireland, is taking place next Tues (12thNov) 6-9pm. There's still time to register. Find out more here http://bit.ly/EUAidVolunteersDublin Oonagh Aitken, Viatores Christi, Léargas

More about Volonteurope

Monday: 09:30 - 17:30
Tuesday: 09:30 - 17:30
Wednesday: 09:30 - 17:30
Thursday: 09:30 - 17:30
Friday: 09:30 - 17:30
Saturday: -
Sunday: -