Agile Rabbit

About Agile Rabbit

Events for Curious Minds



🦈🦈🦈🦈 Tomorrow night's talk Shark and Chips? has sold out. Get yourself a ticket for next month if you have missed out!


We are living through political and societal disruption. Increasingly this is delivered by individuals proudly claiming their rights to free speech. Journalist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown argues that sexism, homophobia and xenophobia are sometimes expressed with intolerance justified through invocations of liberty. Should individual rights always take precedence over collective, social responsibility? Despite its flaws, do we need to be more defensive of political correctness in a w...orld where it is easy to disseminate intemperance through globalised communication?
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown writes for newspapers including the i, Evening Standard, and Daily Mail. She appears regularly on TV and radio. She is the author of several books, winner of the Orwell Prize for journalism, and Professor of Journalism at Middlesex University.
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A new area of cosmology is the subject for the physicist, mathematician and philosopher of science, famous for many achievements, in particular his work with Stephen Hawking. This talk focuses on recent ground-breaking observations of anomalous points in the very early universe that appear to be sources of vast amounts of energy. These could have been produced by black holes evaporating before the Big Bang. Sir Roger will explain how this is new evidence that our universe is ...just one stage in a potentially infinite cycle of cosmic extinction and rebirth.
SIR ROGER PENROSE Emeritus Rouse Ball Professor Mathematics University of Oxford
Sir Roger Penrose is widely acknowledged as one of the world’s top scientists for his contributions to the mathematical physics of general relativity and cosmology. He has received several prizes and awards, including the 1988 Wolf Prize for physics, which he shared with Stephen Hawking for the Penrose–Hawking singularity theorems.
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The sale of shark meat in fish and chip shops was dramatically uncovered by a team at the University of Exeter, led by Dr Andrew Griffiths.
Andrew will tell the story behind his headline-grabbing work that recently identified threatened sharks on sale to the British public. The wonderful diversity of sharks and rays around the UK and their decline are Andrew’s passion. He will describe how genetic approaches - based at looking at a shark's DNA - provide unique insights into t...he ecology and conservation of this animal that we find so fascinating.
Dr Andrew Griffiths is a lecturer in Biological Science at the University of Exeter. His work addresses broad questions in ecology and evolution, with a particular focus on utilising molecular approaches to solving problems that are intractable with traditional ecological methods. His work focuses on fish, in particular the variety of habitats they occupy and the commercial and conservation significance of many species.
Tickets £3 advance from
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Listen to the sellout panel discussion on 'What is there left to explore in the 21st century?', an event we held with Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) and the University of Exeter at Exeter Phoenix


Thanks to Natalie Bennett - Green Party candidate for Sheffield Central and everyone who came to the sellout talk at Exeter Phoenix
This is Natalie with the Agile Rabbit people


Fewer than 10 tickets are left for this event


Last week's panel and others from the discussion at Exeter Phoenix.


Mercury Prize nominee Sam Lee was on our panel discussing 'What is there left to explore in the 21st century?' (last Friday at Exeter Phoenix with Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) and the University of Exeter).
He sang afterwards and shared songs and moments from Europe's ancient communities.


Tickets have sold out for Friday's panel discussion at Exeter Phoenix.
There are still some available for Saturday's day event University of Exeter, but don't dilly-dally ~ they are selling quick.


Schedule now online for Explore South West at the University of Exeter next month:


This event has sold out


Can our economic, social, and environmental systems work so that the most responsible choices we make are also the easiest, cheapest, and most obvious?
Often when we are faced with environmental or social problems, we find that changing our own actions can initially feel satisfying, but this can sometimes lead to a feeling that the difference we are making has little impact on the wider issues that we were aiming to resolve. Should we hold out hope for a cumulative effect, or do we need the wider mechanics of our society to alter to engender meaningful change? Or is waiting for society to change a way of absolving personal responsibility?
Natalie Bennett, former leader of the Green Party, explores these questions in this Agile Rabbit talk, followed by questions and bar-room discussion and socialising.


Natalie Bennett is talking for us next month. Tickets online soon!


This is a one day seminar for anyone interested in field research, expeditions, natural history, and the outdoors.
The morning consists of short TED-style talks, and the afternoon is made up of workshops.
It takes place in the beautiful city of Exeter for adventurous people attracted to the work of the Society. World-leading geographers and scientists will be joined by explorers and figures from culture in a busy programme of talks, workshops, and socialising. Explore South W...est is an opportunity to hear tales from scientists who are delivering field-research that makes a difference to the world we live in. It’s unmissable for inspiration, advice and contacts whether you’re a student, having a career break, or just curious about adventure and responsible travel and wondering how to take that first step. With practical sessions on planning fieldwork, communicating findings, and engagement, the event is vital for people of all backgrounds considering leading their own expeditions.
Topics of talks include: Explore what matters: putting purpose into your ventures, how to do field research that makes a difference and will attract funding, using new technologies to enhance your field research, where can expeditions take you: a career in the industry. With a number of case studies including award winning field research into marine plastics around the Galapagos Islands and successful student project in collaboration with host communities.
Two workshops sessions will complement the talks and cover designing a field research project, staying healthy in the field: risk assessments and safety management, communicating your discoveries, adventure with purpose, and funding for fieldwork.
The organising committee is grateful to supporters of this event: the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) and the members of the Society’s South-West Regional Committee, the University of Exeter – Departments of Geography, Bioscience, Global Systems Institute, the widening participation team, Arts and Culture Exeter, and Agile Rabbit.
Standard Rate £25 Student £15 Includes lunch Price does not include accommodation.
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Explore South West launches with a lively public panel discussion on the topic “Is there anything left to explore in the 21st century?”.
It features singer Sam Lee, conservation biologist Niall McCann, travel writer Faraz Shibli, and geographer Johanna Wadsley (The Open University). It's chaired by Ritula Shah, from Radio 4's The World Tonight.
“The glory-seeking adventurer of old is giving way to explorers who want to understand the planet rather than dominate it.” This is The Economist heralded the New Age of Discovery.
Panel members will explain why the need to explore has never been more urgent and relevant, and how, in their own work they are contributing to a greater understanding of our planet through their discoveries.
This Friday night lecture preludes a one day seminar the following day: Explore South West at Exeter University, for anyone planning expeditions and field research overseas, with a focus on self-led student projects.
The discussion will be followed by a short performance by folk singer and naturalist Sam Lee.
Venue: Exeter Phoenix, Bradninch Place, Exeter Standard rate £8 Students £5
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Missed some of our recent talks? Have a listen to our podcasts ~ it includes stories from one of the world's leading explorers Pen Hadow, tales behind using mindfulness in prisons & University of Exeter research in Blue Planet II

More about Agile Rabbit
