West Leeds Fitter Bodies

About West Leeds Fitter Bodies

west Leeds Fitter Bodies is a Ladies group training Facility.
with our nutritional guidance and fun workouts you will loose inches and become a fitter you.
Its like having a personal trainer but costing much less.



Our summer 6 week challenge be starting in April, And if people stay after our 6 week challenge,They have a great chance to win a holiday coming soon


Hi guys we still have people applying for our 6 week challenge, Just to keep you informed we are full and if we do another one it won’t be until the end of April,But if your looking to try us out for a month you can contact us in a few weeks time and can let you know what spaces we have,Our challenge sold out in 1 week 3 days so if it comes on again don’t waste time x


https://www.facebook.com/pg/westleedsfitb odybootcamp/photos/?tab=album&album_ id=1602650233379097


Well done to nicola Hanson just shows what hard work an the correct guidance can do spot on xxx


It’s Xmas


The reason why I opened my own gym was because I got to the point where I couldn’t fit anymore people in my diary or people couldn’t afford it, but now people control when they train and it’s a lot more affordable, here’s a video of some of my best 1 on 1 body transformations https://www.facebook.com/RichardWilsonPer sonalTrainingTestimonials/videos/4896805 54478110/


Big Xmas voucher winners the biggest been £400 well done guys


It might be coming to Xmas but don’t stop


We have helped many people Now its time to help you


A lot of people make great friends here,


Is a calorie a calorie?




What an amazing experience the last 5 weeks have been. Every session has been hard work, but really enjoyable too. Richard and Louise are so motivating and encouraging, making even the least fit person, like me, feel that they can do it. I was very anxious about embarking on this Boot Camp journey, but was made to feel comfortable and welcome from the very start.

Not only are Richard and Louise hard-working and lovely people, but the whole Booty family are brilliant and very helpful.

Hard to believe that in just 5 weeks I have already seen real changes in my body, which can only get even better now I've signed up for membership.

Thank you Richard and Louise and the Booty family for being so inspiring. ���


Week 3 of boot club 6 week challenge and I’m addicted. This from a wine guzzling, fag smoking, exercise avoiding, overweight 47 year old. All shapes, all ages and all abilities. There is no judgment just help and advice. I cannot recommend this place highly enough. Richard and Louise are fabulous and I’m now a permanent member.


Took me years to build up the confidence to start exercising, nevermind joining a bootcamp programme. 5 weeks in and I can't believe how much I am enjoying it. It's so convenient to come straight from work and do an intense work out in 30 mins. The people in the classes are so friendly and welcoming. I know some people are put off by the monthly membership fee after the 6 week challenge but when you weigh up the fact that you have no thinking to do (all the exercises are explained and laid out for you), Richard, Louise and team are on hand to help with alternatives if you're struggling and in 30 mins you can achieve a great workout.. it's worth every pound spent and lost!!! Looking forward to seeing what I can achieve on my booty journey ��


Thanks for the fun so far! Few weeks into a 6 week challenge and I feel stronger. Great people and instructors. I may come in sometimes wishing I had stayed home I’m always glad I made the effort and I leave feeling great! I do other things too not just here but it’s all helping.


Thank you to Louise and Richard for giving me my life back. I had no motivation and also low mood.I struggled with even the basic of exercises at the start but after three months I feel mentally and physically stronger. I never had much confidence when it came to the gym , it would make me anxious and I would worry that people would be watching me and judging me. At boot camp this is not true, everyone is so supportive and to be fair too busy with their own game to watch yours. I use to dread any form of exercise but now I look forward to attending booty. I made lots of excuses like ..it wan't fit round my shifts , I can't do the diet ,or it will probably be to difficult. However, what I really thought once I just tried it was why did I not try this sooner. I will be honest I didn't think I would make it past my trail but three months on I am still standing but now I am stronger, faster and definitely fitter. If you are thinking of joining booty I honestly think you need to give it a try what is the worse then can happen ?!. Thank you again Louise and Richard you guys are amazing ! . You are two of the most selfless people I know and I am so happy I have your support.


My confidence was totally knocked for 6 after having to have a major op for cancer last year. I saw Boot camp on Facebook and read the brilliant reviews so I decided to sign up for the 6 week challenge in Feb this year (2018) to see if it would help me with the motivation to get back into exercising again.

Well it totally did. From the start Louise and Richard make me feel totally at ease, their motivation and help is brilliant. As well as getting my motivation back I’m losing inches and always look forward to training with my new booty family. Everyone is so friendly and I’m so glad that I have decided to now become a boot camp member. They are my 7am motivation �


Joined the 6 week challenge at the beginning of this year as my daughter wanted to lose weight and thought I would support her. Best decision I ever made. I'm now hooked on it and love going. Everyone is very supportive and it has a real community feel. I've been to many gyms in my life but can honestly say this is the best. It never gets boring and the support with nutrition is excellent. I was hoping to shed about a stone but am now 2lbs off 2 stone. I am nearer 60 than 50 and haven't been this slim since my early 40's so well chuffed. So pleased I joined it's now become part of my life and I am feeling so much healthier for it as well as lookin much better and in a size 10!


I’ve been at boot camp for nearly 2 years and I couldn’t think of any other gym I’d rather be at. I absolutely love it. Both Louisa and Rich make everyone feel welcome, both on an exercise and personal level.

I’ve been a member at a load of gyms and had PTs before but have never stuck them out as long as boot camp.

Boot camp is my home and gets me training 4-5 times a week, which keeps me in great shape and gives me a reason for getting out of bed in the morning. It’s the motivation I’ve always been looking for.

Everyday is different and no matter what level you’re at, they will cater or challenge to your needs.

Amazing place and one I will be staying at for the foreseeable future xx


I’m 4 weeks in to my 6 week challenge & I’m absolutely loving it. Every day is a different work out & a challenge. No matter what your level of fitness you will come out feeling like you have achieved something. Louise & Richard are great, very supportive & take time out to make sure you are doing well. All the members are friendly, it’s a great atmosphere. Would definitely recommend it.


It’s just amazing!! Am half way through my 6 week challenge and can see and feel results already. 30 minutes long intense workouts are hard enough to make you sweat, feel sick and shake; but short enough to be enjoyable. Personal support on all aspects of training and nutrition from Richard and Louise keeps you on track and continuously improving. And the competitions they run give you something to aim for!


I've just completed my 6 week challenge and signed up for another 6 months. After reaching my highest weight in 10 years and being as unfit as I've been in my life after the birth of my second child I knew I needed to do something. I tried SW and WW and lost 7lbs then gained it back again creating a cycle of depriving myself and then gorging. I was miserable.

I've 16lbs and 19.5 inches and I can eat pretty much what I want on Saturday and have a half 'cheat meal' on a Sunday. I don't feel deprived at all, I make a list of what I'm missing to enjoy on my cheat day and look forward to it. I don't just look physically different my mental attitude has changed too, I've got a spring in my step and my confidence is back. I've got a long way to go but I'm being supported all the way by Richard, Louise and my new booty family. I don't feel judged or 'too fat' to work out.

Thank you so much. But I'll never ever love Sally.x


I started in November on a 5 week challenge and what can I say I am addicted and have never looked back! Louise&Richard are amazing and so welcoming. They genuinely care and want to help you achieve your goals. If you work hard and listen to what they tell you the results are amazing and I know this from my own personal experience. The classes that are available allow you to work around your busy day and there is never an excuse to not get to a class, they go over and beyond what you would expect from a Bootcamp timetable. Every day is different so the variety of the workouts is never repetitive.I can say with hand on heart that if you want to better yourself and achieve amazing results then this is the place to be. Xx


I can’t recommend this wonderful place highly enough! Richard and Louise work so hard to help you meet your targets and the members are an amazing crowd! If you want real results that you can maintain, this is the place for you. Give it a go - you’ve nothing to lose and everything to gain!!


I can't recommend this bootcamp enough.. no gimmicks no lies just your own hard work and the support from Richard and Louise and the rest of the bootcamp... I attended gyms for years and lost the same couple of pounds in all that time.

Started here in August 2017 and up to may 2018 I have lost well over 2 stone (the scary thing is I didn't think I was that big!)

Richard and Louise are great they do not want to just take your money and let you keep paying.

They will text and message to make sure your ok and encourage you to keep coming.

These sessions are only half an hour.. everyone has time for that surely.. I used to sweat it out at the gym for well over 1hr30mins!

It's a really nice environment, members only and you soon get to know each other...

Not full of musclemen posing in a mirror

Oh and it helps your running a lot!!!

2:09 last years Leeds half

1:47 this years!!

Who knows what's to come ���


I am on week 4 now of boot camp and I am very much enjoying the experience! I was daunted at first as it wasn’t something I’d done before but from the start Louise & Richard are welcoming smiley and happy to help all the time! They made me feel at ease and I knew after my first session I’d be hooked! The sessions are adapted to your capabilities if you have injury’s like I do and the fine just fly’s each session you go on! No 2 are the same but you pick it up in no time. I’d definitely recommend signing up to any new members, give yourself the time to get your head around the fitness pal app, get your spandex on and your sorted. Honestly I don’t know of anyone that wouldn’t love it! Thank you Louise and Richard for your support i really do love your camp x


Brilliant! I couldn't rate this more highly! I've never really done much exercise before, and was very nervous at the prospect, but everyone is friendly and welcoming. I don't feel judged, the people are all sizes and ages and everyone is there with a positive attitude. Richard and Louise are warm and encouraging, as well as being professional and very knowledgeable about exercise and nutrition. Recommended ++++++


Bootcamp is an amazing place. Never in my life did I think I would enjoy exercising or enjoy looking forward to the next session. Its a great environment to train in and everyone from the PTs that run it to the members are all lovely and helpful. The results ive got from a 6 week challenge have been so good ive signed up as a member. Signing up has been a life changer. If anyone is considering signing up it is definitely worth a try!


Awesome! I am 51 never dieted and not really exercised since 1988. I joined for a 6 week challenge hoping I could lose some weight but mainly be healthier. (I have a lot of health problems). Louise and Richard after only 5 weeks have helped me obliterate my goal with over a stone weight loss and over 10 inches smaller. It is hard work but with the help and support of all the members (who are all supportive, encouraging and enthusiastic)and Richard and Louise it really is Awesome! It’s not just a boot camp it’s an opportunity to regain control of yourself in a safe environment with owners/trainers who care and make time to support, encourage, push and guide you. �����


Anxiously started the 6 week challenge in feb! Convinced my friend to join with me! I had a terrible diet and enjoyed my drink too much, always had the intention to lose weight but would find an excuse not to! I’ve never liked the gym I would stay on the treadmill as the weights were too intimidating!

Well what a difference 6 weeks makes!!! Thanks to Richard and Louise I have completely changed the way I eat! Saving all my treats until cheat day! And I wouldn’t think of having a cheeky drink mon-fri anymore!

And as for my attitude toward exercise I now wake up looking forward to boot camp! Working my butt off for just 30 mins 3-4 times a week has made a massive difference to my weight and appearance! There was no way I was leaving! Looking forward to becoming a member!!! I couldn’t recommend it enough!


What an amazing experience the last 5 weeks have been. Every session has been hard work, but really enjoyable too. Richard and Louise are so motivating and encouraging, making even the least fit person, like me, feel that they can do it. I was very anxious about embarking on this Boot Camp journey, but was made to feel comfortable and welcome from the very start.

Not only are Richard and Louise hard-working and lovely people, but the whole Booty family are brilliant and very helpful.

Hard to believe that in just 5 weeks I have already seen real changes in my body, which can only get even better now I've signed up for membership.

Thank you Richard and Louise and the Booty family for being so inspiring. ���


Week 3 of boot club 6 week challenge and I’m addicted. This from a wine guzzling, fag smoking, exercise avoiding, overweight 47 year old. All shapes, all ages and all abilities. There is no judgment just help and advice. I cannot recommend this place highly enough. Richard and Louise are fabulous and I’m now a permanent member.


Took me years to build up the confidence to start exercising, nevermind joining a bootcamp programme. 5 weeks in and I can't believe how much I am enjoying it. It's so convenient to come straight from work and do an intense work out in 30 mins. The people in the classes are so friendly and welcoming. I know some people are put off by the monthly membership fee after the 6 week challenge but when you weigh up the fact that you have no thinking to do (all the exercises are explained and laid out for you), Richard, Louise and team are on hand to help with alternatives if you're struggling and in 30 mins you can achieve a great workout.. it's worth every pound spent and lost!!! Looking forward to seeing what I can achieve on my booty journey ��


Thanks for the fun so far! Few weeks into a 6 week challenge and I feel stronger. Great people and instructors. I may come in sometimes wishing I had stayed home I’m always glad I made the effort and I leave feeling great! I do other things too not just here but it’s all helping.


Thank you to Louise and Richard for giving me my life back. I had no motivation and also low mood.I struggled with even the basic of exercises at the start but after three months I feel mentally and physically stronger. I never had much confidence when it came to the gym , it would make me anxious and I would worry that people would be watching me and judging me. At boot camp this is not true, everyone is so supportive and to be fair too busy with their own game to watch yours. I use to dread any form of exercise but now I look forward to attending booty. I made lots of excuses like ..it wan't fit round my shifts , I can't do the diet ,or it will probably be to difficult. However, what I really thought once I just tried it was why did I not try this sooner. I will be honest I didn't think I would make it past my trail but three months on I am still standing but now I am stronger, faster and definitely fitter. If you are thinking of joining booty I honestly think you need to give it a try what is the worse then can happen ?!. Thank you again Louise and Richard you guys are amazing ! . You are two of the most selfless people I know and I am so happy I have your support.


My confidence was totally knocked for 6 after having to have a major op for cancer last year. I saw Boot camp on Facebook and read the brilliant reviews so I decided to sign up for the 6 week challenge in Feb this year (2018) to see if it would help me with the motivation to get back into exercising again.

Well it totally did. From the start Louise and Richard make me feel totally at ease, their motivation and help is brilliant. As well as getting my motivation back I’m losing inches and always look forward to training with my new booty family. Everyone is so friendly and I’m so glad that I have decided to now become a boot camp member. They are my 7am motivation �


Joined the 6 week challenge at the beginning of this year as my daughter wanted to lose weight and thought I would support her. Best decision I ever made. I'm now hooked on it and love going. Everyone is very supportive and it has a real community feel. I've been to many gyms in my life but can honestly say this is the best. It never gets boring and the support with nutrition is excellent. I was hoping to shed about a stone but am now 2lbs off 2 stone. I am nearer 60 than 50 and haven't been this slim since my early 40's so well chuffed. So pleased I joined it's now become part of my life and I am feeling so much healthier for it as well as lookin much better and in a size 10!


I’ve been at boot camp for nearly 2 years and I couldn’t think of any other gym I’d rather be at. I absolutely love it. Both Louisa and Rich make everyone feel welcome, both on an exercise and personal level.

I’ve been a member at a load of gyms and had PTs before but have never stuck them out as long as boot camp.

Boot camp is my home and gets me training 4-5 times a week, which keeps me in great shape and gives me a reason for getting out of bed in the morning. It’s the motivation I’ve always been looking for.

Everyday is different and no matter what level you’re at, they will cater or challenge to your needs.

Amazing place and one I will be staying at for the foreseeable future xx


I’m 4 weeks in to my 6 week challenge & I’m absolutely loving it. Every day is a different work out & a challenge. No matter what your level of fitness you will come out feeling like you have achieved something. Louise & Richard are great, very supportive & take time out to make sure you are doing well. All the members are friendly, it’s a great atmosphere. Would definitely recommend it.


It’s just amazing!! Am half way through my 6 week challenge and can see and feel results already. 30 minutes long intense workouts are hard enough to make you sweat, feel sick and shake; but short enough to be enjoyable. Personal support on all aspects of training and nutrition from Richard and Louise keeps you on track and continuously improving. And the competitions they run give you something to aim for!


I've just completed my 6 week challenge and signed up for another 6 months. After reaching my highest weight in 10 years and being as unfit as I've been in my life after the birth of my second child I knew I needed to do something. I tried SW and WW and lost 7lbs then gained it back again creating a cycle of depriving myself and then gorging. I was miserable.

I've 16lbs and 19.5 inches and I can eat pretty much what I want on Saturday and have a half 'cheat meal' on a Sunday. I don't feel deprived at all, I make a list of what I'm missing to enjoy on my cheat day and look forward to it. I don't just look physically different my mental attitude has changed too, I've got a spring in my step and my confidence is back. I've got a long way to go but I'm being supported all the way by Richard, Louise and my new booty family. I don't feel judged or 'too fat' to work out.

Thank you so much. But I'll never ever love Sally.x


I started in November on a 5 week challenge and what can I say I am addicted and have never looked back! Louise&Richard are amazing and so welcoming. They genuinely care and want to help you achieve your goals. If you work hard and listen to what they tell you the results are amazing and I know this from my own personal experience. The classes that are available allow you to work around your busy day and there is never an excuse to not get to a class, they go over and beyond what you would expect from a Bootcamp timetable. Every day is different so the variety of the workouts is never repetitive.I can say with hand on heart that if you want to better yourself and achieve amazing results then this is the place to be. Xx


I can’t recommend this wonderful place highly enough! Richard and Louise work so hard to help you meet your targets and the members are an amazing crowd! If you want real results that you can maintain, this is the place for you. Give it a go - you’ve nothing to lose and everything to gain!!


I can't recommend this bootcamp enough.. no gimmicks no lies just your own hard work and the support from Richard and Louise and the rest of the bootcamp... I attended gyms for years and lost the same couple of pounds in all that time.

Started here in August 2017 and up to may 2018 I have lost well over 2 stone (the scary thing is I didn't think I was that big!)

Richard and Louise are great they do not want to just take your money and let you keep paying.

They will text and message to make sure your ok and encourage you to keep coming.

These sessions are only half an hour.. everyone has time for that surely.. I used to sweat it out at the gym for well over 1hr30mins!

It's a really nice environment, members only and you soon get to know each other...

Not full of musclemen posing in a mirror

Oh and it helps your running a lot!!!

2:09 last years Leeds half

1:47 this years!!

Who knows what's to come ���


I am on week 4 now of boot camp and I am very much enjoying the experience! I was daunted at first as it wasn’t something I’d done before but from the start Louise & Richard are welcoming smiley and happy to help all the time! They made me feel at ease and I knew after my first session I’d be hooked! The sessions are adapted to your capabilities if you have injury’s like I do and the fine just fly’s each session you go on! No 2 are the same but you pick it up in no time. I’d definitely recommend signing up to any new members, give yourself the time to get your head around the fitness pal app, get your spandex on and your sorted. Honestly I don’t know of anyone that wouldn’t love it! Thank you Louise and Richard for your support i really do love your camp x


Brilliant! I couldn't rate this more highly! I've never really done much exercise before, and was very nervous at the prospect, but everyone is friendly and welcoming. I don't feel judged, the people are all sizes and ages and everyone is there with a positive attitude. Richard and Louise are warm and encouraging, as well as being professional and very knowledgeable about exercise and nutrition. Recommended ++++++


Bootcamp is an amazing place. Never in my life did I think I would enjoy exercising or enjoy looking forward to the next session. Its a great environment to train in and everyone from the PTs that run it to the members are all lovely and helpful. The results ive got from a 6 week challenge have been so good ive signed up as a member. Signing up has been a life changer. If anyone is considering signing up it is definitely worth a try!


Awesome! I am 51 never dieted and not really exercised since 1988. I joined for a 6 week challenge hoping I could lose some weight but mainly be healthier. (I have a lot of health problems). Louise and Richard after only 5 weeks have helped me obliterate my goal with over a stone weight loss and over 10 inches smaller. It is hard work but with the help and support of all the members (who are all supportive, encouraging and enthusiastic)and Richard and Louise it really is Awesome! It’s not just a boot camp it’s an opportunity to regain control of yourself in a safe environment with owners/trainers who care and make time to support, encourage, push and guide you. �����


Anxiously started the 6 week challenge in feb! Convinced my friend to join with me! I had a terrible diet and enjoyed my drink too much, always had the intention to lose weight but would find an excuse not to! I’ve never liked the gym I would stay on the treadmill as the weights were too intimidating!

Well what a difference 6 weeks makes!!! Thanks to Richard and Louise I have completely changed the way I eat! Saving all my treats until cheat day! And I wouldn’t think of having a cheeky drink mon-fri anymore!

And as for my attitude toward exercise I now wake up looking forward to boot camp! Working my butt off for just 30 mins 3-4 times a week has made a massive difference to my weight and appearance! There was no way I was leaving! Looking forward to becoming a member!!! I couldn’t recommend it enough!

More about West Leeds Fitter Bodies

West Leeds Fitter Bodies is located at Westfield house Broad Lane, LS13 3HA Bramley, Leeds, United Kingdom