While Darcey Sleeps

About While Darcey Sleeps

I design and make cute, crochet, creatures! most of my creations are CE tested for safety. I accept custom requests for crochet creations. I also paint pet portraits or can paint anything you like!



There is a new week ahead, what does your road look like? Wise words from the queen of country ūüé∂
#sundaymotivation #sundaymood #newweeknewstart #newweek #newopportunities #maymeme


I am devastated that the institution that is Choccywoccydoodah has closed ūüė™ we have had a couple of cakes from them, unfortunately the only image I could find is of the last cake in its box ūüôĄ but my daughter's birthday kitten is there ūüėä I shall miss the most talented bunch of square pegs there ever was ūüė™
#choccywoccydoodah #chocolatiers #squarepegs #brighton #cake #kitten


Good morning you lovely people and welcome to the weekend! I still cant show you anything - boo!
But, I have had a unicorn idea - hooray! who remembers the cake unicorns from last year? how about we have some different food themed unicorns? but can you guess what food?
The person or persons who guess correctly will get a whopping 15 % off their next order! so, off you pop and have a fab day and get your guessing hats on!


Its Friyay! Time for a Friday dance and today we are doing the Charleston! This was a little practice sketch for my Gatsby inspired make :)
I am full on with my last secret make, I hope it will be nearing completion by the end of next week so that I can get started on this and my own secret project ūüôĄ
So, a little Friday question, what's your fave period of time? Are you a 40s sweetheart or a 70s babe?


Can't show you my most recent picture yet, so here's a throwback for ya! Have a fab day ūüėä
#artwork #artist #artistsoninstagram #portrait #dogportrait #monochrome #dogsofinstagram #smallbusinesslife #lovemyjob‚̧ԳŹ


Check this beauty out! Behold an ice cream tulip ūüĆ∑looks just like a spoonful of ice cream ūüė≤
#flowerstagram #flowers #tulip #icecreamtulip #nofilter #nofilterneeded #naturephotography #natureshots


Good morning my lovelies! I am celebrating finishing one of my secret projects! That just leaves one more and then once they've been gifted, you can see them ūüéČūüéČūüéČūüéČūüéČ
Lets hope you are not as depressed as Milo about Wednesday, anyone doing anything nice?


Happy Tuesday everyone! I am in need of coffee this morning! I was wiped out by a huge headache yesterday and did precisely no work!
So, today is a drink the coffee, do the stuff kind of day! Let me know what you are up to and I'll get Darcey to put the kettle on for anyone who needs a brew!


It's Glitter Monday! And its a bank holiday!!
Today's glitter comes from the lovely Shell, just look at this beautiful get well card she sent me!
All her signature touches including dragon colour glitter!
... I have spoken before about the beautiful band of wonderful women that Facebook has bought to my door, so I won't embarrass them ūüôą but I will wish you a great day, whatever you are up to ūüĆłūüćĺūüćēūüćĒūüŹä‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüßė‚Äć‚ôÄÔł Ź‚ô†ÔłŹ
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This is my new tactic for the paintbrush in the tea! Note to self, paint water in the jug!
#artist #artists #artistsoninstagram #payattention #floral #violet #thumper #cathkidston #notetoself


Good morning kittens! I am coming to the end of one of my secret projects and the other is not far behind, so it won't be long before you get to see them!
I have just been asked to take part in a duck fair ūüôä I must confess I don't know much about it but it's a local one that is being resurrectedūüėä
This means instead of Easter chicks I shall be designing a little duck to sell on the day and I might get around to that later.
... Have a super duper day my ducklings ūüź•ūüź•ūüź• And may the 4th be with you ūü§ļ
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I have been getting my design for a gatsby style doll underway!
This sketch was my first using the app Sketch which I love ‚̧‚̧‚̧‚̧
#thegreatgatsby #flapper #amnesiarose #amigurumidoll #amigurumicrochet #amigurumidesigner #crochetdesigner #sketchapp #digitalart


Good morning poppets! I have to confess I am feeling a bit yuck at the momentūüė• the flipping antibiotics are worse than the cough ūüôĄ
So, I thought I would give a throwback Thursday with a twist! While looking for an old make photo, I found this picture of miss Darcey aged about 3 weeks ūüėć those little white feet made me think of ballet shoes and that's how she got her name.
While you think about how soft that little puppy was, I'll crack on with my festival of secret makes!


Good morning my lovelies! As you have been so nice to me and so patient, I am going to tell you what one of my secret projects is! Be warned long post ahead!!
Amongst my many obsessions is the film The Great Gatsby, the version by Baz Luhrmann is so beautiful to look at.
I have also wanted to produce a more detailed and embellished product for a long time, so, there is going to be a range of dolls inspired by various films and eras ūüėä
... First, will be Amnesia Rose ( yes I am still obsessed by those!) And in my head she's a friend of the gorgeous Daisy Buchanan, and she's supposed to be settling down but can't resist one last party season at Gatsbys house ūüíÉ
So, stay tuned and get ready to party with Amnesia!
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You really do, you are so wonderful and keep me so busy! It apparently made me ignore the fact that I have bronchitis! Went to the Drs with a painful foot and came out with that as a bonus disease ūüėä
#lovemyjob‚̧ԳŹ #lovemycustomers #bronchitis #arthritis #needtolookaftermyself #selfcare #lovebeingbusy #bestjobever #bestcustomers #mustslowdown


Good morning! No glitter today but a big reveal of one of my secret projects!
This is Dilys no2 and she was ordered by my lovely friend Shell from @ShellsCCC for a mutual friend ‚̧
We customised Dilys to a lovely shade of purple and I did a slightly different daffodil for the lovely Susan who was in need of a dragon hug ūüėä
... So, now I have made 2 dragons, you may call me Daenerys mother of dragons ūüėā
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Oh hello hoomins! We are in charge today as mummy is most busy wiv a crochetmibob! Any hoo here is me and Scooby dufus searching the bluebells for squirrels and bunnyfings.
I know mummy usually says what she's doing so here's our plans for day
1, eat dentastix and breakfast noms
... B, snoozies
£, make big barks when man brings shopping
F, more snoozies, followed by light fighting each other
7, dinner noms, cuddles and snoozies
Whatevs you are doing have a saggy tail day
Luv Darcey
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My lovelies I can't see my notifications at the moment!! So if you need me send a Message xx


Its the weekend! And I am stepping up progress on my secret makes whilst watching copious amounts of telly!
I have just finished season 7 of Homeland and I'm scratching around for something new, so, hit me with some reccomendations!
Have a fab day my lovelies ūüŹĶūüíģūüĆłūüĆĻūüíź

More about While Darcey Sleeps
