Bristol Anarchist Bookfair

About Bristol Anarchist Bookfair

Bristol Anarchist Bookfair is a not-for-profit political and cultural event organised by volunteers.

Bristol Anarchist Bookfair Description

Bristol Anarchist Bookfair is a not-for-profit political and cultural event organised by volunteers.



Bookfair 2019 is having an open meeting this Wednesday! Come along, have you say, and help us put together revolutionary events and seditious propaganda for 2019.
Please attend, invite, like & share!


A report back from this year's Balkans Anarchist Bookfair! Solidarity with our friends and comrades putting on bookfairs all over the world.


The fight against the state's cages has reached the anti-fracking movement after the absurd sentences handed to 3 lorry surfers last month. Head down to BASE for some solidarity, letter writing, food and music next Tuesday.


A great event coming up in a months time: 799694/


Really great looking free Summer School for 16-25 year olds: The aims are:
Explore the structures that impact on our individual and community wellbeing. Learn from inspiring stories of activism and social movements.... Develop our skills and share tactics for making change. Build a foundation for taking collective action in a sustainable and nourishing way.
Spread the word!
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Swansea radical bookfair are fundraising for their deposit so they can get their event planning properly under way. If you can spare some money (they need to get £150 total) pass it their way. Also make sure you like their page,and keep the 13th of October free!


Nothing gets press attention like right wing moral outrage! Hats off to whoever came up with the Lush campaign, spreading the word about #SpyCops (meme nicked from e-is-lush/ )


Please check out this crowdjustice page, share it around and donate money if you can afford it.…/trans-st udent-faces-expulsi…/


Everytime! via Dorset Radical Bookfair Collective


Want some help turning ideas into zine based reality? Then get yourself along to this. Who knows, maybe you'll be handing it to people at the next Bristol Anarchist Bookfair!


Update: Driven off the roof due to high winds, but down with all their cool banners and ZERO arrests! Great stuff.
Massive respect to the rooftop occupation at arms selling dickheads Airbus in Bristol, still going strong 35 hours in.
#ErdoganNotWelcome... #TAMAM #airbusoccupation #fromtherooftops
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That went alright in the end then, we reckon, thanks to a whole bunch of folks.
In no particular order and with apologies to those we inevitably forget, thanks to the stallholders, the workshop facilitators, the talk givers, the unicorn, the bucket shakers, the flyposterers, the party promoters Carnival Punks and Pyratrix circus, the musicians, the manticore, the DJs, the door tax takers, the missing xingtian, the legendary The Black Swan itself, the BBQ crew, the am...azing Food not Bombs Bristol page, the social centre now known as BASE, the Kid's Base coordinators, the bike fixer-uppers and most of all THANK YOU.
Wanna organise the next one? Get in touch here or by email. No experience necessary, other than your own!
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So far, so good! Still plenty of workshops and stalls going on all day, with an evening meal at BASE from 6.30pm and after party at Black Swan 8pm - 4am, come join us!
We'd post a picture but my phone doesn't like Facebook so just imagine a picture of the outside of BASE in the sun with a bookfair banner on it :)


Today is the day!
Food not bombs will be cooking up a meal for the evening, if you'd like to help them out in the kitchen (or by doing some pick up runs), see the details they've posted in this event!

More about Bristol Anarchist Bookfair

Bristol Anarchist Bookfair is located at 438 Stapleton Road, BS5 6NR Bristol, United Kingdom