Arts At University Of Southampton

About Arts At University Of Southampton

Inspiring arts and culture, for everyone.



We're at Freshers Fayre with Nuffield Southampton Theatres telling new students all about the opportunity that are available in the arts including Turner Sims and John Hansard Gallery We are also running a competition to win some free tickets! If you're around University of Southampton Highfield Campus Today, come visit us at the Garden Court, we'll be there until 4pm! #UoSfreshers


We would love to look around for some freebies - but we’re too busy giving them out!
Free tickets for Nuffield Southampton Theatres and Turner Sims as well as finding about the new home of John Hansard Gallery (no tickets to offer, because it’s free to all!).
Come and see us 😊 #sotonfreshers #UoSWelcome


Incredible turn-out at UoS Bunfight yesterday! Our Arts Ambassadors had a great time meeting representatives of over 40 performing arts societies, including Wessex Films, SUSU Performing Arts, and Southampton Comedy Society. Don’t forget to go to our amazing societies’ taster sessions, there’s never a better time to try something new and meet new people!
It’s nearing the end of the first week of #UoSFreshers, but you can still meet our Arts Ambassadors at the Freshers’ Fayre tomorrow!


Welcome to a fresh new year at the University of Southampton! We’ve been busy this week introducing ourselves as your 2018-19 Arts Ambassadors.
On campus there's Turner Sims concert hall and Nuffield Southampton Theatres (NST Campus), whose second venue NST City stands alongside the University's John Hansard Gallery in Guildhall Square.
Our dream team consists of four third-year students: Hannah Teague, BA Illustration, Annette Warner, BA Fine Art, both from Winchester Schoo...l of Art, Molly Adams, BA English and History and Ben McQuigg, BEng Aerospace Engineering.
We represent different campuses and multiple disciplines. As a team, our goals are to foster collaboration among students, to make the arts less intimidating and more accessible for all and encourage everyone to take advantage of the wonderful arts on offer at the University of Southampton and beyond!
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Welcome to all University of Southampton students moving in this weekend!
Come and chat to our #uosartsambassadors when you pick up your ID card - Molly, Annette and Hannah who will give you the lowdown on some incredible things to discover in Southampton and Winchester! #GoingtoSouthampton


Preparing to welcome our 2018/19 cohort of #UoSArtsAmbassadors has got us thinking about the very first group of awesome arts ambassadors -
L to R Doria, Ben, Nicole, Shanelle and Gabi...


Open ‘til 6 this afternoon - lots of fun free activities for the whole family!


Last night of the proms superstar (and only 19) Jess Gillian heads to Turner Sims this season - amazing for University of Southampton such an incredible talent!


Be part of The Community Company for The Shadow Factory! Audition workshops will be held on Saturday 22 September at NST Campus. Don’t miss out this time.

More about Arts At University Of Southampton

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