
About Calmfamily

CalmFamily is a social enterprise and an education community, Providing education and support to help families have calmer relationships through a network of professional and well-trained educators. We work collaboratively together to support your family

Calmfamily Description

Our mission is to provide parents with knowledge and understanding of child development. This will help them to make parenting choices that optimise their child's development. We want to help families to have more harmonious relationships and better futures.

In 2015 CalmFamily became a social enterprise, and we are also a registered CIC (Community Interest Company). The business is run by a small team of experienced teachers, who are passionate about our mission and values, and have the skill and drive to help our teachers support parents all over the world.

We are a business that re-invests its profits for the good of the people it serves (parents), and one that holds our values, ethics and sense of community above profit in every aspect of what we do.



Tonight was a utter mess! Overexcitement after being at our friends farm after school, mum working late, completely out of our natural rhythm & my kids were having a tough time. I was having a tough time.
They made mistakes. I made mistakes. I ignored their calls for help, in that moment I needed to. Was it ideal? No, but it was the best I could do in that moment. I had to dig deep not to shout, to keep calm, to not retaliate - it wasn’t easy but I did it.
Once I was calm e...nough I assisted them both through their struggles, through the same feelings that I’d been experiencing minutes before. You see they are 7 & 4 and don’t yet have the adult brain I do, they don’t have the coping strategies that I do nor the experience. And if I can make mistakes at 30 years old, forgive myself for those and move on, making things right - why can’t they!
#modelling #mistakes #beinghuman #showyourchildrenhowitsdone #makemistakes #makeitright
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Hidden massager anyone?


"But the effect is that right at the time that we need our children to be the calmest, we are at our most stressed, and tend to read motivations and manipulations that are not there into their behaviour. It doesn’t take a lot of bedtimes like this before a child is expecting bedtime to be distressing either, so we can create this self-fulfilling and repeating battle scenario that makes it a more stressful and miserable experience all round."
Read our community blog post: Bedtime battles and bad babies >>>>…/bedtime-b attles-and-bad-babies


Most people consider self-care to be time consuming, costly and complicated. Actually it can be super simple, free and take a few seconds in some circumstances. Are you remembering to do the things listed here?


This is me every single day. This is exactly how I feel.


This is my beautiful co-director and one of my best friends in the whole world. I honestly don’t know what I would do without her calm nature, her reassurance and love and her sense of humour. Danielle quietly works in the background with no desire for recognition, bringing beauty to everything she does. Thank you 🙏🏼I appreciate you. 💜
#friendship #love #kindness #support #recognition # beauty #workingtogether #humour


Do you ever feel like quitting? Do you ever feel like just burning your life to the ground and walking away?
I think we all do. Well I do and lots of the badass parents I know do. Sometimes we all need to meltdown before we get up again and keep going. Sometimes keeping going means changing something, sometimes it means remembering how far we have come, how much we have survived so far, and sometimes it just takes fucking strength. And as an entrepreneur we can quit, but as a parent, that just isn't in us.
We get up and we keep going. Thank you Lauren Partington you badass Extraordinary Ordinary Mum.


How many of your children would absolutely love doing this? I know mine would. Well most of them would and the one that wouldn't would watch and laugh.
Not only does this look like immense fun (really important for brain development) but it is fab for children who love sensory experience and regulate that way. Calming for certain.


A fantastic blog from one of our consultants.


Today is PDA Day 2019.
This is a really useful video to understand this little-known and misunderstood profile of the Autism spectrum. If you want to know more, please take a look in the comments for a few links. Today awareness is needed so that we have any hope of improving services and therefore outcomes for people with PDA. Please therefore share this so that more families can get more support.


Thank you for this Sophie Messager. Why is it acceptable to assume a woman's body is defective? We are designed to give birth.


If your struggles right now are centred around the relationship between your children, this one is for you. One of our leading CalmFamily consultants is offering a fantastic price on this new ONLINE workshop about siblings. It is going to be amazing.


Actually pretty real. What day is it?


Having calmer relationships is what we are all about. Families find, when they come to our workshops, courses or work with our professionals, that understanding little humans and how calmer responsiveness helps them, positively changes the way all of our relationships work.


Saturday 27th July: 9am-10am: The Calmer Relationships concept with Emily Fackrell 10am-12pm: Stress Management and Building Resilience with Emma Williams Lunch break - bring your own lunch 1pm-5:30pm: Exploring boundaries as Parents - A first glimpse at ParentCalm with Alexandra Harris (this session will contain a break)
... Saturday evening: There will be a social gathering in the evening, details of which are to be confirmed.
Sunday 28th July: 9am-10am: Developing minds: An overview of the Dan Siegal conference by Emma Williams 10am: Details of this session are to be confirmed 12-1:30pm Networking lunch break - bring your own lunch 1:30pm - 3pm A CalmFamily community update, Q&A and discussion of future plans Close
The whole weekend costs £99 and you can attend as much or as little as you choose. This is a great opportunity to check out the CalmFamily Education Community.
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Did you know an 18 month old needs to eat about the same as a 9 month old? Most people think they need to eat double as they assume the increase is linear. Actually food is fuel for movement, living and growth. When growth slows after the first year, food intake does not need to continue to increase at the same rate.
#babies #toddlers #normalgrowth #nutrition #toddlereating #weaning #toddlercalm #parentingconsultants #calmfamily


Watching him just makes me feel really lovely. To be honest, as far as I’m concerned they are just another new family, but I do have a soft spot for families and I love that the world gets to see them changing things, being more than what is formally expected of them. Thank you Harry for paying tribute to women, to birth, to fatherhood and motherhood in this announcement, and thank you Meghan for fighting for the birth you chose despite enormous pressure to conform. Congratulations 💜


Love freely and recklessly…/a.1756631065 19…/459583541460820/…

More about Calmfamily
