Core Credentials

Writing Service
5 star rating
Monday: 18:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 18:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 18:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 18:00 - 19:00
Friday: 18:00 - 19:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Core Credentials

Core Credentials is a writing and presentation skills service set up to support job-seekers, students, ex-service personell and young professionals.



Congratulations are in order to Guy who yesterday landed his first 3D design job since his degree in transport and automotive design.
Despite years of having no luck entering a highly competitive field, he now has his own business (see iving…), has travelled the world and has (as he put it) got his first 'proper' job.
This job has been many years in the coming and we are so proud of Guy for his tenacity.
... If you would like help or advice about how to identify or begin your dream career, please contact us to find out more.
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We are excited to have two pro bono clients this week! One setting up a new upcycling interior design company and another applying for work straight out of school.
When changing professions, entering the workplace for the first time or interviewing for promotion, the best top tip is believe in yourself...
Confidence alongside competence gives you the best chance of success!


Massive congratulations to Laura who this week landed a permanent role as a Senior Marine Assessment Advisor in JNCC.
If you're applying for jobs and would like to get feedback on your CV, applications or interview tips check out the services we offer!


As we've had a lot of clients interviewing recently, we thought we'd post 3 top tips of what to say when you really haven't a clue what your being asked in interview:
1) I'm sorry but i'm not sure that I fully understand the question, please could you rephrase it for me?
2) That is an excellent question but I haven't considered (insert the question) in that context before. Can we come back to this so that I can consider my response?
... 3) Although I haven't got (insert the skill or experience asked about), I do have skills/experience in (insert related topic that you have excelled in). I demonstrated this skill when (give example). This skill would benefit this role by (insert how that skill would help the employer).
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Last week at Core Credentials we had a record of three past clients interviewing for the same job.
While awaiting the highly anticipated call as to who was successful it is important to remember that not every candidate can be successful first time and to not be disheartened.
Interviewers are not assessing you as a person, they are assessing your skillset to see who's skillset best matches the role.
... Therefore not getting the role doesn't mean that you are any less than awesome, just that the specific role applied for required a slightly different type of awesome.
Hang in there and remember that even if you are unsuccessful this time you are still awesome and that perfect job is just around the corner!
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Struggling to learn how to sell your skillset to future employers?
Remember to always give your most impressive, recent and relevant examples.
Do not be embarrassed about your achievements - no doubt you worked hard to accomplish them so be proud of them.
... Be confident in yourself and your abilities. You can do it!
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Massive congratulations are in order again today as we toast Anaelle and Kelly on their new roles!
Well done for believing in yourselves and having the confidence to get yourself out there!
Anaelle takes on a post-doctorate role between JNCC and Cambridge University, and Kelly joins a sales team selling biomedical products!


Good luck to our two clients interviewing for jobs this week!! As said in our previous posts it is time to remember your past roles and examples of where you’ve excelled. Stay calm and be confident. You’ve got this!


Good luck to everyone interviewing for jobs this week! Take time to remember your previous roles and examples of where you’ve excelled. Stay calm and be confident. You’ve got this!


A massive congratulations to our client Ms E, who with our support has managed to get through the sifting and selection process to interview for not just one but two different promotions this week!!
We look forward to running through interview techniques and a mock interview with you this afternoon!


When it comes to applying for that dream job, you may think ‘but I’m not qualified enough’, ‘I don’t have enough experience’, and ‘I probably won’t get it’. As a result you don’t apply, and therefore definitely won’t get the job.
There’s never any harm putting an application in. The worst case scenario is that you spend a few hours honing your writing skills and get some feedback on what you can improve for next time.
Go out a limb and get out of your comfort zone. Only then will you reach your full potential.


Do you love what you do?
Everyone have days where they don’t enjoy their job, but if you wake up every day with dread you may have lost your passion. Never had a passion or want to reignite it? Contact us about it and we can help you figure out what your passionate about.
Passion is key to success in every job and will make you stand out from the crowd. In interview, passion in the subject could be the difference between getting that dream job or coming second.
... Take 5 minutes today to reassess what it is that you are passionate about.
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Ever wanted to learn how to KISS?
As in Keep it Short and Simple! For short 5-minute presentations and job applications, avoid long flowery phrases and make sure your sentences contain a maximum of 15 to 20 words.
When putting these sentences into paragraphs, never use more than six sentences, or 300 words. Always start the paragraph with a sentence that introduces the content of the paragraph and close with a summary paragraph.
... Presenting information in short, manageable chunks also helps you to keep the reader with you, so stick to the principle of one idea per sentence.
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So you’ve been rejected by yet another potential employer... It’s disheartening. You start to think that maybe you’re aiming too high. That maybe your CV isn’t good enough. That maybe you’re not good enough.
But don’t let it get you down.
These rejections are not failures if you learn from them, so always chase employers for feedback after interview. Some may even give you feedback after being rejected during the shortlisting for interview.
... If you really want to work for the company and you just can’t get your foot in the door, ask if you can be kept on their records as someone who wants to work for them.
If you have some free time, you could even ask if they’d give you a week of work experience. Then next time round, you’ll know a lot more about how the company works, what their ethos is, who they’re looking for and the work that they do.
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For those of you who see a job opening and think, ‘I’m not good enough’ something else will come up...
If you see a job that inspires and excites you, apply. If you only meet half the criteria, apply. If you think it could lead to better and brighter things, apply.
The worst case scenario is that you don’t get it. But as the lottery says, ‘you’ve got to be in it to win it’!


Top tip of the day: Avoid jargon. Abbreviations and acronyms are a great shortcut when you and your reader speak a common language. However people outside of your organisation or area of expertise may not know them. This doesn’t mean that you have to avoid jargon at all costs: Just be aware of your reader’s knowledge and choose the words and phrases that you are certain they will know and understand.


Top tip of the day: never accept a salary of a salary range is advertised. They will always offer you the least amount of money first. Always negotiate, highlighting the specific skills you have that they need!


Top tip of the day: In interviews, every candidate interviewing is likely to be qualified for the job - Draw upon your unique skills, knowledge and experiences to make you stand out from the crowd!


As a thank you to our servicemen and women, we donate 10% of all our income to the Royal Marines Charity! #RMCharity #supportourtroops


I would not hesitate to contact Core Credentials if you need a boost to your CV and job application. Bekah is a very competent editor and has a keen eye to put you on the right spot. Go for it!

More about Core Credentials

Monday: 18:00 - 19:00
Tuesday: 18:00 - 19:00
Wednesday: 18:00 - 19:00
Thursday: 18:00 - 19:00
Friday: 18:00 - 19:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -