Amanda Sullivan Physiotherapy

Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 09:00 - 14:00
Friday: 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Amanda Sullivan Physiotherapy

Pelvic Health Physiotherapy is a specialist area of physiotherapy treating both Women and Men and relates to any problem in and around the pelvis.

Amanda Sullivan Physiotherapy Description

Amanda Sullivan (MCSP, BSc Hons), is a Chartered Physiotherapist and a full member of Pelvic, Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy (formerly the Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Women’s Health). She has been specialising in Pelvic Health since 1999 and works in both the NHS and private sector. Amanda has worked part time since the birth of her two children who are now seventeen and fourteen years old.


Amanda not only has extensive knowledge of the changes that occur during both pregnancy and the postnatal period but also the professional expertise and skills of how to reduce the physical and emotional stresses of pregnancy and labour. She has a vast experience of treating patients with pelvic pain in pregnancy and has taught antenatal classes for 18 years.


Amanda has undertaken a two-year postgraduate course in continence care, earning her postgraduate certificate in 2007. Since this time she has built up a wealth of experience in treating both female and male patients with incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic floor weakness (during pregnancy and after childbirth) and post prostatectomy urinary incontinence. Amanda has also completed a course with Maeve Whelan and specialises in pelvic floor manual therapy for chronic pelvic pain. She is currently involved in research to investigate the effectiveness of physiotherapy management with MS patients suffering with incontinence.

Pelvic Health Physiotherapy is a specialist area of physiotherapy treating both Women and Men and relates to any problem in and around the pelvis. Pelvic health physiotherapy can provide invaluable support at any period of your life and can help to relieve and manage a wide range of conditions.

Many women suffer with problems with their bladder, bowel or pelvic floor causing problems such as incontinence, discomfort or dragging sensations from a vaginal prolapse, painful intercourse or constipation as well as pain during their pregnancy in and around their pelvic joints. 1 in 3 women will experience problems in their lifetime and often put up with their problems for years before seeking help. This is either due to embarrassment or because they are unaware that help is available.

Men can also suffer with incontinence and pain too with more than 10% of men over 65 having urinary problems. Pelvic health physiotherapy can help to alleviate and manage these problems and improve your quality of life with the correct assessment, advice and treatment techniques.



Great information from EVB Sport about the importance of speaking up and seeking help from a pelvic health physiotherapist. Please don't wait 8 years before getting the help you deserve😊.
Please contact me for more information on how pelvic health physiotherapy can help you or to book your initial appointment to get your life back on track!


Some great tips here to help keep your bladder healthy including the important message of ensuring you are doing your pelvic floor exercises correctly! If you are unsure of how to exercise these muscles or you simply want to check that you are doing them correctly then please contact me for more information or to book your assessment 🙂


If you are unsure whether you have a bladder or bowel problem then take this quiz! Don't put up with assuming your problems are "normal". Pelvic Health Physiotherapy can help you to get your problems under control and your life back on track🙂.
Please contact me for more information or to book your initial appointment.


Pelvic Health Physiotherapy isn't just about bladders but bowels too! Unfortunately bowel issues are all too common but even less talked about🙁. Great blog by White Hart Clinic showing you some great tips on looking after your bowel!
Please get in touch if you or someone you know is struggling with bowel issues to find out how Pelvic Health Physiotherapy can help you 🙂


Take a minute to look at these statistics - let's change these by spreading the word that help is out there❤. If you or someone you know struggles with incontinence then what better time than World Continence Week to stop suffering in silence and get the help you deserve.
Please contact me for more information or to book an appointment. Amanda Sullivan Physiotherapy also offer New Mum Assessments from 6 weeks postnatal. So whether you are struggling with your pelvic floor or just wanting to make sure you are exercising correctly then get in touch today 🙂


Absolutely true! Pelvic health physiotherapy combined with supportive sportswear is a perfect life changing combination ❤. What better time than World Continence Week to make a positive change to your life! Please contact me for more information on how pelvic health physiotherapy can help you :) and take a look at how EVB sportswear can help you too!


Do you really know what the pelvic floor muscles look like and where they are? Take a look at this brilliant 3D image from Pelvic Floor First to see why these muscles are so important! Please share and spread the awareness for World Continence Week❤
If you or someone you know is struggling with bladder or bowel problems then please contact me for more information on how Pelvic Health Physiotherapy can help you 🙂


Do you avoid exercise due to the fear of leaking urine or are you reliant on pads to be able to take part? It's World Continence Week so what better time to do something positive and change your life for the better. Please contact me to find out how Pelvic Health Physiotherapy can help you to get your life back on track ❤


It's World Continence Week so please help me spread the word that help is out there! Let's start talking and stop suffering in silence ❤
If you or someone you know has bladder or bowel problems then please contact me to find out how Pelvic Health Physiotherapy can help you🙂


June is Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) awareness month. If you have symptoms please follow the advice in this great blog and see a Specialist Pelvic Health Physiotherapist as help is out there🙂.
Please contact me if you would like to know more about how physiotherapy can help you get your life back on track!


Highly recommended for all postnatal women!


Great blog on the myths about pelvic floor muscles! If you are unsure about whether you are exercising your pelvic floor muscles correctly or struggling with any aspect of bladder or bowel problems then please contact me for more information on how Pelvic Health Physiotherapy can help you 🙂…/the-pelvic- floor-dispelling-th…/


Is your pelvic floor ready for high impact exercise? If you have any leakage, heaviness or discomfort on exercise then the chances are you aren't ready. A strong, well coordinated pelvic floor is essential for higher impact exercise. So if you are having problems or just aren't sure if you should be exercising at a higher level then a pelvic health assessment would give you the answers and guidance that you need.
Amanda Sullivan Physiotherapy offer New Mum Assessments from 6 weeks after birth. Please contact me for more information 🙂


It’s World Ovarian Cancer Day! Currently 82% of women are unable to name the four main symptoms of ovarian cancer and we need to change this. Please share this post to help raise awareness ❤


It's world laughter day today and The Continence Foundation of Australia is launching its 2019 national health awareness campaign "Laugh Without Leaking" 🤣 with Bev Killick. The campaign aims to use comedy to overcome the stigma of bladder, bowel and pelvic muscle issues. So come on ladies you should be able to laugh without leaking and if you can't then please seek help from a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist!
Please contact me for more information or to book your first appointment.


If you need help remembering to do your pelvic floor exercises then look no further than the squeezy app to help you! They also have some great tips on how to incorporate these simple, quick but vitally important muscles into your day😊


Definitely recommended🙂


Not long to go now but still time to vote!😊
Thank you to those who have already voted for me in the "Clients Choice Women's Wellness Coach of the year 2019" being awarded at the "Woman on Fire" conference in Brighton at the end of April! However there is still time to vote so if you haven't yet voted I would be extremely grateful for your support❤. Just simply click on the link below and enter the pin number 95961. You can then scroll down to find my name and tick to vote. You wont even have to scroll far as it is alphabetical of first names! Thank you so much in advance🙂

More about Amanda Sullivan Physiotherapy

Amanda Sullivan Physiotherapy is located at The Old Rectory Clinic, BS37 9UQ Bristol, United Kingdom
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: 09:00 - 14:00
Friday: 09:00 - 20:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -