Chavutti Thirumal With Helen Knight

About Chavutti Thirumal With Helen Knight

Chavutti Thirumal

Chavutti Thirumal With Helen Knight Description

Welcome, I am delighted to offer the wonderful Chavutti Thirumal ~ Massage by Foot Pressure (AKA Indian Rope Massage)
1hr30: £80, 2hrs: £95 Prices for the Space Upstairs - Ashburton

From my ropeless home in Buckfast:
1hr~£45, 1hr30~£60, 2hrs~£80, 2hrs30~£95.

With Oils - Chavutti Thirumal, Lomi Lomi and deep tissue massage using my hands, feet, forearms, elbows. 1hr~£40, 1hr30~£50, 2hrs~£60, 2hrs30~£70.

These sessions from home will also include gentle soundhealing tools to guide you into relaxation.

What is Chavutti Thirumal Massage?
Chavutti Thirumal Indian Rope Massage is literally translated as ‘massage by foot pressure. ’ It is a deep tissue treatment which combines long sweeping strokes from hand to foot to ‘iron’ our your body and smaller, more precise movements to focus on specific muscles and connects to the clients breath. The massage itself looks like a dance, with fluid and rhythmical strokes performed on the clients body with one foot, whilst balancing on the other with the aid of a rope. With the therapists compassionate intention and the massages rhythmicality and natural strength are a powerfully healing combination.

Where are its origins?
The form originated in Kerala, South India alongside the Kalari martial arts and Kathakali dance around 2000yrs ago. The technique was developed for maintaining suppleness in the body and for treating pain and swelling caused by combat.

Treatment information:
Before treatment, a consultation is carried out to assess your needs and state of health including a check of your posture.

Can help:
- Muscle spasms
- Back Pain
- Relieve muscle pains and aches by stretching, relaxing and softening injured and overused muscles and thus increasing range of movement
- ease tension and stiffness
- reduce spasms and cramping
- reduce post-surgery adhesions, and scar tissue after healing
- reduce recovery time for strenuous workouts and eliminating subsequent pains.
-strengthen bones, increase joint flexibility, thus improving range of motion and decreasing discomfort
- re-align physical structure and improve posture
- help the opening of the hips and thoracic
- keep the body supple and in top condition
- stimulate organ functioning
- stimulate blood circulation, allowing more oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs.
- stimulate the lymph system thus helping the body detox
- alleviate fluid retention aiding breakdown of cellulite and reduction of excess fat
- Relieves the deep seated tension that people have often learned to live with
- Deepens the breathing pattern
- relieve pain for headache and migraine sufferers and decreasing the need for medication.
- Release endorphins, the body’s natural painkiller.
- relax the body

It also benefits mental and psychological health, because it can:
- promote positive moods and generating a sense of well-being.
- encourage and balance the free flow of prana or life force / energy
- access difficult emotions and psychological blocks by releasing body memories
- encourage a sense of body acceptance
- develop increased self awareness and encourage self expression
- cultivate energy and inspiration.
- nourish brain and nerves
- assist mental focus, clarity and performance, by increases concentration levels.
- release stress and fatigue, thus allowing the mind to rest improve focus and awareness

More about Chavutti Thirumal With Helen Knight

Chavutti Thirumal With Helen Knight is located at Space Upstairs, Unit 2, Yeldhams Brewery, 31A, East Street, Ashburton, Devon, TQ13 7AQ, TQ13 7AQ Ashburton, Devon
07866 226 797