Counselling & Psychotherapy

Monday: 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:00
Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Counselling & Psychotherapy

Mindfulness based Psychotherapist and Supervisor in Southampton

Counselling & Psychotherapy Description

Individual integrative psychotherapy is offered on a one-to-one bases. If you have a had some counselling sessions and have had the chance to take stock of your life and have noticed that you are not making the most of your life. This is focused work, normally beginning with an agreed contract of six sessions to help you look at what you do with your life that holds you back.



Your personality is not fixed you are in the process of becoming who you are As a psychotherapist I leant have told my clients that their personality is not fixed and that they are in a process of becoming who they are in every moment. On the BBC Radio 4 program "All in the Mind" Professor Brent W. Roberts of the University of Illinois Department of Psychology… [ 168 more words ] s-official-therap…/

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Clinical trials of psychotherapy using mindfulness with anti-depressants have shown that therapy using mindfulness on its own produces better results. Larry Davidson Ph.D Professor of Psychiatry at Yale University refers in Mad in America an on-line magazine for Science,Psychiatry and Community to results published in The Journal Psychotherapy and Psychometrics: The Two-Sided Face of Anti-depressants: The Impacts of Their Use on Real-Life Affective Change during Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy… [ 146 more words. ] dfulness-therapy-…/


Following the successful The Heart of Silence 2016, recordings of the talks are available to listen or to download. Access can be found on the website for the Accredited Core Process Psychotherapist under the Conferences page. ks-from-the-heart…/


What a memorable conference exploring the place of Silence in Psychotherapy, Society and our World. From left to right the speakers from the first day of the conference which was held last weekend at Regent's University London; Maura Sills the founder of Core Process Psychotherapy and Director of the Karuna Institute, Brian Keenan Teacher, Writer and Poet, Rebecca Crane Ph.… /memorable-the-heart…


The use of mindfulness Having finished teaching in a local secondary school in Southampton I am finding reflection helpful about my abilities as a teacher. Using mindfulness in my teaching practice, it helped me to be with the continual assessment of my teaching abilities and relationships I tried to form with the children. The type of relationship I had with children in my classes was avuncular, the children which hung around when asked to leave at the end of lesson were those who sort "role-male" company, or just wanted to top-up on their youtube entertainment. [ 242 more words. ]… /mindfulness-and-re…/


I am grateful for the clarification that Ajahn Brahmavamso gives where he explains the importance of Silent Awareness of the Present Moment in his piece within Lion's Roar on Cultivating Tranquility, Harvesting Insight. The clarification that Ajahn Brahmavamso makes between silent awareness of the present moment and thinking about it is very helpful. When we think about it, we identify with our inner speech and begin to believe what we think and the positions we take to be true. [ 144 more words. ]… /the-importance-of-s…


In my Karuna Institute trauma training as a psychotherapist I was taught that all of our life trauma is held at a cellular level, this was hard to accept but it's official. Thanks to information shared on the BBC Radio 4 Program Unhappy Child, Unhealthy Adult. Research results from a study Relationship of childhood abuse and household dysfunction to many of the leading causes of death in adults. [ 250 more words. ]… /life-stress-held-in…


Dawn Foster of the Guardian in her piece "Is mindfulness making us ill?" of 23rd January discusses the explosion of interest in mindfulness courses as a technique of choice popular to employers. Mindfulness courses range from smart phone apps to three day mindfulness as part of a training programme. Dawn refers to a number of cases where side-effects have profoundly effected peoples lives leaving them disturbed, open, and vulnerable. [ 57 more words. ]… /mindfulness-altern…/


I came across and article in Medium by Alison Crosthwait in Thinking about Psychotherapy. Called There is no hack that will get you around your unconscious What I liked about this article was the way Alison was able describe in plain words what brings people to psychotherapy, what the incumbent needs for it to work and glimpses of the journey.… /no-hacking-around-y…

More about Counselling & Psychotherapy

Counselling & Psychotherapy is located at The Romney Centre, SO17 1XS Southampton
Monday: 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:00
Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -