Wexham Maternity

About Wexham Maternity

This is the official Facebook page of the Maternity Department of Wexham Park Hospital, part of Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust.

Wexham Maternity Description

This page is run by the midwives of Wexham Park Hospital to keep you up to date with the latest news and progress on our exciting redevelopment. We will also re-post items of interest from authentic, respected organisations and we will signpost to other websites we believe may be helpful to our mums, their partners and families.
Most people who use our service are very happy with it, but if for some reason you have a concern please contact PALs via email on palswexhampark@fhft. nhs. uk



After hours of printing, cutting, sticking, laminating and threading the bunting is made! Thanks so much for your contributions, the corridor looks amazing with over 200 babies looking down on us as we celebrate #NHS70


***Thank you all for the AMAZING response!! We are so grateful and will be busy now getting these lovely photos printed. Sadly we have to say please don’t send us anymore! For now anyway 😉 ***
Send us your baby photos! We are celebrating the 70th birthday of the NHS this week, if you had your baby at Wexham or Heatherwood and would like a newborn baby photo to be part of a display in the Maternity unit then this is for you. Post a picture of your baby along with a first name and date of birth and we will print it and put it on our wall!


This is a reminder of our next Maternity Voices meeting! Come and share your experience of Wexham Park Maternity Services. We want to hear all your views - what was great and what could be improved! All welcome.


Come along and tell us what you think. We would love to hear from you!


Date for your diary! If you are expecting or you have had a baby with us in the last 12 months please come along and have your say at our next Maternity Voices meeting! Drop in and see us! We would love to have your feedback. For details see poster attached 😊


Pregnant in Windsor this weekend?? Have a great time celebrating the wedding of the year but leave yourself plenty of time to get to the hospital if you need to. Roads will be busy, so if you are worried about anything or think you are going into labour, call the Maternity Assessment Centre early on 01753 634520. Have a great time!!


Today we celebrate the wonderful profession of Midwifery. Midwives are united in the calling to be ‘with woman’ - a privilege and an honour. On this beautiful sunny day let’s remember the midwives who have made a difference, whether it was last week or last century!#internationaldayofthemidwife


Follow Frimley and Wexham Maternity Voices and join the conversation!


A great way to work out your caffeine intake!


Please come along and have your say! We would love to see you 😊


Our new Parkside amenity rooms are now available!


We are reintroducing our tours of the Maternity Unit! They will be held on a Sunday morning and will last 30 minutes. To book please call 01753 633709 between 9am and 3.30pm, Mon-Fri. Naturally priority will be given to women who are close to their expected date of delivery. Enjoy the tour!


We were delighted that Anton and his lovely wife Hannah formally opened our new Maternity Unit today! 10 months ago their twins were born here, when the building work was well under way. Now it’s almost finished (a little bit more to go...) but today we celebrated Strictly-Style!! Thanks also to the Mayor of Slough Ishrat Shah for lending her support to a wonderful morning.


Excellent advice for after you have had your baby...


An interesting way to approach labour! Not sure our wonderful medical staff would be too keen though...


Thank you to everyone who helped us put the message out there about the phones! All is restored now, if you require Maternity Assessment Centre the number is 01753 634520, and if you think you are in labour please call 01753 633711.


We will be taking part in this National Survey, however if you would prefer not to be contacted please contact us!


Think before you wink! Did you know that September 26th is the most popular birthday in the UK? Of course we would really love to see you, but why not save those warm, cosy feelings for a few weeks - and spare a thought for those midwives in September! #thinkbeforeyouwink


We had an inspiring time with our Chairman Pradip Patel yesterday as he gave a special thank-you to the staff in the best way possible - with tea and cake! He thanked them especially for their devotion to bringing new life into the world, and for their strength and resilience in coping with the building work whilst continuing to provide a seamless service. He then described (very well) what it means to give 'fabled service', giving an account of what that looks like when fly...ing first class and asked staff to rise to the challenge! Thank you Mr. Chairman, we will do our very best.
Here he is, pictured with Amy Olley our Associate Director, Alison Kirkpatrick Consultant Obstetrician and Chief of Service, Emma Luhr, Head of Midwifery and Linda Heppolette, Matron.
See More


So I just had my baby boy at Wrexham 6 days ago and all of the midwives were so lovely and kind.

Real people who care about you and your baby. I feel proud to have had my first baby there. Thank you lady's .


Our first child was born at home with the wonderful help of the Windsor Community Midwifes Lucy and Gemma. We originally discounted a home birth as I am from the Czech Republic where it’s not common practice and my husband is just scared, so he wanted to take me to hospital at Week 30 just in case!

However we were reassured and began to see the benefits of staying at home for as long as possible with the option to go in to Wexham should the need arise at any time. The idea of a calm familiar environment with Enya playing and dimmed lighting became more and more appealing.

We really wanted to avoid going in too early and having to return home stressed out. I was prepared for a long first time labour so being able to call the midwife for an assessment at home was a great help for us and took any difficult decisions away from us.

So the pool was delivered, the heating turned up and we were all set to go.

Contractions began at about 21:00 but I discounted them as the early stages so didn’t even wake up my husband until midnight. When he woke he immediately panicked (as expected) and called the midwife. She assessed the situation and when I told her that I felt like I wanted to go to the toilet she said “I am on my way”..........

03:00 Thomas was born in front of the TV. My husband, despite messing around with hoses and kettles for an hour or so, only managed to get 6 inches of water into the pool so that idea was abandoned. It was however useful for a post birth wash.

The birth was text book even to the point of me saying “I can’t do this” about 5 minutes before I delivered.

The next part was the unplanned bit where we did end up in hospital. I had a tear which required an operation to repair so we all went to Wexham quite calmly via the ambulance with Thomas and the midwife’s with my husband following in the car who still managed to get lost and get a puncture!

I really didn’t want an epidural so this was the scary bit for me. However at Wexham I spoke to quite a few different people who assured me that this was the best course of action as the recovery time would be so much quicker and the new little man would benefit for having me to feed him as soon as possible.

The operation was soon over and I was reunited with my new family on the ward. The team on the ward were extremely busy and were helpful, but it was our aim was to get home as soon as possible.

So we sort of experienced all aspects of the system but when the dust settles our overriding memories will be the moment when we looked at each other and said “is that’s it then”. An indication of how Home Birthing works.

For me the homebirth was the best decision I made.


Our daughter was born on 8/12/17, 4 weeks early. I’m a first time Mum I cannot thank the Midwife’s/staff in wards 21, labour and ward 22 enough. They are simply just wonderful!!!! Nothing is too much bother, even when you know they are rushed off their feet. They are all so friendly and amazing at their jobs. Thank you so so much for making my experience so memorable for the right reasons.


My daughter has been in all week with preeclampsia at 29 weeks resulting in an emergency caesarean yesterday. Both mother and baby are fine. I would just like to say on behalf of our family thank you, the whole team from midwives to consultants to neonatal have gone above and beyond and the care they showed my daughter was exceptional, second to none. Cannot praise them enough. THANK YOU � xxx


My baby boy was born at the new birth centre 2 weeks ago today.

From my initial phone call to say I was going in I received excellent care. I was made to feel comfortable, in control and that me and my baby were in good hands.

I feel very lucky to say I had my dream water birth with the help and support of Midwife Jeremy, who was fantastic.

I couldn’t have asked for more!

The new rooms in the birth centre were fantastic - I was made to feel very calm and comfortable despite being in labour!

Jeremy listened to me, encouraged and helped me give birth to my big baby boy in the pool.

I couldn’t have asked for more. I feel very lucky that I had such a positive birth experience. Thank you!


I would like to thank everyone for the safe delivery of my baby girl born on the 20th June 2018. My midwife who was part of the crystal team Jema Fernandes was absolutely brilliant, she is so dedicated to her job and she made me feel special and cared for from the day I met her - thank you for all your advice and always replying back to my crazy text messages! A special thank you to all of the midwives and student midwives who kept me smiling and looked after me whilst I went through the induction process on Ward 21, thank you to Sara, Reedha, Jeanette, Gosha and Nancy - there were lots more of you lovely ladies also so thank you. A BIG thank you to Frank Garcia who is such an amazing consultant - “the baby guru” thank you for everything, I couldn’t have gotten through the last stages of my pregnancy without your care. Thank you to my midwife Charley Firminger and the Doctor JoMo who helped me bring my my little girl into the world. And lastly thank you to Rhiannon at MAC who looked after me before I gave birth and who is still helping me afterwards with my after care. All of the Maternity services at Wexham Park Hospital are absolutely fantastic, clean, professional and every member of staff I met made me feel very relaxed and I had 100% confidence with them. Thank you for looking after me - I really appreciate it. Kind Regards Natalie Crompton.


I had my little boy on the 31st of January 2018, the midwifes were amazing so caring and calm, I will recommend this place, the new maternity ward it's lovely and the after care (I stayed overnight) was really good. Based on my experience I will highly recommend it.


I had my little boy at Wexham just over 3 weeks ago. I was nearly 2 weeks over and induced. The care was absolutely incredible. I felt really safe throughout and didn’t really have to wait long for anything like epidural etc (although it felt like a long time at the time �). My husband managed to have a little kip on the recliner chair in our room on labour ward which was quite compfortable apparently!

The rooms were all clean and spacious, you could tell it was all quite new.

The health care assistant on prenatal ward offered a massage when I was having some painful contractions which I thought was above and beyond what their job would entail and a lovely offer.

There was no confusion about follow up appointments, everything was quite organised for afterwards. Post natal Ward staff gave lots of help breastfeeding and when I was having s cry 2 days after birth when we took little one in for a hearing test the lady doing the hearing test offered so much support as well.

The labour felt really calm even when a few extra members of staff were required and my little boy was checked so many times before we went home, which really reassured me.

Thank you Wexham Maternity and all of your staff for making the most special day of my life go so nicely.


I had my first baby at Wexham park last weekend & cannot fault the level of care received. All the midwives (Mac, labour & post natal) we met were friendly & experienced. I struggled with the final stage of labour due to the pain (epidural couldn't block the pain caused by pressure) but Rachel & Sarah got me through it to safely deliver our gorgeous baby boy. Despite the works ongoing, they did not seem to affect our experience & would not hesitate to have another baby at the hospital.


I had my baby a week ago at Wexham. I spent a day and night in the antenatal ward, before delivering in the refurbished birth centre, currently being used as labour ward 2. From start to finish all the maternity staff I had contact with were wonderful, from their reassuring experience to their encouraging words.

I had a good experience at Wexham when I had my previous child last year and really wasn't expecting the experience to be surpassed, but it was. I had heard numerous negative comments about the antenatal ward previously, however my experience has been positive. You do need to be patient waiting for the induction process to begin and then progress, however safety has to come first.

Thank you to the midwifes Kirsty, Antonio, Jeremy, Sara and Sandra who cared for me in labour and on the antenatal ward and to student midwives Ruqayya and Victoria. The level of responsibility that they have is incredible, as well as how confidently they handle themselves. Kirsty and Ruqayya are the perfect team and I was so lucky to have them delivering my daughter.


I had my baby Boy back in August at wexham park!And from start to finish I couldn’t fault it! Informative, kind, caring and passionate staff.

Induction to assisted delivery... and aftercare for pre eclampsia.

The staff were truly fantastic I took note of the staff that helped me So thank you to:

To all the Theatre staff, Midwives Rhiannon, Angela, Jeremy, Rachel, Kat, Student hannah and Dr garcia and Dr Babber.

I wouldn’t hesitate to come back to wexham park. Look forward to next time. �


I gave birth to our little boy 4 weeks ago in the new birthing centre and honestly had a fantastic experience.

As this was our first baby we didn't know what to expect but we couldn't fault the care we received. The midwives i had were all brilliant, Claire and then Alissa and Katherine, aswell as Donna who i had before for antenatal appointments, we loved Donna so much we requested to have her come out to us for our postnatal appointments too! She was fantastic helping me with my babies latch and putting all my little stresses at ease. All our midwives listened to everything i wanted and did all they could to make it possible.

I would completely recommend wexham!


Amazing care and support. Words can not express how good these people are


The staff and care at Wexham is always great BUT I have one major issue. According to the hospitals code of conduct smoking is not permitted ANYWHERE within the hospital or its grounds. So why do I have to walk through people smoking by directly outside the entrance of the maternity unit every time I enter an leave? It's absolutely disgusting not to mention unhealthy..... and I'm an ex smoker. Wexham, if you are going to the lengths to include a no smoking policy in your code of conduct why isn't it enforced? When my baby leaves hospital and is taken out into the fresh air for its very first time that's exactly what I want it to be, fresh air, not second hand smoke!!!!


Had my 1st baby here in 2013 a planned c-section and couldn't fault the the staff and care I received before during and after surgery. I've just had my 2nd baby in April antenatal care before I had my baby was awful I was in horrendous pain from 35 weeks asked for baby to come out before planned was refused. I was book for a planned c-section during the operation they tore my uterus and the surgeon was asking me why they wouldn't book you to have baby earlier I was so angry about as I was in so much pain could barley move last 5 weeks of pregnancy. The icing on the cake was my baby was not given a security tag it wasn't till I was discharged I realised as I thought they didn't do them anymore midwife answer was a baby hasn't gone missing for years. I looked at notes when got home and it clearly states that my baby had one. I came home so stressed by the experience and thoughts of what if someone had taken my baby no alarm would have stopped them. I'm now left being told I may not be able to carry another baby due to midwifes and consultants not listening to me so the possibility of us having a third is very slim.


Worst service I could have ever received being a first time mum, after being in over a week being induced (stopping and starting due to lack of staff) I then had to have an emergency c section as my midwife was no where to be seen and couldn't be found when needed in theatre. They did not have my correct blood in theatre when I lost 2 litres! Seen by so many midwives throughout my time at Wexham, the agency staff were awful and did not care one bit! If it wasn't for my family and friends who kept me sane I don't know how I would have coped! Will be looking at other hospitals when I have my next child.


I'm so disappointed, I've always sung praises of wexham maternity but today with 3rd pregnancy I was turned away from MAC despite the out of hours gp calling the on-call gynaecologist who both told me to go get assessed at MAC due to symptoms but I was told instead to go sit in A&E as they can't see me as I'm not 16wsskse, which was impossible cos I was not well, so I've come home to go to bed but really upset by the way I've been treated.


Had a terrible experience delivering my baby at this hospital this month. I will be writing a serious complaint letter regarding the maternity/labour ward and the complete negligent service I received. I would not recommend that you deliver your baby at this hospital. I literally delivered my baby on my own on the ward bed in the corridor as my water broke and my cervix was far too dilated before I could even be taken to the labour ward and all this because the midwives could not bothered to check how much I was dilated despite me requesting them to do this several times and despite my contractions being 50 seconds long, severely painful and less than 1 minute apart. As a result of their negligence I ended up having 5 second degree tears and required several stitches. I would hate for any other mother to go through what I experienced.

My first son was delivered at Watford Hospital, which was far better and the first thing the midwives did at Warford Hospital when I went in with contractions was to examine me to check how much I was dilated and they did this several times and they took me to the labour ward well in time, I had an epidural and a smooth delivery.

At Wexham hospital I ended up giving birth on the ward bed as they didn't even have time to switch me to the labour ward bed. All this could have been avoided if the midwives simply examined me to check how much I was dilated and if they took me to the labour ward on time.


Extremely awful experience!

I was low risk and they closed the birth centre which made me extremely upset and moved me to the labour ward. In a small room. No space to move around.

There was one pool in the labour area but said they had no staff qualified to assist me in there.

Midwife did not even support me or encourage different positions. Just sat on the bed taking gas and air.

The recommendations is not to find birth on the bed as you need gravity. I had a lot of complications I believe the cause of it was being on the bed. Would never recommend Wexham to anyone again.


So I just had my baby boy at Wrexham 6 days ago and all of the midwives were so lovely and kind.

Real people who care about you and your baby. I feel proud to have had my first baby there. Thank you lady's .


Our first child was born at home with the wonderful help of the Windsor Community Midwifes Lucy and Gemma. We originally discounted a home birth as I am from the Czech Republic where it’s not common practice and my husband is just scared, so he wanted to take me to hospital at Week 30 just in case!

However we were reassured and began to see the benefits of staying at home for as long as possible with the option to go in to Wexham should the need arise at any time. The idea of a calm familiar environment with Enya playing and dimmed lighting became more and more appealing.

We really wanted to avoid going in too early and having to return home stressed out. I was prepared for a long first time labour so being able to call the midwife for an assessment at home was a great help for us and took any difficult decisions away from us.

So the pool was delivered, the heating turned up and we were all set to go.

Contractions began at about 21:00 but I discounted them as the early stages so didn’t even wake up my husband until midnight. When he woke he immediately panicked (as expected) and called the midwife. She assessed the situation and when I told her that I felt like I wanted to go to the toilet she said “I am on my way”..........

03:00 Thomas was born in front of the TV. My husband, despite messing around with hoses and kettles for an hour or so, only managed to get 6 inches of water into the pool so that idea was abandoned. It was however useful for a post birth wash.

The birth was text book even to the point of me saying “I can’t do this” about 5 minutes before I delivered.

The next part was the unplanned bit where we did end up in hospital. I had a tear which required an operation to repair so we all went to Wexham quite calmly via the ambulance with Thomas and the midwife’s with my husband following in the car who still managed to get lost and get a puncture!

I really didn’t want an epidural so this was the scary bit for me. However at Wexham I spoke to quite a few different people who assured me that this was the best course of action as the recovery time would be so much quicker and the new little man would benefit for having me to feed him as soon as possible.

The operation was soon over and I was reunited with my new family on the ward. The team on the ward were extremely busy and were helpful, but it was our aim was to get home as soon as possible.

So we sort of experienced all aspects of the system but when the dust settles our overriding memories will be the moment when we looked at each other and said “is that’s it then”. An indication of how Home Birthing works.

For me the homebirth was the best decision I made.


Our daughter was born on 8/12/17, 4 weeks early. I’m a first time Mum I cannot thank the Midwife’s/staff in wards 21, labour and ward 22 enough. They are simply just wonderful!!!! Nothing is too much bother, even when you know they are rushed off their feet. They are all so friendly and amazing at their jobs. Thank you so so much for making my experience so memorable for the right reasons.


My daughter has been in all week with preeclampsia at 29 weeks resulting in an emergency caesarean yesterday. Both mother and baby are fine. I would just like to say on behalf of our family thank you, the whole team from midwives to consultants to neonatal have gone above and beyond and the care they showed my daughter was exceptional, second to none. Cannot praise them enough. THANK YOU � xxx


My baby boy was born at the new birth centre 2 weeks ago today.

From my initial phone call to say I was going in I received excellent care. I was made to feel comfortable, in control and that me and my baby were in good hands.

I feel very lucky to say I had my dream water birth with the help and support of Midwife Jeremy, who was fantastic.

I couldn’t have asked for more!

The new rooms in the birth centre were fantastic - I was made to feel very calm and comfortable despite being in labour!

Jeremy listened to me, encouraged and helped me give birth to my big baby boy in the pool.

I couldn’t have asked for more. I feel very lucky that I had such a positive birth experience. Thank you!


I would like to thank everyone for the safe delivery of my baby girl born on the 20th June 2018. My midwife who was part of the crystal team Jema Fernandes was absolutely brilliant, she is so dedicated to her job and she made me feel special and cared for from the day I met her - thank you for all your advice and always replying back to my crazy text messages! A special thank you to all of the midwives and student midwives who kept me smiling and looked after me whilst I went through the induction process on Ward 21, thank you to Sara, Reedha, Jeanette, Gosha and Nancy - there were lots more of you lovely ladies also so thank you. A BIG thank you to Frank Garcia who is such an amazing consultant - “the baby guru” thank you for everything, I couldn’t have gotten through the last stages of my pregnancy without your care. Thank you to my midwife Charley Firminger and the Doctor JoMo who helped me bring my my little girl into the world. And lastly thank you to Rhiannon at MAC who looked after me before I gave birth and who is still helping me afterwards with my after care. All of the Maternity services at Wexham Park Hospital are absolutely fantastic, clean, professional and every member of staff I met made me feel very relaxed and I had 100% confidence with them. Thank you for looking after me - I really appreciate it. Kind Regards Natalie Crompton.


I had my little boy on the 31st of January 2018, the midwifes were amazing so caring and calm, I will recommend this place, the new maternity ward it's lovely and the after care (I stayed overnight) was really good. Based on my experience I will highly recommend it.


I had my little boy at Wexham just over 3 weeks ago. I was nearly 2 weeks over and induced. The care was absolutely incredible. I felt really safe throughout and didn’t really have to wait long for anything like epidural etc (although it felt like a long time at the time �). My husband managed to have a little kip on the recliner chair in our room on labour ward which was quite compfortable apparently!

The rooms were all clean and spacious, you could tell it was all quite new.

The health care assistant on prenatal ward offered a massage when I was having some painful contractions which I thought was above and beyond what their job would entail and a lovely offer.

There was no confusion about follow up appointments, everything was quite organised for afterwards. Post natal Ward staff gave lots of help breastfeeding and when I was having s cry 2 days after birth when we took little one in for a hearing test the lady doing the hearing test offered so much support as well.

The labour felt really calm even when a few extra members of staff were required and my little boy was checked so many times before we went home, which really reassured me.

Thank you Wexham Maternity and all of your staff for making the most special day of my life go so nicely.


I had my first baby at Wexham park last weekend & cannot fault the level of care received. All the midwives (Mac, labour & post natal) we met were friendly & experienced. I struggled with the final stage of labour due to the pain (epidural couldn't block the pain caused by pressure) but Rachel & Sarah got me through it to safely deliver our gorgeous baby boy. Despite the works ongoing, they did not seem to affect our experience & would not hesitate to have another baby at the hospital.


I had my baby a week ago at Wexham. I spent a day and night in the antenatal ward, before delivering in the refurbished birth centre, currently being used as labour ward 2. From start to finish all the maternity staff I had contact with were wonderful, from their reassuring experience to their encouraging words.

I had a good experience at Wexham when I had my previous child last year and really wasn't expecting the experience to be surpassed, but it was. I had heard numerous negative comments about the antenatal ward previously, however my experience has been positive. You do need to be patient waiting for the induction process to begin and then progress, however safety has to come first.

Thank you to the midwifes Kirsty, Antonio, Jeremy, Sara and Sandra who cared for me in labour and on the antenatal ward and to student midwives Ruqayya and Victoria. The level of responsibility that they have is incredible, as well as how confidently they handle themselves. Kirsty and Ruqayya are the perfect team and I was so lucky to have them delivering my daughter.


I had my baby Boy back in August at wexham park!And from start to finish I couldn’t fault it! Informative, kind, caring and passionate staff.

Induction to assisted delivery... and aftercare for pre eclampsia.

The staff were truly fantastic I took note of the staff that helped me So thank you to:

To all the Theatre staff, Midwives Rhiannon, Angela, Jeremy, Rachel, Kat, Student hannah and Dr garcia and Dr Babber.

I wouldn’t hesitate to come back to wexham park. Look forward to next time. �


I gave birth to our little boy 4 weeks ago in the new birthing centre and honestly had a fantastic experience.

As this was our first baby we didn't know what to expect but we couldn't fault the care we received. The midwives i had were all brilliant, Claire and then Alissa and Katherine, aswell as Donna who i had before for antenatal appointments, we loved Donna so much we requested to have her come out to us for our postnatal appointments too! She was fantastic helping me with my babies latch and putting all my little stresses at ease. All our midwives listened to everything i wanted and did all they could to make it possible.

I would completely recommend wexham!


Amazing care and support. Words can not express how good these people are


The staff and care at Wexham is always great BUT I have one major issue. According to the hospitals code of conduct smoking is not permitted ANYWHERE within the hospital or its grounds. So why do I have to walk through people smoking by directly outside the entrance of the maternity unit every time I enter an leave? It's absolutely disgusting not to mention unhealthy..... and I'm an ex smoker. Wexham, if you are going to the lengths to include a no smoking policy in your code of conduct why isn't it enforced? When my baby leaves hospital and is taken out into the fresh air for its very first time that's exactly what I want it to be, fresh air, not second hand smoke!!!!


Had my 1st baby here in 2013 a planned c-section and couldn't fault the the staff and care I received before during and after surgery. I've just had my 2nd baby in April antenatal care before I had my baby was awful I was in horrendous pain from 35 weeks asked for baby to come out before planned was refused. I was book for a planned c-section during the operation they tore my uterus and the surgeon was asking me why they wouldn't book you to have baby earlier I was so angry about as I was in so much pain could barley move last 5 weeks of pregnancy. The icing on the cake was my baby was not given a security tag it wasn't till I was discharged I realised as I thought they didn't do them anymore midwife answer was a baby hasn't gone missing for years. I looked at notes when got home and it clearly states that my baby had one. I came home so stressed by the experience and thoughts of what if someone had taken my baby no alarm would have stopped them. I'm now left being told I may not be able to carry another baby due to midwifes and consultants not listening to me so the possibility of us having a third is very slim.


Worst service I could have ever received being a first time mum, after being in over a week being induced (stopping and starting due to lack of staff) I then had to have an emergency c section as my midwife was no where to be seen and couldn't be found when needed in theatre. They did not have my correct blood in theatre when I lost 2 litres! Seen by so many midwives throughout my time at Wexham, the agency staff were awful and did not care one bit! If it wasn't for my family and friends who kept me sane I don't know how I would have coped! Will be looking at other hospitals when I have my next child.


I'm so disappointed, I've always sung praises of wexham maternity but today with 3rd pregnancy I was turned away from MAC despite the out of hours gp calling the on-call gynaecologist who both told me to go get assessed at MAC due to symptoms but I was told instead to go sit in A&E as they can't see me as I'm not 16wsskse, which was impossible cos I was not well, so I've come home to go to bed but really upset by the way I've been treated.


Had a terrible experience delivering my baby at this hospital this month. I will be writing a serious complaint letter regarding the maternity/labour ward and the complete negligent service I received. I would not recommend that you deliver your baby at this hospital. I literally delivered my baby on my own on the ward bed in the corridor as my water broke and my cervix was far too dilated before I could even be taken to the labour ward and all this because the midwives could not bothered to check how much I was dilated despite me requesting them to do this several times and despite my contractions being 50 seconds long, severely painful and less than 1 minute apart. As a result of their negligence I ended up having 5 second degree tears and required several stitches. I would hate for any other mother to go through what I experienced.

My first son was delivered at Watford Hospital, which was far better and the first thing the midwives did at Warford Hospital when I went in with contractions was to examine me to check how much I was dilated and they did this several times and they took me to the labour ward well in time, I had an epidural and a smooth delivery.

At Wexham hospital I ended up giving birth on the ward bed as they didn't even have time to switch me to the labour ward bed. All this could have been avoided if the midwives simply examined me to check how much I was dilated and if they took me to the labour ward on time.


Extremely awful experience!

I was low risk and they closed the birth centre which made me extremely upset and moved me to the labour ward. In a small room. No space to move around.

There was one pool in the labour area but said they had no staff qualified to assist me in there.

Midwife did not even support me or encourage different positions. Just sat on the bed taking gas and air.

The recommendations is not to find birth on the bed as you need gravity. I had a lot of complications I believe the cause of it was being on the bed. Would never recommend Wexham to anyone again.


So I just had my baby boy at Wrexham 6 days ago and all of the midwives were so lovely and kind.

Real people who care about you and your baby. I feel proud to have had my first baby there. Thank you lady's .


Our first child was born at home with the wonderful help of the Windsor Community Midwifes Lucy and Gemma. We originally discounted a home birth as I am from the Czech Republic where it’s not common practice and my husband is just scared, so he wanted to take me to hospital at Week 30 just in case!

However we were reassured and began to see the benefits of staying at home for as long as possible with the option to go in to Wexham should the need arise at any time. The idea of a calm familiar environment with Enya playing and dimmed lighting became more and more appealing.

We really wanted to avoid going in too early and having to return home stressed out. I was prepared for a long first time labour so being able to call the midwife for an assessment at home was a great help for us and took any difficult decisions away from us.

So the pool was delivered, the heating turned up and we were all set to go.

Contractions began at about 21:00 but I discounted them as the early stages so didn’t even wake up my husband until midnight. When he woke he immediately panicked (as expected) and called the midwife. She assessed the situation and when I told her that I felt like I wanted to go to the toilet she said “I am on my way”..........

03:00 Thomas was born in front of the TV. My husband, despite messing around with hoses and kettles for an hour or so, only managed to get 6 inches of water into the pool so that idea was abandoned. It was however useful for a post birth wash.

The birth was text book even to the point of me saying “I can’t do this” about 5 minutes before I delivered.

The next part was the unplanned bit where we did end up in hospital. I had a tear which required an operation to repair so we all went to Wexham quite calmly via the ambulance with Thomas and the midwife’s with my husband following in the car who still managed to get lost and get a puncture!

I really didn’t want an epidural so this was the scary bit for me. However at Wexham I spoke to quite a few different people who assured me that this was the best course of action as the recovery time would be so much quicker and the new little man would benefit for having me to feed him as soon as possible.

The operation was soon over and I was reunited with my new family on the ward. The team on the ward were extremely busy and were helpful, but it was our aim was to get home as soon as possible.

So we sort of experienced all aspects of the system but when the dust settles our overriding memories will be the moment when we looked at each other and said “is that’s it then”. An indication of how Home Birthing works.

For me the homebirth was the best decision I made.


Our daughter was born on 8/12/17, 4 weeks early. I’m a first time Mum I cannot thank the Midwife’s/staff in wards 21, labour and ward 22 enough. They are simply just wonderful!!!! Nothing is too much bother, even when you know they are rushed off their feet. They are all so friendly and amazing at their jobs. Thank you so so much for making my experience so memorable for the right reasons.


My daughter has been in all week with preeclampsia at 29 weeks resulting in an emergency caesarean yesterday. Both mother and baby are fine. I would just like to say on behalf of our family thank you, the whole team from midwives to consultants to neonatal have gone above and beyond and the care they showed my daughter was exceptional, second to none. Cannot praise them enough. THANK YOU � xxx


My baby boy was born at the new birth centre 2 weeks ago today.

From my initial phone call to say I was going in I received excellent care. I was made to feel comfortable, in control and that me and my baby were in good hands.

I feel very lucky to say I had my dream water birth with the help and support of Midwife Jeremy, who was fantastic.

I couldn’t have asked for more!

The new rooms in the birth centre were fantastic - I was made to feel very calm and comfortable despite being in labour!

Jeremy listened to me, encouraged and helped me give birth to my big baby boy in the pool.

I couldn’t have asked for more. I feel very lucky that I had such a positive birth experience. Thank you!


I would like to thank everyone for the safe delivery of my baby girl born on the 20th June 2018. My midwife who was part of the crystal team Jema Fernandes was absolutely brilliant, she is so dedicated to her job and she made me feel special and cared for from the day I met her - thank you for all your advice and always replying back to my crazy text messages! A special thank you to all of the midwives and student midwives who kept me smiling and looked after me whilst I went through the induction process on Ward 21, thank you to Sara, Reedha, Jeanette, Gosha and Nancy - there were lots more of you lovely ladies also so thank you. A BIG thank you to Frank Garcia who is such an amazing consultant - “the baby guru” thank you for everything, I couldn’t have gotten through the last stages of my pregnancy without your care. Thank you to my midwife Charley Firminger and the Doctor JoMo who helped me bring my my little girl into the world. And lastly thank you to Rhiannon at MAC who looked after me before I gave birth and who is still helping me afterwards with my after care. All of the Maternity services at Wexham Park Hospital are absolutely fantastic, clean, professional and every member of staff I met made me feel very relaxed and I had 100% confidence with them. Thank you for looking after me - I really appreciate it. Kind Regards Natalie Crompton.


I had my little boy on the 31st of January 2018, the midwifes were amazing so caring and calm, I will recommend this place, the new maternity ward it's lovely and the after care (I stayed overnight) was really good. Based on my experience I will highly recommend it.


I had my little boy at Wexham just over 3 weeks ago. I was nearly 2 weeks over and induced. The care was absolutely incredible. I felt really safe throughout and didn’t really have to wait long for anything like epidural etc (although it felt like a long time at the time �). My husband managed to have a little kip on the recliner chair in our room on labour ward which was quite compfortable apparently!

The rooms were all clean and spacious, you could tell it was all quite new.

The health care assistant on prenatal ward offered a massage when I was having some painful contractions which I thought was above and beyond what their job would entail and a lovely offer.

There was no confusion about follow up appointments, everything was quite organised for afterwards. Post natal Ward staff gave lots of help breastfeeding and when I was having s cry 2 days after birth when we took little one in for a hearing test the lady doing the hearing test offered so much support as well.

The labour felt really calm even when a few extra members of staff were required and my little boy was checked so many times before we went home, which really reassured me.

Thank you Wexham Maternity and all of your staff for making the most special day of my life go so nicely.


I had my first baby at Wexham park last weekend & cannot fault the level of care received. All the midwives (Mac, labour & post natal) we met were friendly & experienced. I struggled with the final stage of labour due to the pain (epidural couldn't block the pain caused by pressure) but Rachel & Sarah got me through it to safely deliver our gorgeous baby boy. Despite the works ongoing, they did not seem to affect our experience & would not hesitate to have another baby at the hospital.


I had my baby a week ago at Wexham. I spent a day and night in the antenatal ward, before delivering in the refurbished birth centre, currently being used as labour ward 2. From start to finish all the maternity staff I had contact with were wonderful, from their reassuring experience to their encouraging words.

I had a good experience at Wexham when I had my previous child last year and really wasn't expecting the experience to be surpassed, but it was. I had heard numerous negative comments about the antenatal ward previously, however my experience has been positive. You do need to be patient waiting for the induction process to begin and then progress, however safety has to come first.

Thank you to the midwifes Kirsty, Antonio, Jeremy, Sara and Sandra who cared for me in labour and on the antenatal ward and to student midwives Ruqayya and Victoria. The level of responsibility that they have is incredible, as well as how confidently they handle themselves. Kirsty and Ruqayya are the perfect team and I was so lucky to have them delivering my daughter.


I had my baby Boy back in August at wexham park!And from start to finish I couldn’t fault it! Informative, kind, caring and passionate staff.

Induction to assisted delivery... and aftercare for pre eclampsia.

The staff were truly fantastic I took note of the staff that helped me So thank you to:

To all the Theatre staff, Midwives Rhiannon, Angela, Jeremy, Rachel, Kat, Student hannah and Dr garcia and Dr Babber.

I wouldn’t hesitate to come back to wexham park. Look forward to next time. �


I gave birth to our little boy 4 weeks ago in the new birthing centre and honestly had a fantastic experience.

As this was our first baby we didn't know what to expect but we couldn't fault the care we received. The midwives i had were all brilliant, Claire and then Alissa and Katherine, aswell as Donna who i had before for antenatal appointments, we loved Donna so much we requested to have her come out to us for our postnatal appointments too! She was fantastic helping me with my babies latch and putting all my little stresses at ease. All our midwives listened to everything i wanted and did all they could to make it possible.

I would completely recommend wexham!


Amazing care and support. Words can not express how good these people are


The staff and care at Wexham is always great BUT I have one major issue. According to the hospitals code of conduct smoking is not permitted ANYWHERE within the hospital or its grounds. So why do I have to walk through people smoking by directly outside the entrance of the maternity unit every time I enter an leave? It's absolutely disgusting not to mention unhealthy..... and I'm an ex smoker. Wexham, if you are going to the lengths to include a no smoking policy in your code of conduct why isn't it enforced? When my baby leaves hospital and is taken out into the fresh air for its very first time that's exactly what I want it to be, fresh air, not second hand smoke!!!!


Had my 1st baby here in 2013 a planned c-section and couldn't fault the the staff and care I received before during and after surgery. I've just had my 2nd baby in April antenatal care before I had my baby was awful I was in horrendous pain from 35 weeks asked for baby to come out before planned was refused. I was book for a planned c-section during the operation they tore my uterus and the surgeon was asking me why they wouldn't book you to have baby earlier I was so angry about as I was in so much pain could barley move last 5 weeks of pregnancy. The icing on the cake was my baby was not given a security tag it wasn't till I was discharged I realised as I thought they didn't do them anymore midwife answer was a baby hasn't gone missing for years. I looked at notes when got home and it clearly states that my baby had one. I came home so stressed by the experience and thoughts of what if someone had taken my baby no alarm would have stopped them. I'm now left being told I may not be able to carry another baby due to midwifes and consultants not listening to me so the possibility of us having a third is very slim.


Worst service I could have ever received being a first time mum, after being in over a week being induced (stopping and starting due to lack of staff) I then had to have an emergency c section as my midwife was no where to be seen and couldn't be found when needed in theatre. They did not have my correct blood in theatre when I lost 2 litres! Seen by so many midwives throughout my time at Wexham, the agency staff were awful and did not care one bit! If it wasn't for my family and friends who kept me sane I don't know how I would have coped! Will be looking at other hospitals when I have my next child.


I'm so disappointed, I've always sung praises of wexham maternity but today with 3rd pregnancy I was turned away from MAC despite the out of hours gp calling the on-call gynaecologist who both told me to go get assessed at MAC due to symptoms but I was told instead to go sit in A&E as they can't see me as I'm not 16wsskse, which was impossible cos I was not well, so I've come home to go to bed but really upset by the way I've been treated.


Had a terrible experience delivering my baby at this hospital this month. I will be writing a serious complaint letter regarding the maternity/labour ward and the complete negligent service I received. I would not recommend that you deliver your baby at this hospital. I literally delivered my baby on my own on the ward bed in the corridor as my water broke and my cervix was far too dilated before I could even be taken to the labour ward and all this because the midwives could not bothered to check how much I was dilated despite me requesting them to do this several times and despite my contractions being 50 seconds long, severely painful and less than 1 minute apart. As a result of their negligence I ended up having 5 second degree tears and required several stitches. I would hate for any other mother to go through what I experienced.

My first son was delivered at Watford Hospital, which was far better and the first thing the midwives did at Warford Hospital when I went in with contractions was to examine me to check how much I was dilated and they did this several times and they took me to the labour ward well in time, I had an epidural and a smooth delivery.

At Wexham hospital I ended up giving birth on the ward bed as they didn't even have time to switch me to the labour ward bed. All this could have been avoided if the midwives simply examined me to check how much I was dilated and if they took me to the labour ward on time.


Extremely awful experience!

I was low risk and they closed the birth centre which made me extremely upset and moved me to the labour ward. In a small room. No space to move around.

There was one pool in the labour area but said they had no staff qualified to assist me in there.

Midwife did not even support me or encourage different positions. Just sat on the bed taking gas and air.

The recommendations is not to find birth on the bed as you need gravity. I had a lot of complications I believe the cause of it was being on the bed. Would never recommend Wexham to anyone again.

More about Wexham Maternity

Wexham Maternity is located at Wexham Street, SL2 4HL Slough