Caller Sarah

About Caller Sarah

Ceilidh / barn dance caller.
Based near Dartmoor and Exeter with no objection to travelling.

Caller Sarah Description

My background is in folk dance and morris dance. I've never been a great mover on a dance floor but I don't think that should stop anyone dancing, it's a natural instinct to move to music. Babies bop about without a second thought and we lose that freedom with inhibitions we pick up with age. The thing I love about folk dancing is it is accessible to almost anyone, you don't have to have any particular talent or skill, it's all about having fun in a group, as well as enjoying the band while getting a bit of exercise. I'm pleased that I can pass that enjoyment on to others, talk through the moves with a group of people whether complete beginners or more experienced, and have everyone participate in the dancing.

I have a range of dances in my repertoire - the more usual English, Scottish and Irish choices plus some more obscure dances to keep things interesting for the more experienced ceilidh-goer.



Winter is drawing closer... only joking, summer has only just begun (and long may it last), however the wonderful winter ceilidh organisers are drawing up their programmes and I am delighted to have been asked to call at 3 different series! I have topped up the booking list on my website. My calendar is looking much more healthy again now, but I am still looking for local gigs over the summer so do get in touch if you have anything for me. tml


I am pleased to announce my first two bookings in the Devon area. One is for a local folk dance club in 2020, some excellent advance booking going on there. The other is.... drum roll please... at Sidmouth folk week! Michael Catovsky has organised a "New Callers’ Showcase" for callers who haven’t yet been invited to call at Sidmouth, and I was lucky enough to make the cut. This is on Tuesday 6th August at the Blackmore Gardens Dance Marquee, at 7.30pm, and the band is the Gloworms. I know many people will be attending the festival so please do come along to this event and show your support rogramme/


I’m looking forward to calling with Albireo tonight for a wedding.


Dancing Drops of Brandy.


A great ceilidh tonight at Swythamley. Just the way it should be - a local community gathering with everyone getting up and enjoying the music and dance. I really enjoyed it.


One day to go!


And here they are, a little blurred thanks to my phone but suitably attired for the Burns-y occasion... HiJinx Ceilidh Band!


I am heading back to Telford this evening for a Burns night gig for the military, with the lovely HiJinx Ceilidh Band


I’ve had a little break from calling due to a couple of relocations, but I am in Devon indefinitely now to I can start to build up some local contacts.
I do still have some residual gigs in the midlands - a Burns night on January, a wedding in March, and on February 16th I am calling for a public event in Swythamley.
This is a local group, reintroducing a monthly ceilidh that died off but they want to bring back to life. Do come and support the event and help it take off.
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Calling with the Ship Band this evening. Just waiting outside while they have the speeches, then it’s our go.


I’ve had a quiet couple of weeks ceilidh-wise which was useful as my work life has taken me across the country to Pembrokeshire, but I’m looking forward to working with the Ship near Lincoln on Saturday. I’m certainly seeing a lot of the country lately!


Then came Saturday, and Cuckoo's Nest Ceilidh Band were cracking out some lovely tunes.


Matt and Rachael’s wedding again from Friday night, here they are in the middle of a Circassian circle.


It has been another double gig weekend. First came Friday on the Wirral calling for The Moody Food Ceili Band, helping the lovely Matt and Rachael celebrate their special day. Here are their friends efficiently taking on Riverside Jig.


Thank you for Rob Phillips for letting me share these fabulous photos of his from the Bollin solstice ceilidh a few weeks ago, it was a great evening.


It was great to work with the well established Aardvark ceilidh band at Derby Ceilidhs this evening, and the dancers were full of fun and willing despite the heat. This is TAG.


It was great to work with the well established Aardvark ceilidh band at Derby Ceilidhs this evening, and the dancers were full of fun and willing despite the heat. This is Strip the Willow Square.

More about Caller Sarah