West Yorkshire Police - Keighley

Monday: 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:00
Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 20:00

About West Yorkshire Police - Keighley

Covering the following Neighbourhood Policing Teams : Craven NPT, Ilkley NPT, Keighley NPT, Keighley East NPT, Keighley West NPT and Worth Valley NPT.



Keighley Steerside results March: Tickets issued: 82 Vehicles seized: 10 Arrests: 2 Mobile phones: 4... Seatbelts: 61 Speeding: 14 MOT: 2 Drink drivers: 1 Speed checks on Skipton Road conducted for 3 hours due to complaints - 1 speeder.
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Our Keighley Police Cadets were volunteering today at the Sue Ryder Manorlands Hospice Keighley Big10K/5K - They helped with marshalling/meeting and greeting as well as handing out goodie bags. One of our cadets also ran the 10km route and finished in 45 minutes! Amazing day! Lovely to see so many running too!


5 minutes .... Channel W .. .Grab a brew .. going to be a good one!


Police investigating an incident of disorder in Keighley are appealing for information. It happened in Devonshire Street at about 7.40pm yesterday (Monday) and resulted in damage to several vehicles and a house. Three males have been arrested in connection with the incident and enquiries into the circumstances are ongoing. Detective Chief Inspector Warren Pitman, of Bradford District Police, said: “We understand the impact incidents such as this can have on local communit...ies. We are working with the community and our partners and there is no suggestion at this time of a wider risk to the public. “However, disorder will not be tolerated and there will be increased patrols through our Neighbourhood Policing Team to offer reassurance to the community.” Enquiries are also continuing to establish if an 18-year-old male who attended hospital for treatment a short time later was injured in this incident. Anyone who can assist this investigation is asked to contact Bradford District CID on 101, quoting log 1754 of 25 March. Information can also be reported at www.westyorkshire.police.uk/101livechat or anonymously to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.
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Ticket issued outside Keighley Police station by PCSO 157 for unnecessary obstruction. Rule 240/242/243 of the Highway Code.


Today a male was kind enough to help his friend retrieve a bike from our police station after it was seized last week.. I mean what a kind gesture … problem was said male was also wanted by police for burglary … don't you love it when a plan comes together!! #accidentallyhandedhimselfin


Episode 2 tonight … this episode features more amazing women working for West Yorkshire Police including our very own "Geordie" Sergeant Chapman … She recently moved from Keighley to pastures new but has left rather big boots to fill!! Tonight .. 10pm .. Channel W ..


We are extremely concerned after a barge was reported to have recently sunk on the Leeds Liverpool Canal, leaking a large amount of diesel into the waters where many pairs of swans and other wildlife call home.
If anyone happens to see any oil contaminated birds along Keighley’s stretch of canal, please call the number attached for volunteers to attend and give appropriate care. #wildlifecrime


The series continues tomorrow at 10pm! See some of the amazing work we do in West Yorkshire .... its never too late to change your career!


Problems with anti-social behaviour? Check out how to report it on our website:
https://www.westyorkshire.police.uk/…/h ow-we-can-tackle-ant…


Who tuned in to watch the first episode of #theshift last night .. featuring our very own PC Gargett … What did you all think to the new series?


See some of our wonderful Keighley officers on Channel W - Tonight - 10pm - The Shift: Women on the Force ... a new documentary filmed in West Yorkshire ... TUNE IN!


Has your child been invited to a party that they don’t seem to know much about?
Have a look at our Party Animals guide for advice on how they can stay safe: https://www.westyorkshire.police.uk/party -animals


Whilst on foot patrol PCSO Leahy has witnessed a silver Toyota driving along Hanover Street, Keighley. The Driver decided to do a handbrake turn in front of PCSO Leahy, before then heavily accelerating up Cavendish street. Address check was conducted and vehicle recovered under Section 59. Whilst recovering vehicle a log comes in relating to the driver, who was then arrested by PC Ahmed. Enquiries continue.


Have you been invited to a party this week at a location you're not familiar with? If so ask yourself why and have a look at our Party Animals guide: https://www.westyorkshire.police.uk/party -animals


Are you doing everything you can to protect your car?
Lock the door ✅ Check the handle ✅ Keep keys out of sight ✅... Remove any valuables (dash cams, sat-navs, etc.) ✅
Show your car you care: https://www.westyorkshire.police.uk/burgl ary
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You may remember a few weeks back that PCSO Leahy invited a very special little boy PC Henry to the police station after he came up to him in town and told him how much he loved the police!
Today PC Henry came and met officers in the station, he learnt about what our officers do, he did some fingerprinting and got a station tour with PCSO Leahy and PC Detoeuf ... he turned up in his own uniform complete with truncheon and handcuffs! We helped him with a uniform complete with radio!
It is his birthday on Monday and his mum and dad said it was the best present he could have had! Happy Birthday PC Henry ... what a wonderful police officer you will be one day!

More about West Yorkshire Police - Keighley

Monday: 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:00
Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 20:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 20:00