Craig Rowley Personal Training

About Craig Rowley Personal Training

Achieve your goals and ambitions with Craig Rowley Personal Training within the luxury of your own home. Be it weight loss, Toning, muscle building, sports specific training or diet and nutrition.

With my help let's achieve your goals together

Craig Rowley Personal Training Description

Weight loss
With a combination of cardio and weight resistant training, we will perform exercises that will burn fat and not muscle.
With personal exercise prescriptions and diet plans, you will increase your metabolism resulting in burning more calories when working out but also when resting.
We need to be burning more calories than we consume to lose weight but this has to be done with a healthy approach.

The main objective when in comes to toning will be specific muscle training, performing weight bearing exercises, with light weights and high repetitions.
Plus the involvement of cardio will help gain definition to your body. Another key factor when keeping the body toned and defined, is diet, I will provide healthy diet changes to help you achieve this.

Muscle size
If you are aiming to increase your muscle mass, the most effective way is weight training, though there are several ways this can be achieved.
The main method is free weights and resistant equipment.
Though a persons body weight and the use of resistant bands can also be used to increase muscle size.
Muscle mass weight training differs from muscle toning as you lift heavier weight with low repetitions. I will provide detailed weight training sessions for you to get bigger through muscle.

Do you know how many calories your body requires? Want to know if you are having the correct balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats?
I can breakdown your current diet intake, and provide detailed nutrition changes to your lifestyle that will reinvent your diet helping achieve your goals.

Sports specific training
Being a keen sportsman I know specific skills are needed to perform at your best. Be it running, golf, skiing, I can help with diet advice and sports specific exercises which will improve your game.
Nutrition is very important when it come to competing; you need to make sure you have the correct energy physically and mentally to compete to your full potential.

G. P Referred
Exercise is extremely important even more so if you have been injured, have a disability or are suffering from a disease.
If you have been recommended by your GP that exercise will benefit your current condition and also depending on the condition I will do my best to help you physically and nutritionally.

More about Craig Rowley Personal Training

Craig Rowley Personal Training is located at 4 Woodpecker Close, Verwood, Dorset