Combined Fitness

About Combined Fitness

Welcome to the www.combinedfitness. co. uk page for advice on becoming super confident, in control & the greatest version of yourself. Plus news of our coaching programmes.

Combined Fitness Description

Combined Fitness owned by Cheltenham based Performance and
Mind Body Transformation coach Kerry Eddie work with those who are committed to becoming the best possible version of themselves.

Our mind & body transformation Programmes help frustrated clients to regain their health, transform how they look and feel and make
lasting positive changes to their lives.

IT'S TIME TO INVEST IN YOU - Click on the "FREE STUFF" up tab to receive news, advice & offers.

FitCamp Sessions
Indoor FitCamp - 8 Week Transformation Programme
Lakeside Primary School, Hatherley Road, Cheltenham, GL51 6HR

Mon, Tue, Thur 6. 15pm or 7. 15pm

Outdoor FitCamp (Am)
opposite The National Hunt Pub, Benhall Park, Whittington Road / Bibury Road, Benhall, Cheltenham, GL51 6BS
During the school holidays we meet next to the children’s play area (Bibury Road).

Mon, Wed, Fri 9. 15am,



How do you stay motivated? A question I get asked a lot & my answer simply comes back to one of my 69 rules: Know what you want & how you WANT to feel otherwise you will drift.
If you make decisions based on how you actually feel you won't get very far in life as you'll decide not to do the things that are difficult, scary, uncomfortable & boring i.e the things that require motivation. Our brains are hard wired to protect us from these things.
... You're only ever going to feel motivated to do the easy things, the things you enjoy.
So when the motivation to do something isn’t there you have to create the emotion by shifting your attention to what it is that you actually want & how you actually want to feel. You have to create a good enough reason why you need to do something.
If you don’t have enough leverage you’re going to struggle to stay focused when life gets challenging.
There are strategies to help you stay focused & on track that I share in my free guide “Beyond the Quick Fix: The secrets to will power, motivation & staying on track for life” Link in the bio. . .
#invincible #invinciblewomen #mindandbody #mindset #motivation #willpower #innercalm #changinglives #happy #createyourlife #personaldevelopment
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How do you stay motivated


Get outside. It’s so nice to exercise outside especially in the Summer months. Last night at 6pm I was struggling big time with feeling tired & I couldn’t stop yawning, but 45 mins out in the fresh air coaching at my FitCamp completely rejuvenated me. I went home to my family full of life & energy rather then an tired & grouchy.
How do you re energise yourself when you’re tired in the afternoon / after work? . #fitness #8weektransformation #outdoorfitness #getoutdoors #energised #mum #businesswomen #getoutdoors #summersun #invincible #invinciblewomen #mindandbody #mindset


Stop overthinking & breakthrough


What if....


The worst thing that happens to you may be the best thing for you if you don't let it get the best of you.
Our greatest successes and wins are often on the other side of pain, discomfort & failure.
Our most difficult choices, decisions & conversations are the ones that we CAN learn from & grow if we choose.
... It’s easy to get stuck in victim mode feeling sorry for yourself, blaming your situation & others, sedating to feel better.
Take responsibility, learn from what’s happened, create change & move forwards to a life filled with purpose, fulfilment & joy.
Where in your life are you choosing to stay stuck, blaming your situation & others? . . #invincible #invinciblewomen #mindandbody #mindset #wellbeing #innercalm #changinglives #createyourlife #motivationalquotes #inspirationalquotes #businesswoman
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Happy Fathers Day to all the great dads out there doing their best. A special thanks to the most patient, loving, fun, supportive & generous Dad I know @daneddie. I love & appreciate everything that you do for the girls & us as a family. . . #fathersday #specialdads #family


If you keep failing you need this


Life is so damn busy that a lot of the time we feel out of control. We get overwhelmed, we feel stressed, there is never enough time in the day to do all the things that we need to do.
It’s like we’re a participant in a game that we’re struggling to keep up with. We react to what is going on around us never really controlling the game of life.
... But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can access the calm & stop the chaos & destructive thought patterns that are keeping you stuck. You can be the leader & creator of your life. You can make your desires & dreams a reality
It just takes some simple strategies & practice to re-programme your mind & upgrade your current operating system.
Are you taking some time daily to slow down & calm the chaos?
Not sure how to then join my new free Invincible Women Community which will be opening very soon over on facebook. . #invincible #invinciblewomen #mindandbody #mindset #wellbeing #innercalm #changinglives #happy #createyourlife #personaldevelopment
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Saturday brunch a favourite meal of mine. Usually skip a meal & have a brunch on a Saturday following our Friday night pizza, red wine & ice cream fest. This one is so well cooked by my fantastic husband (secret breakfast Masterchef). Scrambled eggs, avocado, lightly cooked baby plumb tomatoes, smoked salmon, spinach on toasted Heart of Nature original pure grain bread. Delicious and nutritious. ❤️ . What’s your favourite meal of the week? . #brunch #lovefood #fleiblediet #cleaneating #family #inspired #energised #healthy #lifestyle #invincible #invinciblewomen #mindandbody


Just be you. Keep it real & look after the real YOU. Hiding from the truth is exhausting. The filtered version of reality that is presented to us day in & day out on Tv & through social media is having a damaging affect on so many women & girls’ confidence.
... I see it everyday on Facebook with peoples profiles. Only showing the edited filtered version of themselves. Only showing the highlight reel.
Then you see them in reality. Whole different story 😟
It’s a time bomb 💣 trying to live up to your filtered image👸. Life can soon become a web of lies that impacts how you feel and act which often leads to destruction.😩
Broken minds, bodies, relationships and lives.
Are you showing up as the real YOU? . .
#keepitreal #invincible #invinciblewomen #noexcuses #selflove #innercalm #mindset #mindandbody #changinglives #inspirationalquotes #motivationalquotes
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Back after a gorgeous relaxing family holiday in the sun. We love Kefalonia 😎❤️🌞 . #fun #family #happy #haveitall #businesswoman #mum #createyourlife #familyfirst #getoutdoors #summersun


22 years ago after 6 years together we took our marriage vows & committed to each other in front of our friends & family.
We have 2 wonderful girls who have a very special, fun & loving Dad.
We’ve had so many magical times & experiences together.
... We have grown & shrunk together over the years in more ways than one!
Yes we got stuck on the treadmill of work & family for a number of years.
Running & working hard for everyone seeming like we were making progress & that all was great
but then
“the treadmill” broke down.
We realised we had been stuck working & sweating
but going nowhere FAST in our lives together.
Stuck and frustrated, making assumptions afraid to tell each other the truth about what we were feeling,
What we were thinking,
What we had done,
What we wanted to do.
The treadmill had made us strong
“what is the point of strength if you end up back at the same place staring at the same view every single time.” (Garrett J White)
We found the courage to get honest with each other & leave the treadmill.
It was so hard to do, it was painful but so worth it.
We are experiencing life together way beyond the treadmill & it’s truly amazing.
Our love, appreciation and happiness grows stronger day by day as we run free.
I’m not one who wears her heart on her sleeve & shouts about how I feel but I am so happy & in love with my husband the man I met 28 years ago.
He is a very special man who I am very lucky to have in my life.
So today get honest are you on a treadmill in your life?
Working hard, getting stronger but not really going anywhere, just ending up in the same place that you started, staring at the same wall.
It could be with your body, your mindset & purpose, your relationships, work, business, lifestyle. If you are then I urge you to leave the treadmill in your life & step on the road to freedom & experience life beyond the treadmill.
What’s your story? . .
#love #happiness #connected #invincible #commitment #honest #staystrong #power #mindandbody #positivevibes #newjourney #createyourlife
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Simple but often overlooked


How to win your week 🏆


Make sure that the environment that you’re living in day to day is a happy one as it has a massive impact on your habits, behaviours & results.
Mind - Body - Relationships - Business
Your external environment, relationships, physical stress,sleep, nutrition, activity levels, other business (lifestyle) all impact your internal environment (mind & body:how you function, think & behave) & vice versa
... ♦️ If don’t love your job ♦️you’re being bullied by your co-workers or boss ♦️your have an unsupportive partner ♦️a sexless relationship ♦️you’re lonely ♦️you’re not getting enough sleep
Then you’re not going to be very happy.
If your partner, friends and family don’t care about their health, diet and fitness then its going to have an impact on you.
When your basic human needs go unsatisfied it takes a toll on your health and happiness. (Body & mind).
When your relationship with YOURSELF & those closest to you ARE working everything else in your life will improve & the results you want will come more easily. . Which area of your environment needs a spring clean? . . #invincible #invinciblewomen #selflove #innercalm #mindset #results #mindandbody #changinglives #inspirationalquotes #motivationalquotes
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Number 1.....adding muscle-building exercises to your routine is essential for reducing age-related muscle loss and promoting a healthy body weight. Strength training, such as bodyweight exercises and weightlifting, can significantly improve muscle strength and increase muscle size and function (3Trusted Sources). Plus, strength training can help you lose weight by reducing body fat and boosting your metabolism, which can increase how many calories you burn throughout the day
This is why we introduced Strong & Lean into our 8 Week Transformation FirCamp Programmes. To get better lasting results for women over 30.

More about Combined Fitness
