Councillor Andrew Pope

About Councillor Andrew Pope

Andrew is an Independent councillor and campaigns in Southampton and Hampshire. Independents put YOU, Your Family and Your Area First.

Councillor Andrew Pope Description

Southampton Independents Candidate for 2017 General Election in Southampton Test (the western side of the City). Southampton Independents Councillor for Redbridge Ward, Southampton City Council. Works with Denise Wyatt Southampton Independents.



John Jordan is a smart guy. I was involved in persuading this chap to join the Labour Party, many years ago - before I had realised what a bunch of liars and charalatans they are, and that Southampton Labour are no better than the Tories.
Like me, Councillor Jordan also seemed to think that the Labour Party would be loyal to him, that it would keep its promises and that he would get justice.
... If he wants to have any dignity left and maintain any self-respect, he will quit Labour before the May elections.
Incredibly, he has pledged to carry on.
If the Labour Party ditches respected poverty campaigners and people like Frank Field MP, it is no wonder that John Jordan, myself and thousands of Southampton residents are treated so poorly.
Labour or Tory, same old story.…/17381432. city-councillor-an…/…
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Thank you to Leave Means Leave for some sensible advice.
There are lots of irrelevant people being interviewed in the media. One of the most annoying and irrelevant is the Head of the EU-funded Confederation of British Industry (CBI) Carolyn Fairbairn who claims to, but DOES NOT represent the views of business.
... I would rather trust the guys below... Those businesses that have prepared.
We've had more than two years to get ready. So why do businesses claim to still not be ready for leaving the EU? What have they been doing with their Risk Management?
I agree with the below business leaders and Leave Means Leave that we have to properly prepare for what the majority of British people voted for. To Leave.
They didn't vote for so-called "soft Brexit".
They didn't vote for so-called "hard Brexit".
And they didn't vote for so-called "no-deal Brexit".
Just Brexit. Just Leave. Leave Means Leave.
If that means no deal with the EU, then so be it.
It has to be managed.
I am tempted to buy or commission a "two-fingered salute" balloon and float it above the White Cliffs of Dover. But because I am being nice, I won't. Yet.
The Sprit of the Sun headline "UP YOURS DELORS" might be coming back... siness-leaders-wh…/
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Despite having had years to negotiate, Theresa May's Government's EU Withdrawal "Deal" lets our country down in many ways, including the four main reasons the people of Southampton voted for Brexit. The majority of Sotonians wanted then, and still want to:
stop mass immigration... get control back of our borders get our public services properly funded, and have British laws decided by the British people.
When I stood to be Southampton Test MP at the 2017 General Election, I pledged that I would campaign for these four outcomes. I didn't win - it's very difficult to win as an Independent without the huge money that the Tories and Labour have.
Nevertheless, I have still fought for these to be delivered. But have your MPs whose job it is to do so? No.
Has the Southampton Test Labour MP Alan Whitehead done these things? No. He wants to tell you that you got it wrong. Can you really trust him to represent you? Can you trust Jeremy Corbyn? No and no.
Has the Southampton Itchen MP Royston Smith MP stood up for you on Brexit? Not really. He has told the Daily Echo that he doesn't even know what the 17.4 million Leave voters voted for. He doesn't support the Deal, which is something. But has he organised his fellow Tory MPs to get rid of Theresa May and to get the right deal? No.
And the other Southampton MP for Romsey and Southampton North is a member of the Cabinet. Regardless of her own views which may or may not be expressed in the Daily Echo piece, she cannot declare opposition to the Deal, or vote against - unless she resigns from her Ministerial role first.
On this, like pretty much everything else, it is Labour or Tory, same old story.
Why do people still vote for the Conservatives or Labour? It doesn't make any sense.
Too many people are still conned into supporting these two failing parties, and not campaigning for a better future for our City and our country.
Not only do we need to leave the EU, we also need to change our own systems of Government too, including our Parliament and councils.
Until that happens, Southampton and the rest of the country will never see real change.…/17267432. two-southampton-tor…/
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If you believe these Tory Cabinet ministers who are "standing right behind the Prime Minister Theresa May", then you should be aware that at least some, if not most, are only doing so to stab her in the back. Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and Francis Urquharts's House of Cards are only fictions to a certain level. And the rest is based on historical and political facts. 72821305911595008


What do you think about this?…/17243951. shock-as-beaulieu-w…/


My letter in today's Echo. Brownhill House should never have been closed by Labour councillors. But they did it anyway and are going to allow it to be demolished! It seems the Southampton Labour Party has one rule for care homes in the West of Southampton and another for care homes in the East of the City!


Denise is completely right...


DO YOU BELIEVE THAT BREXIT MEANS BREXIT? Theresa May doesn't. Lots of Southampton Tory councillors don't.
Jeremy Corbyn doesn't. All Southampton Labour councillors don't.
When I stood up in the Council Chamber and told other councillors what the people I represent thought about leaving the EU - Labour councillors called me a racist - a word they use to describe me, Southampton residents and the 17.4 MILLION people across the UK who voted to leave the EU.
... I attended this event on Monday. It was worth the trip and was a good rally.
Brexit is too important to be left to Labour and the Tories.
I campaigned for Brexit because the vast majority of residents in Redbridge, Millbrook and Maybush - around 70%-80% according to what they have told me - voted for Brexit.
I was duty-bound to represent their views.
It's a pity that those Labour and Tory councillors in the City didn't feel the same way in 2016.
And that the Labour MP for Southampton Test, Alan Whitehead, doesn't now and didn't then.
It's time for them to wake up and ensure that LEAVE MEANS LEAVE. nE
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This chaotic Rayment initiative only lasted five minutes...
Judging by the residents' comments on the Council's own Facebook, residents have realised it was all a con.


For info. Take care out there... especially with all of the roadworks...


VICTORY! Two years ago, Denise Wyatt Southampton Independents and I worked with councillors across the region of all parties and no party, to kill the Solent Devolution Deal where you could have paid more tax for no benefits to you.
We said it was dead then but former Council leader Simon Letts could not and would not accept it.
Now the Government have confirmed it is dead in the water.
... I was the only Southampton councillor of all 48 to call for a referendum on the issue.
I was the only Southampton councillor of all 48 to oppose the rotten deal that no residents had asked for.
It was a stitch-up by Letts and Jones for "jobs for the boys" and an elected mayor.
Labour or Tory, same old story. They failed.
It could have done untold damage to our region and its people.
So I'm glad that we stopped it. pshire-45759209
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Sadly, I doubt it...


I announced this in the Council Chamber last week.
Do you agree that residents should have a say?
Or do you think the Labour-run Council should not be trusted with your money?


I have been asking questions of the Council regarding this incident.
I've spoken to the residents nearby and the fire was very serious and sudden.
... Can you help the Police with their enquiries, for example, with any evidence? If you can, please dial them on 101.
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Yet another load of months of roadworks.
I would like to know why can't the Labour-run Council do it all in one lot instead of repeating it every few months?
... Below is what the Council has sent to me. Let me know your thoughts.
Essential work to reconstruct the foundations and resurface Millbrook Roundabout is planned to start on 1 October 2018 and is expected to take 28 weeks to complete. Due to the scale and depth of the reconstruction work the roundabout will need to be partially closed in four phases each taking from six to eight weeks.
The impact of the closure of each section of the roundabout is likely to be significant and we anticipate there being congestion and delays particularly at peak times. We are advising motorists to plan their journeys, allowing extra time and to follow the advised diversion routes. Travel advice can be found on our website.
If residents or commuters are considering alternative travel arrangements, the Southampton My Journey team have provided some advice. Phasing of work
Phase 1: is planned to start 1 October 2018 and will require the closure of the north west section of the roundabout and is expected to take 6 weeks to complete. These works will require the closure of the inbound off-slip from Redbridge Road onto the roundabout as well as the junction with Wimpson Lane and the exit from the roundabout onto Tebourba Way (north bound).
Phase 2: is planned to start mid November 2018 and will require the closure of the north east section of the roundabout and is expected to take 5 weeks to complete. This will require the closure of the roundabout junction with Tebourba Way (southbound) and the off-slip from the roundabout onto Millbrook Road West.
Phase 3: is planned to start from the beginning of January 2019 and will require the closure of the south east section of the roundabout and the southbound section of First Avenue up to the entrance to City Depot and the Household Waste and Recycling Centre (HWRC). This phase is expected to take 7 weeks to complete. This will require the closure of the outbound off-slip from Millbrook Road West onto the roundabout as well as the exit from the roundabout and First Avenue southbound.
Phase 4: is planned to start from the beginning of March 2019 and will require the closure of the southwest section of the roundabout and the northbound section of First Avenue up to the entrance to the HWRC. This phase is expected to take 7 weeks to complete. This will require the closure of First Avenue northbound up to the roundabout and part of the off-slip onto Redbridge Road up to the junction with Second Avenue.
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Residents have complained to me about the repeated problems with the stench from the Southern Water sewage works at Millbrook.
It isn't a new problem but they have been allowed to get away with it for too long.
... It is the responsibility of the Labour-run Council's Environmental Health service to ensure that there is enforcement.
Whilst other Labour or Tory councillors do nothing, or continue to do other things that don't solve the problem, I am holding to account those who are responsible for stopping it. This is despite the fac tthat it is in the Millbrook ward, not the Redbridge ward that I represent.
The stench doesn't stop at the ward boundary!
I have gone straight to the Environmental Health service, to ask them to explain why the Council hasn't dealt with it.
They said:
"Dear Councillor Pope,
The environmental health service have received complaints about odour from the sewage treatment works, which coincided with the warmer weather.
Environmental health staff met with the management of the works yesterday (Wednesday, 23 August) to look at steps which could be taken to reduce the odour from site.
No formal enforcement action is being taken at this stage, as we are looking to resolve the issue by working with the site management in accordance with our enforcement policy. "
So the answer is that they haven't taken enforcement action and the Council HAS let them get away with it.
If the problem doesn't get sorted, I will be asking them to take enforcement action.
It's worth noting that Southern Water has a dreadful record of dealing with complaints, and has a very large number of complaints.
They need to get their house in order. And I will be increasing the pressure on the Council and Southern Water.…/16405637.w ater-bosses-apologi…/
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If you are, then they haven't fixed our dangerously dirty air despite having six years to do so. And neither did Tory councillors.
In fact, Southampton Labour made it worse by voting this development through. Labour-run Southampton City Council sold the land and gave planning permission for this development.
... More HGVs, more pollution, more traffic. In an area that is already one of the most polluted in Southampton, and with seriously unhealthy air, according to the Council's own reports.
And to top it off, the "Clean Air Zone" consultation is happening at the same time as this.
It is no wonder Redbridge residents hugely backed Denise Wyatt Southampton Independents as our Candidate at the Council election in May.
And only Labour's dirty tricks and crony culture stopped Denise from being elected, by just 199 votes.…/16602804.j ohn-lewis-seals-de…/…
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More about Councillor Andrew Pope

Councillor Andrew Pope is located at c/o Members Room, Civic Centre, SO14 7LY Redbridge, Southampton, United Kingdom