Amethyst Wave Therapies

Monday: 09:00 - 19:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 03:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 03:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:30
Friday: 09:00 - 07:30
Saturday: 09:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -

About Amethyst Wave Therapies

Through Reiki, Crystals, Massage, meditation and Readings Amethyst Wave Therapies provides inner beauty healing because true beauty starts from within.



Thursday Thought xx


This weeks Sunday night reading is taken from my Angel Therapy cards.
This card is a message to sheild yourself from absorbing others worries or negativity as carrying these emotions may make you feel fed up, angry or lethargic. Situations may feel harsh at the moment, but allowing yourself to absorb the low energy that is all around can make harsh situations more difficult to handle and may also increase feelings of anxiety.
There are many crystals that can help you clear e...nergy and protect your own energy field, black obsidian, black tourmaline, flourite, rainbow tourmaline and Amethyst and tigers eye which are pictured with this card.
Take some time for self care this week and if you have crystals clear and protect yourself so your energy field is raised to a higher vibration and you can begin to feel lighter and more positive.
I am happy to arrange online readings.
Wishing you all the best for the week ahead xx
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Thought this might be a helpful Thursday Thought xx


This weeks reading is taken from my Energy Oracle cards.
The walking away card signifies new beginnings in the form of giving up old habits, or emotional behaviours that aren't becoming of you. Recognise your own power and harness that power to bring about new habits and behaviours that are much more healthier for you. Spend some time dwelling on the areas of your life you would like to change and create ways to make those changes, set yourself goals, be strong in your and reprogramme your way of thinking and doing. Time is a wonderful gift, use it wisely.
If you would like a personal reading please message me for an online reading £25
All the best and wishing you all physical, emotional and mental health. Xx
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Ok, lets have some fun! Here's a little fun competition!
This is a photo of the Wood Pigeon that normally lives on the roof of my Treatment Room, his little birdy footsteps are often heard padding around during sessions.
This week my son and I have been watching him and he is very much King of the garden and has been seen luring various 'birds' back to his nest! As we have spent so much time getting to know this Wood Pigeon, we decided to name him.
... My question is:
What did we name the Wood Pigeon?
Hint: There is a clue to his name in this text.
The first person to guess the name of the Wood Pigeon gets a HALF PRICE on line full reading (£12) to be used by the end of April.
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Here's a positive act of good karma posted shared by a fellow therapist.


I'm off to lie with my crystals and get organised for posting a guided meditation video on here for tonight- not sure how that will go, so fingers crossed!
In the mean time here is a positive thought from my son today:
'There is one good thing about this lockdown, it really makes you appriciate the little things like being allowed out for an hour and a quick phone call with my mates.'
... #alwayslovethelittlethings
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Am really missing sharing Crystal Therapy and Reiki. My crystals are presently sunbathing and I am looking forward to lying with them tomorrow, in the mean time here are some crystals which can be helpful in boosting the immune system.
Emerald- for maintaining health and recovery from diseases
Aquamarine- for alleviating excessive immune reactions such as asthma and allergies.
... Green calcite- fortifies the immune system.
Amber - for fighting infection and fever
Amethyst - immune boost and easing stress
Lepidolite - Encouring calm
Ametrine - composed of amethyst and citrine, helps strengthen the immune
fluorite - powerful antiviral agent
Best Chakras to place these on are:
Heart Chakra - connected to thymus gland and can regulate the immune system
Sacral Chakra- connected to the adrenal glands and can help in the control of metabolism and the immune system
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I do love the simplicity of Daisys, they're so pretty, lovely to see them back in my lawn.


Thursday Thought xx


Here's todays positive input from a friend of mine whose presently in France in his camper.


Online readings £25 for a full reading
Remote Reiki £20


It goes without saying, I won't be doing in person sessions whilst we are on full lock down. I will contact those who are booked in over the next few weeks and those who have already lost sessions, to rearrange once we are all on the other side of this.
In the mean time I am still offering online readings £25 & Reiki can also be done remotely, I will offer Remote Reiki at a reduced price of £20 and can accept payments via pay pal. Let me know if you would like to book this....
Stay in touch with this page as I will keep posting postive things to help us all through, please feel free to message me anything that brings you smiles and I will post it on here.
And if you have a garden, enjoy being surrounded by nature whilst the sun is out!
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Crystal Grid complete for those who would like their names added to the Grid, I will be adding names tomorrow evening.
In this grid we have:
Amethyst: Known as one of the most effective healing crystals for healing body, mind and soul.
... Pyrite and Flourite: can help to protect from environmental pollutants and negative energy &.aids in the treatment of infective diseases and can help with lung disorders.
Quartz: the ‘Master Healer’ also known to cleanse your organs.
In addition this grid has been decorated with:
Butter cups which when crushed and applied to the chest as a poultice can help to relieve chest pains and cold like symptoms.
Kalanchoe: Which can help heal infections, protect against allergies and allergic type symptoms such as breathing difficulties, Kalanchoe is also an anti-inflammatory.
I will regulary work with this grid for the time being, please let me know if you would like your name added to the list, and keep burning that sage!!! Xx
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Thank you Petrina Laity for sharing this post, I couldn't figure out how to approve it so have screen shot it, I have some others waiting to share, and if you have something positive you would be happy to share on this page please get in touch, lets work together to help boost each other through this.


This weeks Sunday night reading is taken from my Angel Therapy cards.
The God Box card invites us to release our worries by writing them down and storing them away in a box. By doing this we can free up our minds to more productive thoughts, remembering that our thoughts are powerful enough to impact our energy and inturn how our days unfold around us.
So if you have worries, get rid of them replace them with happy thoughts and memories to keep your energy positive and your ...days balanced and running smoothly.
Best wishes to all xx
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How lovely is it to see the sky is blue and the sun is shining today!

More about Amethyst Wave Therapies

Amethyst Wave Therapies is located at Newton Tracey, EX31 3PN Barnstaple, Devon
Monday: 09:00 - 19:30
Tuesday: 09:00 - 03:30
Wednesday: 09:00 - 03:30
Thursday: 09:00 - 19:30
Friday: 09:00 - 07:30
Saturday: 09:00 - 12:00
Sunday: -