Burraton Community Primary School

About Burraton Community Primary School

Burraton Community Primary School



Here they are...five little bundles of softness and warmth! Little do they know that one of them is destined to be a member of Team Burraton, with a vital role to play! ๐Ÿพ L.Tamblyn, Head Teacher ๐Ÿ˜Š


What a day for Team Burraton in sport (again!) Our Year 3/4 tennis finalists kick started our day at Launceston in the Cornwall Qualifier. Our children showed fantastic team work and perseverance in very warm temperatures, finishing in overall fourth place ๐Ÿ˜Š This evening, our newly formed Field Gun crew competed in their FIRST EVER event: the Drake cup at HMS Drake. Our crew ran with true heart...and WON! What an achievement! More silver for our trophy cabinet! ๐Ÿ† ๐Ÿ˜ Big thank yous to Mr Hill and Mr Orgacki for training the crew. L.Tamblyn, Head Teacher


It was a day of den building and fire lighting at Eden for Year 6 today. Lots of collaboration and team work required to ensure the dens were up to standard: they had to survive the dreaded rain test to make sure nobody got drenched! Fire lighting taught our children about fire safety and they developed the skill of creating tea light holders from natural materials - survival experts in the making! After lunch, the children meandered on a journey through the tropical biome and discovered lots of fascinating facts about plants and trees. Children commented: 'It's like being transported to Central America!' After a day in the sun, Year 6 ended with a well earned ice-cream stop before journeying back to school. More fun and challenge to come tomorrow...โ˜€๏ธ๐Ÿ˜€ L.Tamblyn, Head Teacher


This afternoon, Year 1 were immersed in learning about the Spanish Armada. Seaton class role-played the Spanish and King Phillip, whilst Downderry class were the British with Queen Elizabeth I and Francis Drake. The children made flags for their countries and then went outside to battle! After this, the children collaborated to make a stop-motion animation of this significant event. Bringing history learning to life ๐Ÿ˜€ L.Tamblyn, Head Teacher


What a fabulous day in the sun for Year 6 at Roadford Lake today. Our children were up for the challenge, learning new skills, collaborating and persevering in a new (watery!) context. Activities today: raft building; stand up paddle boarding (rather wobbly!); kayaking and sailing. Another adventurous day tomorrow...! L.Tamblyn, Head Teacher


A great first day of adventurous activity for Year 6 today, when they went off the the Ski Centre to try their hand (and feet!) on the slopes. We have some expert snowboarders...and everyone loved the tubing and tobogganing! Tomorrow is water day: canoeing and kayaking, sailing, paddle-boarding and raft building! Let's hope for sunshine.. L.Tamblyn, Head Teacher โ˜€๏ธ


It's 'Walk To School' week this week, designed to encourage children to get more exercise and help protect the environment, all at the same time! Our Eco- and Wellbeing Parliamentary Committees did a great job at informing us about this today, when they led our assembly confidently and enthusiastically. If you child can't walk all the way to school, maybe you could try 'park and stride' so they get to walk part of the way to school! As a school focused on health, wellbeing and fitness, we are proud to have been recognised as a 'Sugar Smart' school. This recognises our efforts in ensuring we have a healthy nutritional environment for our children: healthy snacks, healthy mealtime options and a focus on the benefits of drinking water. Go Team Burraton ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿฅ•๐Ÿฅ› L.Tamblyn, Head Teacher


Sad news...Crumble has died over the weekend ๐Ÿ˜ข. We will be looking for a new friend for Cookie, so if you know of a laying hen who needs a good home, please let us know. You may like to prepare your children for the fact that Crumble won't be there tomorrow morning ๐Ÿ˜” L.Tamblyn, Head Teacher


Our Pied Wagtail chicks are thriving, helped by the fact that our thoughtful, kind children are making sure that they are not disturbed ๐Ÿ˜Š L.Tamblyn, Head Teacher


We have yet more budding sports superstars coming up through the school! Six of our Year 1/2 children have represented Team Burraton at Quick Fire Cricket. Playing against six other schools, our children won ALL their games; and, as is the expected standard for Team Burraton, they showed amazing collaboration, teamwork and sportsmanship. Another proud Team Burraton moment ๐Ÿ˜Š L.Tamblyn, Head Teacher


A huge well done to our Year 6 children who have worked so hard in preparing for the SATs this summer. They conducted themselves brilliantly, maintained their composure and made us proud with their spirit, determination and focus. Whether our children do brilliantly well; whether they found it easy, or all too much of a struggle; or whether they didnโ€™t sit the SATs at all because they are too complex, we are proud of every single one of them. And now, whilst we await the SAT...s results in July, we of course hope that our children have done wellโ€ฆ.but, we remember that, actually, school is about having fun, sharing laughter, making friends, learning to socialise and to sort disagreements in an acceptable way. School is about learning to keep safe, to be healthy and to form strong and respectful relationships. It is about building resilience, learning how to persevere, to collaborate and to be creative โ€“ all those skills that make great life-long learners. In years to come, it is the memories of the friendships, the special moments and the emotional associations that they have of Burraton that will be important to our children - not their SATs. We are so proud of every one of our children ๐Ÿ˜Š L.Tamblyn, Head Teacher
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Breaking news...! The puppies have arrived....3 beautiful little girls and 2 handsome boys! Proud parents below... ๐Ÿ˜Š L.Tamblyn, Head Teacher


We are now working closely with Dogs Helping Kids (DHK) to get ready for our new school dog. DHK is the UKโ€™s unique charity dedicated to using highly trained dogs in school to help teach children non-violence, empathy, respect, kindness, love, responsibility, friendship and trust.
It is all getting very exciting - the puppies are due to be born within the next day or two, so watch this space..... In the meantime, here is the very proud Dad and the beautiful Mum-to-be! L.Tamblyn, Head Teacher


And more news from Eden class....something very fishy happened recently! A beautiful fish tank appeared in the classroom, full of amazing fish! The children are taking great responsibility to care for their new friends, feeding them daily and making sure that they are all feeling OK. We are all extremely grateful for this very kind donation from a member of our community. It has had a wonderful impact on Eden's leaning environment. ๐Ÿ˜Š L.Tamblyn, Head Teacher


As a fully inclusive school, we get excited about the learning and successes of ALL children, regardless of how challenging they find learning, and regardless of which level they are learning at. Look at this super achievement from one of our children from Eden class today...we are very proud! L.Tamblyn, Head Teacher ๐Ÿ˜Š


It's another school census day tomorrow when the number of children taking a school meal affects the moeny issued to us by the government....the more children taking a school meal = the more money in our school budget. It's fish and chips tomorrow, or quorn dippers, and ice cream and fruit. Please encourage your child to take a school meal tomorrow, and support us in maximising our budget. Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š L.Tamblyn, Head Teacher


Seaton class treated us to a fabulous 'Celebration of Learning' assembly today, focused on animals. The costumes, singing, dancing, re-telling of the sloth story map and Kennings (riddles) were hugely entertaining and enjoyable. The children had also designed their own weird and wonderful animals, and demonstrated their own strange and special talents. Finally, the children sang the 'When I Grow Up song, illustrating it with photos of their aspirations and ambitions. It provoked the emotions, somewhat! Super learning, as always ๐Ÿ˜Š L.Tamblyn, Head Teacher


All 5 eggs have hatched over the weekend! Mummy bird is doing a fab job at feeding and looking after her little family!

More about Burraton Community Primary School

Burraton Community Primary School is located at Fairmead Road, PL12 4LT Saltash, Cornwall
01752 843019