Auc-Romford/Queens Hospital

About Auc-Romford/Queens Hospital

UK-Romford Queens Hospital

Auc-Romford/Queens Hospital Description

We've found a lot of gaps in information between AUC and students attempting rotations at Queens Hospital in Romford. This page is designed for students to post their inquiries and those currently rotating at Queens Hospital, or those who have previously rotated may help provide insight or answers to these questions.
For the 2011 AUC clinical catalogue /curriculum please see: https://docs. pid=explorer& chrome=true& srcid=0B08EBDHoMVamZTJiNGQwN2YtN2JiMS00NzEyLThmZTAtODcyNzE4NWQ5NjBl& hl=en_US



Presentation to Queens Hospital by AUC student Shanique Shaw


Regarding Council Tax in Housing:
A property is only considered to be council tax free if all of its tenants are not liable to pay council tax, so in this example if they are ALL students. If you have non-students living within the property then the accommodation will be liable to pay full council tax.
With the above in mind, it is often the case that the 'student' rooms that we have here are fully occupied meaning that students have to reside with other non-students. It is... not intentional that this happens, just a case of the availability at the time of the booking. Students are always made aware of this prior to them signing a tenancy agreement.
It is also often the case that AUC students have specific requirements in terms of the accommodation type. Majority wanting self contained properties or a property with an en suite. The ensuite types of accommodation do not have a student (council tax exemption) option available and the self contained properties are exempt following receipt of exemption forms.
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First Annual AUC UK Symposium AUC School of Medicine November 3rd & 4th 2012 – Final Programme A symposium for students, faculty, and coordinators within the UK....
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Erin, still looking fresh, at the end of a 4 hour operation having spent 14 hours in the operating theatre that day.


Just to let AUC students on the Island know that Dr Smith (Medicine) and Dr Shami (surgery) will be in St. Martin the week of the 28th of March to answer any questions regarding the training at Queens Hospital. They will be attending the student fair at the AUC as well.


I'm finishing up my 2nd to last week here at Queens and I've had an amazing educational experience in the last 17 weeks. I completed 12 weeks of medicine and now I'm finishing up my 5th week of OB/GYN. Recently on the gynecology side of things, I've scrubbed in on laparoscopic ectopic removals, sterilizations, and trans-vaginal hysterectomies. I also had the opportunity to tag along with Gynae-oncology where I saw a ovarian cyst removed that was the size of a basketball. Luc...kily for the patient the preliminary tests have shown the cyst to be benign. On the obstetric side of things, I go to weekly antenatal clinics where I measure pubic-fundal height, feel for fetal position, and check for fetal heart sounds. I've also seen numerous vaginal deliveries, and delivered a baby myself, scrubbed in and assisted in cesarean sections, and numerous other experiences. If you're willing to put the effort in here at Queens, it will definitely be a rewarding experience.
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AUC Student Erin With Surgical resident Yahya at Queens operating theatre have just completed suturing.


An evening Gastroenterology tutorial with AUC students at Queens Hospital, Romford


Activities in Academic Centre at Queens


Susan Coull "The Oracle" on anything you want to know about rotations at Queens Hospital, Romford, UK. She can be contacted on


"The Bistro" at the Academic Centre at Queens Hospital, Romford, UK. Often free lunch is provided for those attending Clinical meetings - Students Always Welcome


Clinical Skills Lab Storage Room, Queens Hospital, Romford, UK


Clinical Skills Lab Storage Room, Queens Hospital, Romford, UK


Clinical Skills Lab Storage Room, Queens Hospital, Romford, UK


AUC students checking each other out!!!


I just completed one week of urology as part of my surgery rotation, which made me appreciate the flexibility we have in this rotation in terms of our schedule. Students are free to choose the types of subspecialties and departments they want to rotate through. During my week in urology I had the chance to see 12 different surgeries, as well as diagnostic procedures, visit an interdisciplinary uro-oncology meeting, and join student teaching sessions, presentations, and discussions. Special thanks to the consultants Drs. Ballaro, Chowdhury, and Kulkarni and their medical teams.


Students are invited to meet Dr. Douglas Model in seminar room 3 in the Education Centre of Queen's Hospital on Friday, Nov. 4 at 11am. Please gather at the coffee shop/bistro at 10:50 with Ms. Coull and inform your consultants of the meeting.


I'm really impressed with almost everyone's attempt here to educate junior doctors and medical students. I got very lucky with my first Consultant and his team. They really go above and beyond to try and teach me things. I even find myself going back to that unit in my spare time to try to learn some new physical exam skills and see interesting patients.
I also got to observe and participate in Mr. Shami's outpatient clinic this afternoon. Even though I'm not doing a surgery rotation (I'm doing medicine) Mr. Shami was more than willing to bring me along and teach me some of what he knows even though I'm not one of his medical students.


Students taking the NBME subject examinations on Dec 15, please email Ms Helen Black ( ) to schedule your exam. Students can take up to two subject exams on the same test date. All examinations will be held at Kingston Hospital.


Hi, I am leaving Romford in 2 weeks. Anybody wants a Jug blender? Selling it for £5.


Hi, I am leaving Romford in 2 weeks. Anybody wants a Jug blender? Selling it for £5.

More about Auc-Romford/Queens Hospital

Auc-Romford/Queens Hospital is located at Queens Hospital Rom Valley Way, RM70GJ Romford, United Kingdom
+44 845 130 4204